Skin Care Tips for Teens (& Tweens) a Dermatologist’s Guide

Skin Care Tips for Teens (& Tweens) a Dermatologist’s Guide

Dr Niketa Sonavane, Celebrity Dermatologist and founder of Ambrosia Aesthetics, Mumbai
skin care for teens

The teenage years are a time of significant change - both internally and externally.

Unfortunately, the rollercoaster of emotions during this phase is accompanied by a series of skin changes that usually catch teenagers off guard. After more than a decade of near-perfect skin, they wake up to find that their skin is moody and has ugly blemishes.

Tips for healthy skin

8 simple tips for healthy skin in teenagers and young adults by Dermatologist in Mumbai

1. Take care of your skin

Although social media plays a big role at this stage, don't buy every trendy skincare product recommended by your favorite influencers. Minimize experimentation with your skincare routine and learn to identify your skin type and needs.


2. Focus on quality skincare products.

Not everything you can put in your mouth is good for your skin. Do-it-yourself products and products you get on your skin from the kitchen can do more harm than good. Rely on quality products from trusted companies to protect your skin. And yes, on that note, don't use toothpaste on your acne either.


3. Be mindful of what you eat.

Don't underestimate the role diet plays in glowing and healthy skin. Try to eat a balanced diet of healthy fruits, vegetables, fish and meat every day. Through your diet, you can neutralize much of the damage that can be done to your skin.


For acne-prone skin, some studies have shown that dairy products and "high glycemic index" products can make acne worse. High glycemic index substances are those that cause blood sugar to rise rapidly after consumption, such as white rice, white bread, cornflakes, sweets, etc. Limit the consumption of these products to a minimum.


4. Consume the "superfoods of the skin".

Choose a healthy lifestyle, eat superfoods like avocado and salmon, drink plenty of water and avoid fad diets.


5.Don't let your acne show.

No matter how beneficial it may seem, don't touch your face or press on your pimples. This not only aggravates the inflammation, but also causes deep scars that can last a lifetime. And always remember to wash your hands before touching your face, even if you use skin care products.


6) Be patient and consistent with any new routine.

Always remember that skin care is a process. Don't expect miraculous results overnight. Consistency is key. If your skin tolerates a particular product well, give it at least 6-8 weeks before deciding it's not for you.


7 Avoid tanning beds.

Tanning beds are a concentrated source of UV rays that can add years to skin ageing in a matter of minutes.


8. Don't forget the dermatologist.

If you can't find the right skincare on your own, or if the products you've tried have disappointed you, you should see a dermatologist.


If you can't control your teenage acne with over-the-counter medications, you should also see a dermatologist. Starting acne treatment early can save your skin a lot of scarring and your mind a lot of trouble.


In summary

Healthy habits formed at a young age build a solid foundation for later life. Skin care is another habit that nurtures the body's largest organ.

Although skin care for teenagers needs to be uncomplicated and simple, the most important facts and basic principles should be followed to achieve a solid skin care routine.

Most importantly, stick to the basics and don't experiment too much with products and procedures, but stay consistent.


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