Sissy's Issues

Sissy's Issues


Sissy's Issues
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2022 . contact us with comments, complaints or suggestions email | join the discussion or bitch and rant at will at DWF forum (2003-09)
In 2003 Naylor created the webcomic Better Days, which focused on the development of Fisk as he grew up in Georgia.
Naylor’s second webcomic, New Worlds, was set in an 18th century fantasy world. An adult comic featuring New Worlds characters, Mercedes & The Wolf, was also produced. Naylor abandoned the comic in the middle of a chapter, and has stated he plans to eventually rework the story from the beginning to be less of a comic and more of an illustrated novel. Naylor also created the non-furry science fiction war comic Hell For Humanity, which was abandoned in 2006.
In 2007, Naylor began producing the adult series Huckleberry Ann , which loosely parodied Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Another adult series, Haukaiu the Hero, was based upon the Lutrai species created by Ollie Canal. Fans of Ollie’s comics criticized Naylor’s Objectivist-themed take on the setting. Naylor countered by stating that Ollie gave his permission for Naylor to use the species, but never stated whether Ollie approved of the storylines. Naylor ended the series after a while, claiming that he dislikes working with characters that he didn’t create. In 2008, Naylor began Fall of Little Red Riding Hood , inspired by Little Red Riding Hood.
Naylor’s sells his adult portfolios through his website.

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Sissy: “A person regarded as effeminate or cowardly.”
Soy boy: “A pejorative term often used in online communities to describe men lacking masculine characteristics.”
A reader of ours sent a link to a very interesting The American Mind article titled “ China’s Sissy Problem—and Ours ” by John Mac Ghlionn.
We have been concerned about the “sissyfication” of America’s boys, and girls, for some time.
Claremont Institute researcher and essayist John Mac Ghlionn wrote:
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has made a concerted effort to banish so-called “sissy men” from society. “Morally flawed” men are no longer welcome . Men, we’re told, should look a certain way—no makeup, no high heels. Moreover, they should have resilience and a desire to seek meaningful employment . Some prominent authors argue that Beijing’s effort will backfire . Will it? Possibly, but when it comes to crackdowns, the CCP is frighteningly effective. If in doubt, just look at what is occurring in Hong Kong, a sprawling, once free-wheeling city with a population of 7.5 million, where free speech has died a swift and brutal death.
But perhaps worse we are now seeing free speech dying a swift and brutal death here in America, with a population of 330 million. Social media has now censored the truth about gender being binary and have banned it, because it doesn’t fit their narrative, as being against their collectivist social justice “community standards.”
This has led to our youth growing up not understanding what is happening to them culturally. In America today young boys are being neutered via verbal fiat.
Generation Z boys, and girls, are growing up without strong male, and female, role models.
It’s important to make clear that this piece is not an attack on homosexual men; it’s an attack on sissies. There is a difference between the two. In his latest special, Sorry , Louis CK finished the show with a joke about American men. Today, according to Louis, gay men carry themselves with an air of authority, purpose, and meaning. They keep themselves in good shape and dress appropriately. Straight men, on the other hand, have become notably weaker, both physically and mentally; many of them lack the characteristics that we would have associated with previous generations of men. They are sloppy, weak-willed, and overly apologetic. They dress terribly. At the end of the joke, which is much funnier than I just made it sound, the audience applauded and let out a collective roar. Why? Because Louis’s joke resonated. He articulately expressed what so many of his fans were already thinking. The United States, too, has a crisis of masculinity—one even worse, perhaps, than China’s.
QUESTION: Aren’t gays by definition sissies?
Actually if you go to a gay pride parade you see men dressed as sissies, wearing chains, in dresses with heavy make-up and acting effeminate. Not sure who Louis CK is referring to.
QUESTION: Are Ghlionn and Louis CK afraid of being labeled homophobic? So, does this make Ghlionn and Louis CK sissies?
We are seeing more and more films featuring gays and lesbians. We are seeing non-binary (a.k.a. gender queer) athletes competing in women’s sports. We are seeing men dressed up like a woman reading books to elementary school students. We are seeing graphic under age sex oriented books in public school libraries. And we have reported on the growth of Gay Lesbian Straight Education Network (GLSEN) clubs in our public schools.
This is all part and parcel of the culture war against boys in general and manhood in particular.
Sadly we have seen the mainstreaming of pedophilia. Most recently we have seen pedophilia:
We have reported on efforts by groups such as B4U-ACT and the Gay, Lesbian, Straight Education Network (GLSEN) to indoctrinate children into believing that sex with men by children is not only normal but encouraged.
Alfred Kinsey’s ongoing sexual anarchy campaign has no end in sight.
Matt Barber, associate dean of the Liberty University School of Law, and I attended the “B4U-ACT” pedophile conference Aug. 17 [2015]. To eliminate the “stigma” against pedophiles, this growing sexual anarchist lobby wants the American Psychiatric Association (APA) to redefine pedophilia as a normal sexual orientation of “Minor-Attracted Persons.”
Adhering to the Kinsey principle of lulling “straights” into a false sense of security, pedophile dress was largely conservative – short hair, jackets, some ties and few noticeable male ear piercings.
Matt Barber and I sat in the back of the meeting room among roughly 50 activists and their “mental health” attending female enablers. “Pedophilia, Minor-Attracted Persons, and the DSM: Issues and Controversies,” keynoted “Fred Berlin, M.D., Ph.D., as founder, National Institute for the Study, Prevention and Treatment of Sexual Trauma; Johns Hopkins Sexual Disorders Clinic.”
However, the sex clinic was initially founded by John Money, Ph.D., to give judges “leeway” to keep child molesters out of jail. Money (deceased), a pedophile advocate, also called for an end to all age-of-consent laws. Dr. Berlin was his disciple.
We do have men, real men, who carry themselves with an air of authority, purpose and meaning. Most of these men are active duty military, in law enforcement, are first responders and veterans of Iraq, Afghanistan, the Korean and Vietnam Wars.
Today instead of real “alpha” males we have “soy” boys.
For generations, the sissy has been a frowned-upon character in American life. Only recently it has become a respected, even institutionalized lifestyle. California’s Silicon-Valley stereotype of the “soy boy” , a demasculinized consumer of a meatless, synthetic diet, is now national. [Emphasis added]
Sadly, since the end of the draft, those who serve are all volunteers and make up about 1% of our male population. The other 99% have never sacrificed themselves in service to the nation. The problem lies in the group of Gen Z boys that have never become real men by serving, rather they are demanding bigger government to serve them regardless of their needs to work for a living. Because Gen Z boys vote for a living.
Today we have seen manhood, and womanhood, denigrated to the point where if you mention that gender is binary you are ostracized from society. We are seeing men competing in women’s sports. We are seeing the normalization of sodomy to the point that sissy men dressed as a woman are reading books to grade school students.
But there’s something deeper going on in America.
[A]ccording to a Pew Research Center study , rates of children living in single-parent households have never been higher. In fact, the U.S. now boasts the highest rate of children living in single-parent households in the world . As the study notes, “3% of children in China, 4% of children in Nigeria, and 5% of children in India live in single-parent households.” In the U.S., meanwhile, the rate is a staggering 23 percent. At least 80 percent of the country’s single-parent homes are headed by single mothers .
Absolutely nothing good comes from father absence—which, according to a report published by the U.S. Department of Justice , “has a strong and significant effect on both female and male levels of violence,” including “homicide and robbery.” Children look to their fathers to lay down the rules and enforce them, and learn to do so through imitation.
On August 10th, 2019 Vlad Tepes Blog reported:
Beyond the main point of the signatures of the founders and main thinkers of the French, postmodern philosophers all demanding that pedophilia be made legal, these guys make a lot of good poin ts.
Also, it is food for thought about how similar the push to make little boys into drag queen strippers for adult men mirrors Afghan Muslim culture.
Pedophiles are looking at recruiting the next generation of your children as their perverted sex slaves.
They will brainwash your child into thinking first that he/she are neither just male or female (binary) but they can choose their (non-binary) gender pronoun at will. If this doesn’t emasculate our boys, and girls, I don’t know what will!
Then they push your little boy, and girl, into the LGBTQ+ community where by then they’re to far along to resist.
If parents and grandparents fail to stop this then our children are lost for ever!
Ditch the soy, stop being a sissy. Take charge of your lives or we will see Generation Z sissies take over our nation.
We need real men, and women, to take charge in our families, communities, culture, society and nation.
Cowards don’t lead and leaders aren’t cowards.
 “ The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing .”
Sissies are evil. We need good men!
©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.
This is about the effort of the left to use “toxic masculiniity” to turn our boys and young men into sissy “pajama boys” and damage our militiary and its warrior ethos in the process. Canadian Clinical Psychologist Dr. Jordan Bernt Peterson has the best handle on the damage this is doing to males.
An advocate against political correctness and Identity Politics, Peterson Peterson has argued that there is an ongoing “crisis of masculinity” and “backlash against masculinity” in which the “masculine spirit is under assault.” He has argued that the left characterises the existing societal hierarchy as an “oppressive patriarchy” but “don’t want to admit that the current hierarchy might be predicated on competence.”
He has said men without partners are likely to become violent, and has noted that male violence is reduced in societies in which monogamy is a social norm.
He has attributed the rise of Donald Trump and far-right European politicians to what he says is a negative reaction to a push to “feminize” men, saying “If men are pushed too hard to feminize they will become more and more interested in harsh, fascist political ideology.”
Peterson is right and the femi-nazis who rant about male mistreatment of women and the support of the “me too movment” but refuse to speak out against islam and its lack of women’s rights as shown in Sharia are total hypocrites…
The feminists aren’t protesting against men in women’s sports nor the child trafficking occurring on our southern borders and by people like Jeffrey Epstein.
The rich and powerful get a pass when it comes to crimes against humanity. So too does the human trafficker. Sickening!
The Democrats, Biden, Biden’s administration, feminists et all ignore the crimes against humanity taking place in America and globally. For them ignorance is bliss!
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Hey man! What happened to you? Why are you this much worried? Oh, you are tired of what people say about you. Humans, whether male or female, at your face or behind your back, they say that you are sissy. Do you also think this way? Are you also positive about this? Whenever you ask yourself “Am I a Sissy?” then what answer do you get???
No no, don’t jump to conclusions and wait until you answer all the questions in the Sissy Test. The Am I A Sissy Test contains some easy and simple questions that would help us to analyze your personality and in the end, you will get to know whether you are sissy or how much sissy are you from inside?
Wait a minute! Before you enter the Are You A Sissy Test, go through some major information that would give you insight about sissy men, their traits, and much more…
Sissy is a word that we all hear nowadays, but the question is that what does sissy mean? Sissy is a slang word that is used for a boy who behaves and thinks more like a girl and less like a boy. To be more descriptive, let us tell you that sissy guys are gentle, extremely emotional, and take interest in girly things like feminine colors, cosmetics, princess stories, and etc.
There are some signs and traits of sissy men so don’t forget to read them before the Am I A Sissy Quiz!
Depending upon the ratio of “sissiness” in a man, the soft and gentle side in them is quite obvious. They are emotional and you might find such a man crying while watching movies, series, or even while reading novels. One of the best things about them is that they don’t hide their emotions and even if they try then they are unable to do that.
You might think that this sign is proves nothing but there is a strong connection. Sissy men are more concerned about their beauty (you can say that it is more like what girls do). Who says makeup is just for girls? Makeup and other beauty products are to enhance beauty and sissy men use them. Some of them also dye their hair. You can have a look at What Color Should I Dye my Hair quiz too.
Honestly, every human must take care of himself and there is nothing wrong with this; on the other hand, if a guy wears makeup then it’s his choice. Every rule in his world has been made by humans (many of them are totally useless!). So, men who wear makeup and are conscious about their beauty are called SISSY in this world.
Yeah, this is the most obvious trait of any sissy guy. He runs away from anything that is manly whether you count gym workout (to build muscles), male fragrances, male haircuts, and even manly fashion, and style. They literally run away from anything that makes them feel masculine and trust us it’s all done unconsciously.
You can count the example that many boys who don’t watch sports like cricket, football, baseball, etc have bright chances to be a sissy. Instead, they take interest in movies especially romantic and love stories.
Well, with all honesty it must be said that whatever you say to a sissy man, he would take things personally. He would cry and keep resent for even trivial things about which, usually, boys do not care. If a girl or boy says anything to him, they’d keep crying for at least an hour, and probably wouldn’t talk to that person until the things are sorted.
Here is the guide that would help you out to understand the result that you would receive after the Sissy Quiz. Don’t forget to read it…
Well, if you get 0% as your result then you don’t have to worry about anything because you are on the right track of masculinity. Your thoughts, behavior, and attitude are in no way, sissy. If people claim that you are sissy then trust us that they are just poking you and you don’t have to give much thought to it. It’s just that either you are introverted or don’t like to share your feelings with all.
Hmm, now here are few things that must be considered by you. If you take interest in some girly things, their fashion, romantic stories, and are emotional, then it doesn’t mean that you are a sissy man. Instead, you are a guy who is not heartless like most of the boys and put emotions before anything. You are more comfortable with girls (as a friend) but that’s absolutely ok because girls’ are great friends!!!
The things get a little complex here because when you get a result of 50% and it means that you are beginning to unveil as a sissy guy. For now, the signs in you aren’t very prominent and if you wish to change yourself (which is not necessary at all!) you can at this stage. You are on the track to become a complete sissy person, i.e. you would only have female friends, would like to go shopping with them, buy girly items (for instance, scents) and etc. You are a 50% sissy man and that has no issue at all!
Okay, so here comes the best part! You are officially a sissy man if you receive this result. No worries at all since every person in this world is unique and being a sissy isn’t bad at all. People around the globe now have realized that being a sissy guy isn’t a crime, but a type of personality. So, relax…
Let’s check are you a sissy or not! And if you have sissy traits then how much? Come on because every second counts and fun things must be done immediately…
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