Sister Shower Story

Sister Shower Story


Sister Shower Story
I’m a 15 year old twin and I take showers with my sister. Is what I have been doing with her wrong?
Happily married, my wife teaches me something new about relationships every day. · Author has 950 answers and 1.1M answer views · Updated 2 y ·
Originally Answered: Is what I have been doing with my sister wrong?
Is it wrong to take a shower with your adult sisters/brothers?
Is it legal for a sister to shower with her 12 year old brother?
My 9-year-old little sister wants to shower with me and I’m 26. What should I do?
I have to start showering with my brother. How does this not get weird?
I happen to see my older cousin sister taking a shower accidently, how should I react now?
Have a degree in psychology · Author has 849 answers and 539.3K answer views · 6 y ·
Originally Answered: Is what I have been doing with my sister wrong?
Is it wrong to take a shower with your adult sisters/brothers?
Is it legal for a sister to shower with her 12 year old brother?
My 9-year-old little sister wants to shower with me and I’m 26. What should I do?
I have to start showering with my brother. How does this not get weird?
I happen to see my older cousin sister taking a shower accidently, how should I react now?
Recently, I've been noticing that after my shower, the bathroom door is open just a crack, but I always make sure to close it. Anyway, as I was in the shower yesterday, I saw my 13-year-old sister staring at me. What should I do?
Do teen girls like to bathe with their siblings?
I am 16 and my 9 year old brother pulled my shirt up and shorts down while I was sleeping and touched my privates, is this normal with siblings?
Why does my teen boy cousin spy on me in the shower? I'm 26 and he's way younger than I am. Is this normal?
Is it okay for a 15 year old girl and her 16 year old sister to shower together after a soccer game?
Is it wrong for a teen brother and his teen sister to shower together?
Is it okay to shower with my sister (13) and me (15)?
Is it weird that a 12-year-old boy showers with his 9-year-old sister?
I’m 12 years old. Is it okay to take a shower with my brother who is 16 years old?
Is it weird that I, a 15-year-old boy, like taking baths with my brother (12)?
Is it wrong to take a shower with your adult sisters/brothers?
Is it legal for a sister to shower with her 12 year old brother?
My 9-year-old little sister wants to shower with me and I’m 26. What should I do?
I have to start showering with my brother. How does this not get weird?
I happen to see my older cousin sister taking a shower accidently, how should I react now?
Recently, I've been noticing that after my shower, the bathroom door is open just a crack, but I always make sure to close it. Anyway, as I was in the shower yesterday, I saw my 13-year-old sister staring at me. What should I do?
Do teen girls like to bathe with their siblings?
I am 16 and my 9 year old brother pulled my shirt up and shorts down while I was sleeping and touched my privates, is this normal with siblings?
Why does my teen boy cousin spy on me in the shower? I'm 26 and he's way younger than I am. Is this normal?
Is it okay for a 15 year old girl and her 16 year old sister to shower together after a soccer game?
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I am not sure how this question showed up on my home page, but do think I have something useful to say about it.
Is what you are doing wrong? That can be answered by a single simple- sounding question.
Who is hurt by it? The short answer is that if you both consent to this behaviour, then nobody is hurt by it.
I am not sure how this question showed up on my home page, but do think I have something useful to say about it.
Is what you are doing wrong? That can be answered by a single simple- sounding question.
Who is hurt by it? The short answer is that if you both consent to this behaviour, then nobody is hurt by it.
These are all questions for you and your sister to think about. You may do so, and decide that there is no harm, or risk of harm. At the very least, I recommend that you both make arrangements for contraception in case ‘things go further’. It is better to be safe than pregnant in this situation.
I suggest you think very carefully about how your current situation might play out over the future months and years. There are potential benefits to it, that I did not list above - such as:
I am not here to pass moral judgement on you, as many other commenters have done. I simply ask that you and your sister consider all the possible consequences of your actions - and remember that if either of you decide the risks outweigh the benefits, then the sooner you stop the better.
If both of you decide that the benefits make your actions worthwhile, then take care to enjoy your lives and minimise the risks. Just remember to make sure you do not spend life joined at the hip (I assume here that you are not conjoined); go out and make your own friends.
You already know the answer to your question, that's why you hide it from your parents, and probably from your friends. You are playing with fire!!
Best outcome: someone finds out. You and your family will be vilified. Worst outcome: it leads to sex. And don't fool yourself, you know it's moving in that direction! Even if she doesn't get pregnant, it will lead to terrible emotional confusion. And you will be found out, but now you won't be able to claim any form of innocence or curiosity. You'll cause terrible pain to your parents ant you will both become virtual outcasts in your community.
You already know the answer to your question, that's why you hide it from your parents, and probably from your friends. You are playing with fire!!
Best outcome: someone finds out. You and your family will be vilified. Worst outcome: it leads to sex. And don't fool yourself, you know it's moving in that direction! Even if she doesn't get pregnant, it will lead to terrible emotional confusion. And you will be found out, but now you won't be able to claim any form of innocence or curiosity. You'll cause terrible pain to your parents ant you will both become virtual outcasts in your community.
You are both walking down a path that can only end in tragedy.

I take off my jammies, turn on the shower, and step into the warm water. Ahhhhh, heavenly. While I wet my hair, I start thinking about blog post ideas. Hmmm . . . What do I want to write about next . . . 
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“Mama, can I make some orange juice?”
“Sure. Just use the pitcher that’s on the counter.” “Okay, thanks.”
I pour the shampoo into my hand. All right. What’s something most moms can relate to? Oh yeah, I could write about . . . 
“Mom, do you know where the white iPad is?”
I start to wash my hair, then remember something.
“Hold up! Did you do your algebra homework?”
“No. I forgot to write down the problems we were supposed to do.”
“Soooo . . . you’re just not going to do it?”
“Sweetie, this is when you get on the horn and call one of your friends and see if they wrote down the assignment.” “The horn?”
Yes, I know. I’m full of good ideas. Especially in the shower. Pouring the conditioner into my hand. Okay. What was that idea I had as I was drifting off to sleep last night? Oh, I think it was . . . 
“Mama? The orange juice says, ‘No sugar added.'”
“Does that mean I should add sugar?”
“No, that just means . . . No. We always get orange juice with no sugar added.”
Rinsing out the conditioner. Shoot. That idea’s totally gone now. Maybe I should go back to that post I started a while ago . . . 
“Mommy! I need you! Reading Eggs is all messed up!”
“Ask Daddy or your sister to help you.”
“Well, I can’t help you with the computer when I’m in the shower, so you’re going to have to be patient until I get out. Or you can ask somebody else.”
Washing my body. Hmmm. I had that post about modesty started, but that’ll take some time to fini . . .  KNOCK KNOCK.
“ Mama? What-times-what makes 35?” “Think it through, sweets. It ends in a five, so what-times-five equals 35?” “Three times five?” “Are you serious?” “Oh, duh. Seven. Thanks.” For the love. Starting to shave my legs. Okay, blog post ideas . . . KNOCK KNOCK.
“Mama! Mama! I want to show you something!”
“Can I show it to you when you get out?”
Shaving armpits. Okay, hurry up, inspiration.  KNOCK KNOCK.
KNOCK KNOCK. I know you’re around here somewhere.
“Mama? Are you out of the shower yet?”
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Annie writes about life, motherhood, world issues, beautiful places, and anything else that tickles her brain. On good days, she enjoys juggling life with her husband and homeschooling her children. On bad days, she binges on chocolate chips and dreams of traveling the world alone.
My kids are grown now, but I remember those days well. Thanks for reminding me. Eventually they do grow up and leave home. It is such a pleasure seeing one’s children become wonderful adults.
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When I was aout 15 and my sister was 11, one day she saw me coming out of the shower with only a towel wrapped around me. I looked around as I walked in my room & was surprised to see that she had followd me into the room. I asked her to leave so I could get dressed, but she just kept hanging around. I started feeling self-conscious, but could not get her to leave. Finally, unable to persuade her to leave, I went ahead and removed my towel and got dressed as she watched. I was very embarrassed and self-conscious. Once I dressed, she just laughed and left the room and i tried to forget about it. But the problem did not go away. Since then, on numerous occasions when I have been in my room dressing with the door closed (it does not have a lock), she will open the door and stare at me, usually giggling as she watches. I have asked her to stop, but she just laughs and dares me to tell anyone, knowing that I won't because it would be too embarrassing. It is vey humhiliating to be dominated by my younger sister, but there is nothing I can do.
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When I was about 15 and my sister was 11, one day she saw me coming out of the shower with only a towel wrapped around me. I looked around as I walked in my room & was surprised to see that she had followd me into the room. ..etc.
It is quite natural for girls to be curious about the male body and desirable that they should have some knowledge of it before they reach sexual maturity or marry. Most knowledge about intimate things is learnt at home while growing up. The more casual and natural the growing up process, the better. Most young children become aware of the anatomical differences between boys and girls from seeing babies. Everything in the world is new to them so there is nothing special (indecent or unpleasant) about the gender difference. It is prudish adults who emphasize the difference and mark it out as in someway as improper.
The average 15 year old boy is growing and maturing rapidly. It is the sort of thing that an 11 year old sister might notice and be curious about. But how to cope with it, if her curiousity exceeds the bounds of comfort?
Halsey, by revealing your vulnerability you unwittingly gave your sister power over you. It would have been better just to have proceded to dress in the normal way. Nothing terrible would have happened and your sister would have soon lost interest.
Humour is often a very good tool for disarmimg difficult situations. Embarassment and humiliation are self imposed - you can chose not to be embarassed if you wish.
Don't let it bother you. A girl that age gets a sense of power and confidence by being able to invade a boy's privacy. This will greatly help a girl as she gradually becomes more on her own in the real world. Girls just naturally love privileges over boys. Someday you'll give your girlfriend lots of privileges, so go ahead and give your own sister a few too!!
Whatever you do, PLEASE don't walk in while she's dressing. For most girls, their privacy is MUCH more important than for boys, so treat her like a little lady. Just relax and learn to enjoy letting your sister have her fun!!
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When I was aout 15 and my sister was 11, one day she saw me coming out of the shower with only a towel wrapped around me. I looked around as I walked in my room & was surprised to see that she had followd me into the room. I asked her to leave so I could get dressed, but she just kept hanging around. I started feeling self-conscious, but could not get her to leave. Finally, unable to persuade her to leave, I went ahead and removed my towel and got dressed as she watched. I was very embarrassed and self-conscious. Once I dressed, she just laughed and left the room and i tried to forget about it. But the problem did not go away. Since then, on numerous occasions when I have been in my room dressing with the door closed (it does not have a lock), she will open the door and stare at me, usually giggling as she watches. I have asked her to stop, but she just laughs and dares me to tell anyone, knowing that I won't because it would be too embarrassing. It is vey humhiliating to be dominated by my younger sister, but there is nothing I can do.
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When I was aout 15 and my sister was 11, one day she saw me coming out of the shower with only a towel wrapped around me. I looked around as I walked in my room & was surprised to see that she had followd me into the room. I asked her to leave so I could get dressed, but she just kept hanging around. I started feeling self-conscious, but could not get her to leave. Finally, unable to persuade her to leave, I went ahead and removed my towel and got dressed as she watched. I was very embarrassed and self-conscious. Once I dressed, she just laughed and left the room and i tried to forget about it. But the problem did not go away. Since then, on numerous occasions when I have been in my room dressing with the door closed (it does not have a lock), she will open the door and stare at me, usually giggling as she watches. I have asked her to stop, but she just laughs and dares me to tell anyone, knowing that I won't because it would be too embarrassing. It is vey humhiliating to be dominated by my younger sister, but there is nothing I can do.
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When I was aout 15 and my sister was 11, one day she saw me coming out of the shower with only a towel wrapped around me. I looked around as I walked in my room & was surprised to see that she had followd me into the room. I asked her to leave so I could get dressed, but she just kept hanging around. I started feeling self-conscious, but could not get her to leave. Finally, unable to persuade her to leave, I went ahead and removed my towel and got dressed as she watched. I was very embarrassed and self-conscious. Once I dressed, she just laughed and left the room and i tried to forget about it. But the problem did not go away. Since then, on numerous occasions when I have been in my room dressing with the door closed (it does not have a lock), she will open the door and stare at me, usually giggling as she watches. I have asked her to stop, but she just laughs and dares me to tell anyone, knowing that I won't because it would be too embarrassing. It is vey humhiliating to be dominated by my younger sister, but there is nothing I can do.
Perhaps if you act like you just don't care she will stop. I think she just likes to see you get embaressed.

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