Sit On It And Spin

Sit On It And Spin


Sit On It And Spin

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Susie Lindau's Wild Ride




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Adventures and Misadventures in Boulder, Colorado
 Haystack in a view from my neighborhood
Earlier this summer, I teetered on top of a step-ladder and reached above my head to unhook my dusty road bike from a hook on the ceiling. Strong impulsive tendencies still course through my veins. If I had lost my grip, my heavy bike would have crashed to the garage floor shattering all of my clay pots below me. My arms shook in response to its weight, but I kept my balance and set it down on its flat and cracked rubber tires. I had longed to ride my bike and was propelled by the fear of having to get a knee replacement someday.
When I graduated from college I drove with friends to Jackson Hole Wyoming to ski. The last day we ventured down Pepi’s run where I face-planted, twisting my knee when the ski did not release. Years of tennis and bump skiing in the Colorado Rockies has taken its toll and biking is one of the best cures for knee problems.
With the cracked tires filled, I ran upstairs to dress. I found my bike shorts and fluorescent yellow shirt up on a shelf. With so many drivers distracted on cell phones, I was happy to look like a human yield sign! My helmet had collected its fair share of dirt and spider webs over the years. I smiled when I discovered my biking gloves inside out from the last time I wore them.
As I rolled my bike out of the garage, the clock on the wall read 4:30. A strong breeze struck me headlong. “An hour ride will be perfect.” I had already played two hours of tennis and did not want to overdo it since I had another match the next morning. The seat had been adjusted for one of my kids when they were younger. “Oh well. I’m not going far. I will raise the seat next time.” I rode down into town thinking I could handle a round-trip ride to Hygiene. This quaint little enclave in the Boulder Valley is a popular destination for bikers. The small grocery store at the town’s center is a gathering place and I promised myself some kind of ice cream treat upon my arrival.
I rode through the red light across the highway and thought, “Jeez, I probably should have stopped.” I bet more than one driver waiting for the light to turn green took my name in vain!
When I pedaled past 75 th Street I figured it was too early for the turn north to Hygiene. Yellow and purple wildflowers lined the country road and the spectacular view of the foothills drew me onward. A miniature mountain called Haystack which rises up out of the valley became my point of reference. Bikers on the other side of the road greeted me with “the nod.” Some actually waved. There is an instant camaraderie among bike riders and I was glad to be a part of it again.
Soon I passed the entrance to Lake Valley and knew I had gone way too far. Now I knew why my knee cap had slid over to the outside of my knee. New muscles made themselves known for the first time in years! I gazed back over my shoulder at the enormous hill I had just coasted down. There was no way I would turn around and ride back up that monster. It could be a killer! The wind would no longer be in my face if I road north on highway 36.
I turned onto the single lane highway and shared the road with commuters blasting by at 65 mph. This highway runs along the base of the foothills and with the slight increase in elevation, it presented amazing views of the Boulder Valley. The ever-changing vista on my ride included every shade of green reminding me of Ireland. I passed lush farmland where horses grazed enjoying the tender shoots of grass. Golden hawks flew above me and one called out sending a chill up my spine. Haystack had been out in the distance in the beginning of my ride and now I was well beyond it. The foothills undulated like big toes attached to giants legs along the west side of the winding road.
I found myself on a downhill coast when I passed Nelson Road. I remembered a huge hill I would have to climb if I headed east, so I thought, “Screw that!”
With each familiar road I passed, I slowly made the decision to ride to Lyons. I turned onto Highway 66 and finally headed east. I would ride to Hygiene as planned, but would enter from the north instead of the south. By this time, my bike seat felt like an unpadded iron rod. I stood up on my pedals to release the tension in my tired arms, tight shoulders, cricked neck and sore butt.
As I entered Hygiene on 75th street, towering cottonwoods rose up, dwarfing the small homes along the road. The shade was a welcome respite. I finally recognized the country store on the corner. I had reached my destination. I pulled up onto the gravel driveway and parked my bike. I felt an old familiar weightless sensation after riding as I sauntered up, but my heart sank when I stared through the darkened windows.
My cell phone read 6:3o! They had closed a half hour ago. I had been riding for two hours already. I kept myself from calling home for a “sag wagon” and climbed back on my bike for what I thought would be a half hour ride home.
The muscles located above my knees which had been dormant for so many years, now burned like hot pokers. What they call “sits bones,” in yoga now felt like “raw bones.” I pedaled to the intersection I had blown through over two hours ago and this time pushed the button for the light to change. “How will I make it up the behemoth hill back up to my house?”
I stood up temporarily relieving my sore butt bones and cranked my handle bars back and forth. I remembered that a neighbor’s house was a half mile away from home as I passed it. “These last few blocks are killing me!”
As I reached the top of the hill, I gathered speed for the last one. I careened onto my steep street and my bike quickly decelerated. “I can’t make it. I’ve either got to call for a ride this last half block or walk it.” I turned the corner and to my horror my neighbors stood outside their home chatting with a visitor. I couldn’t stop now! I jammed my bike into its granny gear and pushed and pulled with what was left on my reserve tank. I rolled up my driveway and into the garage.
The clock in the garage read 7:10. I had ridden over two and one half hours and had traveled 35 miles! It had taken longer to ride from Hygiene than I anticipated. I made a carbo-loaded dinner of chicken with marinara sauce and pasta, showered, and was in bed with an ice pack by 9:00.
When I stepped out of bed the next morning my knees were pain-free. My neck and shoulders however, contained some knots as big as golf balls and the stiffness probably effected my tennis match. I am happy to report that I did not wait for the dust and spider webs to gather on my bike helmet before taking another cruise to Hygiene and I remembered to turn on 75 th !
 When was the last time you took a bike ride?
A different kind of biking and yet I couldn’t resist! 
When I’m scolded by a young woman in her twenties for being reckless, I know it’s been a real adventure. I had been road biking to a small town about ten miles from my house and back to build strength in my leg after knee surgery. After several bike rides,…
When determined to ski in costume for Gaper Day at Beaver Creek in Colorado, my body played an April Fools prank on me.
My family went skiing at Beaver Creek Ski Resort, Colorado last weekend. I wondered if my knee would be stable and strong enough in the heavy wet snow. I knew it would be therapeutic to exercise in the fresh air. I had a partial knee replacement over a year ago.…

I am a Boulder, Colorado writer and artist who loves adventure both real and imagined.
Come with me. It's always a Wild Ride!
View all posts by Susie Lindau

Wow!!! that is SOME ride!! nice one
Thank you tamikadoubell! I am careful now not to miss my turn. Hahaha!
Susie, this is why God made horses. Glad you made it home safely.
I was a horse girl back in the day, but bikes don’t require as much care, just a little oil now and then like my knees! Hahahaha!
Wow. All I can say is…wow! What a gorgeous ride, and thanks for sharing it with us. =)
Thanks Ellie! I haven’t gone that far since, but now that it is getting cooler I would love to ride that loop again.
Thanks for the enjoyable post! The photos are gorgeous. I feel as though I joined you.
Thanks August! I am so glad you stopped by to join me in my ride!
My neck of the woods. I live in North Rim – the ridge – right beside Lake Valley.
Nice! You can especially relate! Thanks for stopping by to read.
Karen – Duh! I didn’t notice your name. Welcome to my blog!
Great story. I hate it when there are people I don’t want to see when I am about to slow down.
More like stop and drop my bike on the ground and then walk back up to my house!!! It’s true – Hahaha! aaaah – pride….
“I had ridden over two and one half hours and had traveled 35 miles!”
I cannot imagine biking 35 miles in 100 hours. You are a goddess. It struck me how this relates to writing. Sometimes when a person is writing, she goes too far. And then it’s really hard to edit and get back to where you need to go. You might want to quit or call for help or (at least) stop at a friend’s house to delay all the hard work you know that lies ahead. But you pressed on and made it back. You stayed on the dang journey. I was with you the whole way. Love it. Pictures and all.
Thanks so much Renee! What you say is so true! I am working on a book and have already had to do some minor revisions, but I am forging ahead and sticking with my original idea.
Great point and comment!
Quite the adventure! At least it generated beautiful memories of awesome landscapes, your incredible wiilpower – and a great post!
Susie, this post reminded me of my rides on that route to Hygiene with my husband on our tandem. You rock for making it there and back with a bigger adventure than you planned!
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© Susie’s Lindau’s Wild Ride, Susie Lindau, 2011-2021. In other words, don’t steal my words or photos without consent.
© Susie’s Lindau’s Wild Ride, Susie Lindau, 2011-2021. In other words, don’t steal my words or my photos without consent.

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Update meaning for: Sit And Spin

A polite way to tell someone, "Go fuck yourself!" It's the kind of phrase that even if you've never heard it before, when said at the right time with the right attitude, everyone in the room knows exactly what it means.
TOM: How 'bout you let me borrow 20 bucks?
DICK: How 'bout you go sit and spin!
Example #2: Today on television I heard Rosie O'Donnell tell Donald Trump to sit and spin. I almost pissed my pants.
See fuck yourself , screw you , fuck off , suck my dick , kiss my ass
1. A childs toy that is round and allows a child to spin wildly around by grasping a wheel and pulling themselves around.
2. A sexual practice where a man lays on his back and his partner sits on top of him inserting his penis into whatever opening is desired then the partner on top spins around 180 degrees or 360 degrees while remaining engaged with the man laying on his back.
Instead of pulling off of me last night when she wanted to change positions, she did a "sit and spin" to face the other direction. That felt so good that I almost had an orgasmm before she was done rotating.
An insult, referring to the child's toy "Sit 'n Spin", but used with a sexual connotation. The term tells a person to take a thumb (or another finger or object), stick it up their asshole, and spin on it. It's akin to saying "go fuck yourself."
The phrase can be used alone, or can be accompanied with a gesture. Holding your fist out in the "thumbs up" position, the speaker makes a short jab upwards, symbolizing sticking one's thumb up their ass.
John sprawled across the couch in the club, looking for some tail. A man walked up with a drink.
Man: "Yeah, but I want to sit there."
John stuck his thumb out and said "sit and spin."
See sit and swivel , go fuck yourself , fuck yourself
A way to describe a girl. Usually one that is short but has very large breasts. A Girl perfect to use for the sexual act of a "Sit and Spin"
Hey Man, check out that Sit and Spin Girl!
A small girl, between the height of 5'2 and 5'5, in the weight class of 95 to 105 pounds, who could, nay SHOULD, be placed upon your penis and spun around in a sexual act.
oh my god, amber is such a sit and spin. i would bang her lights out.
See amber , sit , spin , and , small , girl

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An insult accompanied by flipping the middle finger, meaning "go fuck yourself." Origin - bastardization of the name of a popular toy first introduced in the 1970s called the Sit'N Spin. The Sit'N Spin consists of a turn table with a pole in the middle topped by a smaller disk. A small child can then sit cross-legged around the pole and use the small disk at the top of the pole to propel spinning motion. Hence the name, a cutesy derivation of "sit and spin." Substitute the middle finger for the pole and the leap to the "go fuck yourself" conclusion should be fairly obvious. The expression " sit on it and spin " is sometimes used by people unfamiliar with the Sit'N Spin toy and the original origin of the expression. (There are several images of Sit'N Spin available via internet search.)
Friend 1: "Are you going out like that? You look like a complete idiot ."
Friend 2: ( flips middle finger) " Sit and spin , bitch, you just wish you had tickets."
by Pedantic Asshole October 31, 2013
An insult, referring to the child's toy "Sit 'n Spin", but used with a sexual connotation. The term tells a person to take a thumb (or another finger or object), stick it up their asshole, and spin on it . It's akin to saying "go fuck yourself."

The phrase can be used alone, or can be accompanied with a gesture. Holding your fist out in the "thumbs up" position, the speaker makes a short jab upwards, symbolizing sticking one's thumb up their ass.
John sprawled across the couch in the club, looking for some tail. A man walked up with a drink.

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