Sister Candy

Sister Candy


Cut!” Kirby’s raving voice thundered out of the blue, making my hair stand on its end, “This is way too gross. Candy, what has happened to you? Porn is all about unbridling lust—banging the way animals do. You’re not showing me lust. You are practicing dull lovemaking.”
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I bought clothes of all fads day after day and stashed them in flush wrappings. I would stand meekly in the burning light with a sweet, guiltless smile worn on my face. My look mirrored that of harmless Jesus when he ministered to the needs of the afflicted—healing the sick and filling up empty bellies with invigorating food. The sun baked my skin, transfiguring it to a dark gold. I underwent this crucifixion with astonishing perseverance. Not the sharp nails of the sun piercing into my hands and feet, or the grueling desire to have a chilled drink, would ever triumph in crushing my purposes.

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