Sith Pureblood

Sith Pureblood


Sith Pureblood


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Although the name “Sith” is now used by the order of Force users who call upon the dark side, the term originally referred to a Force-sensitive species of red-skinned humanoids. The term “Sith pureblood” is now used to distinguish between those descended from the species and the order itself.
The Sith species was discovered three thousand years ago on Korriban by exiled human Dark Jedi fleeing Republic space after their defeat in a war called the Second Great Schism. The Dark Jedi quickly enslaved the primitive culture, and over many generations, the two groups intermingled.
Eventually, the elite ruling class of Korriban consisted almost exclusively of the hybridized offspring of the Dark Jedi and the high priests of the Sith people. These offspring tended to exhibit the physical characteristics of their Sith parentage, such as red skin, yellow eyes, bony protrusions on the face or head, and fleshy tendrils dangling from the cheeks and chin. For a brief time, Sith blood was seen as a sign of weakness–but the modern Empire believes purity of heritage carries the strength of the Force.
Genetically speaking, true “pureblood” Sith are virtually extinct, but red skin is still the mark of an Imperial–almost always a Force user–who can trace his or her ancestry into antiquity.
You can play any type of character as a Sith Pureblood, as species are not restricted to certain Origin Stories or Combat Styles in Star Wars: The Old Republic.
However, you may need to unlock the Sith Pureblood species depending on what class you want to play as.
Free-to-play players will need to unlock Sith Purebloods before they create a Sith Pureblood character.
Subscribers can automatically create a Sith Warrior or Sith Inquisitor as a Sith Pureblood while they are subscribed. Once the character is created, they do not need to remain subscribed to continue playing the created character.
Unlock Option #1: All players can unlock Sith Purebloods for all classes by purchasing the item Legacy Species Unlock: Sith Pureblood from the Cartel Market with Cartel Coins or from the GTN with credits. The Cartel Market sells this unlock for 600 Cartel Coins, the price and availability on the GTN will change day to day and per server, but it is likely very expensive. This unlock is per-server, not account-wide, and requires that you have an existing character of any type on that server who has reached level 10 and created a Legacy.
Unlock Option #2: Subscribers and preferred players who have a Sith Pureblood character can play a Sith Pureblood on a Sith Warrior or Sith Inquisitor and then level them to level 50, which will automatically unlock the Sith Pureblood option for all future characters including the Bounty Hunter, Imperial Agent, Trooper, Smuggler, Jedi Knight and Jedi Consular. This unlock is per-server, not account-wide.
Unlock Option #3 : Subscribers can also unlock Sith Purebloods for all Origin Stories by spending 1.5 million credits as part of the Legacy system, after they have reached level 10 (Free-to-play and Preferred can technically too, but they have their credits capped at 1 million credits). This unlock is per-server, not account-wide.
Sith Purebloods exhibit the physical characteristics of their Sith parentage, such as red skin, yellow eyes, bony protrusions on the face or head, and fleshy tendrils dangling from the cheeks and chin.
In the character creator, the female tendrils options are much sharper and less fleshy than their male counterparts, and the bone protrusion options are much larger and sharper on the eyebrow ridge.
In the character creator, the male tendrils options are more similar to tentacles.
While the unique silver and gold jewelry seen in the character creation screen for Sith Purebloods are not described by lore, they are a distinct part of a Sith Pureblood’s appearance, including piercings on the ears, nose, and battered gold links around the neck and forehead. This heavy ornamentation in precious metals seems to be in-line with the styles of the Ancient Sith, including the human-Sith hybrid Naga Sadow, who lived during what was called the Golden Age of the Sith and adorned himself fully in gold-plated armor. Sith Purebloods are not required to wear jewelry in the character creator, and can choose to go without, though there are few examples of Sith Purebloods who do not wear any.
Sith Purebloods can be found in different shades of red and orange.
Much like they all share red skin, Sith Purebloods all share red or black hair colors. They do not seem to dye their hair. Many Sith Purebloods have no hair at all, especially males.
As Sith Pureblood fall to the dark side, they have the option to turn on Dark Side Corruption , where they begin to lose pigment in their skin and their eyes turn yellow then orange.
You can choose any name you want for your Sith Pureblood character, you do not have to try and follow any type of conventions, as Sith Purebloods have spread far and wide across the galaxy, with some being given a traditional Sith Pureblood name, while others have been given a name traditional to their home planet, and other take on a code name or nick name.
Sith Purebloods do not seem to have any canon naming rules or suggestions. The biggest examples we have of Sith Pureblood names are Adas, Tenebrae, Ludo Kressh, Ffon, Paladius, Cythyrat, and there are many existing Sith Purebloods in both historical lore and modern-Old Republic times. As Sith have strong ties to their heritage, they seem to be named with reverence to past great Lords of the Sith, rarely choosing nicknames or codenames.
While there are no official references for Sith Pureblood naming, I did like this fan-made ruleset created for Star Wars roleplaying campaign, “Sith pureblood names are not conventional. They are often named for virtues in the Sith tongue. Sith rarely share surnames, since they do not value family ties. When a Sith Pureblood achieves a success or victory, they often change their name to match their perceived newfound status. Since Force-sensitivity is common in Sith Purebloods, and their culture is built around strength, most Sith are called simply “My Lord,” or some other epithet, by their underlings.”
This a large listed of names of existing Sith Purebloods in Star Wars to give you some ideas of how to name your own Sith Pureblood.
Sith was the native language of the people of Ziost and Korriban. It was adopted as the mystical language of the Sith Order after the Dark Jedi Exiles enslaved the Sith species.
Here is a list of some known words in Sith and their meanings, you can see more word, partial words, and read moure about the Sith spoken and written language on the Wikipedia Sith Language page, which is where this curated list is from.
You can use these words as a source of inspiration when naming your Sith Pureblood, or ignore them entirely, as most existing Sith do not seem to be named directly after them.
If you want, you can use a generator to generate a name for your Sith Pureblood. Generators follow a set of rules to try and put together a name for you.
The Fantasy Name Generator creator chose this as their set of rules for Sith Pureblood names: “This name generator was one of hardest Star Wars generators to create, as there are so many different Sith names, it’s near impossible to create naming rules, and there aren’t any official naming rules either. Having said that, there are literally millions of different possible names per gender, so no matter which style of name you want, there’s bound to be one you like.”
Here is a list of some names created by the Fantasy Name Generator.
There are many notable Sith Purebloods during the Old Republic era.
Unlike most other species, there are no “recent” famous Sith Purebloods, as the species seems to have mostly disappeared or vanished by the time the Star Wars movies take place, and characters such as Darth Bane and Mace Windu considered them extinct. Their Sith language, influence and legacy however have lasted far beyond their own lifetime and continue to be a part of Sith culture.
More than 98% of Lord Vitiate’s Sith Empire was of Pureblood Sith descent – but only those with the purest blood line and visual markers were considered part of the species.
It has always been a privilege to face the trials at the Sith Academy. Even though most acolytes fail–and the cost of failure is typically death–the chance to train in the dark arts and become one of the most powerful beings in the galaxy is incentive enough for most. Others, attuned to the Force but reluctant to participate, are dragged and forced to face the trials.
Until recently, only purebloods and humans from the Empire were allowed entrance. To produce a Sith child is one of the Empire’s highest honors, and families identify and groom potential candidates from an early age. Since the loss of so many Sith in the war, however, a swell of less traditional thinking has opened the Academy to anyone displaying Force sensitivity.
Some conservative Sith call this a foolish and desperate move that will dilute the order instead of returning it to strength; others accept it as a temporary measure. At first, the conflict was merely intellectual as the first waves of new recruits into the Academy died ingloriously–but things are changing, and the new breed of Sith may yet prove itself worthy.
The Sith Inquisitor storyline starts off with the player’s character as a slave – with Sith Purebloods and their pure heritage being considered the pillar of Sith society, it would be very unlikely for a Sith Pureblood to be denigrated as a slave. Players asked the Creative Director of the game, Charles Boyd, about the idea of a Sith Pureblood as a character in the Sith Inquisitor story, and this was his response. In short, you can make a case for any species as any class.
“As brutal as the Sith are to one another, there must be cases where a powerful Pureblood Sith is overthrown and their surviving family members enslaved. It would certainly be quite the trophy for the Sith who overthrew them; if Purebloods are held to be the most powerful, then defeating and enslaving them must be seen as an impressive display of power indeed.
Perhaps the victorious Sith had intended to keep his Pureblood victim’s family in slavery permanently, but was overruled and forced to send the Force-sensitive ones to the academy as is tradition? Now he/she is constantly trying to find ways to undermine or kill the Pureblood covertly, before they can become powerful enough to exact revenge. Could be some fun RP opportunities beyond what the storyline brings.”
A cruel planet of rocky red deserts and crumbling ruins, Korriban was the homeworld of the ancient Sith. Reclaimed by the Empire in recent decades, it is now the site of the Sith Academy, where the Dark Council oversees the training of new acolytes. Only Sith may come and go freely from the academy, and for a non-Sith to visit Korriban is a great privilege.
Surrounding the academy are the tombs of the first Dark Lords. Used as testing grounds by the academy overseers, the tombs remain filled with traps, monstrosities and relics, even millennia after their construction–along with the bodies of a generation of failed acolytes.
Korriban was wrought by the true-blooded Sith millennia ago – our ancestors, a crimson race of conquerors, raised the statues around us. Over the eons, however, our people mingled with slaves. Now, the red markings of true Sith are rare – and the purity of this planet is in question.
Red skin is only a mark. It is the strongest indicator of a mighty heritage, but not the only one. True purity and strength are carried in the blood. I worry that our blood is being diluted over generations. In the Emperor’s name, I’ve come to learn whether the Academy’s overseers are Sith – or not. The training of aliens as Sith is an aberration.
So little Sith blood in all of the Academy… and only one of the overseers wears the red marks. This is shameful. I will bring this to the attention of the the Dark Council; measures must be taken if the true Sith are to survive. I’ll advise purges and enslavement of those with the thinnest blood, and uplift the pure. It will be the Dark Council’s decision, however. I fear for the Sith as a whole, and I would honor the ancestors who gave me strength.
Exiled for horrific dark side experiments, a group of Dark Jedi made a last stand against the Jedi Order on Corbos, where they were ultimately defeated. The survivors fled beyond the borders of Republic space and, seeking a refuge, they discovered the planet Korriban–home to the red-skinned Sith species. The Sith looked on the Dark Jedi’s Force abilities with awe, and worshipped them as gods.
Led by the fabled warrior and tactician Ajunta Pall, the Dark Jedi began forging the Sith into a glorious civilization, built on the principles they had established after breaking with the Jedi Order. They ordered the construction of great monuments on Korriban–vast cities that did not survive the ages, glorious temples and elaborate tombs.
As time passed, the Dark Jedi and the Sith species intermarried, until there were few true purebloods remaining. Eventually, there were only small physical differences between them. There were only the Sith, strong in the dark side of the Force, and their new Sith Empire.
The term Sith was once used to describe a variety of beings, and was not always synonymous with the dark side. Originally not only a cult but a cultured species before they were subjugated by dark Jedi exiles, the blood-colored humanoid Sith people lived a superficially barbaric though surprisingly harmonious existence on their homeworld Korriban. Sentient sacrifices to their gods, dining on bloodsoup, a rigid and prejudice caste system, and war between nations were all common in Sith culture. These barbarous practices were accepted not as contrary or antagonistic to life, but integral to it. War was quite literally a concept on par with peace or serenity; conceptually, the Sith people did not or could not differentiate one state from the other. There was, ultimately, only existence.
Some historians have speculated that the attitudes of the early Sith people were owed to a prehistoric encounter between their species and the vampiric beings known as the Anzati. Volfe Karkko, a rare Anzat Jedi known for his prolonged study of one of the Jedi Temple’s rare Sith holocrons, was fond of reminding his fellow Knights that the Anzati “remember the very first Sith.” Beyond the anecdotal, though, there is no solid evidence to support this theory.
A peculiarity of the Sith people was their innate tendency toward left-handedness. This led to their creation of the lanvarok, a forearm-mounted weapon adapted strictly for left-handed use (human Sith Lords later crafted a right-handed version). Pure-blooded Sith were also steadily bred out as their genes were eventually alchemically mixed with those of humanoid dark Jedi. Even after the genetic fusion, the Sith’s rigid caste system remained in place. Priests and warriors, called Kissai and Massassi respectively, were two of the prominent classes. Later in their history, those that bore the elevated title of Sith Lord were became relatively common, but in 100,000 years of their existence, the Sith only ever had one monarch overlord.
Ruling nearly 3,000 years before the rise of the Galactic Republic, King Adas was a massive, regal being encased in majestic ebon warrior armor. Raised from his youth as a chosen being due to the charcoal pigment of his skin, Adas demonstrated great intelligence, fighting prowess, and a tremendous aptitude for Sith magic. With his alchemically forged battle-ax, Adas led the bloody unification of Korriban’s disparate nations and became its undisputed world ruler. The Sith people came to believe that King Adas was immortal and that his reign would be eternal.
In fact, Adas was almost three hundred years old and had earned the title Sith’ari (meaning “the Lord” or “overlord”) when alien invaders came to Korriban. Misshapen Force-sensitive beings, these Rakatan soldiers of the so-called Infinite Empire first attempted to lull King Adas into their confidence by teaching him how to record his essence into a pyramidal, magical device called a holocron. But the Rakata soon showed their true colors and tried to conquer the Sith people. But even at that ripe age, the Sith King refused to go quietly and introduced the invaders to his oversized axe and the unconquerable will of his people. The dark siders were defeated, but the king gave his life to secure the Sith’s freedom. After his death, King Adas’ holocron passed to his “Shadow Hand,” his trusted advisor and second in command. Without Adas’ unifying influence, wars once again raged for rule of the Sith people, with the reigning combatants arrogantly claiming the title of Sith’ari, and eventually forcing a relocation of the Sith capitol to the planet Ziost. Eventually, almost two-dozen millennia after Adas’ death, a proper successor to Adas seemed to come at last. Known in Republic space as the Exiles, traitorous Jedi defeated in a galactic war called the Hundred-Year Darkness arrived on Korriban and cowed the Sith people with their astounding Force abilities, lightsabers, and superior technology. With the help of the ruling king’s Shadow Hand, these Jen’jidai, as the Sith called them, lured the Sith monarch into their confidence and destroyed him. Never anticipating this stunning sequence of events, the Sith people concluded that the dark Jedi were themselves more powerful gods than even the Sith’ari. Bestowing the Exiles with Adas’ holocron, the reign of the first Jen’ari, or “Dark Lord” of the Sith began.The last lord of the Sith Empire to possess Adas’ holocron was Lord Garu, who died around the time of the Great Hyperspace War. The holocron was abandoned on the planet Ashas Ree until its rediscovery centuries later by the fallen Jedi Freedon Nadd. Nadd used it to rule the planet Onderon, where the teachings of King Adas helped usher in a new age of darkness. When the Jedi eventually freed Onderon of the dark side, they gained possession of the Sith holocron and banished it to a place where it could, presumably, never be recovered — under millions of tons of water on a scarcely known world called Kodai.
As our defenseless ship traveled into the uncharted space, guided only by the dark side, our thoughts were heavy with the losses we had suffered. But after our ship emerged from hyperspace, we soon arrived upon the world you know as Korriban, We were astonished to find that the native Sith were Force-sensitive. Certainly our so-called banishment was not the consequence of Jedi whim but the will of the Force,
The Sith attempted to terrify us with crude but imaginative illusions, some of which were reasonably impressive. Although we lacked weapons, we were obviously stronger and more intelligent than they, and yet they were still eager to prove themselves and prevent us from appropriating their alchemical secrets, it was almost immediately clear that even their most talented sorcerers were no match for us, but they demonstrated honor when they yielded.
Eventually, all of the Sith – especially their Massassi warriors – lived only to serve their new masters. They really are amazingly malleable, the Massassi. New starships were constructed, weapons were fashioned, and more remarkable b
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