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Someone Is Trying to Revive the Infamous Revenge Porn Site Anon-IB
Over 1,500 unique posters have uploaded or commented on images from the site, many requesting content they remember from the original site.
Someone is trying to revive one of the most notorious non-consensual pornography (NCP) image boards, two years after police shuttered the original site.
The new site takes the name and appearance of Anon-IB , the most infamous image board marketed exclusively for what is often colloquially called revenge porn, said Katelyn Bowden, founder of the anti-NCP advocacy group Battling Against Demeaning & Abusive Selfie Sharing (BADASS), and was “ground zero” for the 2014 release of hacked celebrity nude photographs Reddit dubbed “ The Fappening .” Motherboard is not sharing the names or the URLs of several NCP sites mentioned in this story as not to draw more eyes to those sites.
Dutch authorities arrested three administrators from Anon-IB in April 2018, seizing its server. Since then the site had been quiet, but not forgotten. “We still see 4chan threads saying ‘Does anybody know where I can find Anon-IB, ’” said Bowden. “There's still Reddit posts of people asking, ‘What is the best alternative now that it's gone?’”
But three weeks ago, BADASS began tracking discussions of the site returning.
While it’s unlikely the same people who ran the first site are running the new one, users have flocked to it. In just three weeks, over 1,500 unique posters have uploaded or commented on images on the new site, many requesting content they remember from the original site.
The site claims to have archives from 2018 and 2019—after the original Anon-IB was shuttered, but the images in those archives appear to be taken from another site.
Even though Anon-IB has only been offline for two years, the sites sharing NCP online have gotten considerably crueler, said Bowden. While Anon-IB was willing to work with groups like BADASS to take down photos when victims asked, the most popular network of sites sharing NCP currently will now instead move content behind a paywall when victims—including underage victims, per Bowden—complain. That group of sites has never achieved the same popularity as Anon-IB.
Anon-IB may have been more responsive, but it was far from noble. The site did not strictly moderate its policy not to post contact information for victims. “They allowed their users to bypass those rules by putting a period in the middle of somebody's last name or saying ‘Alicia S. rhymes with myth,’” said Bowden.
BADASS originally rose to prominence by flooding the board with unique images of Shrek to drown out the images of victims.
It’s tough to track who runs the new site. The domain name is registered anonymously through a service in a country not friendly to U.S. requests for information and the site’s internet address—evidence of where the site is hosted—is hidden by the internet security firm Cloudflare, which protects websites from malicious floods of traffic.
Cloudflare told Motherboard it will forward image takedown requests to the site’s owner. If the site refuses to comply, it suggests taking the issue up with the domain registrar.
“Other services are better positioned to assist with content removal,” said Alissa Starzak, director of policy at Cloudflare.
Cloudflare has run into controversy in the past protecting sites dedicated to hateful or harmful content—including neo-Nazi sites and 8chan —but booting after public outcry . Conversely, last year it banned a site that was meant to help sex workers stay safe because of the Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act (FOSTA), which endangered many sex workers by pushing them off internet platforms.
But even if anonymity didn’t protect the site, global jurisdictional issues might.
“Ultimately, if the site is really from [a country that doesn’t cooperate with the U.S.], it can be difficult for a nicely stamped order from a judge in Nebraska to help,” said Honza Cervenka, an attorney for McAllister Olivarius in Britain who often represents victims of non-consensual image abuse .
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17 Best DarkWeb Websites You Should Browse in 2022 | Dark Web Links
So far as the legality is concerned, it’s completely lawful to access the Dark Web or Dark Net. Tor can be utilized the same as any other Internet Browser. Most individuals have begun using TOR to maintain privacy and keep up with their security on the web. Military, Police, Journalists, and whistleblowers (Edward Snowden, Julian Assange) widely rely on the dark web to convey information.
However, using Tor to access the dark web may not be illegal, but if you carry out illegal activities such as buying drugs or firearms, you may land in trouble if caught.

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You may have come across the term dark web and wondered what it is about, really. Here, we talk about what it is and how it differs from the regular internet while also discussing the top dark web links you needed to visit in 2022. Historically, the US developed the dark web to enable their spies to share information without disclosing identities in the 1990s. It was later made available to the public. The dark web or darknet comprises encrypted online content that is not indexed by any search engine.
Dark web websites are truly remarkable because they are completely isolated from the rest of the internet, making them invisible to all search engines. It should be noted that the dark web hosts completely hidden websites. It operates through the Tor network, and all websites existing on it have a “.onion” URL. The Tor Browser is a program that paves the way for complete anonymity on the Internet, and it’s free and simple to download. It’s not illegal, even though hackers worldwide utilize it for various purposes. The dark web links represent one of the best and most effective communication techniques for breaking through authoritarian regimes’ censorship.
If you are keen on visiting the deep web with either of the best dark web links presented here, it is imperative to take security measures. The dark web is a world full of dangers that you need to protect from – surveillance and data theft are just a few. The dark web’s unregulated nature expands the danger of falling prey to malware and digital crooks hunting your information. Therefore, you should ensure you have an antivirus installed and running along with a VPN .
A VPN is a highly effective cybersecurity tool that encrypts your data and assigns you a new IP address to replace the original one. VPNs shield you online and secure you against some types of cybercrime. It’s a good idea to always rely on a reliable VPN when checking out the dark web links.
To begin, you could give Ivacy a try. For only a few dollars a month, Ivacy protects all your web information with strong encryption standards, ensuring that any third parties are unable to spy on you. Besides, you become anonymous when utilizing Ivacy since your IP address gets covered up. It prevents governments, ISPs, and hackers from tracking your online activities. Ivacy offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can use it risk-free. Once you subscribe to Ivacy, you’ll have the option to explore the dark web in a much more secure way. Ivacy works with regular browsers as well as the dark web.
If you just started using the Tor Network, finding safe .onion sites can be overwhelming and outright risky because much of the content could be illegal and end up landing you in trouble. But, we have your back, with a list of the Top Darkweb Sites That Don’t Appear On Google Search Results.
Note : You need the Tor browser to gain access to the dark websites and open the best dark web links
It may sound ironic, but Facebook has a .onion URL that lets you access the network from countries where it’s restricted. Even though Facebook is quite controversial regarding data privacy, it wants to ensure that users worldwide keep using the network even if governments restrict access to it. If you live in a region where Facebook is blocked , this .onion address should be on your list of dark web links.
For the individuals who prefer free reporting, ProPublica is where they can bring to light abuse of force, malpractices, and similar happenings. The site is a non-profit and doesn’t make any money. If you want to report something anonymously, ProPublica is one of the dark web links you should know about.
Accessing scientific research can often be very expensive since most reputed journals charge substantial subscription fees or high one-time prices. Sci-Hub aims to eliminate any barriers to acquiring scientific knowledge and is one of the best darkweb website for scientific folk.
t hosts a whopping 50 million research papers available for FREE to people belonging to various backgrounds – nothing short of digital heaven for those belonging to the research field. It can prove to be quite beneficial for those looking to do budget-friendly research via dark web links.
There are many sites that index dark web links and The Hidden Wiki continues to be one of the most prominent ones. It can be considered the official dark web wiki. The community-editable site offers numerous links to a wide range of services that run on the dark web. Therefore, if you are looking for something particular, visiting The Hidden Wikipedia is your best at finding it.
Since Tor’s very purpose was to support intelligence operations conducted by the CIA and other agencies, it only fits that CIA has its very own official Onion site too. The site gives access to the CIA’s resources, and important information such as world factbook and employment opportunities. It’s one of the “must-visit” dark web links if you’re new to the dark web and want to explore it.
Email is not the most secure means of communicating, and popular Email service providers are known to scan your emails to display relevant search results for you. Mail2Tor is a good alternative since it allows you to send/receive messages anonymously and doesn’t store your IP address. If you want to contact someone anonymously and don’t have a suitable option in mind, Mail2Tor should be on your list of dark web links.
Whistleblowers regularly have scandalous information that exposes corruption or data privacy violations about an organization or government and need to pass it over to journalists. If they do so on the regular web, they’ll probably be tracked and, at times, be silenced or made to suffer repercussions, for instance, Edward Snowden .
The dark web is one of the few ways whistleblowers can share their information while ensuring anonymity. Secure Drop is a .onion site that ensures the protection of whistleblowers and journalists worldwide by providing a platform to collaborate.
Secure Drop provides a safe platform for whistleblowers to share sensitive information with news outlets while remaining anonymous. It auto-encrypts the data being submitted to it by the users. Here are some notable links to the major global news organizations that have set up their own SecureDrop URLs to receive information from whistleblowers:
The Hidden Wallet works as a digital wallet that enables anonymous Bitcoin transactions, which means you can securely make payments through Bitcoin without worrying about any regulations.
Dream Market is a small-scale Tor-based marketplace that lets you browse goods of varying natures and buy them through bitcoin. It is one of the few sites that remain functional despite the FBI’s attempts to close down sites trading on the dark web. Suffice to say; it’s one of the best dark web market links available.
Looking for secure cloud storage software? Dark web websites or dark web links were probably your last bet. But here’s the thing; one of the drawbacks of using cloud storage drives by popular companies is that they require you to give them access to your data—which is later used to either boost their own marketing efforts or is sold to other companies for the same purpose.
With the black cloud, a dark web website, you get your own secure and anonymous file storage space that you can use to upload important documents so that you can access them from anywhere without running the risk of getting your security compromised.
Ever wondered where sites on the dark web are hosted? You guessed it; the dark web has its very own secure and anonymous hosting services and Impreza Hosting is one of them. Even though you do need to have some level of technical expertise in order to work with them, the end result will be a secure and anonymous website that won’t lead anyone back to you.
Impreza hosting can lend you its servers to run your site, you can get your domain name registered with them, and it will even let you host your emails!
Believe strongly in a cause and want a platform where it’s not dangerous to voice what you really think? Riseup is for you! As a volunteer-run platform that was solely created for activists on the dark web, Riseup was founded back in 1999 and has now grown to over 6 million global users.
The platform publishes a newsletter in several different languages to keep maximum people informed and sends out frequent emails and offers chat services.
Keybase offers secure groups, files, and chats for everyone. As a service that makes it easy for people to link their online presence and identities together in a more secure way. You can upload your PGP key, or get one created for yourself from the site.
Once you have the key created, you can then link your profiles like Twitter, GitHub, or even your Bitcoin address cryptographically. The platform keeps you safe from cybercriminals and potential attackers looking to impersonate you.
Unfortunately, for some countries, BBC cannot be accessed from every region of the world. That being said, BBC is still one of the most reliable news platforms. So, countries with strict censorship laws should visit the BBC onion site for staying updated on the current affairs of the globe.
Having Swiss origins, ProtonMail offers the utmost anonymity and privacy when it comes to managing everyday emails. Even if you are not visiting the site through an onion link, you will still not be required to provide your personal details to open an account. And if you opt for an onion link, you are bound to benefit from stronger privacy and security protocols.
Daniel is another fantastic method to explore the dark web. It provides around 7000.onion classified links to help you navigate the web more easily.
One of Daniel’s outstanding features is the built-in capability that reveals whether or not a specific dark website is online.
This means you won’t have to open and load each listed link to see if it works. Given that the Tor browser has greater loading times than ordinary browsers, this is a good feature.
The dark web’s equivalent of Quora or Reddit. You are free to ask whatever you want without fear of being restricted. It may appear abandoned at first, but the community members will answer your inquiries.
However, because that section of the internet is unfiltered, you may run across ugly chats.
If you’re new to the dark web, this is a wonderful place to start. It may be safer to visit the links for particular queries.
The Tor metrics are a wonderful location to learn more about the Tor project. It gathers data from the public Tor network and stores past Tor ecosystem data.
If you have a school assignment that requires research on Tor and the dark web, this service is a fantastic source of statistics. It should be noted, however, that the site solely uses non-sensitive and public data for the analytics.
The purpose of an anonymity and privacy network like Tor is not to collect a large amount of data. However, data is essential for network comprehension, monitoring, and improvement. Furthermore, data will aid in the detection of network threats and suspected censoring occurrences.
Here are some other websites that may not be a part of the list for dark web links 2022 but are deserving of a mention:
Here is how you can access the Darkweb links:
2-Once Tor is installed, enter the URL of any of the dark web links in the search bar
3- After arriving on the site, begin looking for information you wanted
Usually, the two terms are used reciprocally as though they are similar. However, that’s not true since the deep web means the non-ordered pages, while the dark web refers to pages that are both non-indexed and associated with unlawful content or activities.
Onion Browser is the nearest substitute to the Tor Browser for iOS gadgets, and it’s accessible on the iTunes store . Additionally, an application called “Dark Browser” for iOS works as a browser for both the Tor and I2P networks.
We have a detailed blog on how to access dark web on iPhone iOS devices .
The FBI and Europol shut down silk Road on October 6, 2013 , so the silk road dark web link is unavailable. It was an online underground black market and the first-ever present-day darknet-based market, most popular for trading unlawful drugs.
We have presented the majority of the Darkweb links here. You can find websites on the dark web by visiting the dark-web directories such as The Hidden Wiki , giving an insight into the websites existing on the platform and the services or information they have to offer.
Truth be told, it’s not. As should be obvious, there are a ton of awful things on the dark web, and there’s a great deal of criminal behavior going on there. There might be an abundance of data out there, yet you ought to be cautious about what you search for once you go down that road with the dark web links.
We have many stories where individuals got their PC webcam and mic hacked without knowing it. Cybersecurity experts do not recommend amateurs to visit Dark Web, no matter how inquisitive they are. A lot of upsetting stuff go
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