Sister Kicks Brother In The Balls

Sister Kicks Brother In The Balls


Sister Kicks Brother In The Balls
I'm 16 and my sister is 14. She kicks me in the balls and says I can't hit her because she is a girl. What do I do?
A loyal American citizen for over 50 years · Author has 6K answers and 4.2M answer views · 2 y ·
My female cousin always punches my privates and I have asked her to stop because it really hurts, but she says she likes seeing boys in pain. I'm 14 and she is 15. What should I do?
My little sister likes to punch boys in their balls. What is a girl's place that would hurt similar? How can I explain to her how much it hurts?
Why my sister always kicks me in the balls? She says that "I'm a male so she can kick me there and I can't do anything cause she's a girl".. Just why?
My sister keeps on pinning my nuts to the floor and it hurts really bad. I told my parents but she keeps on doing it. What should I do?
My sister kicks me in the balls when she had the opportunity, should I say anything to our parents? She's 11, and I'm 14
Modern Day Mayor Poopenmeyer, creator of Bachelor Chow · Author has 3.7K answers and 5.2M answer views · 2 y ·
My female cousin always punches my privates and I have asked her to stop because it really hurts, but she says she likes seeing boys in pain. I'm 14 and she is 15. What should I do?
My little sister likes to punch boys in their balls. What is a girl's place that would hurt similar? How can I explain to her how much it hurts?
Why my sister always kicks me in the balls? She says that "I'm a male so she can kick me there and I can't do anything cause she's a girl".. Just why?
My sister keeps on pinning my nuts to the floor and it hurts really bad. I told my parents but she keeps on doing it. What should I do?
My sister kicks me in the balls when she had the opportunity, should I say anything to our parents? She's 11, and I'm 14
I (16yr girl) kicked my brother in the balls because he slapped me. Now my mother has grounded me, what do I do?
My son asked about getting kicked in the balls, and asked me to kick him because he was curious. I don't want to hurt him, what should I do?
Is it okay for my mom to hit me in the balls when she's mad?
I accidentally hit my brother (13) in the balls and now he's asking me to do it again. It was kind of funny but I will feel bad. What do I do?
If a little boy and little girl get in a fight, and the girl wins by kicking the boy in the balls, should she be punished? Or is it fair, and she did what she had to do to win?
My sister always said she wanted to kick a guy in the balls. Should I let her?
My 13-year-old brother kicks me in the balls multiple times a day because it's funny. Would it be cruel as his older brother to kick him there so he knows how much it hurts?
My daughter (12) keeps punching and kicking her brother (11). She also kicks him in the balls for fun. What do I do?
My daughter (12) was suspended for kicking a boy (11) so hard in the balls he vomited. What do I do?
My daughter was suspended for kicking a boy in the balls. She told me they were playing football and she just felt like doing it. Should I punish her and just let it be?
My female cousin always punches my privates and I have asked her to stop because it really hurts, but she says she likes seeing boys in pain. I'm 14 and she is 15. What should I do?
My little sister likes to punch boys in their balls. What is a girl's place that would hurt similar? How can I explain to her how much it hurts?
Why my sister always kicks me in the balls? She says that "I'm a male so she can kick me there and I can't do anything cause she's a girl".. Just why?
My sister keeps on pinning my nuts to the floor and it hurts really bad. I told my parents but she keeps on doing it. What should I do?
My sister kicks me in the balls when she had the opportunity, should I say anything to our parents? She's 11, and I'm 14
I (16yr girl) kicked my brother in the balls because he slapped me. Now my mother has grounded me, what do I do?
My son asked about getting kicked in the balls, and asked me to kick him because he was curious. I don't want to hurt him, what should I do?
Is it okay for my mom to hit me in the balls when she's mad?
I accidentally hit my brother (13) in the balls and now he's asking me to do it again. It was kind of funny but I will feel bad. What do I do?
If a little boy and little girl get in a fight, and the girl wins by kicking the boy in the balls, should she be punished? Or is it fair, and she did what she had to do to win?
Something went wrong. Wait a moment and try again.
Tell your parents and see how they react. Do they punish her? If not tell them the next time she does it, you are going to fight back.
The next time she does it, kick her in the groin too. It won't hurt her as much as it hurts you, but it will still hurt her.
Then tell her then tell her to knock it off, permanently.

Girls, have you ever kicked, kneed, punched, flicked, or whatever, your brother in the nuts really hard? Or am I the only victim of a nutcracking older sister?
Girls, have you ever kicked your brother in the nuts?
Girls, have you ever kicked your brother in the balls growing up?
GIRLS, ever kicked your brother in the balls?
Girls, do you think you could you beat your brother in a fight?
My Sister Kick me in the balls.. Girls have you ever do that to your brother and why?
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my little brother once punched me during a scuffle we were having (I was in 6th grade and he was in like 3rd or something) and I kicked him there...I got the serious sit down lecture from my parents about not kicking him and also had a black eye for my 6th grade picture the next day. Now as an adult woman I know that it's dangerous to kick a boy there that its not OK but at the time I felt that it was really unfair that I was the one who got in trouble AND a black eye and he got off scott free! it was only that one time though I never did it again.
Then you're much nicer than my older sister... lol
I have, proudly. I do it all the time. It is a woman's birth right to hit boys in their balls. Besides, as long as you don't pop one it's not a big deal. I only go favorite is an upper cut from behind, he never sees it coming and me and my parents just laugh...personally I think it's boys wanting attention.
I have never been hit by a girl in the nuts but I wish I could be hit in the nuts by a girl I only have gotten hit by myself its called self ballbusting
I think that girls have the right to kick guys there
Only on accident. Believe me, even for a girl it hurts pretty bad to get hit there. I'd never intentionally cause someone that kind of physical pain unless my life or someone else's life depended on it.
i don't have a sister but my cousin has lived with me for like 6 years and 1 time she kneed me in the nuts on purpose I fell to my knees then gave her a reeaallly good dead leg lol and she hasn't done it since plus I got like pretty serious and I never am so I guess she just knew that's takin it too far but she hasn't done it since
i kicked my brother in the nuts and he kicked me as well. Now we both know that with great power comes great responsibility
Yes I started at 6 years old I saw it on TV so I wanted to try i did and I loved it he fell so quick I still do it today if he like looks or touch my boobs hurts me hugs me (sometimes) makes me mad I'm bored you name it I even threatened to pop one I love having the power to do that and he can't hit me back
Dang, you sound like the stronger sibling
@rosegirl08 lol she sounds like my sister... scary!
I don't have a brother but honestly if I did and he pissed me off I probably would have. Wear a cup? Haha
I hit my brother in the nuts for fun all the time! I agree that it;s a woman's birth right to hit boys in the balls! It;s so much fun and all my brother can do is moan and groan and fall to the floor and sometimes he cries haha! As long as you don't pop a nut it's all good fun! My favourite is to kick him in the balls but i also like teasing him once he's on the floor and stand on his nuts!
you know it causes permanent damage? how does your brother react?
Haha I hit my brother in the balls too you should pm me. As Long as it’s light and doesn’t hurt him too much! Do you wrestle him a lot?
Did you make him cum on your feet when standing on his balls?
If you wanted to feel good then I would let you stand on my nuts any day because I don't really mind it tbh though I definitely will have a reaction
lol no, I don't have a brother . Even if I did I probably wouldn't.
Yea, by accident lol I've never gone there on purpose, even if he does p*ss me off...
My sister have never purposely did that but they have hit my junk a couple times on accident
I have fights with my younger brother but I'd never hit him, Deep down I like him... Even when he drives me crazy!
never done it but I would have no issues with it if he really pissed me off
Should a guy hit girls if they really piss him off? He should have no issues with that, right?
my sister Kick me in the nuts and she squeeze my balls until i fall in the ground.. she do that when i bother her.
How old are you and her now and the first time she squeezed you hard? Inside or outside your pants?
A lot of girls have, good I don’t have any sisters
A mi mi hermana si me los ha pateado muchas veces pero sobre todo unos buenos rodillaxos
No, but once he flicked my vagina. I went down so fast... he was a cruel brother.
I kicked my brother really hard in the nuts when I was 06years old
I think you're the only victim lol Sorry
I did it once, lol, and I regretted it

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Hi! I'm a 14 year old boy and I have two sisters, one older (16) and one younger (12). They always hit me in the balls! They kick my balls a lot, but they also love punching them, kneeing them, squeezing them, standing and stomping on them and generally playing with them! Sometimes they do it for fun, and sometimes they do it to punish me! My little sister is the worst! Sometimes she comes into the bathroom when I am showering and squeezes my poor balls! Once they both came into my bedroom when I was sleeping and woke me up by squeezing and tugging on my balls!
A few of my friends at school say their sisters do similar things to them too! It must be fun for girls to have a pair of balls around to beat up, knowing that boys can't get them back in the same way!
Haha i do that to my two brothers all the time! I have one older and one younger and they both know i can beat them up just by using their balls! What i love doing the most to them is making them strip and then slap their balls! I love the way they sway back and forwards! Sometimes they get boners too, and then i slap those and make them bounce all over the place! So cute! Once when i was a little bit younger, i managed to cycle into my big brothers nuts! He was lying on the ground and i made him spread his legs and then i rammed into them with the front wheel! Such good fun!
Yeah I do that sort of thing to my brother all the time too! I kick his balls a lot, but I also like kneeing them and smacking them with objects! I also really like flicking them too!
I've smacked his balls with wooden spoons, rules, ping-pong paddles and even a tennis racket! It's great fun and it causes him a lot of pain! Sometimes I make him take his trousers and boxers off, and then I flick both his balls separately with my fingers. I normally aim for his ball and not the bag around it! He always moans and groans about it, which just adds to the amusement!
Sometimes I smack his $%!@ too, and I make him get hard and then smack it really hard, either with my hand or with a ruler or wooden spoon!
I have actually been bored before and have just past a good hour or so by smacking, kicking and kneeing my brother's balls! Haha such good fun!
Haha you know what, i do that to my brother too! He is older than i am and i always hit him in the balls! I kick them a lot but i also like punching them, kneeing them and i really like standing on them! Its just so much fun when he falls to the floor moaning in pain and gets pwned by a girl younger than him! My friends know what i get up to with him, and we have games sometimes to see who can make him fall the quickest or who can hurt his balls the most! Such good fun! A few of my friends at school do it to their brothers, and we do it to some of the boys at school too, so yeh, it is fun for us to have a pair of balls around to abuse!
Yeah my big sister does that sort of thing to me too! She basically controls me by using my balls against me! If she wants me to do something for her, and I refuse or take too long, she'll punch or kick me in the balls. Once I had the remote control for the TV and she wanted it, but I wouldn't give it to her, so she grabbed my balls and started squeezing until I gave up my fight.
Another time, she wanted me to buy something for her, and when I kept saying no, she just kicked me really hard in the nuts in front of loads of people in the shopping centre and then laughed!
Sometimes though, she does seem to hit me in the balls just for fun. Like she'll just punch my balls and then laugh as I fall to the floor, or she'll try and kick me in the balls four or five times in a row, just to see how many she can get in before I collapse in pain! She kicks me in the balls with high heels on sometimes too, and once she walked over my balls wit them too! That was really painful!

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Uploaded by Claw on August 10, 2014 at 2:06 pm
I made a bet with my step sister that I can take a kick to the balls without falling over. Instead of kicking me once, she kicked me three times. Damn she's strong!!
Thanks! Share it with your friends!
I made a bet with my step sister that I can take a kick to the balls without falling over. Instead of kicking me once, she kicked me three times. Damn she’s strong!!

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