Скачать Порно Игру Lust Doll Plus

Скачать Порно Игру Lust Doll Plus


Скачать Порно Игру Lust Doll Plus

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Note: You can also download this game, which'll load things much faster (runs on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android.) Check my most recent news for links! ( https://indivigames.newgrounds.com/news/ )
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Lust Doll Plus is set in a post-apocalyptic semi-modern/future world, where you start alone and confused in a dangerous place, with literally nothing (not even clothes on your back), and go on to carve out a piece of the world for yourself. There'll be a main storyline to follow, but the emphasis is on it being an open world game where you just screw around and have fun.
This is a remaster of Lust Doll (downloadable here: https://indivigames.newgrounds.com/news/post/1030432 ) which I spent three years developing! Note: You do NOT have to have played Lust Doll to enjoy Lust Doll Plus.
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Loving the game so far! Can't decide if I like Fawn or Cassie more. I'd definitely say Fawn for pure horny reasons, but Cassie is, as Alissa (I think that's the bandit girl's name) is more than happy to point out. Speaking of 'horny reasons', do you have a planned update or aproximate release date for the full Arlene route yet? I was super excited (And scared. And aroused. And scaroused.) when I saw you could be dommed by her, but when I went through Fawn's full route I was dissapointed that her interaction at the Torture Rack isn't implemented yet. Also, long rant I know, but I think it'd be cool if you added some sort of way to re-experience Fawn's hardcore "BDSM" scene, with a bit less of a "traumatic" and panicky ending, possibly using the recovery room upstairs afterwards for some wholesome snuggles? As for how you'd trigger it, maybe make her upset by failing all her challenges a few times, or annoying her at the apartments or something. It could even be an option for when you add her Private Safehouse Dungeon scenes, with a bit of in-character convincing. Anyways, those are just my thoughts I had while playing through, and I perfectly understand if you want to leave certain encounters as one-time things, it only makes sense from a worldbuilding standpoint. I know this is probably thre longest comment on this game, so I'll leave it at that. Again, love the game, and the HornE it gives mE.
Thank you, I'm very happy to hear it! Fawn and Cassie are both fan favourites~. Arlene will be a while, as she didn't have a route in the original, but it's definitely planned!

Don't know if I'll redo Fawn's hard-core scenes, as that's more of an in-the-moment thing. But I'm definitely planning to have her do more hard stuff, just on her terms.

Haha, awesome XD. Thanks for the feedback!
Well i love the game, wish you could be more evil and like enslave cassie and shed do anythiong you want and theres a third option with cassies clothing, where shed only have her panties on and she could be beat up, but thats only my thoughts as i think you should be evil and able to do what you want with at least cassie, and for an option to keep bell and other npcs nude because you can make them furry and not so why not nude?
Thanks! It's unlikely I'll write that sort of thing unfortunately, sorry! I agree it can be interesting to play the villain though. Could see about nude, but it really depends on the NPC's personality!
You can find out by speaking with Arlene and the club receptionist!
I love this game but is there anyway to get the meat parasites off
I see the option for mega boobs and mega cock how do you get it and is it permanent if not will there be an option for it to be permanent?
Can't be permanent yet, but it's definitely planned!
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Lust Doll Plus установлена в пост-апокалиптическом полу-современном/будущем мире, где ты начинаешь в одиночестве и сбиваешь с толку в опасном месте, буквально ничего не имея (даже одежды на спине), и продолжаешь вырезать для себя кусочек мира. Там будет главная сюжетная линия, но акцент сделан на том, что это будет игра с открытым миром, в которой вы будете просто болтаться и веселиться. Большой акцент сделан на конфигурацию тела и гендерную идентичность. В начале вы выбираете, кем хотите быть, но ваше тело может меняться в ходе игры в зависимости от ваших действий. Вы также сможете контролировать, какой контент вы сможете видеть в игре. Например, если вы хотите, чтобы ваш персонаж занимался сексом только с мужчинами или только с женщинами, или если вы не хотите видеть определенный перегиб, то вы можете отключить их.

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