Sitting On Lap Boner

I don't know WHAT to make of it. She's my half sister, and is 17. I'm five years older than her. We were very close when we were small, but I joined the military at 18, and we haven't seen each other almost at all since I joined. I did my four years, and got out. Now that I'm back home we see a lot of each other, and she's probably missing that closeness we had.
She REALLY grew up a lot since I went in, and is a beautiful girl, but I NEVER had any sick thoughts or intentions or anything like that. She's a very affectionate person and I like that about her, so for her its not a big deal to like hug and kiss me, then sit on my lap.
However... when she does that (sits on my lap), for SOME REASON, I almost immediately get a hard-on. At first, I just contributed the phenominon as a normal physical reation to her body weight/ pressure to THAT area. But, I get it almost every single time!!! I hope she doesn't notice it, but I'm not going to ask that question... and have the world's most akward conversation!!!
Then, this past weekend my Mom and Step-father took us to a cabana club thing, which was nice, with several pools, jacuzzi's, sauna's, etc... My sister and I were in swim clothes, and my mom called us out to go grab something to eat at one of the tables near the little outdoor grill/bar.
We got out, we were both soaking wet, and she was in a bikini and what not... and so I sat down, and she sat on my lap, and very quickly I got so hard I thought it might burst. I pretended that I had to use the bathroom, and almost literally ran away! In the bathroom, I could not get my erection to subside for like 10-15 minutes. I tried thinking about baseball and everything!!!
Everybody was totally normal when I got back, and just wanted to know if I was feeling well. I faked an upset stomach, and everything was cool. Then, after we ate and went back in the water I tried telling myself its just the pressure, and everything is fine, but then, I don't know if it was because I was trying to pych myself out, or what... but, when were back in the water, looking at her in her bikini gave me another embarassing boner! This is getting crazy!
Please don't misunderstand... I DO NOT have ANY desire to do ANYTHING with my sister!!! I really DON'T KNOW WHY this IS happening!!!
I don't know what's wrong with me!!! I don't think I'm a terrible person!?!?!?!? What is going on???
Is this normal????????
... at all????
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Comments ( 21 ) Sort: best | oldest
She's a hot girl, your a guy. It's totally normal. I don't think it matters that you two are step-siblings, well except maybe that weird Genetic Sexually Atreaction thing, which actually seems highly possible, considering how common this is, but I wouldn't know. Oh and I don't think she notices your boners, because at least if i were her, I'd probably realize that I need to stop sitting on your lap.
You like your half sister, as in theres some physical attraction. That's all You don't need to feel ashamed. Just focus on other girls and try to re-establish that brother/sister boundary in your head.
This. You know she is family just think about that when you see her face. Hang in there buddy.
First, you need to masturbate frequently to suppress your boner response. Secondly, when your sister (who loves to feel your hard cock thru your pants) can feel that you are not getting it up, she'll lose interest and stop tormenting you.
Why is she sitting on your lap in the first place? I can understand if she's a little kid but at 17, why?
There's nothing sexual about it, she probably doesn't think of her self as too big; they were separated for a while and he's in his 20s so to a teenager there's a wide gap. unless you're 20+ everyone who is 20 is a grown up, just like teenagers are a weird class of their own when you are 10 or 11.
And (to the asker), your reaction isn't abnormal, it's physiology. you need some time and space to get yourself sorted. I'd recommend you take some private me time this week to think deeply about this, the fact that you're having this base human reaction is due to the fact that, even though consciously you find it abhorrent, your brain knows that at some level, no matter how small, you do fancy your step sister. The best way to fix this, is to accept the natural reaction and then move past it, after you accept the fact that your step sister is hot, remind yourself why you should not pursue her as a mate, be glad she's pretty as her brother you can be happy for her and use those feelings you get by rechanneling them into your brotherly instinct of protecting her; remind your brain that there is another girl out there waiting for you and try thinking of your step sister as something you must guard, something like a plushy toy or a kitten. that should help.
I have a twin sister and we have sex. Nothing wrong with it. We even have sex with her daughter. She usually helps make me cum hard. I'll probably have sex with her once she is a bit older.
its normal bro even i always gets hard when i look at my sis i dont have any bad intenssions but still we are humans
She could've felt with in first few times and possibly liked it if she's sits on your lap all the time.
it's normal. she's a half naked soaking wet attractive female, and the hormones in your body don't know the difference between a half naked soaking wet attractive female from down the block or a half naked soaking wet attractive female who's your half sister.
I say go for it if you really think about you two aren't exactly related, and if you do enjoy her personality, etc, etc. What's wrong with giving into your animal instincts? But then again you should do what you believe is right.
If we really think about it there's nothing wrong with having sex with anyone - the only reason why we feel this way is because someone just wrote them down or "taught" us, and said that they were morally wrong, and there will be punishment.
Have you considered that she can feel your boners but has decided not to say anything about it because it would put an end to sitting on your lap, something that obviously makes her feel close to you?
That doesn't mean either of you are sick of anything, it's just a natural consequence of that sort of closeness between a male and a female. She feels you and you feel her and reactions occur naturally. For that matter, have you considered she may be having reactions that are equally confounding to her?
I think you are both being very mature about it in that you are both considering the others feelings and not wanting to jeopardize your closeness over trivial things like instinctual reactions. Enjoy your time with each other and the way being together makes you feel and stop focusing on things that are outside of your control.
It's actually quite normal unfortunately. I never had a personal experience with this but I know how it works.
Basically when you grow up with family you become immune to their pheromones because you link it with them, and you know they're family, so your body does too. Because you have been away while she has matured, you're not familiar with her scent. It's all subconscious.
Remember as well that you DON'T want to do anything with her, it's just your body telling you that you do because of unfamiliar pheromones (increased by the fact she's only your half sister) and the right stimulus. Also there's pressure on you to not get a boner, so you're anxious and that won't help.
I know it's messed up but all it takes is for you to be strict with yourself and not think about anything in that way at all. Avoid it when she tries to sit on you, accept it for what it is, and think about something else. After a while you'll start to condition your mind to not react.
The main thing is don't feel guilty, because you know you don't want it, even if your mind tricks you in the moment - And just reject it.
Edit - But you're a sick person if you now decide somewhere in your mind that you do want to let it carry on, and continue to indulge. And it would need professional help before you started to accept other things. Don't be that guy who goes down that road. are a man...You can have a boner by just looking at a blank piece of paper lol
17 or 18 and sitting on your lap? She knows you are getting a boner when she does this and wants you to have one. You are also letting her sit on your lap meaning you want her clearly want to have sex with her. Either stop letting her on your lap or ask her for sex.
comon bro you dont know whyits happening?? maybe its not cool for your sister to sit on your lap.. if it was me i would tell her why if only to grose her out but since its you
maybe you could just tell your now 18 year old sister not to touch your lap while shes in a bikini, hmm?
i think you love her alot and she loves you in an evil way you need to tell her to stop and be a man
As you were apart during most of her physical development, you may be experiencing Genetic Sexual Attraction. Its ok, this is very common for family members who meet for the first time as adults, or who are separated during a significant part of their childhood.
It may be difficult to deal with, but if she does not feel anything back for you, then you will need to get past it. Counselling may help. This condition is widely known, if you tell them you think you have it and explain your separation, they will be very understanding and will do their best to help you.
dude_Jones... I masturbate pretty often. But, secondly... DO YOU REALLY think she notices, and/or is doing that on purpose?!?!?!? Why would she do that??? I'm not sure that makes sense, she's pretty innocent, and also I'm pretty sure that would freak her out!!! It freaks ME out! She's been sitting on my lap since she was little, and obviously, this boner thing wasn't happening then, so I doubt that's why she's doing it. I mean why would she like that???
Lots of girls would do that on purpose and laugh.SO WHAT!
people lie but are not liars.(that may be too deep for some people to understand)
if you stole once that does not mean you are a thief.
I can not stress enough;your groin is way more complicated than a criminals mind
perhaps you should stop letting her sit on your lap?
if you have to, tell your mom that you need help with this. tell her that you don't want sis sitting on your lap anymore because it's getting uncomfortable.
perhaps your mom can help nip your sister's behavior in the bud
Your discussion will live here... (Start typing, we will pick a forum for you)
I sat on my brothers friends lap, he got hard but he forced me not get up?
My brothers friends came over, I was playing video games when they came. My brother like always, wanted to boss me around and told me to leave because they wanted to play. I didn't move an inch but he ended up throwing me from the couch.
They all sat down. My brothers friend sat on the couch I sat before. I told them to make a space for me but they all ignored me so I just sat on him. He told me to get up 2x but then said fine. we just ended up playing video games together, I tried to get up from his lap after realizing he was getting hard. He stopped me from getting up, he looked me dead in the eye, it was just so embarrassing and scary.
I tried to get up again after some minutes, he didn't stop me. I just left and went to my room.
Why would he do such a thing? I am 15. Did he maybe assault me? this isn't considered rape right? it was scary
a bit of a sticky one if you ask me
"Did he maybe assault me? this isn't considered rape right?" you're kidding, right?
he didn't rape you. learn what the definition is.
you could've easily gotten off, unless he held you down-which i doubt he did. not saying what he did was right but you're both in the wrong here.
This isn’t assault or rape. He didn’t force himself on you (actually - you more forced yourself on him by sitting on his lap and refusing to move).
He shouldn’t have stopped you from getting up. I don’t know if it was because he was being pervy or because he was embarrassed or something but he should have allowed you to get up.
But how did he stop you?
How old is he/your brother may I ask?
I suggest you try not to worry about it. It was an awkward and embarrassing situation - for you and for him.
If you’re still distressed, maybe tell your brother and hopefully he’ll sort it out.
But in the future, maybe don’t sit on a random guy’s lap without being invited to...
Last edited by bfm.mcdermott; 2 years ago
(Original post by wxgmak)
a bit of a sticky one if you ask me
you’re 15, not 3 years old. why you sitting on his lap? you’re a big girl sweetie. people can do bad things to you
I've managed to use this pun on 4 different TSR posts
works wonders every time. I'm gonna start making this my catchphrase if TSR forums keep this up
You guys are being pretty horrible, just stay clear of that guy in the future.
(Original post by Anonymous)
My brothers friends came over, I was playing video games when they came. My brother like always, wanted to boss me around and told me to leave because they wanted to play. I didn't move an inch but he ended up throwing me from the couch.
They all sat down. My brothers friend sat on the couch I sat before. I told them to make a space for me but they all ignored me so I just sat on him. He told me to get up 2x but then said fine. we just ended up playing video games together, I tried to get up from his lap after realizing he was getting hard. He stopped me from getting up, he looked me dead in the eye, it was just so embarrassing and scary.
I tried to get up again after some minutes, he didn't stop me. I just left and went to my room.
Why would he do such a thing? I am 15. Did he maybe assault me? this isn't considered rape right? it was scary
Last edited by 999tigger; 2 years ago
(Original post by wxgmak)
I've managed to use this pun on 4 different TSR posts
works wonders every time. I'm gonna start making this my catchphrase if TSR forums keep this up
(Original post by CHANELDIAMONDS)
you’re 15, not 3 years old. why you sitting on his lap? you’re a big girl sweetie. people can do bad things to you
(Original post by CHANELDIAMONDS)
did he touch you?
TSR is the new yahoo answers. you know when you need help with your homework so you ask for help but end up reading a forum on how someones mum isnt letting them bring a seal home? typical day on here.
(Original post by Anonymous)
Idk, I just did it
He did had his hand on my waist. when I tried to get up he grabbed my waist, put his arm on my tights and put pressure/weight so I will not be able to get up
(Original post by wxgmak)
TSR is the new yahoo answers. you know when you need help with your homework so you ask for help but end up reading a forum on how someones mum isnt letting them bring a seal home? typical day on here.
(Original post by bfm.mcdermott)
This definitely isn’t assault or rape. He didn’t force himself on you (actually - you more forced yourself on him by sitting on his lap and refusing to move).
He shouldn’t have stopped you from getting up. I don’t know if it was because he was being pervy or because he was embarrassed or something but he should have allowed you to get up.
But how did he stop you? And he let you a moment later?
How old is he/your brother may I ask?
I suggest you try not to worry about it. It was an awkward and embarrassing situation - for you and for him.
But in the future, maybe don’t sit on a random guy’s lap without being invited to...
(Original post by Rid The Kid)
he didn't rape you. learn what the definition is.
you could've easily gotten off, unless he held you down-which i doubt he did. not saying what he did was right but you're both in the wrong here.
(Original post by 999tigger)
How old is he?
I would record him with your phone.
Tell him what happened and not to do it again.
Hopefully he will incriminate himself.
Alternatively you can tell your mum, but be aware stuff could hit the fan. Its your choice, what he did was wrong, but you need proof or if not there could be a lot of turmoil. It was a sexual assault. He will deny or laugh it off.
(Original post by Anonymous)
They are both 17.
He did had his hand on my waist. when I tried to get up he grabbed my waist, put his arm on my tights and put pressure/weight so I will not be able to get up. After some minutes, when I tried again, he didn't do anything.
when I tried to get up he grabbed my waist, put his arm on my tights and put pressure/weight so I will not be able to get up
(Original post by Rid The Kid)
too many loops in this. you didn't specify him grabbing your waist and grabbing your tights.
main question was. why on earth would you sit on a strangers lap? not to sound shallow but you deserved whatever happened. let that be a lesson.
The number of forums I've seen like that!!! Sex ed really needs to improve. God people forget that this isn't a GP or that a quick google search would answer your questions. "My boyfriend kissed me with his boxers on, am i pregnant???" Im pretty sure they HAVE to be trolls at this point.
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Sitting On Lap Boner