Скилы силкроад

Скилы силкроад

Скилы силкроад

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Скилы силкроад

Глава 2 :Оружие и броня. Добавлять комментарии могут только зарегистрированные пользователи. Создать бесплатный сайт с uCoz. Вместе с стр лучникам, у глефера самый большой физический урон из всех китайцев. Все очки статуса вкладывать только в силу, в результате у вас будет большое количество ХП и приличный урон, как у нюкеров если пройдёт крит, только криты небудут частыми если у вас глефа с плохим показателем критической атаки. Если у вас прямые руки, вы никогда неумрёте от моба и сможете убить моба на 2 уровня меньше своего с одного критического удара. Почему глефер? Чистокровный глефер создан для PvP. Он может выступать в роли танка, выдерживать нюки, и раздавать жестокие криты, другими словами - то что нужно для PvP. Также глефер хорош в PvM из-за огромного количества хп вы никогда неумрёте от моба, если только вас не окружат несколько груповых мобов и у вас закончатся банки Плюсы и минусы глефера Плюсы: - Высокий урон - Огромое количество хп - Хорош в PvP - Вы не умрёте от 1 нюка - Имеет стан и отброс Минусы: - Тратится огромное количество маны - До 31 уровня у вас небудет ни одной дистанционной атаки Глава 2 :Оружие и броня Выбор одежды Как чистоковному физику,вам следует носить одеяние. Коэффициент уклонения снижает шанс нанесения максимального урона по вам. Это тоже довольно важно. По скольку вы чистокровный физик, если пройдёт крит по мобу вы убьёте его с одного скила. Уничтожающее копьё Бесполезная ветка, но неплохо подходит на начальных уровнях. Веерное копьё На 15 секунд увеличивает магическую защиту, Этот скилл делает вас неуязвимым для никеров и магов. Копьё Хьюксаль 4. Копьё, Забирающее души Самый важный скилл который у вас есть, у него есть стан и высокие криты. Третья книга бьёт джважды. Призрачное копьё Может у него не самый мощный урон, но етот скилл полезен когда вас окружили мобы. Задевает 5 целей вокруг персонажа у второй и третьей книг есть шанс оттолкнуть противника. Цепь ударов копьём На каче не нужен, тк по времени soul spear и т д откатываются и их снова можно использовать. Комбо пока на них не соизволят кинуть дебаффы - пустая трата SP. Летящий дракон Аналог интового нюка, Очень полезный скилл на каче, особенно в сочетании с Копьём забирающим души 8. Сила чеослам Пасивный скилл, прибавляет ХП. Огонь 90 1. Сила огня Самый мощный енчант! Огненный щит Действует как антидот,минус в том что нужно таскать с собой щит для использования 3. Пламенное тело Увеличивает физический урон! Огненная защита Увеличивает магическую защиту! Огненная стена Задерживает магические атаки,но обездвиживает персонажа. Огненная волна Нюк,поспольку вы чистокровный физик урон от нюка будет в разы меньше чем у мага. Огненная возгорание Помогает обноружить невидимок, но для етого есть банки в магазине 8. Сила пламенного дьявола Пасивка,увеличивает физический урон! Молния 90 1. Пронзающая сила Увеличивает силу магических атак. В сочитании с енчантом огня неплохая вещь. Прогулка по ветру Баф увеличивающий скорость бега и мгновенный телепорт на дистанцию до 21 метра, помогает в PvP и на каче 3. Концентрация Баф увеличивающий уклонение снижает получаемый урон 4. Сила неба Пасивка увеличивающая уклонение И наконец, Лёд 30 1. Морозный призрак Баф на физическую защиту 2. Морозная звезда Заморозка противника, полезно когда тебя окружили мобы 2. Снежная броня Пасивка, увеличивает физ. На начальных уровнях такой способ может покозатся долгим, на самом деле он лёгкий. На 10 уровне, открываются 2 главных ветки глефы и огня, с ними качаемся до На 15 уровне поднимаем 2 главных ветки до 15 и качаемся до 20 и так далее. Таким образом к 90 уровню у вас будет , сп Игра с фармом Всё зависит от уровня которого вы хотите достичь. Вы всёравно можете умереть, но в общем будете рулить. Если вы знаете что и как делать в PvP вы будете достоиным соперником. Просмотров: Рейтинг: 0. Друзья сайта.

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Скилы силкроад

Глефер silkroad: руководство к действию

Silkroad Online Warlock and Cleric Guide. Silkroad Online Warlock and Cleric Guide by strangelove In this guide you will learn everything you need to know about creating and using a Warlock with a Cleric sub-mastery. Why do I need Cleric skills? Even though Warlocks do have the ability to leech HP from other opponents, the HP gained is sometimes not enough to survive. Also, there are a variety of other Cleric skills that will play a very important role in both PvE and PvP. These suckers can hurt- a lot! I will teach you how and when to use these skills and how to survive in PvP- in most instances at least! The Skills. Only the skilled required for this build will be listed. Mind Control Series — Passive. These passives highly increase damage done by curses, or the Dark Mentalist Series. Dark Mentalist Series — Active. Only 2 direct curses per enemy are allowed. Raze Series — Active. Very important to have. Reduces physical defense. Reduces magical defense. Reduces damage made by enemy. Increases physical and magical damage done to opponent. Decreases physical defense. Decreases magical defense. Bloody Swarm Series — Passive. Increases damage done by the Blood Series. Blood Series — Active. Deals the most damage out of all your skills and should not be used carelessly. Damages a single target. Between seconds. Damages up to 3 targets simultaneously. Soul Pressure Series — Active. This series contains your most important skill yet- stun! And more stun! Stuns 3 targets simultaneously. Evil Swell — Passive. Increase attack damage for Cruel Spells Series. Cruel Spell Series — Active. This series contains two very important Warlock skills : HP leeching and Warlock buffs. Gives target Disease status. Cannot be used on self. Reflects certain amount of damage back to opponent. Gives Disease Status. Causes more absolute damage. Dim Haze Series — Active. Gives Sleep status to one target. Causes 5 second HP potion delay. Does not require a weapon. Cleric Skills. The only buffs that would stay on other players upon switching to Warlock Rod are physical and magical defense buffs. Divine Creed — Passive. We will need this to boost damage on our Offering skill. Mental Culture — Passive. Required passive for useful skills. Mortal Recovery — Active. Absolute Damage attacks that will aid in killing a target with high defense. Recovery Series — Active. Blessed Recovery Series — Active. VERY important set of skills for this build. Will help protect and replenish health when in battle. Can be used on self and other targets. This skill will replenish your HP at random intervals. Glory Series — Passive. This series is not very important for this build, but it would be if you were making a Cleric. We will only max one passive in order to unlock other skills. Useless for us. Sacrifice Series — Active. The big daddy attacks. Saint Prayer Series — Active. VERY important cleric buffs. Can help in obtaining status immunity. Including freezing, burn, shock, etc. Everyone in your party also receives this buff. Equipment and Stat Distribution. Well, why not Light Armor, you ask? Simply put, nukes will damage you more than physical attacks will, and by increasing your magical defense through robes, you will last more in combat when fighting a nuker. Warlock skills are also a huge MP drain, and wearing robes will aid you by not consuming as much MP while using your skills. Remember, Euro defense is very different than Chinese. A Chinese nuker is able to wear Light Armor or Protector because they do not have a pot delay, so while nukes may hit them hard their fast potting will replenish their health in about seconds. A Euro Int, however, does have a pot delay and even though an Int character already has magical defense because of INT stat distribution a nuke will damage you slightly more in Light Armor making it difficult to regain full HP after getting nuked, while with Robes you will get hit for slightly less therefore be able to get full health faster from a single HP potion. Warlock Rod and Cleric Rod. Pretty self- explanatory. Stat Distribution:. While a hybrid build may have more survivability, it sacrifices the extra power that could be used for faster killing. In this part of the guide, you will learn basic basic techniques for de-buffing and attacking opponents. You will learn how to make those small baby nukes hit harder and weaken your enemy to make your DoTs much stronger. You will also learn how and when to use your Cleric skills and how to use Cleric attacks effectively. There are currently four types of status effects Warlock curses can give. These are Burn, Poison, Bleed, and Dull. By understanding these status effects, we will be able to use them more effectively towards our enemies. Warlock skills that cause this : Blaze, Dark Blaze. Warlock skills that cause this : Toxin, Toxin Invasion. Reduces magical and physical defense while on the target. Warlock skills that cause this : Decayed, Dark Decayed. Warlock skills that cause this : Curse Breath, Dark Breath. Warlock curses, often called DoT Damage over Time attacks , are attacks that will inflict damage upon a target for a set amount of time. While damaging the target, there is a probability that a status effect will be given to the target depending on the type of curse that was used. There are 2 types of curses currently available- single target curses and AoE Curses. Although both of these ultimately do the same thing hurt the enemy you have to know when to use them. Single target curses will only inflict damage upon a single opponent and they casting time is almost immediate. These are best used in 1 v 1 combat because of their fast casting and cooldowns. AoE curses are best used in situations where you are confronting more than one enemy, such as in a guild war or Fortress War where there are multiple targets a majority of the time. It should also be noted that there is a noticeable delay in casting time for AoE curses, therefore, using them in 1 v 1 combat would not be a good idea. As a warlock you must attack quickly and not waste time. There is a limit on the number of direct curses a target may receive. After you have casted 2 curses upon a target, you will not be able to cast a third curse. In order to cast more curses upon a target, you must find a second target around your original target. If you cast an AoE curse on the second target, the original target will also be affected by the curse and should now have 3 curses inflicting damage upon them. When fighting monsters : Any curse is useful. Be careful when using AoE curses though because the splash damage can affect other mobs which can result in multiple monsters attacking you at the same time. De-Buffers are the skills that set Warlocks apart from other classes; the thing that makes us unique. As each de-buffer level gets higher, it raises the probability of working on higher level players, which is why it is important to keep these skills and all skills updated, especially when PvPing. When fighting monsters : Since you are an INT-based character, you will not need to cast the Decay de-buffer on anything or anyone because you have no physical attacks. The only de-buffers that you should worry about when fighting monsters alone is Medical Raze, Combat Raze, and Courage Raze. In PvP : It is extremely important to cast de-buffs on an opponent before beginning to use curses or nukes. This saves time spent fighting and minimizes your chances of dying in battle. After that, you can begin casting your other de-buffers on them. After they are fully de-buffed, begin casting curses and nukes. Stun them if necessary to interrupt their attack skills. There are other Warlock skills that function much different than the rest so many people have trouble understanding when to use them. They are all very useful skills, but require one to know when its okay to use them most effectively. If successful, it will give Chinese characters a 5 second HP potion delay. It makes European characters heal less HP. Holy Word and Holy Spell do not grant immunity towards this skill which is why it is very useful in PvP. If casted alone, the next hit by a player or a monster will cause the skill to cancel out. Bloody Trap prevents Slumber from cancelling while being hit by curses, so if done right, the opponent will remain standing there until Bloody Trap explodes. They will probably be dead by then. When using Bloody Trap before slumber, it will make your enemy unable to wake from Sleep Status even when being attacked until the trap explodes. One way to use this skill effectively in PvP is by first debuffing then casting 2 curses on the opponent followed by Bloody Trap and finally Slumber. While your opponent is unable to move, you can use your Warlock nukes for extra damage. The nukes will not wake the opponent until the Bloody Trap has exploded. There is a bug in the Fire Wall and Ice Wall skills that prevent any de-buffs from going through and affecting the opponent. To destroy:. It is used to absorb magical damage so you will not encounter any troubles destroying it. If the opponent with Ice Wall has ranged attacks, simply leave their range so that they are forced to destroy the Ice Wall themselves in order to hit you. Having a Cleric sub-mastery is good for any build, but because both Warlocks and Clerics are able to equip a shield, it makes weapon switching a whole lot faster, while still keeping that extra defense the shield gives you. You must learn when use these skills so that you can take full advantage of them. Althought you will use healing skills often, there are some skills you will be using on a regular basis. Here is a small list of Cleric skills and common ways of using them:. Highly recommended to keep this skill maxed to your level for best results. When fighting monsters : Use if the mob is able to give status effects. PvP : Always have this buff enabled! You will be immune to all Chinese status effects which will help very much when PvPing one. It will give a specified amount of HP every second for 16 seconds to the target. Very helpful for both PvE and PvP. Grants you and your party high defense for 45 seconds. When fighting monsters : Should be used when a monster is giving you more damage than you can handle. Activate the skill and finish them off. PvP : Use only when extremely necessary. PvP : Use at all times. Cleric Attacks. Although this guide is mainly aimed for Warlock skills, there are a few Cleric skills that will be very useful in PvP, but will mostly shine in job situations. Even though Warlocks already have skills that deliver absolute damage, it never hurts to have a wider variety from which to choose. Absolute Damage skills are attacks that will disregard any defense whatsoever the target may have and hit the target as if he had no defense at all. For example, lets say an absolute damage skill hits a level 23 player for 4, made up number. That same skill will hit a level 80 player with Seal of Sun gear for 4, damage or around that number. The other Cleric attack that will be useful for fighting a strong opponent is Offering. Scenarios and Strategies. There are many different techniques and combinations you can use to fight other players. Below is a list of a few useful techniques when fighting other Euro players. Rogue :. A rogue stealths and you are alone standing. The skill is so slow that you have time to stun them in the middle of the animation. If the rogue is using crossbow, just hope that they are dumb enough to appear close enough to you so you can stun them during their strongest attack. Luckily, most rogues are cocky so they will most likely be in range for a stun. Wizard :. Against a wizard who is invisible, the strategy is pretty much the same. Wait until they appear and stun them. The only way you can lose is if you get affected by fear. Holy Ward will resist and you will win. Warriors :. While they are buffing, that is your chance to activate Reflect. Hopefully you managed to inflict some damage unto them with Reflect. Debuff them, cast 2 DoTs, and nuke. Be sure to use Vampire Touch during the fight in anticipation of a critical. Bards :. Against bards, stun and kill them. Warlocks :. Against other warlocks, play smart and fast. Be sure to stun them first or you may never have the chance to attack again.. Clerics :. Stun them and cast your DoTs so they will never be able to cast Offering. Nuke them until they are dead. Even though they will most likely be immune to your de-buffs, they can still be cursed and nuked. Wheel Bind is still functional and will make your opponent die quicker. Against Chinese characters :. Strategies to fight Chinese characters is all the same- stun, debuff, curse, nuke, repeat. Interrupt their attacks with your stuns and sleep. Buffs that Stay After a Weapon Switch. Not all buffs stay activated and some cancel out when a different weapon is used. Here is a list of all the skiils that stay after a weapon switch from the Cleric and Warlock skill trees recepctively. I will add more information after I have played around with the updated skills. Thanks everyone for reading my guide and for all the positive input on its content. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Comment Name Email Website. Featured Cosplay Hestia Cosplay and More.

Comparison of Planned skill VS current skill

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