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Last updated on June 12, 2022 by April Maccario
I'm a huge nerd when it comes to understanding how relationships between men and women work, and what drives a certain behavior. I spend much of my time getting into the nitty-gritty and try to share my findings on this site with the hope of making life a little easier for women that are struggling in their relationships or love life.
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This topic often sounds absurd to traditional women. For them, it’s a little difficult to understand the need to feminize men when you are attracted to all the masculinity in a guy. 
These days, the question is, “Why would you want him to be feminine when you can just be with a woman?” I think the whole concept is misunderstood. When there’s such a thing as toxic masculinity, feminizing your partner becomes more critical . When a wife feminizes husband, she’s just creating a more female-led relationship.
If you think about it, men having to act in a masculine way is just a social construct made by men themselves to promote and justify gender inequality. Feminizing husband has different reasons, and many men would probably frown at the idea. 
However, female-led relationships can improve the quality of understanding and breed harmony. In this article, I’ve got eleven advantages of feminizing your husband to share, grab a seat! 
Introducing a guy to female hygiene would drastically change his own for the better. Not all men know how to take care of their bodies as females do; others are just average. Teaching your partner proper shaving of body hair would introduce him to the smooth comfort and sweet smell it brings. 
Also, one of the hygienic aspects of feminization is the way a man stands to pee. Making him sit on the toilet to pee like a woman would help him understand how disgusting those droplets of urine on the side of the toilet are. Next time he would either aim well or wipe off the seat after. 
This goes beyond playing dress-up with your husband; it messes with his psyche. Dressing him up to expose part of his body to please you while you don't have to wear anything revealing to get his attention would make him more submissive . 
Let him wear the high heels for a change. If the roles were reversed, it would not feel so good to be treated like all there is to you is your body. Putting a guy in this position would make him respect the authority of a woman. 
Extremists turn their husbands into their maids. They are making him do all the household chores to gain some time to pick up a hobby, lounge around, or hang out with friends. However, just introducing him to a few chores would show him the importance of helping you out.
It's not just the wife's duty to do tasks; the husband can as well. As long as you both live in that house, it's your responsibility to each other. Introducing the cleaning habit into a man would make him tidy the house on his own and ensure it stays the same. 
You’re probably wondering, “will feminizing my husband really change anything?” The answer is simple - yes it will. When you feminize your husband to take on what would normally be a woman’s chore, it would help him relate better to a woman's situation because he has experienced something like it as well. 
Having faced the reality of a woman, he will treat you with more respect and appreciate your efforts. Switching roles would allow him to act like a housewife (literally walk in your shoes) enough to understand how to help or support you. 
Feminizing your partner would also keep him connected to other females and help him treat them as he would treat himself. It takes a while, but eventually, the result is magnificent; he will be more sensitive to you. 
Men are often stereotyped as aggressive and easily angered species. At the same time, women are stereotyped as tender and peaceful (except when provoked). 
A feminized man will understand how to express his opinion or feelings to a woman without getting angry , or belittling his subject. Let’s be real, men are usually quicker to get in fights than women, which is a result of high testosterone levels. With feminization, it would also tame him down and make him more calm and calculative in the actions he takes.
How to feminize a man is by introducing him to the perspective and way of life of females. He would learn etiquette just like women do, how to sit, walk, talk, and the aura to give off in public. This would carve him into a true gentleman when it's done and improve your relationship.
More so, with feminization, bad habits like biting nails in public, peeing on the toilet seat, speaking over someone, and the likes would diminish with time. He will start paying attention to his surroundings and act accordingly—no speaking out of turn or generally acting violently for no reason at all. 
Believe it or not, feminization will take the weight off your man’s shoulders. He no longer has to be an ultimate provider or play the ‘know-it-all’ role. That will ultimately be your responsibility while he relaxes. In fact, your sex life might also improve too. This is highly likely because once two people understand themselves better in the relationship, improvement in other areas follows.
There is no doubt that feminization enhances good looks. All additional grooming he has picked up will provide the ultimate glow. He would look better than ever, continually glowing. you might soon find yourself coming home to your very own Ken. 
Understandably, it's a major turn-on for a wife to have her husband dress up as a woman. However, it's another type of kinky role play between couples that keeps sex very exciting. More so, it's a powerful tool in a wife's hand for manipulating her husband during sex. 
A lot of men out there enjoy being submissive to their sexual partners as much as they like to dominate as well; they just haven't tried it yet. No matter how dead your sexual life has become, this type of role-playing will wake it up once you get past the laughing point to be in character. 
As we have already established, feminization allows a guy to appreciate his woman more. With this, he would like to always be there for her to show how much he cares. More so, sleeping with another woman will likely not be on the table. Feminization builds in the idea of faithfulness in guys because that's part of the ideal characteristics of a woman. 
Like I mentioned earlier, feminizing your partner would change his entire demeanor. Interestingly clothes have a way of affecting what we do physiologically. So, try to have him in your robes. You'll likely see a big change.
A good example is a soldier when he's wearing his uniform and when he's not - he acts differently at both times. That's the same effect dressing in feminine clothes would have on your husband. He would come off much calmer and relaxed. 
Frustrated that he doesn't pay you as much attention as he used to? This is one of the most common issues our female readers face. The number #1 factor that causes men to behave this way is actually relatively easy to change with a few subtle things you can say to him today.
Watch this free video (click on the link to watch) that my friend recorded which explains how you can become his priority!
A good husband should, first and foremost, love his wife. If he does love her, the rest of his responsibilities will come easily. A good husband should also protect his wife and be a best friend. He should further understand her, respect her beliefs, and show his wife some love. Additionally, a good husband is very supportive of his wife, accepts her faults, and takes care of her. 
A woman wants love and affection from her husband; someone who would miss her when she's gone on a holiday or to work. She wants a partner who would support her dreams and encourage her to achieve them. On top of this, a woman wants a husband who is a friend, one who would be her shoulder to cry on. The ideal husband would be the guy who understands and treats her lovingly. 
While great sex is at the top of this list, there are other things a husband needs from his spouse . He needs affection from his wife to remind him how much she cares. He also needs belief in his ability to provide for his family. He needs a woman who would understand him and be appreciative of his efforts. Just as important, respect is one of the most important things men need from their wives.
The husband's role in a marriage is to be a leader. As the head of the household, he should take the lead. Make the hard decisions for the benefit of the family and put himself first to protect and provide for them. Another role is to love his wife and serve her unconditionally by providing for her and meeting all her needs. 
A guy wants a wife who is completely honest with him, unafraid to discuss what troubles her or ask for what she desires. A man wants a wife who would still plan pleasant surprises for him. A man also wants a wife who would take care of him, love him unconditionally , and be there for him as well. Most men want a wife who can be independent and passion-driven as well, one who is emotionally intelligent and strong. 
Having read through the advantages of feminizing your partner or any man, I hope that you would try to do so as much as you can. I would really love to read your thoughts in the comments section below. Please share this article with your friends as well. Thank you. 
Do you hate it how everything seems to always revolve round him while you just seem to be an afterthought sometimes? We hear this all the time from women that contact us asking for help with their relationship. The thing is that which causes men to behave this way is actually something how men are wired. Once you understand how this works, it's relatively easy to change with a few subtle things you can say to him today.
My friend uploaded a quick video which you can watch here (click on the link to watch) where he explains how you can turn this behavior around!
Very good article!!! I think overall we should destroy masculinity and make men feminine by giving them estrogen in the womb we don't need masculine men in society except for a man's strength men need to think like women 100 percent. Masculinity is a personality disorder and should be eliminated from the human race
Hopefully you're raped by jihadis while your cuck watches. Feminism is cancer and needs to be excised by surgery and radiation.
You don’t want a man- you want a doormat.
Dressing as a woman for a man- are you kidding- what looser is going to go for this paraphilia.
Here’s the answer men and women should compliment each other and men are not submissive by their very nature determined by testosterone and well being men.
What you offer is a feminine pipe dream and a nightmare for every else who is normal and not a castrating harpy
I grew up in a house with a large family. My father washed dishes, helped clean the house, washed clothes, children, and even did ironing. We did not always want him to cook. I never thought of him as feminized but he took care of the family. He was my role model. I did and do all of those things in raising my family, Including sewing my daughters costumes for drama club. I changed a lot of diapers and washed a lot of dirty bottoms. I don’t know if that makes me feminized. There is a lot more to it than that. There is also the mindset of the man and woman. I would not say we were a female lead household. My mother was intelligent, well educated and emotionally strong. I would say the household was team lead.
Maybe, just maybe, you should look at yourself into mirror and ask yourself: 'Do I own the wisdom?' IMO I don't think so. Do research, write it down and make it suspenseful.
A relationship should be situation where you should complement each other not a place where you shame your other half or try to change the other...
You're going to be a desperate 40 year old cat lady with no kids wondering why you can't find a partner. Lmao at you and your nonsense.
I know a guy, his partner makes him dress up as a penguin before getting it on, like full get up, webbed feet, flippers, everything. Partner even chews up some herring or sardines in her mouth and feeds it to him, like a mother penguin in charge of a baby penguin. It's really good for establishing dominance in a relationship and securing the female as the sole role of provider and source of life in a relationship.
But that's not even the weirdest part, weird thing is, the guy still puts beans in his chili. It's not right to judge though, but he is completely aimless in life.
I'll remember this article when I'm kicking your husband's ass.
You sound absolutely neurotic. Pay a maid, buy a dog and leave men alone! This is not equality, it's phychosis. It sounds like "How to psychologically abuse your husband. (Here's 11 steps to becoming a dominatrix).
This is why I rejected feminism from the very beginning. (Sound like your mom and every teacher you had embraced it).
There are, because of feminism, more women who are total slobs than any man! Little pampered princesses don't learn household chores, cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. Sound like you did to the point of a mental disability.
Make sure the dog you choose is a very small non-shedder. Tiny poops to clean up and no hair to vacuum, otherwise I'd also fear for the dogs mental health.
Steaming hot political woke trash. You're obviously anti-Nature and anti-God for wanting to make a man something he wasn't created to be for your selfish motivations. Who the f@ $k do you think you are? Have fun feminizing your cats.
What a dimwit, just go be a lesbian.
I think I got the joke! If I am wrong and this is serious, assuming you have a man in your life, I am sure he would be ok with you showing him in a dress. I could use a good laugh
Really enjoyed your blog. I’m a 67 year old man who has been married 48 years and agree with your assessment for a good marriage.
Outside the house I’m all man while wearing panties. In the house my wife leads our sex life and marriage.
There are times she wants me to be aggressive but only when she want it. Mostly she wants me with my face between her legs and taking her lead.
Yeah, no. She obviously doesn't understand men or relationships as much as she thinks she does.
This is some of the most retarded shit I've ever read. Just become a lesbian
Saw someone talking about this on YouTube and I have to say this is the biggest bunch of rubbish I’ve ever read. The best part is your FAQ isn’t even in sync with the nonsense. Effeminate men cannot protect, nor can they lead. That’s a traditional Masculine males role. I think you need to take a deep look inside yourself and realize you want a wife, you just haven’t come to terms with your suppressed sexuality.
I was intrigued by your article,but also a bit offended. How ever what is the point of respectful discourse if it is not to challenge old thinking and inspire new and perhaps better thoughts?
I commend what I imagine is your desire to improve the relationships between women and men, and not just for women to dominate men. I may be completely off base on that, but I would prefer to err on the side of hope. I find this article presumes many things about males that I believe are generally inaccurate, and sadly only exacerbates some challenging issues between men and women.
Most males, at least in my experience, are not sloven apes. Not that we can't be or have not been at some time in our youth. The same can be said of most females. I believe that the differences between men and women should be appreciated. It is like dancing. Respect the differences, and what each brings to their partner. Then learn to flow together.
I think that trying to feminize men will only breed resentment and weaken our society as a whole, as will the masculation of women. Obviously there are differences, and nothing says we need to completely understand why they are in order to appreciate and enjoy them. I do not need to understand why the sky is blue with dotted clouds and sunshine to find it marvelous and beautiful.
A Perth Australia radio show announcer, Paul Redmen, coined the Phrase. (Battle of the sexes.)It was a weekly knowledge based call in contest meant in jest and good fun. But now days it seems there is more combativeness in the air concerning relationships, and that phrase has been taken to ridicules levels.
While I am not ignorant of the past and currant atrocities, though different in there scope and damage, committed by hand fulls of men and women against one another. I do believe we can over come it. Not by blending into an amalgamation of the sexes. But through the respect, appreciation and love of the things that make the two of them different.
After you're done feminizing your boyfriend and need your soft, pink bits stimulated by a bull, drop me an email.
This article is a great marker of why male/female relations are shot to hell
If you want equality, why don't you write an article titled "How to masculinize your wife"?
I wound up here after hearing about this...I thought it was a joke. If your intent is to feminize your husband, then what you want is a woman, not a man, or at least not a real man - perhaps something that looks kind of like a man, but behaves like a woman. A man doesn't have to be feminized to be a loving, meaningful partner, a gentleman, clean, or a leader. This is the most absurd garbage I've read this year and your concept of what a man should be is so severely distorted, I suggest you get professional help. Seriously.
nothing feminizes a man like doing him up the bum either with fingers or toys. It is even more successful if he has orgasms by having his prostrate stimulated by anal play. This will also change how the woman sees him and herself since she has all the power and he becomes a willing recepticle that loses control over how he orgasms
This is one of the most moronic pieces on relationships I've ever read. Clearly, April, you've had next to zero experience in relationships, and possess next to zero understanding of male/female qualities, many of which cross over.
Women like you are the reason men, more and more, are going their own way, and exiting from the world of toxic, clueless women like yourself who march around preaching men bad/women good BS. For men, life is so much more peaceful and wonderful without women. Men are tired of being with women who believe it's the man's job to make them happy, and bring nothing to the table of a relationship but a vagina (which soon loses its appeal and elasticity).
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