Sissy Kiss Story Time

Sissy Kiss Story Time


Sissy Kiss Story Time
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Alphabetical Order by Title with Author Name
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Featuring the fabulous and stunning Theona Staind from Romagna, Italy as our CoverGirl of the ...
▶ Femme name: Alana Grant ▶ Location: Peru ▶ How long you have been crossdressing ...
▶ Femme Name: Kristy ▶ Location: Louisville, Kentucky. ▶ How long you have been crossdressing : ...
Charming crossdresser Sylvia Greene shares with us her 5 most favorite outfits & style ideas. Outfit ...
Since childhood, I was always fascinated by women’s clothing. I used to secretly put on my step mother’s dress s and liked feeling pretty and girly. I tried to stop those urges but it only grew bigger.
As time went by, I started to sneak into my step mother’s room more often. I tried on her outfits, her makeup and shoes. So, every time I was going to be alone in the house, I would simply dress up. I started to buy outfits, lingerie, hair wigs from online stores and kept everything hidden in my closet.
One day my whole family was going on a trip to one of our relatives. I somehow managed to stay behind, saying I have a few tasks to finish. It was a great opportunity to take the whole house to myself. So my parents left and I was so excited to get dressed. I really wanted to wear a full make-up from head to toe and spend as much time as a girl.

I started getting ready without wasting time. I started with makeup, then undergarments and a pink bodycon dress that I recently brought in. I finished my transformation with a blonde wig, pantyhose and high heels. It was surprising to see my reflection in the mirror as a girl. I thought I looked cute.
After I was ready, I walked around the house in my new outfit. It felt really great. I took so many photos and videos that I did not understand how time passed. My parents were only coming back the next day, so I still had time to spend as a girl.
I had been out to the backyard several times dressed before, but it was only for a short time.
I walked into my backyard, feeling a little nervous if my neighbors saw it. So I looked around until I was comfortable. After confirming, I set up the camera and started shooting.

I noticed there was a boy looking after me from the neighbor’s house. I didn’t know how long he stayed there. I immediately panicked. My heartbeat got faster and faster. But I still tried not to overreact. I simply and slowly entered the house.
I was terrified that my cross-dressing secret would be exposed and my family would find out.
Soon the boy rang the bell and entered the house and kissed me. I was now a boy’s girlfriend.
Awesome story. I actually kind of liked that you ended the story with saying that you’d become his girlfriend and let the reader’s imagination fill in the rest of the story after you two disappear behind the closed door to experience intimacy in private. Loved it!
I loved it when he kissed me. It opened up a new world for me. Not only was I dressed as a girl, but now I was loved by a sweet little boy. Oh, what I could do for him! Mmmmmmm . . . . . .
Miss Roxanne Lanyon
I hope you DID do it for him. And he do it to you… Uh, for you.
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We were visiting my Aunt Janet and some other relatives over in Pennsylvania. Seemed like we never visited them; at least, I could never remember being in Harrisburg before.

 We saw my Uncle Harold that day. Only time I ever saw the old man, he died when I was 13. He took an instant liking to me though. He didn't like anyone, that old man, but he liked me. My brother and sister were jealous when Uncle Harold gave me a brand new Baseball. It was so big to me at the time...I couldn't even hold it right in my hand.

 We ended up staying a bit later than planned. It's a three hour drive from Harrisburg to Pittsburgh, and we were planning to go there, spend part of the day, and drive back to Pittsburgh where we were visiting other relatives, my Grandma, in particular.

 First we were just there through dinner. Then it came time for supper. "You CAN'T leave now, and drive all that way hungry, Junior," they said to Dad.

 They always called Dad Junior, since he was named after his Daddy. I wondered since I was named after my Daddy, should I be called "Third"?

Grandaddy was dead anyway, long before I was born. Sometimes I wished I knew him. But then Daddy always said he was drunk a lot, and mean often. Maybe it was better not to have met the man. Daddy still loved him though, I could tell.

 "I can drive hungry," my Dad informed my Aunt. "But what about your kids, Junior? I bet they want to eat, don't you kids?" My siblings and I gave Dad the "Bambi Eyes". For once they worked. Sometimes they worked, even on Dad. Mom was easier.

 We stayed for supper. We stayed for desert. And then my sister and I played with our little Cousin, Shannon. She was Aunt Janet's Granddaughter, really our third cousin. She was also spoiled rotten. Cried if she didn't get her way. She got her way a lot.

 My brother sat at the table and talked with the men. I don't think he enjoyed it much. It didn't LOOK like much fun, just sitting there and talking. He would have had more fun playing marbles with us. But, that's what you gotta do when you grow up, I guess.

 It was getting near night. We ran outside and caught fireflies. "Glowbugs" we called them. Every once in awhile you would catch a moth too, and then let it go. It was fun to see who could catch the largest moth...once my sister caught one that had at least a 5 inch wingspan, but we teased her and said it was really a bat. A white bat.

 When at last Daddy noticed the time, it was too late to drive back. Probably my Aunt's plan all along.

 "We can't stay HERE, Aunt Janet," my Dad said for what had to be the fifth time. "Where would you put all of us? We'll be fine, the kids can sleep in the car on the way back."

 "And have you wake them up all over again when you get back to Pittsburgh. They won't be well rested, and neither will you. And you KNOW how hard of hearing your mother is! What if she doesn't hear you knocking to get in? Then what will you do?"

 Daddy was out of arguments. My Aunt had an extra room, my brother would stay with Uncle Harold. I claimed I should be the one to stay with Uncle Harold, but they believed my brother should because he was older and could get along without Mom.

 My sister was in the room with Aunt Janet. Shannon was displaced to a sleeping bag in the living room. She didn't complain, as this meant she would get to stay up longer.
 I was going to be sleeping where  Shannon always slept. This sounded reasonable at first, although I was mildly ruffled at having to sleep in a 3 year old girls bed. It would probably be something dumb, like pink or something.

 I was in for a shock.

 When we entered the room, there was a large double bed for my parents, and a......I couldn't believe it! A white CRIB, covered with pink bunnies and of course, pink nursery printed sheets.

"WHAT!?" I stared at it in disbelief! "No way! I'm NOT sleeping in a crib! I'm SEVEN!!" I stated, crossing my arms. As far as I was concerned, this argument was over. They'd just have to put me somewhere else!

 "Is that so?" my mother said. "Well mister, you've got another thing coming. I WAS going to let you have the side down while you slept in there, but since you are acting like an ungrateful spoiled BABY, a crib is where you belong...with the side UP!" 

 My Dad came into the room then. "Dad," I complained. "Mom says I have to..."

 "If your mother says you have to, then you have to," he cut me off. "You know better than to try and use us against each other."

 "Sorry," I muttered. He was right. I DID know better. But this was just too much!

 My mother stripped me down to my underwear to sleep in. Grumbling about it, I began to climb into the crib. Just as I got in, my mother said, "Hold on just a minute."

 I stopped and looked at her. "I think you should be punished for being so ungrateful," my mother told me. She was looking thoughtfully at the diaper stacker that hung from the side of the crib. She pulled one out and looked at it.

 "Must be for Shannon," she mused. "Toddler diapers. They're pretty big. Probably even big enough to fit you!" She began to smile now.

 My eyes grew large as she unfolded the pink diaper. "Oh no, Mom! Don't make me do that. PLEASE don't make me wear a diaper!"

 My pleas fell on deaf ears as she gently pushed me onto my back in the crib. In one quick motion she whisked my underwear off, and slid the diaper under me. "If you are going to act like a naughty child, we will just have to dress you like one," she said.

 She found some baby powder and sprinkled it on me, then snugly fastened the diaper using the tapes that were on it.

 Meanwhile, I was realizing that this didn't feel half bad, and was struggling inwardly with the fact that this was a punishment. My mother finished diapering me, then said, "Now you go out to the living room, and tell everyone goodnight."

 Embarrassed, I toddled out to the living room, constantly aware of the huge thick diaper between my legs. It crinkled loudly, and I couldn't put my legs together. It made me have to walk funny.
 When I went into the Living room, my sister nearly choked at seeing me in the diaper. She giggled as I went from person to person, saying goodnight.

 "That's all right, Honey," my aunt said when I got to her. "Little babies need to be diapered at night. Nothing at all wrong with that." She patted my diapered bottom. "Just like your little cousin Shannon over there."

 I looked over at to see she was indeed wearing one of the diapers. It was slightly large on her, slightly small on me. Still, it fit.

 I finally was able to go to bed. I climbed into the crib, and my mother put the side up. I tossed and turned for awhile, aware of the diapers and wondering why they felt so good to me.

 I awoke in the middle of the night. It was dark, and I realized I was trapped in the crib...and i had to go pee.....really bad. I wondered for a moment about calling out to my mother to let me out, then realized something. I was wearing a diaper. What would it feel like to just wet it, like a real baby? I might as well put it to good use! 

 I relaxed myself and tried to go. It took a few minutes, but finally I was able to let go and let the warm pee into my diapers. It was actually a good feeling I realized. Warm and tingling, and the diaper held it all. I fell back asleep, feeling warm, safe, and secure.

 In the morning, I awoke to find the diaper had become cold and clammy. Now I just wanted out of it. My mother put the crib side down and I jumped out.

 It was then that I realized that a wet diaper was something more than cold and clammy. It was heavy.

 My mother eyed the diaper suspiciously. "I don't believe it," she said. "Did you wet that diaper?"

 "What? No! Of course not," I said, backing away. But it was useless. She reached over and put her finger in the elastic at the leg opening.

 "You DID wet it!" she said. "Then you LIED about it!" She effortlessly pulled me over her knee and smacked the wet diaper a few times. "Bad baby. Baby mustn't lie to Mommy!" she said as she spanked me. It was more embarrassing than anything else, the spanking didn't hurt through the diaper.

 My mother then went to ask my aunt if she could use some of the other toddler things for me.

 She came back, and I was plopped onto the changing table. My t shirt and the wet diaper came off, for which I was grateful. My happiness didn't last for long however, as she returned with a new diaper, and she cleaned me with baby wipes, powdered me, and put a dry diaper on me.

 I was very embarrassed already, but it wasn't over yet. She then went to the closet, and came back with a baby dress. "If you're going to act like your cousin, we will dress you like her!" she said, putting the dress on me and combing my hair with a part in the middle. To complete the look, she put tights and Mary Jane shoes on my feet.

 My aunt brought my cousin Shannon into the room to change her out of her diapers, and get her dressed for the day. Shannon looked at me when they entered. "Baby!" she said excitedly. 

 My Aunt smiled and said, "Yes dear, that's a little baby who still needs to wear diapers all day. But since you are a big girl, you get to wear training panties during the day."

 My mother lifted me down, and we walked by the mirror on the way out of the room. I was shocked to see that walking beside my mother in the mirror, rather than a little seven year old boy, there was a very sweet looking toddler girl!
wow were do you find people like this io would love this to happen to me not the dress and stuff but the rest yes please 
Great story. I would love to be that little sissy boy for ever. When I was about eight years old my mommy and sister dressed me in cloth diapers and plastic and a very short toddler looking dress. Then they put black Mary Jane shoes on me with fold down socks with flowers on top. My mommy combed my long curly hair and then put it in curls. A little lipstick and finger nail polish, and I was ready for the church Holloween party. I actually loved being dressed like this. I felt like a little girl. The boys at church made fun of me but I paid them no attention. Later after drinking a lot of blood (red punch) I had to go really bad. I told my mommy and she said you have diapers on so use them the toilet is busy with adults. But I can't do that, that is what babies do. Well lets see, you have diapers on and baby clothes on and a paci in your mouth. And earlier you drank punch from a baby bottle I think that qualifies you as a baby. But I am seven years old mommy. Weii then hold it until we get home. Of course that was not possible. So I went into the coat closet and peed in my diapers. Boy did that feel great. It felt so good that I began to sort of rub my plastic pants and diaper. I don't know why accept that it felt better than anything I felt before. The more I rubbed my diapers the better I liked it. Then something broke because I felt something leak out of my pee pee. I became scared. My face felt hot and yet at the same time I felt great. What was that feeling. I soon calmed down and exited the closet and went and sat down with the girls as the boys were looking at me like I was a stranger. The girls and I played games and the girls said I could come to their homes and play baby anytime I wanted if their mommies said it was okay. For some reason I liked the idea of playing baby and said okay. Finally after two more hours we all went home. On the way home I suddenly had to go number 2 and I told my parents I had to go poop. My father said to go in my diaper. I said no way. My father sais to then hold it. A few minutes later I was going number 2 in my diapers. Soon every body in the car knew I had done number 2 in my diapers. My mommy said I think we should keep Bobby in diapers and toddler clothes sense he has demonstrated he willy can't control his 1 and 2 activities. Surprisenly my daddy chimed in and agreed, saying it would be nice having our baby boy back. My older brother and sister agreed that having a baby brother again like before would be fun. But does this mean we will have to change his diapers like before. Mommy said it will be a family affair. My brother said it was okay as he was away doing sports and school. My sister said do we get more allowance for changing his diapers and feeding him etc. Yes you get to live in our house rent free and free food and free clothes. Then my mommy said Bobby is this what you would like. I jumped at the chance to be a baby again. I love sleeping in a crib and wear diapers and be given a bottle and eat bad tasting baby food. So I said yes please. So this is how I became a baby again. I was home schooled to keep me safe from boys at school. My few friends kept coming over for a few years then they simply stopped coming. But for the next few years I got to visit the girls at church dressed as a baby girl and we all played together as me being the baby. No, the girls did not change my diapers nor did their mothers. When I used my diapers I had to keep them on until my mother picked me up and took me home. Finally when I was eleven I was told I was too old to play baby with the girls and I had to stay home. My parents found a school that catered to handicapped children like me and I soon was going there as Bobbi.  My parents took me to several doctors who agree that I should of been a girl. They subscribed some female drugs for me and after eight months I began to look like a real girl. Six months later I was operated on and I was officially a little girl. I had little breast and my body was diffinately that of a girl. I still had to wear diapers because of being diaper dependent for so many years, and besides I loved wearing them. At home I wore just diapers and a top so my parents and my sister and my brother could see when I needed to get changed. On occasion I would get diaper rash from having a poopy diaper and not telling any one. Man did that hurt. Yet even that was okay cause that was part of being a baby.  
I have updated this story to fix the formatting issues, which had messed up both the form and had for some reason blocked certain names of places and people. Should be good now.  
hey sparkels did you know i was diaper punished it sucked it was kind of awesome
I would love to be back in diapers full time and also to be a baby girl so I could wear dresses and play all day with dollies. How wonderful that would be. To only eat baby food and drink baby formula from a ba ba all the time would be great!
This is Kita Sparkles and I am taking over this post. 

If there has been one thing in the common "Diaper Story Tropes" that has bugged me in the last 10 years, it has been the, "I got baptized/confirmed in the Catholic Church and I had to wear diapers under my poufy dress..."  It is absurd. They all have such common language and I would believe they were all written by the same person ("Tiffany"? That you?) if not for the sheer volume of them. Of course they never tell the parish where this takes place, they are all 14 or 15 years old (WAY too old for the sacrament they are asserting), always girls, and always mention a "poufy dress". Fake through and through. And not happening here.  
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