Sissy Rule 34

Sissy Rule 34


Sissy Rule 34
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The Official Subreddit for Sinvicta and The Mosh Pit!
Wow sissy just becaime an actual waifu... The moshpit is interesting
Sissy as a waifu is not a thing I thought I would ever see, but I do not mind
You’re about to see Bobby brain as a waifu too
Thigh gap too. Now we are too close to my last comment :3
Why she lowkey look thicc. Who made this
This piece is so cute 😍 wish I was that good
I know that is just a free wholesome but... really enjoyed the art and this upvote and a free award is all I can give you for now. Hope you appreciate it.
Of course I appreciate that. I never ask anything from you all, I just enjoy giving you all art
Uh oh, cant wait for some rule 34 sissy
She is a WHOLESOME character. Go rule 34 brimstone or Bob’s brain
Sad how sinvicta said he doesn't whant to see sisssy like this :((
It was a tragic moment, but I care not wether he enjoys a waifu sissy, but I enjoy making waifus out of all items. Well, the good items anyways
Don't want to be rude here but I'm having troubles finding what's the point between you drawing (which are nice) and TBOI.
Because I enjoy my time connecting with fellow fans and drawing things they enjoy seeing! :D
And also, that’s Sissy Longlegs, an item in the game

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Edelgard and Lysithea were two proud students at the Officer’s Academy of Garreg Mach. Respected for their skills and capabilities, the two of them were considered the pinnacle of Fodlan, the next generation of leaders… At least, until a certain incident occurred. Messing with Dark Magic could be a tricky thing, and yet it was the field that Lysithea herself specialized in. That meant everything should have been fine when showing off some spells to Edelgard, experimenting with the true limits of such magical might. Though, such spells clearly came with their weaknesses. For instance, messing up a single syllable could change the entirety of what the spell did. Something that Byleth quickly learned when she walked into the classroom that Lysithea and Edelgard had said they would be borrowing for the day. “Alright girls, I think that’s…enough…?” The sight that Byleth saw before her was nothing less than absurd. Sitting on the floor was Lysithea and Edelgard, dressed in
On a normal spring day, Izuku Midoriya was in his dorm room on the UA campus. He had spent most of the morning working out and enhancing his Quirk. Now he had just come from the showers and changed into some fresh clothes. As he laid on his bed wondering how to spend the rest of the day until dinnertime, there was a knock on his bedroom door. He immediately sat up and called out "Come in!" The door opened, and Ochako Uraraka stepped inside. Izuku smiled and said "Oh, hello, Uraraka-san." "Hello, Deku-kun," she said in her usual sweet tone. Leaning against the wall, she asked, "You do not mind if I come in, do you?" "No, no, not at all," Izuku replied, beckoning her to come closer. As she approached, he sat up straight and said "What can I do for you?" "Actually..." Ochako began, twirling a lock of her hair and staring absently at the wall, "There's something personal I have to tell you." "Alright," said Deku, "Go on. I'm listening." Ochako smiled and gestured for him to come in
Maka didn’t think it was possible, but Crona was acting stranger than usual. The young boy would get flustered randomly and look around suspiciously as if he were hiding something. Not only that, but she had been with him all day, and not once did she seem him go to the bathroom. When they were finally in the privacy of her Maka’s, she finally decided at ask what was going on. “Okay Crona, what’s up with you today?
The sudden question caught Crona off guard, his body beginning to shake as he tried to come up with an answer. “W-what are you talking about? I’m perfectly fine.” He said while nervously da
(Age Regression)

There was never anything more satisfying for a villain than to see a hero at their mercy. Such was the case for the young villaness known as the Pacifier. A newer villain that no one really knew about just yet. However after today she was likely to be more well known if she wasn't careful. Dusting herself off as she looked to her past pursuer.

Truth be told she was a little terrified when she saw a pro hero chasing after her. She figured that eventually it would come to this but having it actually occur was much scarier than expected. Only grateful they couldn't fully use their Quirk just yet due to the damage it would caus
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Izuku Midoriya had been living his dream these past few months. He had been accepted to his dream hero academy, and he was being taught by his idol, All Might. Truly, his life was set, and nothing could ruin it for him. Or at least, that’s what he thought until a few weeks ago.
Izuku walked through the halls of U.A., the feeling of the underwear beneath his pants making him a bit uncomfortable and nervous. The crinkling was hardly noticeable to anyone else, but to him, it was all he could hear. Under his pants was a thin, blue pull-up, that he had been made to wear by someone who had become a large part of his life in the last few weeks. He didn’t exactly like wearing them, but he didn’t really think to object, because this woman had managed to get his mother, Inko Midoriya, to this whole ordeal, and he just wanted his mother to be happy.
“Izuku, there you are!” A voice called out from behind him, causing him to turn around. And that person was the woman who had placed him back into diapers. It was Nemuri Kayama, otherwise known as the Pro Hero and U.A. teacher Midnight. He gave a small smile in response to the woman walking up to him, and waved to her as well.
“H-Hello, Ms. Midnight.” Izuku said, stuttering for a moment. Midnight wanted him to call her something else, something far more embarrassing, and he wasn’t sure if she wanted him to still call her that at school.
“Hello~ Lunchtime is starting soon, isn’t it? Why don’t you come eat with me in my office?” Midnight offered with a small smile. Izuku knew that he wouldn’t exactly be able to refuse, so he just nodded at the idea. However, at this point, one of Izuku’s friends, Ochako Uraraka, also walked up, waving to her friend happily.
“Hey, Deku!” Ochako said excitedly, stopping in front of Izuku. “Do you wanna go to the cafeteria together? I bet we can get a really good table if we hurry!” She said excitedly. Izuku wanted to accept, and almost did, before he realized that he had just made a prior engagement.
“O-Oh, I’d love to, Uraraka-san, but I, uh…” Izuku stuttered out, stopping in his tracks as Midnight suddenly put her arms around him.
“Sorry, Uraraka, but little Izuku here is gonna eat lunch with me today! I’ve gotta take care of him, after all~” Midnight said, before seemingly realizing something. “Oh, that reminds me!” She said before pulling Izuku’s pants open to check his pull-up. This, of course, caused Izuku to blush like mad, but he didn’t make any moves to stop her from doing this. Ochako looked confused at this whole ordeal, as evident by her tilting her head.
Once she was satisfied that Izuku was dry, Midnight let go of his pants, and took his hand to lead him away to her office. “Remember, Uraraka…” Midnight said, turning to the girl for a moment. “...some men never grow up, their diapers just get bigger and more expensive.” She said before walking away with Izuku. This, of course, only made Ochako even more confused, and she watched Midnight and Izuku walk off before deciding to just stop questioning things and walk off.
Eventually, the two of them made it to Midnight’s office, and Izuku went to reach for his lunch, before Midnight stopped him. “Hold on, that’s not something a baby like you should be eating.” She said, before digging around in her bag and pulling out a small jar of applesauce, along with a tiny, blue plastic spoon. She opened up the jar, scooping up some of the food and holding it out to Izuku. “Open up, sweetie! Time for your yummy food!” She said with an all-too-innocent smile on her face. Izuku blushed again, but knew that he couldn’t really object, so he just slowly opened up his mouth, being rewarded with the apple-flavored mush being placed on his tongue. He closed his mouth and swallowed slowly, only to open his mouth once more so he could be fed more applesauce.
Midnight smiled at this, and gladly continued to feed her “baby” the applesauce that she had brought for him. Izuku just ate the food without saying a single word, since that was what babies were supposed to do. Eventually, the food was finished, and there was nothing left in the jar to feed to Izuku. “You’re such a good baby, eating all your food~” Midnight then got up and looked out the windows of her office. Once making sure that nobody was going to come in and see them, Midnight reached into a small fridge she had set up in this room for just such an occasion, pulling out a pale blue baby bottle filled with milk. “Now it’s time for your drink! Come over here!” Midnight sat down on a nearby chair, patting her lap.
Izuku blushed again, but still sat on her lap. Once he was comfortable, Midnight placed the bottle into Izuku’s mouth, and watched as he began to slowly suck on the nipple, getting all the milk out. Midnight hummed a small little tune as she fed the boy, and gently rocked him as well. Of course, Izuku wasn’t really about to fall asleep, because he was far too embarrassed to do so. Eventually, the milk was all cleaned out, and the bottle was empty. Midnight picked Izuku up and placed him over her shoulder, patting his back gently to burp him. It didn’t take too long for Izuku to give out a small burp, which made him blush even more. But the embarrassment he felt from that was nothing compared to what happened after.
Izuku felt a warmth spreading across the front of his pull-up, along with the familiar hissing sound he had come to know all too well in the past few weeks. Of course, Midnight knew what this sound was too, and pulled down Izuku’s pants to see the wetness indicator on his pull-up slowly fading away. She giggled, and pulled Izuku’s pants off before pulling another pull-up out of her bag. “Time to get changed, sweetheart~” She said, helping Izuku to stand up before gently pulling the wet pull-up off of his body. She then held open the new pull-up, letting Izuku step into it. She then pulled it up over his crotch with a smile.
“Alright, well, lunch is almost over~” Midnight said as she helped Izuku put his pants back on. “Go back to class, and I’ll see you at home, okay?” She said opening the door to her office. Izuku blushed and nodded, walking out and heading back to his class. Midnight smiled as she saw him walk off, and went back to her office to work when he was out of sight.
The school day had come to an end about an hour or so ago, but Midnight was just now starting to go home. All the after-school work that teachers had to do was a bit tedious, but still necessary. And now, she could finally go back to her house. Or rather, Izuku’s house, seeing as how she lived with them now so she could take better care of Izuku.
The second she walked in, she was greeted by what might be her favorite sight in the world. Standing there was Izuku, wearing nothing but a large, thick diaper around his waist. Izuku normally just wore pull-ups, but on weekends, he had agreed to wear actual diapers, on Midnight’s request. As soon as she saw this, Midnight grinned and ran over to hug Izuku.
“You look s o o o o o o o o o cute!” She said, holding onto Izuku tightly. Izuku gave an embarrassed laugh in response, returning the hug for a moment. However, in the middle of the hug, Midnight suddenly picked up Izuku, carrying him off to his room. “Come on, we gotta get you dressed! You must be super cold wearing nothing but your diaper!” She said. Izuku simply held onto the woman so that he didn’t run the risk of falling out of her grasp.
As the two of them made their way to Izuku’s room, they walked past Inko, and Midnight stopped for a second to talk with her. “Oh, hey, Inko! Don’t mind us, we’re just on our way to the baby’s room to get him dressed in some cute clothes~” She said, tickling Izuku with one hand. As Izuku squirmed in Midnight’s grasp due to the tickling, Inko gave a small smile.
“Yes, I’m sure he’ll need to wear something other than his diaper. Oh, before I forget, Kayama-san, I bought a new onesie for Izuku while I was out today. Perhaps you could dress him up in that?” Inko said. “I hung it in his closet, I’m sure you’ll see it.” Midnight nodded happily, and began walking to Izuku’s room once more.
Once they made it into Izuku’s room, Midnight dug through the boy’s closet, and eventually set her eyes on the new, light blue onesie that Inko had bought for him. She smiled and pulled it off the hangar, setting Izuku down so she could get him dressed. “Alright, arms up so I can put this onesie on you!” Izuku blushed, but lifted his arms up over his head like he was told to. And once he did so, the onesie was placed onto him, and the crotch was snapped shut. Midnight took a step back to admire her handiwork, smiling brightly. “Oh, you look even more adorable now!” She picked up the boy once more, carrying him off to the living room. “Time to go play with your toys!”
Upon entering the living room, the two of them saw Inko standing next to a playpen that she had set up while they were in Izuku’s room. “I figured you’d want Izuku to play around for a while, so I set this up for him.” Midnight smiled at this, and placed Izuku down into the playpen. Once he was inside, Izuku looked around, seeing a small assortment of toys, such as blocks and rattles. He knew that he was expected to play with this stuff, so he picked up a rattle, shaking it around a little bit. And that little bit was apparently enough to satisfy Midnight, who was already cooing at Izuku. The boy couldn’t help but blush again, but his embarrassment would only be heightened by what came next. Midnight seemed to realize that something was missing, and dug around in her bag. Eventually, she pulled out a pacifier, and placed it into Izuku’s mouth.
Izuku was surprised by this, of course, but after a few seconds, he began to suck on it slightly, which only made Midnight even happier. At this point, Izuku put down the rattle, and began playing with the blocks instead, sucking on his pacifier the entire time. Midnight found this to be the most adorable sight she had ever seen in her life, so she pulled her phone out of her bag, beginning to take pictures of the sight before her.
Izuku’s blush only got worse at the sound of the camera shutter going off, but he kept playing with the blocks anyway, since he didn’t really want to risk “ruining this moment” for Midnight. The playtime went on for a long time, and Izuku was starting to get into it despite himself. However, just as he started to enjoy himself, Midnight picked him up once more, beginning to carry him to his room again. Izuku was clearly confused by this, and looked at Midnight with a confused look, unable to say anything due to the pacifier still in his mouth.
“It’s nap time now!’ She said with a small smile. Izuku looked almost a bit upset by this. He wasn’t tired at all, and he was finally starting to have fun with his toys… However, he still couldn’t say anything. Midnight laid him down in his bed, tucking him in and giving him a kiss on his forehead. However, as she stood there, waiting for Izuku to go to sleep, she saw the boy simply laying there, staring at her with concerned eyes.
Deciding to take matters into her own hands, Midnight decided to use her Quirk to help Izuku to sleep. Activating her Quirk, a sleep-inducing smell filled the room, and within a few seconds, the effects of it hit Izuku in full force, and he quickly fell fast asleep, sucking on his pacifier slowly as he slept. Midnight couldn’t help but squeal in delight at this sight. She gave Izuku one more kiss on his forehead, and then left the room so that he could sleep.
Standing outside the door to her son’s room was Inko, who still had a warm smile on her face. “I assume you got Izuku to bed?” She asked. In response, Midnight nodded. “Yeah, it took a little bit of work, but he’s fast asleep now.”
Inko’s smile grew a bit, and she opened the door just a tad to see her adorable son sleeping soundly, the only sound in the room being the sound of Izuku sucking on his pacifier. She giggled a bit at this, and then closed the door again. “Alright, well, let’s go sit in the living room and wait for him to wake up.” Midnight agreed with this plan, and the two women walked away from the room, going off to bide their time until they could have fun with their baby again.

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