Sister Friede And Father Ariandel

Sister Friede And Father Ariandel


Sister Friede And Father Ariandel

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Sister Friede is a Boss enemy in Dark Souls 3 . She is part of the Ashes of Ariandel DLC . This Dark Souls 3 Sister Friede Guide features locations, strategies and videos on how to defeat Sister Friede easily, as well as tips, weaknesses, trivia and lore notes for the Sister Friede boss.
Sister Friede is dressed in nun's clothing and wields a scythe when fighting the player. She fights alone in the first and third phase of the boss fight and alongside Father Ariandel, a hulking figure that attacks with a large bowl, in the second. Rather than having two separate healthbars, Friede and Ariandel share a healthbar when fighting together.
Players might not have much trouble staying alive during the fight, but they may have difficulties in finding opportunities to counterattack due to how aggressive Sister Friede can be. Players can summon the Slave Knight Gael for assistance, although he will only appear after Phase 1. His summon sign is in the same room as the church bonfire, to the left of the staircase. It is highly recommended to summon him, as he will make Phases 2 and 3 much easier to beat. It should be noted that defeating Demon Prince in the The Ringed City DLC first will disable this summon.
After defeating Blackflame Friede, speak with Corvian Settler near the Corvian Settlement bonfire to receive a Titanite Slab. If you want to start The Ringed City DLC before reaching Kiln of the First Flame , killing her is the only way to do so. A special bonfire appears after the fight with her which leads straight into the DLC.
Bosses are unique and challenging Enemies that drop Boss Souls capable of being transformed into powerful Weapons , Spells , and Items for the player.
Where to find Sister Friede in Dark Souls 3?
What do you get from defeating Sister Friede in Dark Souls 3?
What should you know about fighting Sister Friede in Dark Souls 3?
What should you know about fighting Father Ariandel in Dark Souls 3?
What should you know about fighting Blackflame Friede in Dark Souls 3?
Below are video strategies from our Youtube Partners :
Sister Friede has two attack phases.
Second Phase (3rd battle phase) - In this phase Friede uses Dark Pyromancy and is labeled as Darkflame Friede. She uses a few attacks from her first phase, but they are now more powerful.
Father Ariandel - Second Battle phase Only
Before advancing to take her on, summon the NPC by the bonfire.
In the first phase of the fight, Sister Friede will shoot streaks of frost that deal heavy frost damage, and can quickly inflict Frostbite. She will often become invisible and teleport directly over your head, finishing with a lethal move. You can counter this by watching for a puff of fog where she lands behind you or listening for her footsteps. You can walk up and interrupt her invisibility spell. Her attacks can be easily interrupted and she is also vulnerable to backstabbing. When this phase is complete, the next two are incredibly difficult. A cutscene will indicate the start of the second phase, at which point Ariandel joins the fight. The NPC you summoned prior to the fight will appear at this point and will assist you. Let your companion occupy Friede while you shift your attention to Ariandel. You can hit him from behind, but be wary of his powerful attacks. Eventually he will become staggered and open for a critical attack. During this phase both bosses share the same health bar, but attacking Father Ariandel makes the health bar deplete much more quickly.
In this final phase of the fight, Sister Friede will become Blackflame Friede will begin to deal dark damage in addition to her frost and melee abilities now augmented with increased speed. Be wary of standing next to her as she comes back to life. She will begin to mix in a dark beam as well as a charged dark explosion that both deal a tremendous amount of damage. She will occasionally also take to the air and attempt a devastating attack from above. To defeat her keep your melee distance and dodge her magical attacks to the left and right, dodge far to the left to avoid her dark charged explosion. When she slows down take advantage of the window to get some attacks in and then retreat. Repeat this process of evasion and attack until she is defeated.
In conjunction with everything else that applies to melee players, below is a playbook of tips on how to beat Sister Friede and Father Ariandel (provided the player's weapon is a faster swinger, like a Broadsword, or better):
However, the demands scale up really high when one goes into NG+7, so I will add some new caveats for each phase
That is all! The player should now know how to avoid damage from Friede and Ariandel, while dealing it out, for that easy but still skillful win.
For Stage 2: Leave Friede alone and go after Ariandel. Attack him from the back or the sides while being wary of his attacks and AOE smash. Roll through Friede's ice attacks. Ariandel may or may not be ripostable but he should go down fairly quickly.
For Stage 3: Play more passive while you understand Friede's attacks. Most have a wide or long AOE and do massive damage. There is a slight delay between the scythe swings, giving you a chance to attack and break her poise. 
Before fight: Find, equip and upgrade Warden Twinblades (or any weapon, that by default can cause Blood Loss and can be buffed) and buy at least 20 Carthus Rouge (in case you fail to beat the boss on first run - average run with final phase requires up to 4-5 Carthus Rouges). While choosing the rest of your set (shield is not necessary) try to increase fire and frost resistance as much as possible, but do not forget about agility and physical defense. Just before the fight use Carthus Rouge and reapply during break in fight or at beginning of phase.
1st phase: You will face only Sister Friede, an easily staggered boss on whom critical attacks can be deadly. During her invisibility run across the room and after the sound jump in opposite direction of her attack (hard, but possible to avoid). Attack after her attacks - every three to four hits you will trigger the bleed damage, on NG+3 this was around 1000 damage.
2nd phase: Instead of fighting Friede focus on Ariandel because he seems to be more vulnerable to bleed than Friede, but keep in mind that the combination of Friede's frost attack and Ariandel's bowl stomp is usually deadly. The most suitable moment for attacking is after Ariandel's rush. Dodge and then simply run to him and strike multiple times (On NG+3 his rush can easily deal 4500 damage). When Friede uses her healing spell you don't have to interrupt her, as simply attacking Ariandel will negate the spell effect (as well as lowering the total amount of HP). Just keep in mind to avoid Ariandel's attacks, because no matter what armor you use they will probably deliver a lot of damage, if not a fatal blow.
3rd phase: DON'T RUSH TOWARDS HER during her transformation (her HP will replenish and you will take some fire damage). Use that moment to heal or use Carthus Rouge. In this phase she is WAY more dangerous than in the first or second phase. The best opportunity to attack her is after the massive dark flame AoE attack that uses some kind of upgraded Dark Serpent. A few successful hits will deal massive bleed damage. 
Equipment: Court Sorcerer's Staff +10, Magic Clutch Ring, Bellowing and Young Dragoncrest Ring, Sage Ring (+1/+2). Scholar's Candlestick in offhand for sorcery boost. A fast weapon like a straightsword is also helpful for flushing her out when she turns invisible.
Armor: Crown of Dusk, rest of Northern Armor Set
With this loadout and 99 INT, I was doing around 600 per hit with GHSA. This spell is your bread and butter for this fight since there is so much HP to burn through, and it also staggers her reliably.
First phase: Just try to keep your distance constantly as she attacks, avoiding corners and the ends of the room. I like to save up stamina to full or almost full before firing off a volley of spells, as opposed to hammering R1 when you have minimal stamina. When she turns invisible, jog up and down the length of the room, reversing course occasionally to confound her aim. Or, if you happened to see the direction she went, (sometimes you can catch a glimpse of her as she flies past) run after her and hit her with your weapon to stagger her out of the assassination attack.
Second phase: Other than her exploding ice patches, you can ignore Friede almost entirely as long as you stay away from her. Focus fire on Ariandel from a distance, which will probably cause him to use his bowl slam to drag himself toward you. The thing about this attack is he can't easily turn once he commits to a direction. Right after he slams his bowl into the ground near you, roll/run behind him, and you should get a ton of free hits as he careens past. This phase should be a gimme as you can burn down Ariandel quickly with sorcery.
Third phase: During her resurrection animation, Friede will prop her scythe on the ground to pull herself to her feet. Don't stand too close, but right at this moment, you should be able to lock on to her and get 2 or 3 free shots before she starts attacking. This phase comes down to staying away from Friede while effectively dodging her ranged attacks. Her black flame tornado followed by shooting a flame snake got me a few times, but you can avoid it just by locking onto her and strafing sideways. When she goes invisible, avoid her exploding ice patches and wait for her to reappear, watching out for her black flame snake. You can sometimes interrupt her combos with sorcery, but I found it to be more reliable to hit her at the end of her combos, as she sometimes punishes your casting by firing a black flame snake that will hit you during your spell animation. Just back/roll away from her constantly while waiting for an opening.
Equipment : Rings boosting fire damage and Ring of Favor, 5 Estus and 7 Ashen Estus, Armor & Weapons : Brass Set, Chaos Mail Breaker +10 (right hand), Pyromancy Flame +10 (left hand), Spell : Chaos Bed Vestige
Pyromancer using this spell with 32 Intelligence and 32 Faith will deal high damage with Chaos Bed Vestige - around 700 in case of Friede and even 1,000 or more to Ariandel. Mail Breaker is a must to break dangerous Friede attacks or backstab her (backstab may deal up to 700 damage).
1st phase: Try to limit attacks to moments, where Friede is preparing to strike - otherwise, you risk, that Friede will evade spell or receive minor damage. If you play carefully, Friede will be downed pretty fast.
2nd phase: Don't focus on Friede (but watch for her attacks with AoE, or when she starts to heal), but attack Ariandel and - when he has a cooldown or stationary attacks like Fire Breath (of course, if you are not risked of getting hit) spam him with CBV, as he is very weak to fire. In case Friede starts to heal hit her with CBV to break down the spell or backstab her.
3rd phase: Watch out for attacks, and attack during cooldowns or to break some of her actions. Mail Breaker is useful to backstab or stun her.
Player approaching Father Ariandel, before first fight
(Ariandel): I see flame. Flame, flickering, once again. Not enough blood yet shed. My flail.... Bring me my flail. Ahh, Friede. What stops thine ears? Please, my flail, right away...
Cutscene dialogue, before fight (needs to be triggered by approaching Ariandel and choosing option "Talk")
(Ariandel): Ahh, oh. Bring Friede to me, please. Canst thou not see? The flame, flickering once again. Soon it will surge. I can see it, feel it...
(Friede appears, this time as boss)
(Friede): Fret no father, we have no need of thy flail. Tis only the flame, quivering at misguided Ash. Please avert thine eyes. I will snuff out these ashes for good.
(Ariandel): When the Ashes are two, a flame alighteth. Thou'rt Ash, and fire befits thee, of course...
(Friede): Return from whence thou cam'st For that is thy place of belonging.
Dialogue, second/third phase, player dies 
(Friede): Leave us be, Ashen One. Sweep all thought of us from thy mind. As thy kind always have.
(Friede): Return from whence thou cam'st Yuria surely awaits thee.
Dialogue, second/third phase, player dies 
(Friede): Leave us be, Ashen One. Thou art the Lord of Londor and have thine own subjects to guide.
(Friede): Return Lord of Londor. You have your own subjects to attain to.
much as i love the souls games esp 3 (put like 700+ hours into the game back when it launched) they feel so much easier now compared to elden ring. friede felt like a pushover despite having 3 phases
Just fought her on my first playthrough. All of the bosses before her (beat dragonslayer armour before DLC) for me are perfectly doable as melee without a shield or summons (I use a sharp longsword +10 with 144 endurance and 38 DEX and carthus flame arc as weapon buff), but this MF forced me to use both shield (kite +6) and summon. My tips: - if you have enough endurance, you can block most of her attacks with only slight chipping damage in phase 1. Dodging is tricky cause she has a tricky delay between some attacks (she hits right as you exit the roll, so you are forced to stay away from her or block), and some are near-instantaneous and will stagger you, prompting her to quickly finish you off while you try to heal/dodge/attack. - don't get cocky with punishing her after her jump if you can't stagger her - do 1-2 hits, 3 is already risky. - phase 2 - couldn't get past it without a summon, so good luck with the solo fight - try to focus on the father in phase 2 and finish him of as quickly as possible - carthus frame arc is esp useful. Getting him focused on Gael sure helps, but when he kills the knight - you are in for a asswhopin. - phase 3 - I got lucky and Gael was still alive, so I focused on pushing her as hard as possible since she is very easy to interrupt in this phase during her magic attacks. If not for phase 2 gankfest, this is a cool boss fight - If you guys say that ER is full of worse ganks that means I'm for a tough playthrough :O
Was friede nerfed? Because the fight was not so hard.
yooo from with the bloodborne crossover, this fights 1st and 3rd phase are basically the exact same design as lady maria
imagine waiting for months and paying actual money for the DLC which is just an awful gank of a level and the most poorly designed, unbalanced, and gimmicky boss in the entire souls franchise lol
If she didn't have the invisibility or three whole stages, this fight wouldn't be so shitty.
Does anyone have a list of which attacks you can parry in her first phasr?
Just beat her on sl47, str build with only 25 vig and 9 estus, and i was using the bloody great club, a lot of times i tried to hit her and she just flies away. Dont wanna experience that again.
shes actually the hardest boss in the game for me. yes, I rather fight midir or gael. her 3rd phase is insane.
So Sister Friede's magic absorption is 39% Her dark absorption is 5%. The strategy tips for mages recommended great heavy soul arrow as the best spell to use against her. Wrong. Dark magic owns her more than that vanilla stuff. Use great soul dregs and put yer blindfold mask on, ya dingus. And get yer murky longstaff too, nincompoop.
I used a bow on her and when she went invisible, I can figure out where she is because of the arror.
Wait can you parry and riposte her?
They should’ve given her 3 feet instead of 3 phases.
i did all the dlc and cant acess the boss, what should i do?
Resistant to bleed? How dumb, she's human. Just when I thought bleed would be useful for once..
In the third phase, when she uses her blue scythe, stay away from her and bait out her jump attack, when she does the jump attack, run behind her and get an easy backstab
Ariandel's scream at the start of phase 2 gives me conniptions
Hands down my favorite fight in DS3. And probably 1 and 2. It was so much fun.
Local nun turned to jam by a tree-wielding unta bunga
am i insane or is this boss easy? i didn't even get to learn her patterns, i just ran away til she finished a combo, then ran in and stunlocked her
Don't try to dodge the invisible launch attack on the first phase, instead, chase after her, if she jumps then she's going to be right behind you, then claim your free backstab
Just wanted to say that after beating Elden Ring, playing DS3 for the 2nd time was extremely easy. Most bosses which took countless tries were beaten with justt single try. That's what i call "GOT GUDDEN". My dearest Friede, you took hours of my life, and fell within minutes on the second playthrough, what a shame.
A bit of a funny story i wanted to share. I managed to master all of this fight's phases almost completely because i was just so down bad back then (and in a possibly non-straight way too, haha) I'd dress up as ornstein (don't ask) and i'd repeatedly get to her phase 3 only to intentionally get my character destroyed by her grab attack or do stupid shet like doing the collapse gesture when she wasn't attacking. Funnily enough, repeatedly doing that kinda stuff has made the learning process all the more enjoyable. To this day i still remember her moveset completely and managed to first try her after not playing the game for 2 or 3 years. So the moral value is: Be horny, git gud.
I spent so much time away from my feet waifu I forgot how amazing they looked
Least anime boss in elden ring be like
Turns out a fully upgraded reinforced dark sword melts her even on NG+ I wish I'd known about that the first playthrough-
After fighting malenia, friede felt extremely fair.
I love these 2 characters. Design, lore, even the fight. It's great......except for that god.damn 3rd phase. That 3rd phase is sheer insanity. They gave her WAYYYY too many abilities. Hyper fast movement, never stops jumping around, hyper fast attacks, massive frost AOE's, massive black flame AOE's, long combos, frost and black flame waves that hit you almost instantly AND can track you. Oh, and her invisibility that she is always using. And that black flame..oh god that black flame. It does just....stupid, absolutely ludicrous amounts of damage. Her black flame attacks can do over 1000 damage....seriously? She 1 shotted me from full health when I had around 1300 HP. Even with the Flame Stoneplate ring it's over the top powerful. I just cannot find an attack window in that 3rd phase at all. Between her never ending jumping around and non stop frost or black flame AOE's, I can't even touch her. Phase 1 is tough, but with practice, can be learned well. Phase 2 ups the challenge a lot and is brutal, but making Friede rather passive during it so you can focus on Ariandel and dodging the frost allows it to still feel fair. But
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