Sister Broken Condom

Sister Broken Condom


Sister Broken Condom
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A little background: my wife and I have an almost 6 month daughter and aren’t planning on having another for at least another year.
On Saturday, my wife and I were having sex. We use condoms as our primary form of birth control since every hormonal thing we’ve tried for my wife has given her massive depression. After going for a few minutes, it started feeling different. It felt better. I wondered if the condo was sliding off. I assumed that it was just sliding from the base to the top. I did not want to pull out and check. It felt too good. After I was done, I pull out only to find that the condom is broken. There is no way it worked as a contraceptive.
To make this worse, she was at the peak of ovulation. It’s been almost a week and she says she had been feeling small cramps similar to when she got pregnant the first time. It’s was to early for a period.
So... I might be having another kid much sooner than I expected simply because I didn’t want to check and see if the condom had slipped off.
EDIT: I have never been more excited about this but my wife just had her period! No baby!!!
Please don’t tell your kid this story. Or their siblings
It felt so good fucking your mom that I didn't check. Anyway, happy birthday!
Have you heard about the 'morning-after pill'?
I'm glad I got a vasectomy a few years ago. My wife got a hysterectomy (due to a fibroid) a year after. Now we fuck like bunnies without a care.
I look forward to that day. We aren’t ready yet. We want a few more kids. Just not quite yet...
You're poor wife. Her body is not ready to reproduce again...
I feel like this is a warning for me to check the condom every few mins during sex.
Isn’t there a non hormonal, copper insert? Apparently copper kills spearmint contact
what did the spearmint ever do to us???
Yes. IUDs come with risks too, though, hormonal or not. Not that it’s a bad choice of course, but there’s still no “just” about it.
Well now you wont have to worry about your kid getting only child syndrome
my friends accuse me of having only child syndrome and always say it when "I"m acting out". I never realized it until they kept bringing it up. =(
my friends accuse me of having only child syndrome and always say it when "Im acting out". I never realized it until they kept bringing it up. =(
my friends accuse me of having only child syndrome and always say it when "Im acting out". I never realized it until they kept bringing it up. =(
Annnnd your wife didn’t feel a difference at all???
No. It was only towards the very end that something started feeling different.
I shouldn't be laughing at your expense but this is hilarious.

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Was with a relatively new partner and a condom broke. He immediately said we should go and get a pill (I'm not on BC), found a pharmacy that was open and called to make sure they had it.
Luckily it was only a five minute walk. The pharmacist was a young woman who was super nice; she asked a few questions (all obviously necessary- not prying into my personal decisions at all) and told me about the potential side effects. 100% judgement-free (as it should be).
Went to check out and my partner insisted on paying.
Literally the most pleasant possible outcome of a shitty situation. 20 minutes, zero hassle, and a supportive and helpful partner. Didn't even ruin the night in the end.
It should ALWAYS be this easy and I hope someday it will be. Not entirely sure why I'm posting this other than to share my wish that every woman who finds herself dealing with this experience can have the same level of ease and comfort.
Also, cheers to the men who step up and do what they can to make a bad situation better.
I am glad you had such a good experience with someone, OP.
I saw someone get downvoted into oblivion for saying the morning after pill didn't work for them so I just want to get some information in here in case anyone here reading doesn't understand how the pill actually works and what could cause it to not be effective at preventing pregnancy.
The morning after pill prevents your body from becoming pregnant by delaying ovulation long enough that the sex you just had won't effectively be able to impregnate the egg that drops. If the egg doesn't drop within the next 2-3 days then the sperm won't be present anymore to fertilize it. This works only if you have not already ovulated. Meaning, if you are currently ovulating/very recently ovulated, the morning after pill cannot undo ovulation and prevent fertilization. If the egg has already dropped it can become fertilized.
I strongly recommend tracking your cycle closely and having an idea of when you ovulate so that you know whether or not sex is in a high-risk timeframe for you. You can plan sex around ovulation to moderate risk. Plan B works really well before ovulation occurs, but after ovulation Plan B won't help you.
I don't want to scare you, OP. I hope it doesn't come off that way. Odds are in your favor that you have absolutely nothing to worry about moving forward! I just think it's worth sharing some education around Plan B and how it works so we can all be informed about those unfortunate timing-based shortcomings that mean we all still need to keep an eye on things for a month after taking it.
Also, because it pushes back ovulation, it has the potential to make your period late. So. Don't freak out if your period it late. You can pee on a stick to get that negative test if you're stressing (since stress can also push your period back). I've done that before and basically as soon as I get a negative pee stick my period starts (thanks, anxiety! lol).
Yeah it was not an especially high-risk time for me, but we figured it was better to take it to be safe.
Thank you for you comment though, it's good to have this information here (:
Op shared a positive experience and you took the time to share knowledge in a positive way that‘s important for everyone.
I should go „enough internet for today“ as long as I‘m in the positive.
The morning after pill prevents your body from becoming pregnant by delaying ovulation long enough that the sex you just had won't effectively be able to impregnate the egg that drops. If the egg doesn't drop within the next 2-3 days then the sperm won't be present anymore to fertilize it. This works only if you have not already ovulated. Meaning, if you are currently ovulating/very recently ovulated, the morning after pill cannot undo ovulation and prevent fertilization. If the egg has already dropped it can become fertilized.
I'm the last person on earth to buy one but this Info was still very helpful. I'd read more about it. Thanks for sharing
Came here to make sure this info was here. Thanks for explaining it so well. (my sister had her kid because of this - she must've had already ovulated/was close enough that plan b didn't work for her that cycle. It happens. In their situation it ended up alright for them.)
I’d like to add that there are different formulas for the MAP and that they will work slightly differently for different people. Women whose body mass is greater than 185 lbs/84 kg need to talk to the pharmacist about getting a pill that has enough hormones to work for them.
As a side note, there are barrier devices for women that can be used in addition to condoms that are inexpensive, very safe, and add a bit of extra protection against pregnancy: diaphragms, cervical caps, and the sponge. Diaphragms and caps are reusable and needs a prescription and fitting. The sponge is not reusable but it doesn’t need a prescription either.
These barriers do not protect against STIs the way condoms do (external or internal), but if you’re not able to use hormonal BC or if you really really really don’t want to be pregnant, they’re an extra option.
Straight dudes reading this: go buy some sponges to take on your nights out. ASK your partner if she’s interested and if so give her one. You still have to wear a condom and preferably you should learn to pull out (if you don’t ejaculate in a woman’s body you can’t get her pregnant). The sponge is extra insurance for you, too, as well as being a decent and courteous partner.
I can not stress this enough. Not knowing this completely destroyed my lide in such a way that suicide is on my mind every single fucking day.
I had a one night stand with a tinderdate, the codom slid off. It was in the night of saturday on sunday, we went to get the pill sunday morning. She got pregnant anyway. things I should have know, but did not know:
- The morning after pill is ineffective if ovulation has not begun yet
- XL condoms are only linger, not wider. While condoms can stretch a lot, they will get incredibly tight and may get squeezed off (that's what happened to me.
The girl did everything to completely ruin my live. My family abandoned me because I'm not filling the roll of father (which I can't since the girl won't let me). The kid turned 2 a month ago. I have seen him twice.
It's good to share the good things too. It's easy to get lost in the negative things people need to rant about.
Not just that. It's also important to have examples of how it should be done.
It can be hard to recognize toxic behaviour if you never encounter any examples of supportive behaviour.
The more situations like this are shared the more “normal” they become.
It helps keep hope burning to hear the way the world is changing for the good, doesn’t it?
Sharing the good things was how they got in this mess to begin with! 😂
Yeah, now let’s just wait for all the comments pointing out how uncommon this behavior is, etc.
You’re absolutely right. And it’s even against our evolutionary upbringing. We all complain because it’s hard wired into us. So f$&@ ya share the good shit.
I'm really glad you had a good experiences in a bad situations and that your partner was very reasonable and supportive!

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The story of a little brother who got his brother’s wife pregnant after a failed prank has went viral in less than 24 hours, since the Reddit user posted it… Here is the story…
Me and my older brother live together in an apartment in Toronto. His wife goes to college in New York, which is not close enough to travel to often. Because of this, he doesn’t see her in person very often, but they skype each other for hours every night. In November, it was my brothers birthday and his wife decided to take a week off school to come visit and celebrate his birthday with him.
A couple days before his birthday, my brother told me to go stay with a friend for the day because he wanted to dedicate the day to just “chilling” with his wife. Fair enough. I planned with a friend to stay with him for a couple days.
On the morning of his birthday, while he was still asleep, so I left him a little birthday present. We have a board in the kitchen where we pin stuff like bills, so I left him a note that said “happy birthday big bro, have fun” and I also pinned a condom and a $50 bill to the board. And as a joke, put 3 thumbtacks through the condom. My brothers a smart dude, so I figured he would see the 3 thumbtacks, laugh, and throw it away. I thought wrong.
I leave for my friends house and everything goes as normal. I sleep over at my friends, come back home a couple days later, and celebrate my brothers birth week.
A little over a month later, on Christmas Day, my parents are over, and my brother makes an announcement. He tells us all that he is moving to Buffalo to live with his wife, who is now pregnant. Knowing my brother, I knew that he didn’t want to have kids until he was at least 40, so after the announcement I pull him aside to congratulate him and ask for details. He tells me that the baby wasn’t planned, and that when he had sex with his wife on his birthday, the condom broke.
I explain the whole thing to him, and to my surprise, he actually laughed. He wasn’t angry at all. After finding out his wife was pregnant, he realized that deep down he really wanted a kid, and didn’t realize it. Now, his wife has a baby on the way, he is moving to New York next month, and I gotta find a new roommate to help pay rent.
Every time this guy sees his little nephew, he will remember he is the reason why he is on the earth today.

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