Six Things To Consider When Choosing A Headstone

Six Things To Consider When Choosing A Headstone

It's not enough just to determine what type of engraving you want on your headstone. When choosing the perfect headstone to honor your loved one there are numerous things to take into consideration.

Here are 6 important things to remember when shopping for a headstone


Certain cemeteries have rules regarding what sizes, colors, and kinds of grave markers are allowed to be used.

For example, one cemetery might restrict markers to in-ground for the ease of maintaining the landscaping. Certain cemetery owners may limit the size of the stones, while other may restrict other objects, such as flowers vases that are placed on headstones.

Check the regulations of the cemetery prior to you decide to purchase headstones. Get them in writing, also, to carry them along when shopping. Sales representatives can assist you in finding an appropriate stone.

There's nothing more frustrating than selecting and paying for a headstone , only to discover that it goes against the cemetery's rules.


A headstone must last for generations. It is not advisable to make use of cheap materials or poor workmanship.

Do your research before deciding on a monument company.

Find out how long they've been operating as well as whether they have endorsements, collaborations, or feedback they've received. Ask your cemetery for recommendations of companies that they've had a positive experience with.


Are you in search of a large marker with enough space to engrave pictures or bronze works? Would you rather a smaller marker, which is more in line with the ground or an engraved photograph or bronze work?

The dimensions you choose for the headstone of the headstone will impact numerous aspects, including cost, material and any additional attributes.

If you're unsure of a size that you'd like take a trip to the cemetery and take a look around. Are all the stones similar size and design? To prevent looking out of place, it's an ideal idea to keep the dimensions of your stone to these dimensions.


Many are worried about the expense of the cost of a headstone.

The price of a stone will rise based on how large or intricate it is. If you're looking for something that's really on a budget then a smaller marker with the name and dates engraved on it is probably your best choice.

The addition of photos and bronze casting or any other additional features such as a candle holder are going raise your prices significantly.

Make sure you know the monument company's policy on modifications or corrections to ensure that you don't end up with an additional bill for re-doing the headstone's inscription, which was erroneously done by the company at the beginning.


Do you prefer an extravagant design that incorporates religious symbols or even an epitaph? Do you need to have the name of the deceased, birth and death dates?

Once you know how much you'll be able to afford a headstone, it's time to begin thinking about the specifics. From engraving to bronze casting, statues to two-toned stones, there's many options to commemorate your loved one's life.

You'll have more options for design when you have a bigger budget. However, a lower budget does not necessarily mean you cannot have the luxury of a gorgeous headstones.

Work with your monument company to figure out what elements are necessary not meet your budget, and which things you can easily move from the "needs" category to the "wants" category in order to create more space.


There are several alternatives for monument materials, including granite, bronze slate, sandstone and marble.

Memorial Headstones at best price has its own pros and pros and. They provide the final product with its distinct character.

For instance bronze and granite are considered to be the most durable and easy to maintain. Sandstone, granite and slate offer the widest variety of color options.

Whatever material you choose to use be sure to collaborate with your monument company so that they can assist you in finding the best suitable material for your design along with cemetery regulations and your budget. This will create a lasting memorial to the person you love dearly.

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