Sister Sits On Brother

Sister Sits On Brother


Sister Sits On Brother
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OK, me and my brother have always been really close and we never had any kind of sibbling rivalry growing up and a lot of times when we hang out and watch TV togather, I'll sit on his lap, he'll wrap his arms around my waste and I'll put my head right next to his chin. I'm also sort of brontophobic (afraid of thunderstorms) so if one starts while we're togather I'll curl up in the fetal position, tuck my head between his chin and chest and he'll wrap his arms around me and pet my hair until the storm dies down. I know a lot of people think this is innapropriate but I don't have any romantic/sexual feelings, it just feels really safe and cozy
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IT does sound super weird to many people, but I get it. My sister and I are super close as you described. I don't think she would sit on my lap if there was room available though... Our thing that people would like find is strange is wrestling, and at night before bed I often go in and lay with her and watch funny youtube videos right before bed. She is 17 and still wakes me up for when she has a bad dream lol Though we don't lay together or cuddle cuddle as you describe, I think it is okay, maybe not normal, but okay. Just don't tell others as they will almost certainly not understand.
Have you ever seen the friends episode where rachel tries to date that danny guy and his sister comes over and they're reallllly, really friendly. maybe watching it will help understand what it seems like from an outside perspective. it just crosses the boundaries of brother and sister in my opinion
It’s actually funny you mention Friends because that’s why I’m here lol. At the end of the episode where Phoebe has the triplets, Monica is sitting on Ross’s lap as they’re all talking and it confused me a bit.
It's weird for sure, I would never do that.. I think you're a bit too old to curl up to your brother during thunderstorms..
WELL HELL THE FUCK YES. What the fuckitty fuck! I have two big brothers and I can't even imagine doing that ish.
He's your brother, you said you don't have any romantic/sexual feelings. This is the way you behave with him, I'm not saying that it's common, but if he's okay with it, I think it's not my business.
as long as it's platonic and doesn't cross that boundary it sounds ok to me
There are many stories of brother/sister incest that begin with sister getting scared by a nighttime thunderstorm and seeking refuge in brother's bed.
i have a question and don't consider it innapropriate please can you feel any erection when you set on your brother's lap?
Don't get any more complicated than that and it's fine. Very close siblings, is all.
of course it's not weird! i swear people are getting so creepy about everything nowadays!!
Eww what the actual fuck. Stop that

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D o you ever sit on your little brother? A female friend has recommended this as a good way to punish my annoying little bro! If you do this do you sit on his head or chest or what? How long do you sit there & what do you do during? Gimme some ideas plz!

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S it on his head and fart! I used to pin my little sister down and force her to say "Uncle Karl." Then when she'd finally say it I'd go "Say 'Uncle Karl is a great guy." Then when she'd finally say it I would let her up. We laugh about it now but she didn't think it was funny then! (I was about 15, she was about 9.)

darthson decries derigible destruction

I did this quite often with my little bro. I sat on his chest and pinned him so he couldn't move. Be careful to make sure he can still breath, though! I usually did it until he said "You win."
i have 3 boys and they've been known to sit just about anywhere on each other while tickling or "making bodily noises"...if you pick the head~please don't put all your weight on him or stay
I f you have to fart then sit on his head. If you dont weigh too much sit on his chest and bounce a bit. If you weigh a little more than u think he can handle, sit on his stomach, pin his arms down and tickle the crap out of him. just poke him a lot on his chest when on his stomach and then slap his head, thats what i call the "typewriter". Get it?
Y es, but never with full weight. (A friend and I used to wrestle in the yard, and when we pinned each other, we both found out that full weight can hurt bad!) As seen on CSI, it can also kill, so be careful!

It was usually for pinning while wrestling and tickling. (If you use your legs to pin his arms, be careful, too... Too much weight there can really hurt and cause damage, too, especially if you "roll" his arms.)

Don't sit on his face with weight. People have been smothered with pillows pressed there, noses have been broken, etc.

I sugguest you have a code-word, like "UNCLE!" you make him say and get off immediately.

Remember that at some point in your lives, HE may become stronger or more wirey than you, and be able to give you "pay back" IN SPADES. ;-)
I know a great many people have done this and turned out just fine, but please remember that this can be dangerous for your little's easier than you think to cut off one's air supply when they have pressure on their chest.
Y our friend is not that bright...Sitting on his head stupid as heck. You can be small or big and sit on his head not meaning to. BAM he is suffocated to death.... His chest, what if you break a rib... You can find other ways to restrain him...
i do there squishy things sit on there head it will really
annoy him.
H ow old are you? and him? what is your height/weight?
T his is the weirdest question I have ever seen.
N o sitting on people. Not to be done.
I 'm trained in Judo, which involves a number of supression holds. Putting your full body weight on someone can be very dangerous, unless you know how to, and do, control the amount of pressure exerted. This situation is aggrevated if there is a substancial size/weight difference.

Bottom line-not recommended.
Question-would it be OK for a boy to sit on his little sister?
s it on his head (but not for long only a couple seconds)...... and then fart a really runny smelly one or a silent smelly one
w ell i dont know about sittig o them but jab them in the ribs with your fingers it can either hurt or make them laugh like hell and die of laughing on me =(
I f you had an older brother, how long would you want him to sit on your head and what else would you want him to do with it? There's your answer.
O k, this just shows how weird I am, when I was little....I took dish towels and tied him to a wooden chair because he looked funny and I thought it was funny when he yelled, this is the same big sis that encouraged him to go in a dryer, and when quite young I told him I was dying and he believed me...shame on me....
w ell did you sit on ya bro after all the advice
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