Sissy Scarlet

Sissy Scarlet


Sissy Scarlet



Client Photos




Maine Event

Ghouls' Night Out

Spring Bling

From everyday to glamour, let Scarlett's be a sanctuary for your femme self.

After 26 months of being very cautious, I’ve finally caught Covid-19. Or, I should say, Covid-19 caught up with me. For the most part, I’ve had the equivalent of a really bad cold or a mild flu. I had a low fever intermittently for the first three days, went through several boxes of tissues and tea, and slept. I’m now on day 5, and though I have a persistent cough and lower than normal energy, it’s definitely passing. Technically I can stop isolating tomorrow, but I will likely continue to isolate until I’m testing negative consistently and/or my symptoms disappear completely because I know too many people for whom a similar week to the one I’ve had would be devastating.
I’ve been able to sit with myself this week in a way that I’ve needed to but hadn’t carved out the time for. I’m not the same person as I was before living through a pandemic. No one is ever the same as they were two years prior, even if they willingly ignore that fact and refuse to deal with it. There is no growth, no forward motion, without change. The pandemic brought abrupt change, and for everyone at the same time. Last summer, coming out of the initial phase of this pandemic, many people felt the urge to “return to normal”. We knew a little more about the spread and prevention, and most of the people who wanted to be vaccinated were, so safety around socializing felt more manageable. The warm weather increased our collective desire to break out of the on-and-off isolation of the prior year (plus some). Since then, precautions have felt very individualized.
The “return to normal” felt too quick for me, and I’ve struggled to reconcile the old with the new. Normally, I am aware when something impacts and shapes me, whether it be a person, hobby, activity, an event, or something else entirely. I tune into that awareness, and it helps me process as it’s happening and reflect on my experience in the time following. In this case, the event is clear - a pandemic - but it feels like a non-event because time held still in a sense. Most of my old routine - the one that included a lot of different people and activities and travel outside of my house - screeched to a halt over the course of about a week. I found three weeks of no outside work, but battled restlessness and cabin fever by working on projects around the house. I found a new routine of different work, and stayed in that routine until people around me jostled me into finding some of my old routine again. I’ve been in weird see-saw of old and new since, and that leaves precious little time for figuring out the version of myself that emerged from the pandemic. My old routine doesn’t quite fit the person I am now, but there are pieces I want to keep. Instead of making small adjustments over time I have to choose which larger adjustments to make and when to make them. The same goes for my newer routines; some aspects are unsustainable if I want to enjoy life and need to be cut back or removed, and other aspects I would like to expand and explore.
So this week has given me the time and the quiet to really reflect on the last 26 months, on myself, and on how I’d like to shape my life going forward. I have ideas about what changes I need to implement in order to find more consistent availability for makeovers while also caring for my loved ones more sustainably and finding more quiet time for myself. Thank you, in advance, for your patience while I make those adjustments.
It's been far too long since we've had a good Open House or Girls' Day In! With Covid a little more under control for those of us who take full advantage of available protections, I'm ready to start hosting events again. However, as many of you know, I've had a very full house this past year, and that issue is not resolved. I've been able to continue seeing clients individually, but my studio is still not set up how I like to host events. So I've asked Natasha and Tabitha of "My Changing Room" to open up their space to co-host with me! They are as excited as I am to welcome old friends and new, and enjoy some light refreshments and conversation in a festive atmosphere. I will be available for makeovers throughout the day, there's space to change when you arrive and clean up before you leave if you want to, and since "My Changing Room" is so close to Boston, it's a great jumping off point for going out that night!  As an added bonus, Natasha and I have both pruned our closets and will have clothes, accessories, wigs, and more available for sale. It's a perfect opportunity to give yourself an early Christmas present, or start freshening up your wardrobe in preparation for First Event in January! Here's the summary: What:  Holiday Open House! When: Saturday, December 11th, 2021       10am - 7pm Where: My Changing Room       175 William F McClellan Highway (Rt 1A northbound)       Boston, MA Cost:   Free (Voluntary contributions will be accepted and welcome) The building is just before the Courtyard Marriott. Pull into the parking lot, and park closer to the highway. Look for the "West Entrance" (the sign is over the door). Enter the lobby and take the elevator to the second floor. Follow sings for Studio East. Once you are facing the Studio East door, go to the left, then turn right. My Changing Room is around the corner. We will try to have signs, but it is a large building! It is unlikely any of the other office spaces will be occupied on a Saturday. It looks like 2022 is really the year everything is coming back full force! To stay as current as possible, join my Meetup - it's where I post events the quickest, and where I update dates most frequently. The link is I'm also very willing to make courtesy posts on my meetup if you want to organize a public event. Overall, I have found Meetup to be a great resource to bring people with common interests together, and I highly recommend it! Keep an eye out for details on these other upcoming events! Diva Social, December 18 in New Haven CT, First Event, January 12-16 in Boston, Keystone Conference, March 23-27 in Harrisburg, Spring Soiree, April 23 in Sutton MA, Ghouls' Night Out, October 15 in Sutton MA, Diva Social, monthly in New Haven CT,
I hope everyone has enjoyed the incredible summertime, but I know that with the cooler temperatures and the changing leaves, there’s only one thing on everyone’s mind: what about Ghouls’ Night Out?
The short answer is that there will be no Ghouls’ Night Out as we have come to know and love it this year. We’re still in the midst of a serious pandemic, even though we may have grown desensitized to the risk and we’re all aching to see our friends and cut loose. It means gathering 100+ people from a wide range of places is still a really irresponsible thing to do.
The good news is that I am hosting six smaller gatherings this October instead. My garage is (almost) decorated and ready to welcome 15 people at a time, and if the weather looks nice enough to be outside as well that number could be up to 20 people.
If you’d like to attend one of these evenings, please contact me with the town/county and state you live in. I am determining attendance roughly by geography, so when you tell me where you’re coming from I will let you know which date is your area’s party.
The parties will run 7pm-12am, and I am asking for a donation of $10. This is not a required entry fee, anything you can throw in to help with the cost of running these parties would be appreciated. There will be music and refreshments, and if the weather cooperates a fire pit for roasting marshmallows! As always costumes are encouraged but not required. Come however you are comfortable and can have a good time.
Let me know if you need space to change when you arrive, or if you’ll arrive already dressed, made up, and ready to party. I will be available for makeovers beforehand as well.
I will not be requiring masks, but I strongly encourage them. It’s a great opportunity to get creative, especially as a simple way to get around a more intricate makeup look. I will be wearing a mask from start to finish (dressed as a fortune teller) and would be extremely grateful to anyone else who chose to do the same. You will be required to grab some hand sanitizer upon arrival.
I will be taking temps and keeping records for contact tracing, in the unfortunate event someone tests positive for Covid-19 shortly after a party. By that same token, if you test positive after a party, please let me know so I can pass the word along for other attendees to get tested as well.
I know the extra precautions can feel like a bummer, but a party with some restrictions is better than no party at all. I look forward to catching up with you, whether is this month, or whenever we get to a post-Covid world.
Ideally, tomorrow could be outside, with gorgeous weather and low humidity. Unfortunately, it looks like we’ll have some thunderstorms and a steady drizzle all day.
I’ve decided to still have Girls’ Day, but I will need to limit attendance to 12 at any one time. The plan is to use the studio for makeup, changing, and bathroom only, and the garage (and possibly a tent in the driveway) for socializing. It’s a difficult maneuver to accomplish with this kind of gathering, but I know it can work with your cooperation.
Please send me a text or email if you are planning to come tomorrow and what time you think you’ll be arriving and leaving. It doesn’t have to be set in stone, just your best guess for your schedule.
I will also ask that you park down at the library/community center and call for a ride since even with full use of a driveway twelve cars would be cramped!
Again, when deciding whether or not to come tomorrow, use good judgement for yourself and others. If you feel at all ill, have been around a lot of people recently, or are otherwise risky or at risk, please stay home. I PROMISE there will be other events, both in person and virtual, for you to share your femme self.
Put Monday, June 29th in your calendar for a Girls’ Day In! Here’s what you need to know:
When you arrive, expect to wash hands immediately (and face, if you’re getting a makeover). I will be limiting the number of people in the studio and cleaning in between. You will have to be patient as I try to manage people flow and air flow.
I will have so much hand sanitizer at your disposal. I also have a limited number of camp-style chairs, but it's much safer if you bring and handle your own. I will be providing some individually wrapped snack things to reduce 
I am hoping to keep everyone outdoors, but if it's overcast or drizzly, we can move into the garage. I will cancel if it's too chilly to keep the garage doors open comfortably, or if the weather is terrible. I will also cancel if CT or MA show a spike in cases between now and 6/26.  
Please use good personal judgement to decide if you should attend or not, both for yourself and for others' well-being. Stay home if you've tested positive for Covid-19 or have been in close contact with someone who does. Please stay home if you've been in any large crowds lately, or have any symptoms of Covid-19. If you are compromised, please be good to yourself and don't take this unnecessary risk. I will plan something virtual if I get enough feedback about it.
I'm really looking forward to reconnecting in person with this community I love so much. Please contact me with any questions or concerns you may have, thoughts on a virtual event, or ways to make this even safer. Stay well, and see you soon!
I’m not staying true to my original intent of putting up some pics daily, but keep them coming and I’ll keep posting them as I can.
I’m very hopeful I can host an open house later this month, so keep your eyes out for details!
What a treat! I asked you for photos of times you felt sophisticated so I could put up a virtual Spring Bling, and you did not disappoint! I went through my own photos from 2019 Spring Bling (disappointingly few), and included a few of those as well. I’ll be digging through other past Spring Blings as well, and would love to keep posting slideshows throughout the prom season (May and June).
I was really hopeful that Spring Bling might take place, if not this weekend then sometime in May. With Massachusetts starting a cautious reopening on May 18th, it’s apparent that we have to postpone. I do have some possibilities for rescheduling, but want to way to see how May plays out before actually scheduling something.
I would really like have a virtual fashion show of Spring Bling apparel. If it’s good enough for the Met Gala, it’s good enough for us! Send me pictures from past Spring Blings, of what you were planning to wear this year, of an outfit or accessory or shoes that makes you feel fancy and elegant and glamorous. I’ll start posting pictures here on Saturday (when Spring Bling was originally scheduled) and if I get a lot of submissions I’ll continue posting throughout the month. My email is I look forward to reliving old memories!
If this was a normal year, I’d be sitting down in the Dog and Pony right around now, ordering a burger and a glass of wine. The first day of the Keystone Conference is generally pretty relaxed for me - I set up my makeup supplies, take care of a few appointments, and catch up with friends from prior years. Instead, I’m in my kitchen, enjoying leftover pasta (still with a glass of wine) with a movie I’ve seen a thousand times on for background noise, and reminiscing about Keystones past.
My first Keystone Conference was in 2011 (I actually had to dive into my email history to confirm when I first attended). I drove down to Harrisburg on a recommendation from John Warrener that I was sure to have a good time. I was still fairly new to attending conferences as a makeup artist, but had been involved in the TG community for about four years. I was generally comfortable at events, but was still a little intimidated walking in only knowing one person. I was pleasantly surprised, however, to recognize more than a dozen people who I already knew and considered friends. As promised, I had a great time, and have returned almost every year since then.
How’s everyone doing? Hanging in there? 
It’s been a long while since I’ve had the down time to actually sit and put together a thoughtful post for you, in part because of a Slate article published last year (almost to the day!). The journalist, Lily, did an amazing job of setting up multiple interviews with me and a couple of my willing clients over the course of several months. She also kept in touch throughout the writing and revising process, clarifying details and checking her use of terminology. I appreciated her sensitivity, good nature, and sincere desire to do right by her subjects. I also appreciate that its kept me hopping through most of the last year!
The slower pace of life right now is kind of nice, but overall the new year and new decade is starting with some serious disappointment. Many of us were looking forward to the Keystone Conference , and other events, which are either postponed or cancelled. It’s harder still not knowing when life will get back to “normal”.
We all need some things to look forward to, as well as hope that this will pass quickly. Did you know that planning a vacation has almost the same benefits for your brain as actually taking that vacation? Do a quick search for “mental health benefits of planning a vacation” and you’ll have pages of interesting non-COVID reading with citations to a variety of studies showing the anticipation of fun events is at least as beneficial as actually vacationing.
With that in mind, I’m keeping Spring Bling scheduled for May 9th (details here) . I’ll reevaluate as things progress, but I know it certainly helps my mental well-being to believe that there will be a better handle on things by May. If May seems unrealistic or unsafe for you, maybe start planning your costume for Ghouls’ Night Out on October 17th .
Open house/Girls’ Day In will resume the moment it’s safe to do so, and to make up for lost time I’ll schedule them a little more frequently. I, like so many organizations, am looking at alternatives to meeting in groups in real life. Stayed tuned as I get a handle on technology that I’ve long wanted to explore but didn’t have the time.
In the meantime, I’m still open for individual appointments. My studio is sometimes a little cluttered or disorganized looking, but the important areas are always clean. The bathroom is cleaned and sanitized weekly (whether or not there have been clients). All clothes and wigs are always washed after EVERY use, and breast forms are cleaned with rubbing alcohol. My brushes are always cleaned between clients. My usual guidelines are to keep the hygiene of my studio and supplies at a level I would feel comfortable with for me. It makes sense, right? My studio in my home should be at a reasonably high level for my personal safety as well as for the comfort of each person who walks through the door.
I, like most businesses, are taking extra precautions as well. I’ve got Lysol spray for high-touch surfaces, and am using it before and after each client comes through. Clients are expected to wash hands and face with soap and water immediately upon arrival. I have a box of disposable vinyl and nitrile gloves available if clients wish me to use them. And after cleaning, I’m soaking my brushes in rubbing alcohol after each use. I’m pretty confident that the rubbing alcohol will ruin the brushes, but since my usual cleanser is not a registered disinfectant with the EPA, I’m willing to take the hit. 
At this stage we are all practicing social distancing, but that doesn’t mean social isolation. For extroverts like myself, isolation is really problematic, so if you need someone to talk to, please reach out to someone, anyone. Introduce yourself to me via text or email. If you call please leave a voicemail (I’m a little phone-phobic at times). Don’t hesitate to call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline if you need it (1-800-273-8255) . And TCNE compiled some more specific resources for our tr
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