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Коллекция из 200 предметов, созданная
Ultimate Starbound Mods with Pokemon add-ons
- Green's Dye Suite 1.6 - Dye Another Day
Uploaded a new version to the forums: Forum version (pak): https://community.playstarbound.com/resources/greens-dye-suite.6016/ [img] https://i.imgur.com/yIpexRn.png [/img] Reskinning and dyeing the ...
Because a max stack of 9,999 wasn't enough
Alternative texture for the Avali nanoloom
This mod reuses a unused texture from the Avali mod, and instead use it as the nanoloom texture. [img] https://i.imgur.com/J7m0UuZ.png [/img] This mod does not change how the n...
Ever tired of your inventory filling up or just not have enough space but don't want to go crazy with space that you lose everything or just OCD? THIS MOD ADDS - An Extra Bag for armour, clothes and back items (EPPs etc.) +augments TROUBLESHOOTING: - Ne...
Adds the Lastree, humanity's "guardian devil". “According to this scenario, we are prehistoric people saved by the USCM remnants, who were taught by them to help mankind in return. ” “Do you really think they'll believe this?” “Nah, but it is less ...
Avali (Triage) Crafting Bench Patch
Patches the Avali exclusive benches to work for any race. Although the patch does not include any armor/weapons, it seems that these are still unlocked....
If you have issues, please go to https://github.com/Fevix/Avali/issues and p
little mod add Avali door and Avali Hatch ( maybe more in future ) I want to thank Neo which really helped and endure all my stupid questions (and there was a lot!!) and he made all the animation part (.animation and .frame files). big thank you to ...
Avali Augments And Assorments: Revisited
Avali Equipment Bench Beta Test: This allows you to modify Avali weapons using data chits! The Equipment Bench and Chit Bench are craftable using the player crafting menu for 100 pixels. Update Oct 2, 2017: Small update. Gives you the ability to obtain...
A mining tool and deadly weapon like no other. This weapon is capable of effectively mining both foreground and background blocks (but will not mine background if the foreground is in the way.) It also deals a lot of damage and slightly slows targets, ...
With this mod you can make your avali have heterochromia! it just adds 4 new "trim color" options, that's all really also it's clientside so no worries about playing on servers with it Requires Avali Triage https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetai ...
New version : Feast of fire and smoke
♣♣♣ NOTICE to Add-on/Expansion modder ♣♣♣
[Many Tabs] Inventor's Table Vanilla tab
This Is a simple mod that utilises Many Tabs to add a vanilla Crafting Tab to the Inventor's Table. Personally I find the Inventor's table very annoying to use since a lot of mods clutter Its list , So to somewhat solve this issue I added a new tab call...
Adds 36 easily-extended species buttons. FAQ Q. How do I add species? A. Find and install them. This comes with none. Q. How do I make species? A. This is not the place to tell you. Q. When I run it, it looks like crap. How ...
WolFen FLCN-11 Gunship: Shellguard Edition
Update: I have FINALLY gotten around to making a new version of this, and it comes with a
Add a new mannequin in the clothing station for the fluffy space raptors. It require the same materials as the normal one. Do whatever you want with it, i don't care. It's a mess, i hate this....
The MM4-A "Wasp," a mech for the space-faring Avali! Note: I no longer actively develop this, mostly because of my long-gone interest in Starbound. I will however continue to provide bug fixes as needed. For complicated issues, please create a di...
Adds some new colors to your avali....
Makes ship navigation console to look "Avali like". Also changes descriptions of some planets. Affects to all races. I recommend use it with Frackin' Races....
Perennial Crops Compatibility Patch for Avali (Triage) Race Mod Added support for Avali crops from the Triage mod, And adds support for the crop(s) added by, Avali Augments And Assorments: Revisited. Github: [url] https://github.com/tha ...
NOW---->1.88 版本变化: the changethe: 有谁提过到avali的机甲配置台吗? Has anyone mentioned the mecha configuration of avali? (其实还有加一个盆栽啦,不过不重要x) (I actually added a potted plant, but it doesn't matter) 如何使用这个mod How do I use this mod 按下C合成商店(目前) Press C to synthesize the...
Fixes a few Avali recipes which were broken in Avali Augments And Assorments Revisited, and Avali SpecOp Armor. These items should now be craftable: - avaligrapple - avalispecopcombatarmor - assemblyterminal - avaliterminal4, avaliterminal5, avaliterminal6...
This mod adds a couple of vanity items that were left unfinished in the Avali Triage mod. I simply went back and completed them, as well as added a couple of varients. This includes the "martial set" (and recolors) as well as a long flowing scarf. Vs. 1.2...
*This is a reupload to the Steam Workshop - the original source of my mod can be found here: http://community.playstarbound.com/resources/avali-rocket-launcher-misc-stuff.3633 [NOTE]: This mod *requires* the up-to-date version Avali Race mod (the game wil...
This mod adds Avali spaceship for Humans! !!WARNING!! You need a original Avali (Triage) Race Mod ! Authors of original mod: Fevix[ ...
Adds simple variants of the Avali helmets, a cosmetic wing backpack based off the Floran mission set, and combat armor sleeves to Starbound. All items are recolorable with the ingame dyes. Wings worn in all pics and full combat armor as well. All gear sho...
Some new food items, dark Avali guns, and aerogel kunai. Originally an expansion of the Avali SpecOps Armour mod, but the creator didn't like them to be anything other than cosmetic, so I scrapped that and decided to release the stuff I made myself. -Chan...
Avali Tier 9 and 10 Standard Ships.
This Mod adds Avali "Standard-Ship" support to the "Tier 9 mod". This mod 100% uses the .patch system. Compatible with the Avali New Teleporter Mod. *** Important *** You need to have the 2 required mods in order to get these ships working. You ...
Avali Weapon Type Additions(Reupload)
https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1416038072 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ USE THIS MOD NOT MY MOD This mode was re uploaded because of the deletion of the original. Original Author is [url= https://steamcom ...
WEAR AVALI CLOTHES AS HUMANOIDS WITHOUT HAVING HUMANOID AVALIS its a version of DrPvtSkittles humanoid Avali combined with Cat2002's species clothing which lets you keep Avali clothes and also wear them on Humanoid characters without changing the body sha...
This mod makes many items into fuel for your ship as well as adding a new fuel, galaxium. Non-steam link: https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0B-3zMtsP_y-9UGF2cGEyRzdlVXM&usp=sharing Fuels Added: - Oil - Coal Ore - Plutonium Ore - Plutonium Rod - So...
[Description] An upgrade version of the Ancient Weapon Upgrade Anvil. It can level up most of your weapons & shields to Tier 10. If you could not find the items which you want to power up in the item list, please press the "SWITCH" button on the Blood An...
Adds some blood and gore to combat. Client side mod Features: -New blood splatter hit animations -Increased the amount of blood spurt particles from hits and improved the physics -Blood particles will now collide and stain the environment -Gore pile...
Adds some blood and gore to combat. Client side mod Features: -New blood splatter hit animations -Increased the amount of blood spurt particles from hits and improved the physics -Blood particles will now collide and stain the environment -Gore pile...
Buy Station Stuff from the teleportershop at the Outpost! Electronics Station Sign = 75 Pixels Food Station Sign = 75 Pixels Medic Station Sign = 75 Pixels Weapons Station Sign = 75 Pixels Station Bench = 100 Pixels Station Ceiling Vent = 30 Pixels ...
( Technicolor-sickness warning! ) This mod simply adds colors which are exlusive to the feather and secondary option, Also in early development these options are exist in the 'vanilla' avali race mod Here a video from 2014 ( Sadly only one visible in ...
"More crops on less land." This mod halves the required horizontal space for all large crops. If you are tired of the wide spacing of crops in vanilla Starbound, and want to make endless fields of Wheat or Sugarcane, then this is the mod for you! ...
mix of various music to play with instruments list : http://textuploader.com/5860r ...
Add back old goods craftable components and a way to buy them in the TerraMart !
You've beaten Ruin, delved ancient vaults, cataloged every bug you can find... but you still haven't seen the cat vs. bunny challlenge room. But who wants to hunt through every square inch of every planet just to have a chance to find a challenge door that...
Hello folks, I rarely find the time to actually finish a mod and publish, so I'm glad I was able to do this. Enjoy! Definition and Instructions: In vanilla game, as most of you know, Tailors would make a reference of your outfit and apply that outfit to...
I Got 99 Problems, And They're All Crew Members THE GIST: A mod that supports up to 99 crew members being assigned to your ship for any race, including: *~*~*~*~*~*~* VANILLA + ARGONIANS AVALI BUNNYKIN CALLISTANS DRAENAI ELUNITE FAMILIARS FELINS FEN...
- Little edit that makes both genders have larger eyes. - Incompatible if any mod that replaces "male/femalehead.png" or "emotes.png" [ since this mod replaces them too ] - This mod uses the Avian -> Harpy and Novakids with eyes version. Thanks to B...
娘化呵呵鱼! 更改了游戏中呵呵鱼的开场小动画和声音 -------------------------------------------- Replaces the Chucklefish logo and laugh....
A mysterious race of Cervitaur-like creatures who have managed to achieve space travel. Deerfolk have the body of a deer, small feathered wings, and paws instead of hooves on their hind legs. Some have even been seen to have a mermaid-like body when underw...
Just want to quest with your NPCs without restrictions? With this little mod they will never ask you to join the crew. Warning: this mod disables ability to recruit new crew members. If you want to expand your crew, disable (unsubscribe) mod, the...
Disable item drop when dying in survival mode. Pixel lost is still there. Not compatible with other difficulty mods....
IMPORTANT: I don't update these mods any more, so I can't assure that they will be compatible with the latest versions of the base game and frackin' universe. If you want to take this mod and update/edit it, feel free to do so. Requires the Draconis race ...
Draconis Race(Humanoid Dragon Race)
Adds a race of half dragons. Special thanks to the following: AnTi for the hair pack, http://community.playstarbound.com/resources/antihair-big-bag-of-long-hairstyles.252/ Cutebound for the colors, (and wing inspiration) http://community.playstarbound.com ...
Tired of those blocky blocks? Are those mountains looking a little square? Do you find it oddly convenient that someone has hand-carved stairs specifically for you in a completely unpopulated world's underground caverns? Be troubled no longer with Dram ...
Birdlike your birdfolk! Changes the Avian sprites to add a fluffy feathered tail and drumsticks (instead of thosd feathered hands) so they actually look like burds! :D
The legendary Dubstep Gun from Saints row 4! features: - reacts with music - npc are forced to dab and dance while playing dubstep. - HD spriting (most of peoples hate and love. i can't find in between the good points) - animated - fun - ??? - pl...
This mod adds a terraformer that can turn any planet into a lush metropolis. This is currently my first mod, sorry if the coding or parallax doesn't meet your standards. Also be sure to bookmark the city planet as the planet appears as Lush. How to ge...
Earth's Finest - Unlimited Active Crew Version
Exactly the same as the original one, but this version allows to have unlimited (Well, actually 99) travelling companions following you at the same time. This is a standalone mod, so unsubscribe from the original if you want to use this. Uploaded with ...
Here's the startup to my eStyleMonsters mod, the "e" standing for "Eiko!" Adds a glowing monster called "Globaura" to Starbound. It spawns in prism biomes at night. It doesn't do any damage, but will relentlessly push you away from its territory. If ...
A race of technologically advanced space dogs. Also awfully adorable. Features: *Unique Racial Appearance *Tier 1-6 Armor *Rifles and other types of ranged weapons(Tiers 1-6). *Swords and other types of melee weapons(Tiers 1-6). *4 New Crafting Sta...
Makes the armor and weapons from the Everis Race Mod upgradeable at the upgrade anvil in vaults. May require a mod that enables upgrading of some tiers in the first place, like: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=823739640 Requires Eve...
This is a client-side mod. Extends most of the GUI windows so you can fit more items at the same time. The songbook can be found as a seperate mod by the name of "Extended Songbook" http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=729427264 ...
A very easy and basic mod that simply adds extra zoom levels to the options menu. You can select from between 1 and 10 zoom power instead of the default 2 to 4. The mod will be compatible with any mod that doesn't mess with zoom levels, so you don't have ...
This is a client-side mod. Extends the Songbook window so you can fit more items at the same time. If you want to extend more of your GUI then you can find the mod "Extended GUI" http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=729426797 F...
-- From the XS Mechs guy -- Deploy your modular mech. Anywhere. Anytime. Just like a regular vehicle. Press 'C' to craft - 250px You must have unlocked mech from Dr. Akaggi at the Outpost first! -- known issue -- the click event to spawn mech gets pa...
Fallout New Vegas Weapons and Clothing
A mod that adds multiplayer compatible weapons from Fallout New Vegas as well as a few from Fo4 and F76 Turn on /admin to craft the store item Armor is intended for vanity purposes Armor will not work if the base assets for florantier6apants or aviantie...
The most-liked (and near-canon) space cat species. Use a character creation extender such as Xbawks to be able to select this species. Features: * Custom ship * Custom SAIL * Custom villages (yes, plural) * Custom sounds * Custom outfits * Cust...
Do you sometimes feel like Starbound needs that certain you-know-what? Do you feel that Colonel Mustang may have been on to something? Say no more, say no more, nudge-nudge wink-wink. This mod, believe it or not, lets any character with a regular body shap...
Adds Felin descriptions to the default objects....
Long live Lyetzi!! 万福Lyetzi!! 本mod将我曾经制作的一把枪引入FFS当中。 它有消音器,并且有着不俗的输出。 更新: 10/20:为蜜獾添加了一个花里胡哨意义不明的绿手电。...
FFSExpanded---Expanded weapons for FFS ______________________________ V2.0 FFS 2.0 standard update Sorry,I can't imagine how to "fastreload" the minigun or plasma rifle Only small amount of weapons have fastreload animation Another update coming s∞n...
This is a client- & server-side mod. Adds food spoil bars to food icons for a better overview. It will also replace the spoil text in the tooltip with Spoils in ..h ..m ..s. Bars will be full until it's less than 3 hours remaining (standard spoil time ...
This is a client- & server-side mod. If it is not installed on server then your stack can & will reduce to 1 when transferred to the server. Food Stack changes so food can stack up to 1000. To stack food that have different rotting time you will nee...
Gems (as seen in "Steven Universe")
(Warnings were eaten by the update process, but basically, if you have a bug/crash, give me a log. Look up how to get an error log, I won't troubleshoot anything without one because that's simply impossible.) Gems! As seen in "Steven Universe". Can'...
Gems (as seen in "Steven Universe") RUS
Самоцветы! Прямо как во "Вселенной Стивена". Вы когда-нибуль мечтали поиграть за камень? Нет? Как насчёт камня с проекцией женщины вокруг него? Тоже нет? Тогда радуйтесь: ЭТОТ МОД ВАМ В ЭТОМ НЕ ПОМОЖЕТ. ЭТО - ВСЕГО ЛИШЬ РУСИФИКАТОР ДЛЯ ЭТОГО ЗАМЕЧАТЕЛЬ...
So, I decided to make a Glaceon race. This is my first mod so sorry if it's not the best. Version 2.0! New AI sprites! Super big thanks to Taart! New head sprites, colours and the ability to change the two body colours and eyes individually! Thanks...
"My boy, do you hate going to church? Now introducing: the God Can! God really is everywhere, and now he took the form of a mass-produced product! Just one quick spray, and your adorable little face will meet God! The God Can, because God can!" ~The J-O ...
Gold Hen, drop pixels. Report any bugs and problems in coment below....
Ground-Penetrating Radar Station (for 1.3.X)
This is
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