Sissy Soska

Sissy Soska


Sissy Soska
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Simon is a producer (TV & Digital) and film & entertainment journalist
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The Soska Sisters, the force behind horror films including 'American Mary', dish up more terror on ... [+] TV again with the second season of their game show, 'Hellevator' (Credit: GSN)
Jen and Sylvia Soska are the Queens of Horror for a generation.
The director pair shot to fame thanks to American Mary , a film their parents remortgaged their house to help fund, and have followed that and a string of other movies with Hellevator , a horror-themed game show for GSN. The second season, where teams of four compete for up to $50 thousand in prize money, kicks off on Oct. 7, 2016.
Hellevator is executive produced by Jason Blum, whose company, Blumhouse Productions brought the world the The Purge ($318.1 million worldwide), Insidious ($371.9 million worldwide) and Paranormal Activity ($889.7 million worldwide) franchises.
I caught up the Soska Sisters in Los Angeles to talk about Hellevator ’s second season, their remake of David Cronenberg’s Rabid and their future plans for their expanding TV and film empire.
Simon Thompson: Hellevator is back. What has changed for this season?
Jen Soska: Everything is different. It’s kind of like American Horror Story how we keep the same cast but we sexy it up more and more and it’s a lot meaner. I consider myself to be a mean, slightly less attractive Ben Stein because I don’t like people getting between me and my money. The Labyrinth from season one has now gone and it has been replaced with the Inferno and this season is all about the seven deadly sins.
Sylvia Soska: It’s also no longer teams of three, it’s teams of four. We had requests for a higher body count and so we delivered.
Thompson: Does a higher body count also mean higher budgets?
Jen Soska: It means way more of everything. I mean, I’m not picking up the checks but thank you GSN and Jason Blum for that. We have bigger snakes, bigger spiders, way more blood…
Sylvia Soska: We actually have a little excess of blood and body parts this season and there are few moments that we filmed that we weren’t 100% sure were going to be able to put on TV. We have been pushing the boundaries a bit and we’re on the same network as Family Feud so… there are limits. There is a moment in Hellevator when these people think something awful is happening to them and they think they might die, which is true so… it’s good.
Thompson: How do you know where to draw the line?
Jen Soska: We don’t. We don’t draw the line anywhere. If we go over the line too much and someone cries or screams or urinates themselves then we just leave that on the cutting room floor. It’s better to have options, right?
Sylvia Soska: I think the censors tell us where the line is drawn. There was this one effect that I heard about, and I understand movie magic and how shows work, and I was like, ‘Oh my God. We’re doing THAT?’
Jen Soska: I know you’re talking about the models episode and I even know which challenge you’re describing.
Sylvia Soska: Even when I saw it I was kind of freaked out. The poor contestants, because all they know is that it’s a horror reality show where it’s a game show and they think they’re going to have quizzes and stuff but then they get themselves into these situations and they really don’t come very well prepared.
Thompson: How do you find making the show compares to the experience of working on your movies?
Jen Soska: I’m glad I was a director before I became a game show host because if it was the other way around I’d be like, ‘Oh no! Directing is way too hard!’ Nobody comes around and tells me how pretty I am or to check to see if I’ve eaten of that I’m cool enough when I’m making a movie. Nobody tells me how pretty I look unless they a want something of they’ve messed something up.
Sylvia Soska: I love it because we look at the show cinematically. The first season of Hellevator was very theatrical and this season is like a David Fincher movie. We even have a camera on a long line so it can chase our contestants down the long hallways and to the finish and see first hand if they make it to the Hellevator on time.
Jen Soska: We were actually watching the first episode of Hellevator season two, which is currently available on Hulu, before we came to do this interview and the lighting on it is very Dario Argento. We wanted this season to feel more like you are trapped inside a horror movie than you’re trapped inside a fun house. There is a lot of fun in this slaughterhouse but only if you’re sitting in our seats.
Sylvia Soska: It’s a real slaughterhouse. Before it became a studio the Armenian mob had it for a while and so there always ghost stories on set. We even had an exorcism on the set with our exorcist friend so the whole thing is scary, really, really scary this season. We even had one girl that didn’t even want to get off the Hellevator because she was just too scared.
Jen Soska: The same girl actually ended up going to the hospital so I guess she was right about not getting off that Hellevator .
The Soska Sisters aka The Twisted Twins pose for a Hellevator photo shoot ahead of the show's ... [+] terrifying second season (Credit: GSN)
Thompson: You mention the influence of other horror directors on the show. As directors, do you find the show is influencing your film work at all?
Jen Soska: I think it’s more so our films experiences are helping with the creative on the show. I wish that Sylvia and I could feel fear the way that other people do but it’s really difficult for us to connect with that emotion.
Sylvia Soska: I can’t say what it is but there was a film-related reason that we were at the opening of Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Hollywood. There is a film coming up that we have been taking a lot from Hellevator for because you go in a haunted house or a maze long enough and you wonder how you can bring that experience one-on-one and make it more intimate. This is definitely an idea that we are very excited about. The movie has not been announced yet.
Jen Soska: It will be at the American Film Market so it will be announced then at the very, very latest. If you’re clever enough and work out who we were with at Halloween Horror Nights then you can probably guesstimate. I’m not allowed to say it but I can heavily suggest.
Thompson: You are also working on a remake of David Cronenberg’s Rabid . What can you tell me about that?
Jen Soska: We only have to make our country, our parents and our hero proud so there’s no pressure there at all. We are hugely influenced by David Cronenberg as any Canadian worth a damn is. Dead Ringers is our absolute favorite film of his so after we’ve done a great job with Rabid we’ll hopefully move on to Dead Ringers .
Sylvia Soska: You’re pushing your luck with David if we’re already asking for another remake.
Jen Soska: Who couldn’t be a better director than us to do that… other than David. We couldn’t screw up Dead Ringers that much.
Sylvia Soska: We have an idea. Our version would involve female proctologists, we’d bring back the Olsen Twins in the lead roles, just show them how good it can be to be weird the whole time, to be eccentric and have us, as twins, direct them. Done.
Jen Soska: I love that you ask us about Rabid and we give you our pitch for Dead Ringers . I am happier to start with something like Rabid because there are some of his films that are considered to be absolutely sacred such as Dead Ringers , Videodrome , and Scanners but they are not without things that could be improved with the technology that is available nowadays. Those are precious films to people but I think that Rabid has a lot of undertones that are even more relevant now. Cronenberg was able to anticipate the trend for plastic surgery when back in the '70s when it was made it was kind of laughable that someone would get another nose because they didn’t like the last one.
Sylvia Soska: And he anticipated stem cell research and he didn’t even know what it was. He had this great habit for anticipating different things. Did you see recently that a doctor did a full head transplant on a mouse? People who love body horror from us are going to freak when they see what we have done. It is very nightmare inducing which is lovely.
Filmmaker David Cronenberg poses for a portrait in New York. (Photo: Dan Hallman/Invision/AP)
Thompson: The original Rabid was a low budget film. It was made for around just CAN$530 thousand. Have you stayed true to those roots with your version?
Jen Soska: I definitely think we’re doing it for a little bit more than he did but that’s just because of the cast. Back in the day, he wanted Sissy Spacek instead of Marilyn Chambers but they said no because she was a nobody and then Carrie came out. Times are different because, I mean, I wish I could cast an adult film star but that is not the kind of business that we live and work in. You need an actor that has international appeal as well.
Sylvia Soska: I think the most expensive thing is going to be the prosthetics because we went hardcore.
Jen Soska: We did look at a lot of horror originals and remakes to see how they did and how they might have missed the mark in some places. With every film, there is a checklist of things that people love from the originals so there needs to be an homage or an improvement on them. I can’t tell you what we have taken from the original but we watched it many, many times and listened to David’s commentary over and over and there some concepts that he wanted in Rabid that didn’t actually make it into the film. We have taken them and gone, ‘Okay, that was important to him so that’s going to come back full circle and be revisited in our version.’
Thompson: And would like him to be in it?
Jen Soska: Yes, absolutely. After watching Nightbreed , David Cronenberg is a great director and a bad ass actor. He is so talented. Egon Spengler was my favorite in Ghostbusters and he definitely has that Harold Ramis-ish quality.
Sylvia Soska: I would die. I actually have Mary Harron putting a good word in for us as she’s directing him right now.
Thompson: With Hellevator , where would you like to see that go in the future?
Jen Soska: I would like to see it go internationally.
Sylvia Soska: We love Asian horror and I think J-Horror is going to come up really big over the next year. It would be so much fun to take it to Japan and involve people who don’t even know what Hellevator and that they’re on a game show. I think we have to ramp it up a bit for there though because they have such extreme game shows over there but it would be so cool to blend to too.
Jen Soska: I would love to hit Mexico, I’d love to hit Germany - I have never visited there and it breaks my heart because American Mary has the biggest fan base in Germany because there are a lot of Body Modders there.
Sylvia Soska: There are a lot of little Soska Sister fans around the world so I’d love to do Hellevator Junior , Heckevator . It seems mean but kids watch the show. There is a school in Chicago, a Grade 7 class, and when they were good their treat was to watch Hellevator . They would watch the first season over and over and over again. Kids are braver than you think.
Hellevator Season Two starts on GSN on Oct. 7, 2016.

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Forced to Drink Milk is an object-labeling image macro series using a photograph of a young woman holding an opened bottle of milk up to a kneeling woman's mouth while pulling her hair.
On December 15th, 2017, photographer Eugeny Hramenkov uploaded the original image of a woman holding a bottle of milk to another woman's mouth to Instagram . [6] The image received more than 3,000 likes in less than three years (shown below).
On December 16th, 2017, Instagram user @soska_117 [1] uploaded a photograph of herself holding a milk bottle to another woman's mouth (shown below). Within seven months, the post gained over 4,000 likes.
On March 14th, 2018, the photo captioned with a Stephen Hawking joke was submitted to /r/dankmemes [4] and hosted on Imgur [3] by Redditor IMPER1AL (shown below, left). On April 13th, Redditor plo_koon_ submitted the image captioned with "normies," "Zucc memes" and "Reddit" to /r/dankmemes, [2] where it gathered upwards of 3,600 points (96% upvoted) and 110 comments within two months (shown below, right).
On June 16th, Redditor StijnElegeert posted the image captioned with "Reddit / A way to define my self worth / Me" (shown below, left). [5] On June 18th, Redditor StijnElegeert posted the image captioned with a Thanking the Bus Driver joke (shown below, right).
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By QuizPin's Editorial Team | October 19, 2021

Hey man! What happened to you? Why are you this much worried? Oh, you are tired of what people say about you. Humans, whether male or female, at your face or behind your back, they say that you are sissy. Do you also think this way? Are you also positive about this? Whenever you ask yourself “Am I a Sissy?” then what answer do you get???
No no, don’t jump to conclusions and wait until you answer all the questions in the Sissy Test. The Am I A Sissy Test contains some easy and simple questions that would help us to analyze your personality and in the end, you will get to know whether you are sissy or how much sissy are you from inside?
Wait a minute! Before you enter the Are You A Sissy Test, go through some major information that would give you insight about sissy men, their traits, and much more…
Sissy is a word that we all hear nowadays, but the question is that what does sissy mean? Sissy is a slang word that is used for a boy who behaves and thinks more like a girl and less like a boy. To be more descriptive, let us tell you that sissy guys are gentle, extremely emotional, and take interest in girly things like feminine colors, cosmetics, princess stories, and etc.
There are some signs and traits of sissy men so don’t forget to read them before the Am I A Sissy Quiz!
Depending upon the ratio of “sissiness” in a man, the soft and gentle side in them is quite obvious. They are emotional and you might find such a man crying while watching movies, series, or even while reading novels. One of the best things about them is that they don’t hide their emotions and even if they try then they are unable to do that.
You might think that this sign is proves nothing but there is a strong connection. Sissy men are more concerned about their beauty (you can say that it is more like what girls do). Who says makeup is just for girls? Makeup and other beauty products are to enhance beauty and sissy men use them. Some of them also dye their hair. You can have a look at What Color Should I Dye my Hair quiz too.
Honestly, every human must take care of himself and there is nothing wrong with this; on the other hand, if a guy wears makeup then it’s his choice. Every rule in his world has been made by humans (many of them are totally useless!). So, men who wear makeup and are conscious about their beauty are called SISSY in this world.
Yeah, this is the most obvious trait of any sissy guy. He runs away from anything that is manly whether you count gym workout (to build muscles), male fragrances, male haircuts, and even manly fashion, and style. They literally run away from anything that makes them feel masculine and trust us it’s all done unconsciously.
You can count the example that many boys who don’t watch sports like cricket, football, baseball, etc have bright chances to be a sissy. Instead, they take interest in movies especially romantic and love stories.
Well, with all honesty it must be said that whatever you say to a sissy man, he would take things personally. He would cry and keep resent for even trivial things about which, usually, boys do not care. If a girl or boy says anything to him, they’d keep crying for at least an hour, and probably wouldn’t talk to that person until the things are sorted. So, we can say that they are bit fragile too. If you are interested in we also have a Snowflake Test which basically shows how fragile person you are.
Here is the guide that would help you out to understand the result that you would receive after the Sissy Quiz. Don’t forget to read it…
Well, if you get 0% as your result then you don’t have to worry about anything because you are on the right track of masculinity. Your thoughts, behavior, and attitude are in no way, sissy. If people claim that you are sissy then trust us that they are just poking you and you don’t have to give much thought to it. It’s just that either you are introverted or don’t like to share your feelings with all.
Hmm, now here are few things that must be considered by you. If you take interest in some girly things, their fashion, romantic stories, and are emotional, then it doesn’t mean that you are a sissy man. Instead, you are a guy who is not heartless like most of the boys and put emotions before anything. You are more comfortable with girls (as a friend) but that’s absolutely ok because girls’ are great friends!!!
The things get a little complex here because when you get a result of 50% and it means that you are beginning to unveil as a sissy guy. For now, the signs in you aren’t very prominent and if you wish to change yourself (which is not necessary at all!) you can at this stage. You are on the track to become a complete sissy person,
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