Sissy Fetish

Sissy Fetish


Sissy Fetish
How often do you cry because you wanna be a girl so much?
2. Never...but that’s because my gender feelings come out in other ways.
Do you sometimes walk into the lingerie section of department stores for the erotic buzz?
How many times a day do you experience girl-envy when you see a pretty girl?
1. Yes, but it’s overtly sexual and/or over the top… (‘Mimi fuck-kitten the cum slut!’)
4. Yes...and it's deeply important to me.
Do you have conflicting moments when sometimes it seems entirely logical that you are a woman and others where it suddenly seems ridiculous?
2. No...because there is nothing logical about me wanting to be a woman.
No...because I know that I am - deep down - female.
Putting aside biology, which of the following roles do you think you’d be better at: Mother or Father?
How often do your sexual fantasies involve fetish fabrics such as latex, satin etc?
A lot. But trust need to be a girl goes way beyond any kinks I have.
How would you describe your testicles?
2. I don't really have any thoughts about them, to be honest.
3. A ball and chain (except there's 2 of them) that condemn me to a life of loathesome masculinity.
4. Sometimes I wish I could just rip them off.
Does your sexual interest in femininity predate your transgender interest?
If you could be a woman but would not have access to fem clothing, cosmetics and silicone...would you still want to be a woman?
2. Yes, but I'd be gutted to miss out on those things.
Which of these 3 things would you want the most if you could be reborn tomorrow?
Irrespective of what your family and friends think...are you really prepared to transition?
3. I'd like to transition but would not do it without the collaboration of my loved ones.
How do you feel about the fact that men are better paid than women?
3. As Wiz Khalifa said... "paper over bitches."
4. Have more important things to worry about, thanks.
What colour eyes does your ideal man have?
1. Listen: men appear in my fantasies, but I don't care about their eyes.
How much of your time thinking about being a woman is in a purely sexual context?
1. Not all of it...but a lot of it.
If you could live successfully as a woman - but hormones and surgeries would take 10 years off your life...would you still live as a woman?
3. I'd have to think long and hard about it.
How much of your day is spent obssessing over gender?
The idea of being a wife or girl-friend...
1. Really turns me on...especially to a dominant, older man who insists I be super feminine.
2. Seems right and natural (and it also turns me on.)
4. I need more time to think about it.
1. Yes...but I'd rather be the one being penetrated.
3. The whole thing seems alien and weird.
4. I only like guys so obviously I don't like penetrating girls.
Are you insecure about your manhood when it comes to satisfying a woman?
How do you feel when friends and family start taking photos? (THIS IS THE LAST QUESTION...GET READY FOR THE RESULTS)
1. Get that thing away from me because I can't bear to see my male self in photos!
2. Strut my stuff and start looking sharp, baby!
3. I just get on with doing what's expected of me.
Dear Friend,
Congratulations: you have a communal-garden feminization fetish, and can comfort yourself with the resultant label of being nothing greater or lesser than being... a little bit ‘kinky.’ In other words, you’re definitely not transgender…
....................................................................................................................................................... CAVEAT: However, e know from thousands of case studies that it’s possible to have a feminization ‘fetish’ in your teens and twenties … and then sometime in middle age the individual experiences a whopping gender crisis. Therefore, whatever the results now...the fact you have the fetish in the first place still means that you have the potential for a late onset transgender crisis ................................................................................................................
However, I don’t want to freak you out. Even if you do have a gender crisis it doesn’t mean you have to start transitioning. In fact, it can strengthen your understanding and appreciation of your masculinity ...........................................................................................................................................................
.............. Love Felix..........
Dear friend,
I’m embarrassed to say that the results of this test are inconclusive...and you seem to lie somewhere on the border between ‘fetish’ and ‘transgender.’
Considering this test was supposed to remove you from that border and answer the question definitively... I'l understand if you’re feeling insulted.
However, the entire point of the article that accompanies this test is to expose the 'fetish versus transgender question' as a completely invalid question (but don’t worry, we all ask the question, including me.). So please, read the article and then maybe you'll learn to think about this problem in a more positive way.
Love Felix.
Dear Friend ..........
Your answers show a consistent leaning towards a transgender perspective of the self and the world in which you live.
I can’t indicate which specific answers moved the needle decisively to transgender...all I can say is that the sum aggregate of your choices shows a clear, consistent leaning towards gender variance.
CAVEAT: However, bear in mind that transgender science is in its infancy and experts can not even agree on the meaning of the word ‘transgender’. This means that there is no hard scientific truth to these results. Furthermore, this is just a 21 question internet test so please don't stake your life on it. .... Hugs and love... and good luck on your journey....
......................................................................................................................................................Love Felix...
Editorial board Post Author 4 years ago Reply
Raven Looksfarr 3 years ago Reply
Last week, I received an e-mail from a reader in Atlanta who’s facing the ‘is this all a fetish or am I transgender? ” question (as you can see above, she described the dilemma in much more colorful language.)
We decided to investigate and create a test…
(Please don't try to second guess the test. Having a raging latex fetish doesn't invalidate your transgender impulses.)
(This isn't just about penis size but your skills as a lover generally and your 'masculinity.'
First of all, why do some people see ‘sissy’ fantasies as challenging their transgender status?
1. The sexual desire to be a woman is so incredibly strong that it makes you wonder if it isn’t the main power source of your transgender desire.
2. You are keenly aware that some of your crossgender behaviour is overtly fetishistic (sissifcation, humilaition, transvestic etc.), making you suspect the whole thing is an elaborate fetish.
3. Your first crossgender experiences were sexual – therefore it’s sequentially logical that later transgender experiences grew out of what came before.
Let me save you hundreds of hours of therapy!
To finish with this whole question of fetish or authentic transgender impulse? you need to understand that the question is a complete waste of time.
3 reasons why the ‘fetish versus transgender’ question is a pointless question…
1) Personally, I have come to suspect that the transgender impulse of late onset transsexualism does have a sexual origin.
The reason I ‘suspect’ and not ‘believe’ is because in the end… IT’S IMPOSSIBLE TO PROVE EMPIRICALLY.
Using logical ideas like ‘the sexual impulse came first therefore it must be the prime cause’ is logical… but can not be confirmed as genetic or neurological or biological reality. Until we have a much greater knowledge of the brain and the way it directs sexuality and gender…the causal mechanism of your transgender impulse is impossible to know.
That’s why you should never trust writers who talks about this issue in the language of fact. There are no facts. We do not know if the desire to change gender is a paraphilia and we don’t know that it isn’t. I don’t know, Raymond Blanchard doesn’t know, Julia Serrano doesn’t know…
Therefore, all this time you are spending on the fetish versus transgender question is a waste of time because the answer is, at this point in scientific history, unknowable.
Reason 2: even if it was a ‘fetish’… it would be clinically irrelevant.
While the discovery that a certain type of transsexualism begins with a paraphilia would be a delight to Blanchard and the conservative movement, it wouldn’t make any difference to your treatment options. Why?
Because whatever the cause of your gender crisis, we know that the resultant symptoms are so severe for the individual that it is completely irrelevant whether the whole thing began with a fetish or a genuine female essence.
…Imagine a person you love is suffering from skin cancer and I spend all my time obsessing over the causes. Imagine I’m harping on about that holiday in Ibiza when we all double dropped ecstasy on the beach in 40 degrees celsius…and I’m sure that this is the cause of the skin cancer.
You’d be forgiven for swiftly interceding and telling me that you don’t give a fuck how it started… you just want it treated.
It’s the same for a gender crisis. Whether it’s caused by a fetish or a curse from God or a trapped female inside is irrelevant. A full blown gender crisis is a serious event with major repercussions for mental and physical health and has to be dealt with by well established clinical means – none of which are affected by the suspected sexual origins of the condition.
Reason 3: Ok…you’re transgender. So what?
The word ‘transgender’ has become one of the most redundant, meaningless words in the modern lexicon.
This is because it does not imply transition or a mental condition or even a lifestyle…it simply means that you ‘identify’ as a specific gender. In fact, it doesn’t even mean that any more because you can identify as having no gender or two genders or however you want to mix it up in the McCombo gender menu.
There are bald, middle aged dudes on Youtube who make no effort to pass or have hormones or surgeries or wear female clothes. And they say they are transgender women. I don’t have a problem with that (ok…I do…but I’m not going to get into it here) but I mention it because I want you to see how being ‘transgender’ doesn’t necessarily mean much at all.
Therefore, even if you reach a definitive decision: ”this is not a fetish…and I am transgender…” the next logical question is… “So what?” All that means is a process of identification in your mind – a process which consists of a bunch of words.
So, this is the third reason why the ‘fetish or transgender’ question is pointless: it’s asked by sufferers of gender dysphoria looking for answers and solutions, and the decision you’re transgender doesn’t diminish your gender dysphoria or tell you what you need to do.
And that leads me to my lasting sensation about this question: that it’s the wrong question.
The conversation you need to have with yourself is this…
Dear Self, whatever the origins of this fetish/transgender thing in the past, it’s really starting to fuck with my present. I now have to face the fact that right here-right now I’m in a gender crisis with gender dysphoria on the side. Therefore, the real question I need to ask is…
Has this thing now grown to such proportions that I need to seek treatment…and if it has…what treatment would be best?
There are many possible ways to treat gender dysphoria…
The above is what you need to obsess over: that’s your future! Trying to obsess over the origins of the dysphoria will not help you…obsessing over the solution will.
Do not pay attention to author boxes until September when we fix our post attribution problem.
You’re such a dependable reader, J. By the way, I never got round to writing the article I wanted to write in response to your other comment. Basically, what I wanted to say was that I wish people would stop assuming that if we ascribe a sexual origin to late -onset transsexualism… that means we must essentially give the thumbs up to Blanchard. There are many other ways of framing such a causal relationship in a much fairer and more respectful way to transgender women. Do you know what I mean?
How do I get to b enrolled in. Your feminization program and how soon can i start, cuz i maybe transgender but I’m seriously a sissy slut sex toy n want to be a sissy bitch prostitute for real. Where do I go to get started and what do I have to do to sign away my male body and get started on feminization to bcum the sissy slut bitch sex toy prostitute that is my most cherished desire and dream. What do u want me to do or where do u want me to go to get started?
So I’m a trans girl,,I knew that, be feel confident in being feminine in my male persona also.. After years of hiding, it’s wonderful to let the real me out,,
I love being feminine and submissive to women! I have a strong desire to be feminized and serve a strong woman. If I could, I would live en-fem 24/7, but thats not possible at this time. My recurring fantasy is to meet a strong woman, marry her, have her feminize me, take over my Company and turn me into her secretary where I would be forced to entertain both male and female clients. This would not affect our relationship as we would be in love even though she would have Alpha males as her sexual partners, and we would live as two Lesbians. I have taken some hormones and actually have feminine “B” cup breast, my hips widened slightly and my thighs thickened, so I stopped taking them. When I am home and dress I can see a feminine figure more than a masculine body. I’ve never had a muscular or large physique, 5’6″ 34B-27-38. I always wear feminine lingerie under my suits including a teddy or sports bra. Maybe someday I will meet that woman, who knows!?!
Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

Are you ready to go “ Down The Sissification Rabbit Hole?” Then read this…
T he term ‘sissy’ can have mean different things, depending on who you ask. Oftentimes, sissies are portrayed as cock craving faggots who have re-programmed themselves to the point where they have given up any thoughts of ever being sexually intimate with a genetic girl.
But this is only one—albeit popular—idea of what a sissy is.
The truth is that sissies can be complicated creatures. That being the case, they tend to defy any neat and tidy definitions that we so desperately want/need to label them with.
It’s way too easy to get gender identity confused with sexual preference. Things aren’t always so black and white—especially when it comes to sissies.
For example: would we ignorantly put drag queens, crossdressers, transgenders, sissies and the seemingly macho male who likes to occasionally pull a pair of panties over his hairy ass, all in the same, general category?
If we did, we would only allowing ourselves to see the tip of the proverbial iceberg. 90 percent of what’s going on inside the head of any of the above will always stay hidden from only the most open-minded, understanding and compassionate of people—or to those who are extremely close to them.
The truth (as I see it anyway) is that many sissies are heterosexually inclined with a plethora of other sexual preferences thrown into a pot that is simmering with possibilities. A sissy’s sexuality—as she comes to know herself better—is likely to be in a continual state of evolution.
As a sissy myself, I’m very much attracted to women. The thought of kissing and having sex with a man, while in male mode, is a complete turn-off for me.
HOWEVER, when dressed up, I look, act and feel ultra-feminine. Understandably, I would want to experience everything that a genetic girl does, including maybe (occasionally) having sex with a man.
Some would say that type of behavior would make me gay. I would counter that since I’m into total femme character—from both a physical and emotional standpoint—I would be acting from a heterosexual mindset; my gender identification being 180° reversed.
For me, sissification is mostly about the beautiful clothes! When my slim, sexy and very in-shape body is dressed in sexy lingerie , a mini dress and skyscraper heels, being with a man who desires me would validate my femininity in a way that nothing else could.
But as far as relationships go, I would always want to come home to a GG; or an ultra-feminine MtF TG or possibly a full-time CD.
Things can certainly get confusing inside of a sissy’s pretty little head. In the quest for clarity, I offer up the following article that I discovered online a while back that resonates with me.
Although these words were written from one sissy’s perspective, I feel it comes close to explaining what is going on inside the mind of many—not all—sissies.
SIDE NOTE: personally I would use CD or crossdresser in lieu of the term transvestite as the latter word is somewhat outdated.
Sissies are a distinct breed of transvestites. A sissy is a transvestite who’s primary sexual interest lies not just in wearing feminine clothing, but in becoming an exaggerated version of femininity. Femininity as seen through the lens of traditional hetero male sexual desire.
Sissies are not seeking to become women in a normal sense, but are instead seeking to become the object of their desires. Their ultimate fantasy woman if they were normal, rather than being a sissy.
Sissies are transvestites who can’t be sated by just throwing on some panties and jerking off. They must strive to become their ideal female. This means the fetish will transcend the bedroom, and creep into the rest of their life. A full wardrobe, makeup, wigs, etc.
Sissies will spend more time looking at women’s outfits than they will looking at the women wearing them. Sissies keep their body hair shaved, likely wear panties (or more!) at all times, nail polish on their toes, etc. Being a sissy takes commitment and dedication.
Sissies are bisexual, but not in the traditional sense. You aren’t going to see a sissy settle down and marry a man. You won’t find many that will say they find men attractive. Remember, a sissy seeks to become the embodiment of what their dream woman would be.
As such, their interest in pleasing men is distinct from that of homosexual men. Their interest in men comes from seeking validation that they have achieved their sissy goal: being feminine enough to interest “straight” men. They aren’t into the men themselves as much as the men are sex objects that a sissy uses to confirm her own sissyness.
Sissies are submissive. You can be a crossdresser who makes an effort to look the part and not be submi
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