Six Finalists Emerge in The Fertilizer For Food  Innovation Challenge 

Six Finalists Emerge in The Fertilizer For Food  Innovation Challenge 

Amen Getahun
Pitch event on December 14th at Jupiter International Hotel

The Fertilizer for Food (F4F) Innovation Challenge, organized by USAID and iceaddis, culminated in a pitch event on December 14, 2023 in Addis Ababa showcasing innovative solutions to Ethiopia's natural fertilizer shortage. Six finalists were chosen from 40 applicants vying for grants ranging from $20,000 to $200,000, along with business advisory and market linkage support.

The competition attracted application entries from private businesses, social enterprises, and NGOs across six Ethiopian regions during the application window (August 22 – October 20, 2023). After a rigorous selection process, 13 semi-finalists presented their ideas at the pitch event, addressing key issues in the sector. 

A recurring theme among the pitches was the challenge of affordability, with contestants proposing innovative methods to make natural fertilizers more accessible to Ethiopian farmers. Shortage of natural fertilizers leading to inflated prices, overuse of chemical fertilizers, and foreign exchange constraints were also highlighted as key issues. Furthermore, lack of awareness and resistance to change among farmers were identified as major obstacles to wider adoption of natural fertilizer solutions.

The fund requirement section of the presentations revealed that financial limitations were a major barrier to expansion and increased reach for most participants; indicating that securing the grant would allow them to scale up their operations and impact.​

Sharing their perspective with Business Info ETH , participants emphasized the need for government support, particularly in technical assistance and market linkage creation. They also pointed to therecent Amhara farmers' protests  demanding access to and timely delivery of fertilizer as an example of the urgent need for collective efforts. ​

Dakka Abebe, one of the judges for the competition, commended the innovative spirit of the participants, acknowledging the organic fertilizer market as an "infant market" in need of coordinated efforts. He also appreciated the regional diversity of the participants, representing creative minds from across Ethiopia.

Following the presentations and Q&A session, Green.REErecycling, Ethio-garden Agro (PLC), Three AM Manufacturing Plc, Tedla Belachew Agricultural Input Supplier, Bogale BorenaOrganic Fertilizer Production Company, and Thur Biotech emerged as the finalists, each impressing the judges with their unique approaches. Moreover, it was mentioned that in the event that the grant accommodates additional funding, there is a possibility for a runner-up to emerge among the applicants placed seventh and eighth, who have not yet been announced.  This was the main reason behind the usage if the term “finalist” instead of mere “winner”. 

The country Director USAID CATALYZE MS4G, Lauren Rawlings gave the final remarks for the event by first congratulating the finalists and appreciating every contestant for their participation. “This is not the end of the Award, this is another stage of our journey together” the Director added highlighting the continued “refinement of the technical, financial and marketing ideas to ensure that we’re building robust businesses together.” She concluded with a powerful message: "The future of Ethiopia is in the hands of Ethiopian people."

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