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The revenge porn website that encouraged people to send in nude photos of ex-girlfriends and ex-boyfriends along with their personal information including their names, locations and other identifying data, has effectively been shut down by the Federal Trade Commission and the State of Nevada .
The complaint filed in federal court named EMP Media Inc., Aniello “Neil” Infante, Shad “John” Applegate (a.k.a. “Shad Cottelli”), and one or more unknown parties doing business as “Yeicox Limited”. The FTC alleged that the operators’ practices were unfair acts or deceptive practices violating the FTC Act. Further, the State of Nevada alleged that the defendants’ conduct constituted deceptive trade practices under state law.
The Porn Revenge Website Defamed Men & Women by posting nude photos with their names without permission, along with unflattering descriptions.
The FTC described the enterprise as a type of extortion in the complaint:
“The site has also extorted victims by requiring them to pay fees of hundreds of dollars to have their intimate pictures, videos, and information removed from the site.”
Just as with some other unsavory websites that purposefully post things that are damaging to people, the site would remove content if one paid hundreds to thousands of dollars in fees. As such, the website represented itself to be a legal enterprise, relying on the protections of Freedom of Speech and the immunity provided by Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, or CDA. I wrote recently on how Section 230 of the CDA essentially had facilitated extortion businesses on the internet, and is a case in point. It’s quite tragic and ironic that part of a “decency act” set up an environment that resulted in publication of naked photos of people without their consent in as damaging a way as possible. In the not-too-distant past on the internet, sites like this might have been deemed to be legal, since they purported to only publish content provided by third parties, and were thus immune to any liability under Section 230. Now, however, the porn revenge types of sites are largely illegal.
At this point, there are 38 states that have laws specifically against the online posting of nude or “intimate” photos without subjects’ consent. Federal law also makes it a criminal offense to use computer services to intentionally harass or intimidate someone by engaging in conduct that “causes, attempts to cause, or would be reasonably expected to cause substantial emotional distress to a person.”
Even some of the larger internet companies like Google, Microsoft Bing, Facebook and Twitter provide more assistance to porn revenge victims than in the past.
This case highlights another aspect that I have seen in past cases as well. The reputation-attacking website appears to have pretended to be unconnected with the “reputation” firm that they referred their victims to, but the actual situation is suspicious enough that I suspect that the operators of the porn revenge site and the supposed “reputation” firm may have been the same. In at least one earlier case where a porn revenge site was shut down, the FTC indicated that the operators fraudulently pretended to be separate entities.
The site’s pages would state that they would not remove photos of individuals, but that they might do so if an “independent arbitration service” were to so advise on behalf of someone. They referred people to a list of “arbitration services”, which were apparently reputation management/repair agencies. One of those agencies was “Reputation Guard” ( The arbitration services would charge fees to assist people, and would apparently pay a portion of those fees to to go to the trouble of removing some items.
Here’s where it gets murky very fast: the FTC complaint cited a company of one or more unknown individuals called “Yeicox Ltd” as a defendant. Yeicox Limited company appears to have possibly been set up by Quijano & Associates , a legal firm operating in Panama, Belize, Seychelles, and the British Virgin Islands that specializes in setting up shelf companies (shelf companies or shell companies are methods sometimes used to obscure ownership of companies). Reputation Guard appears to have been operating out of the Philippines, and I suspect might have also been operated behind the scenes by Yeicox Ltd.
Quijano & Associates are also the same folks that appear to have facilitated the setup of holding companies cited in some of the Panama Papers . (I am not suggesting that Quijano & Associates have done anything necessarily illegal or improper — setting up of companies, even shelf companies, is not necessarily illegal and can be done for noncriminal reasons. But, the FTC complaint suggests that our government may have been unable to determine who the actual operators of the Yeicox company may have been, and that trail seems to stop at the doorstep of Quijano & Associates.)
Some years ago, a number of websites with very unsavory business models (such as mugshots sites, arrest records, and porn revenge) began to find it difficult to have merchant accounts with major credit card companies, because charge card companies had decided that money from such sources was too icky. The credit card companies would cancel the merchant accounts, making it harder for these companies to make money. However, some reputation firms appear to have made financial partnerships with such attack sites on the back end, essentially serving as their financial transaction arms. In yet other cases, the reputation attack sites themselves have set up seemingly-separate businesses which are in fact other incarnations of themselves, duping the reputation victims into thinking they are dealing with other people.
This is the reason why it is a very, very bad idea to pay websites that are defaming you to remove materials. They may be cheating you. They may figure you are a victim they can milk again, so they may post the same content on yet another site, hoping to profit from you a second time. At the very least, your money incentivizes them to continue operating and attacking more people. If no one pays them at all, then they rapidly lose their motive and ability to remain in business.
I have assisted a number of porn revenge victims in the past, and if you are a victim you should consider getting help with your problem. While search engines are now more helpful about this, and social media sites may be more responsive, they are not devoted to representing you. The large websites where your information is visible may offer to remove images and videos on your behalf, they often will not remove pages and links to text descriptions which can be just as damaging to you. They also are not expert in located all of the various other copies of the same content that can get spread around, since the internet frequently generates many copies and republishings of website content in multiple other places.
It is great that there are increasingly more protections and government help to victims of porn revenge, and that sites like can get shut down. Now, if we could only get a little more support for victims of other types of online defamation as well…
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Girlfriend revenge sites

Nov 25, 2008

What is your opinion on people who set up websites to get revenge on their girlfriends?
And find them rather intersting and weird
would you ever make a revenge site for your ex?

Response to
Girlfriend revenge sites

Nov 25, 2008

No, even if i hated my ex i would never post any of there private things like that. (i'd just delete them and move on like most people should)
"If you can't laugh at death, you have no business killing people"

Response to
Girlfriend revenge sites

Nov 25, 2008

Do you honestly believe they're actually real? It's just a way to get loads of hits.

Response to
Girlfriend revenge sites

Nov 25, 2008

I would never do such a low thing to my ex, no matter how she treated me. She'll never deserve such a thing.
BTB: these sites might be fake, but there are enough people who actually post videos and naked pics of exes on line in revenge.
Mathematics club : we have beer and exponentials.
Cartoon club : Cause Toons>> Charlie Sheen+Raptor

Response to
Girlfriend revenge sites

Nov 25, 2008

whats the point of wasting time sending links to other people to get some shitty porn if i can just go to a free porn site and watch without any troubles

Response to
Girlfriend revenge sites

Nov 25, 2008

There's about a million of those 'come check out my cheating ex-girlfriend' sites, and I can't imagine any of them involve an actual boyfriend attempting to seek revenge on a girlfriend. Most likely, its just random pictures they found off the internet, or a regular porn model that has an exclusive gig with the website to pose as some guys 'cheating ex-girlfriend'.
They do attract people to them, so obviously they work.
Sig by BlueHippo / User Icon by CosmicDeath .

Response to
Girlfriend revenge sites

Nov 25, 2008

Brilliant way of making money. That gives me an idea by the way...

Response to
Girlfriend revenge sites

Nov 25, 2008

You're an idiot and a failure if you fall for it.

Response to
Girlfriend revenge sites

Nov 25, 2008

I'm going to masturbate and laugh at your stupidity simultaneously, then when I ejaculate I'm going to yell your mom's name.

Response to
Girlfriend revenge sites

Nov 25, 2008

porn is retarded and controlled...
its all fake theres nothing real about it
its illegal to post nude pictures of someone who has not given consent...
or at least to my knowlege it is...
Porn is just a way to distract people from their real problems
and it takes all the fun out of real sex...
which is nothing you see in porn..

Response to
Girlfriend revenge sites

Nov 25, 2008

Wow, if these are real, what about of BAAAAAAWWWWWWWing

Response to
Girlfriend revenge sites

Nov 25, 2008

Response to
Girlfriend revenge sites

Nov 25, 2008

I use google bombs to get the names of my girlfriends to come up as the first hit on an undisclosed website.
I then write horrible things about them. Hopefully this prevents them from ever getting a serious job. All employers are smart enough to google someone and check out if they have an online rep.

Response to
Girlfriend revenge sites

Nov 25, 2008

You can get all the I hate you Julia ones if you just go here and put in the link. DONE

Response to
Girlfriend revenge sites

Nov 25, 2008

I remember when these popped up. Oh, the threads... But, since they all appeared AT THE SAME TIME, it's probably some attention whore that made a bunch of websites about the SAME DARN THING.
Videogames are my favorite videogames

Response to
Girlfriend revenge sites

Nov 25, 2008

it saddens me that you actually made a thread just to get the stupid ass hits, but tried to make it a discussion thread so it wouldnt get locked.

Response to
Girlfriend revenge sites

Nov 25, 2008

Response to
Girlfriend revenge sites

Nov 25, 2008

Pfft. That's stupid. Well it's like a porn adventure game.
Pick veggies, hit flies, repeat! Made for LOWREZJAM2022.
Complete as much quests as you can before the day is over!

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There ought to be a law, say many people opposed to revenge porn. And so they craft laws with an eye on prosecution but not so much on the First Amendment , tending to treat collateral damage as acceptable so long as revenge porn site operators are criminally charged. But the proposed laws are more than bad, they’re extraneous. Existing laws are still taking down revenge porn purveyors, as we’ve covered previously at this site.

The FTC has taken down another revenge porn site and secured a judgment against one of its operations, all without having to having to hack away at protected speech or undermine Section 230 immunity. — a site “dedicated solely to revenge porn” — has been targeted in an FTC complaint.

According to the complaint, visitors to can rate the videos and pictures they see and post comments about the victims. At various times, the site included victims’ full date of birth, personal email address, telephone number, and links to social media profiles, along with the intimate images.

The FTC alleges that the defendants were aware that many of the individuals did not agree to having their intimate images and personal information posted to As of December 2017, there were approximately 12,620 entries on the site, according to the complaint.

The complaint [PDF] contains extensive documentation of the site runners’ activities, including charging people anywhere from $499 up to $2,800 for removal of pictures and information, as well as the site’s operator creating a wholly (and admittedly) fictitious business entity to hide behind.

Defendant Applegate registered the domain through domain name registrar GoDaddy from November 2011 through at least June 2013. He provided GoDaddy the email address as his contact address.

In May of 2013, GoDaddy informed Defendant Applegate of reports of child exploitation and underage content on GoDaddy also informed Defendant Applegate that an investigator from an internet-crimes-against-children taskforce and a police detective were attempting to get in touch with the website operators.

Also in May 2013, Defendant Applegate changed the contact name provided to GoDaddy for the website to “Eun Kim” and changed the contact address to Singel 540, 1017 AZ Amsterdam, Netherlands, while leaving the contact email address as for a period of time. After GoDaddy inquired about this change, Defendant Applegate told GoDaddy in a message, “its [sic] not a company it’s a made up name for the address & [sic]; phone number in the Netherlands. The [expletive] domain is in my godaddy [sic] account.” Defendant Applegate then moved to a different registrar, Eurodns. He provided Eurodns the contact name “Eun Kim” and changed to be associated with the fictional business entity, Web Solutions B.V. He provided a contact address of Singel 540, 1017 AZ Amsterdam, Netherlands, which was the same address he told GoDaddy that he made up.

This fictitious address was also used to ignore DMCA complaints and other requests for removal of content.

Under the “Contact Us” page, the site stated, “ has no removals [sic] policy. If you are an adult who has been submitted to this site tough luck [sic].” The page went on to state, “If you have the need to s
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