Sister Slave Story

Sister Slave Story


Sister Slave Story
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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Adult · # 1626606
You are shrunk by your sister while your parents are away for months!
Created: December 13th, 2009 at 9:52 pm
Modified: July 1st, 2022 at 4:41 pm
You are shrunk by your sister while your parents are away for months! This is an interactive story containing 66 chapters . Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
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Please assume this story MAY contain graphic language, sexually explicit text, violence and/or any other displeasing topic you can or can't think up! To be certain you don't encounter textual content that may be offensive, you should leave this area and not continue on within this item .
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Your name is Jeff and your sister has shrunken you.
A few rules...
1. No ending the story too soon
2. No male interaction
3. No toilet or inflation
4. Keep it mostly to the character description.
5. Jeff cannot grow back to normal
Besides that, have fun

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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Erotica · # 2239723
You a 16-year-old boy, Your sister sells you as a slave. How do you survive?
Created: December 14th, 2020 at 10:05 pm
Modified: December 18th, 2021 at 11:32 pm
Crystal, your sister, picks you up at the airport. When you get to the car, she asks how your flight was. You say it was fine. As you are driving, you notice the route is different than the last time you were there. You ask her about it.

Crystal says, "I need you to stay with 2 friends of mine for a bit. They are cool, and you'll think they are pretty, or perhaps even beautiful."

You ask, "Pretty? You mean I'll be staying with 2 pretty women?"

Crystal replies, "Yes. Sorority sisters who are staying in the House for the summer. You don't mind, do you? They saw your picture, and they are looking forward to meeting you."

You are excited about the prospect and say, "Thanks, sis. I owe you for this."

Cyrstal smiles, and says, "I'll get repaid"

You don't understand but didn't bother to ask since you were too busy think of those college women.

You two go into the house with your suitcase. Your eyes are wide-open at these beauties. Both are wearing short shorts and crop tops. Crystal introduces. You are too memorized by their beauty and can't say anything.

Tammy says, "Isn't that cute, the lad likes our looks, don't you, Patty dear."

Rachel says, "Crystal you underestimated his looks, he's very handsome. He could be a movie star."

You are very flattered and more speechless. Rachel goes to you and gives you a kiss on the lips and holds it. While she kisses you feel something on your neck. You find your voice. You say, "What?"

Tammy has just finished putting a collar on you, and she says, "Don't touch it until we explain."

You are too shocked to move. Crystal says to you, "Don't worry, Bro, you will have fun with them. I'm going to Cancun, I barely had enough to go on the trip, but I needed spending money, so I sold you as a sex slave for a couple of weeks. I'll be back in plenty of time. You'll move in with me before I send you back to Mom and Dad."

You say, "I'm not a slave to anyone!" You reach for the collar.

Tammy says, "Don't touch the collar until we fully explain. It is a modified shock dog collar. If you try to remove it without the key it'll give you a shock. If you try to leave this house before with it on, it'll shock you. You might've noticed that Rachel and I have these fancy watches."

Rachel continues, "We have a button which will also activate the shock. If we just do it for a few seconds, it'll be mild. If we press it longer, it gets more intense. If you search the place looking for the key, and we catch you, we'll hold it down long."

Tammy says, "We meant what we said, we do find you handsome and we can have some fun."

You accept your situation. You resist.
Where will this interactive story go?
indicates the next chapter is blank and needs to be created.

Tales of a Foot Fetish  668 story chapters Family Domination  145 story chapters The Teen Feet Hunt  1,536 story chapters Shrunk by Disney Girls  104 story chapters Changing game (GP for good additions)  6 story chapters Developing Foot Fetish  78 story chapters lizzie mcguire shrink  20 story chapters Giantess Amy's Room  124 story chapters Office Feet  493 story chapters Domination Universe  46 story chapters 
Tales of a Foot Fetish  668 story chapters Family Domination  145 story chapters The Teen Feet Hunt  1,536 story chapters Shrunk by Disney Girls  104 story chapters Changing game (GP for good additions)  6 story chapters Developing Foot Fetish  78 story chapters lizzie mcguire shrink  20 story chapters Giantess Amy's Room  124 story chapters Office Feet  493 story chapters Domination Universe  46 story chapters 
© Copyright 2022 Ralph75 (UN: ralph75 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
Ralph75 has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work within this interactive story. Poster accepts all responsibility, legal and otherwise, for the content uploaded, submitted to and posted on Writing.Com.
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This is a story I made up and wanted to share with people, hope you enjoy it.

P.S. This is not a real a story, only a fantasy.

Tommy was 13 the day when his life was fully changed.
It was Friday, the day Tommy would go to his room and talk to his friends on social networks or applications, he was home alone, as it was like this everyday. Tommy, who has a stunningly beautiful mother at the age of 30 with wonderful size 8 feet and 2 sisters that are adopted when their mother was 21, are both blonde with size 7 feet, one of which was 17 and the other 18, his father had died after a plane crash. Tommy would usually make his sisters and mother angry by his natural aggression to them, but this week, he was grounded with no computer in his room and couldn't leave his room after school hours. He was extremely bored, so he decided to ride his bike, even if it was against the rules of his punishment, but he went on to ride it anyways. After about 2 hours he parked his bike back home and opened the door, there his mother and sisters stood there.
"What on earth were you thinking Tommy?!" Yelled his mother.
"I was bored so I went for a bike ride, but that's none of your business, bitch." Replied Tommy.
His mother was just an inch from beating him, but that never worked, Tommy was a true paintballer, he could rarely feel pain.
"That's another week for you Tommy, cussing at your mother is a terrible sin." Said his mother.
But Tommy didn't care... at all.
"Can it skank!" Tommy said with anger coming from his voice.
"Go to your room we will arrange what will your punishment be. NOW!" Said his mother angrily.
Tommy could never stand his mother's screaming so he went to his room immediately. After fifteen minutes Tommy heard his name called by his mother from the Entertainment room.
"Tommy come down here, I want to apologize for the screaming and drama I did fifteen minutes ago."
Tommy rushed down and saw his mother and sisters sitting down in front of the television.
"You can watch T.V. if you're that bored." Said his mother
"Cool, where's the remote though?" Replied Tommy.
His mother had told him that she forgot where she put it and asked him to find it under the sofa, as she reminded him that it might have been there. Tommy went down on his knees and hands to look for the remote, but as he saw the remote he felt the pressure from his mother and sisters hands pressing on to his hands and simply bringing them behind his back and tying them up.
"OH WHAT THE F**K LET ME GO!!" Tommy screamed out.
His mom and his sisters dragged him to the sofa and moved the carpet, it seems that they have installed chain loops for Tommy to hold him and prevent him from escaping. His mom stood over him, she was still in her business dress, pantyhose and high heels.
"Listen, we've got you now, you're ours. You will follow every single command that we give you from now on."
"NO LET ME GO NOW!" He flinched and moved, but nothing worked.
His mother attached the loops and chains of his to the loops on the ground.
"I told you once, if you don't follow our commands, we will call the police, and set you up in a way that it would seem that you wanted to brutally murder us. So you've got 2 options."
His mother took off her high heels and held it in her hands.
"Now this is extremely necessary. I know, I know, I've been on this heels like, aaaalllll day, but you gotta accept your consequences, we're not taking shit from you anymore. So get ready to give up your life to us now."
Tommy shook his head and accepted the consequences.
"Alright here we go, first whiff for our new family owned slave"
She lowered her high heel to his face and placed the smelliest part of her foot, the toes. He inhaled, coughed and gagged he did, but he knew what his job was and had to do it. His mother and sisters laughed as hard as they could. The youngest of the two sisters took off her Puma high tops that she wore all day at cheerleading.
"Hey loser, I've been at cheerleading all day today, mind if you take whiff of what that smells like?"
"Yes Josie, I do, if it is your command and wish." Said Tommy
"Excuse me? My name isn't Josie for you anymore, from now on you will call me Goddess!" Said Josie
"Yes Goddess, you are the most powerful one and rule me. I am meant to be stepped on and nothing more." Replied Tommy
"That's better." Said Summer, Tommy's oldest sister
Their mother smiled with happiness in her, seeing her daughters dominating her son as well as her. She always thought that men are nothing more but snakes and deserve this kind of treatment from women. Josie placed her Puma on his face and held it there for a minute straight. Tommy almost died without any air in him. Summer, his older sister took off her knee high boot and placed it on his face after her younger sister was done. After several minutes they all finished choking him with their terrible foot odor inside of their shoes, boots and heels.
"Okay dear, now you need to clean our shoes, the inside and the outside, we've been walking on dirt and they're really dirty. I mean, you can't expect me to go to work with dirty heels like these will you now?" Said Mary, Tommy's mother.
"No! Smelling them is the last straw, but licking them?! I mean that's just degrading!" Tommy replied.
"Oh dear, you are a comedian aren't you? You know what's going to happen if you don't do it dear. I'm not going to clean my heels for something I didn't do, so as default you'll do it. Oh, and also you'll clean everything that I do to them too!" His mother told him with a sweet voice.
So he got to it, knowing he would have to do this for the rest of his life. After what seemed like hours to Tommy, he was finally done with licking the dirtiness from the outside of their shoes and the sweat from the inside of their shoes.
"That's right dear, suck it up. You will be doing this for the rest of your life. Oh yes and I've planned out what we're going to do to you tomorrow and so forth." Said her mother sweetly.

Part 2 will be continued soon. 
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