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Topic: My Sissy Son in Law by Sissy Ellen (recovered "lost" story) (Read 27462 times)


Winner of the Golden Panties Award

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« on: June 09, 2015, 11:36:21 PM »
My Sissy Son in Law by Sissy Ellen (1999) part 1 Now my husband died a few years back, and all I have left is my daughter. She is 22 years old and lives at home with me. I am an old fashioned woman and at age 55, I strongly believe that woman are far superior to men. Even my own husband was a pathetic little whimp. All I needed from him was a child and his pay check. I had the sissy trained from the first day I started to date him. I was the agressive one from the start. But my husband is a different story alltogehter. My daughter met this man at work and right away I knew that she loved him. I did not want this man to take my daughter away from me, so I had to try and show my daughter what a whimp her so called hunk was.  I asked my daughter to invite her boyfriend over to lunch one sunday, so we could all meet each other. My daughter was up in her room trying to get pretty for her man when I heard him ring the doorbell. I opened the door and was instantly amused at this so called man. He introduced himself to me and told me to call him Robert. He was very small for a boy much less a man. He was also very frail looking. I was thinking to myself that "Robert" looked more like a Roberta or Robin. He was around three inches shorter than my daughter and he weighed mabey 110 pounds at best. I walked up to Robert and gave him a hug. He was so smal he disapeared into my chest as I hugged him tightly. I could feel how weak and frail he was as I hugged him and I knew that if I wanted to I could break every bone in his body just by hugging him. As I hugged him I told him he was a sweet little boy as I patted his small fanny with my hand as I hugged him. He tried to let go of me and break the hug, but I held the sissy tightly and would not let go. I could feel the sissy starting to panic as I started to gently pat his back telling him to "burp for mommy". I picked him up and carried him like a doll over to the couch and sat down and placed him on my lap."Lets wait for my daughter" I told him as I held him in my lap. I held in him my lap like he was a baby and when he tried to speak, I put my finger up to his lips and firmly inserted it into his mouth. " suc-k on big mammas finger while we wait for your girlfriend" I told him as I started to bounce him on my lap as he suc-ked on my finger. I had to get firm with him and tell him to suc-k on my finger or else Big momma was going to have to put him over her knee for a spanking. The sissy was not only frail, but he must also be a bit slow because he did not suc-k on my finger, so with very little effort, I rolled him over onto my knee and pulled his pants down and spanked the daylights out of him as I also kept my finger in the sissies mouth. After I spanked him he got the message and suc-ked on my finger for all he was worth. I gently pulled the sissies pants back up and resat him on my lap. He sat on my lap sobbing, but he suc-ked on my finger as I wiped the tears from his cheeks. My daughter was taking her sweet time getting ready for "Roberta" so I was really enjoying his discomfort of sitting on my lap. I pulled my finger out of his mouth and it made a loud pop because he was suc-king on it so hard. I gently took his hand and guided it up to his mouth and made him stick his thumb into his mouth. "What a pwecious wittle baby" I told him as I gently rocked him on my lap as he suc-ked his thumb. " Lets see what the big cream puff has for my Daughter" I said as I reached down and placed my hand on his crotch. He started to squirm in my lap as I felt his small tiny baby sized pee pee. You had better quit your squirming and suc-k on your thumb, or else big mamma will have to spank her sissybaby again. The whimp stopped squirming and laid iin my arms like a baby suc-king his thumb as I undid his pants and pulled them down to his ankles. He was wearing red silk jockey under pants. I told him how pretty his "panties" were as I gently rubbed the front of his pretty red panties. Lets see how long the sweet sissy can last, then I told him to count out loud to twenty five. He started to take his thumb out of his mouth, and I told him to count with his thumb in his mouth. He sounded so cute as he started to count, Won woo fwee, it sounded like baby talk with his thumb in his mouth. I started to massage the front of his pretty red panties. Por Pibe thix Seben, I felt the sissy release his milk into the front of his panties. Just then my daughter came into the room. part 2 Here I was holding my sweet sissy son in law to be in my arms, with him suc-king his thumb and his sissy red panties all wet from his sissy milk as my daughter walked into the room. She just stared at him in my arms as I held him in my lap. She walked up to me and reached down and felt his pretty red panties with her hand. "It seems that my botfriend has had an accident", she said as she felt the front of his wet red panties. "Yes the poor sissy has made a mess in his panties" I replied. I just held the sissy in my lap as my daughter pulled his pants from his ankles and walked out the room as I held the thumb suc-king sissy in my lap. "Where are you going?" I asked her as she left the room. " will be right back"she said as she walked out of my house. I just held the pretty whimp in my arms until my daughter returned. I made him suc-k his thumb the whole time she was gone, telling him how much of a sissybaby he was to make such a mess in his pretty red panties. When she came back into the house she had a bag in her arms. She walked up to us and set the bag on the floor by the couch. She told me how sorry she was that her sissy had wet himself as I held him. I told her that it was Ok since I knew that Babies could not control themselves. Then she dumped the bag that she had brought in on the floor beside the couch. I noticed that she had gone to the store and bought a bag of Adult disposbale diapers and some baby powder. She also picked up a small package and opened it and took a baby paciafier, and stuck it into the big sissys mouth. "You had suc-k the paciafeir sissy" she told him as she took a diaper and laid it on the floor. Then she asked me to help her to dress her baby. I pulled the big sissies panties off of him and carried him over to the diaper and gently laid him down on it. Next I held the sissy down as she sprinkled baby powder on her sissy. Then she tapped the diaper on her sissy boyfriend and tolde how cute he looked.  The big sissy just laid on the floor wearing his diaper and suc-king on his paciafier as he started to cry. I took his clothes and handed them to my daughter, and told her "that the sissy would not be needing these anymore". Here was her grown sissy boyfriend wearing nothing but his diapers, suc-king on his paciafier crying like a baby as she went into the kitchen to throw away his "bigboy" clothes. "Was he a good baby while I was getting dressed", she asked me. " He was until he wet himself", I told her. I then reached down and picked my new "grandson" up and carried him up to his new bedroom and laid him down on his bed. He started to cry and tried to take the paciafier out of his mouth. I roughly shoved it back into his mouth and told him that if he did not do as she was told, that I would have to beat the day lights out of her. The poor sissy was so scared that I watched her wet her diapers as I looked at her. I called down to my daughter and told her to bring me a fresh diaper and that her baby had wet herself. She came up to the bedroom holding a diaper, and told him that he was now our baby and to relax and behave or else it would be painfull for him. Then she changed his diapers as I watched. He tried to get away, and my daughter and I had to hold him down and forcefully change his diapers. I also had to spank the sissy again to remind him who was in charge. After we had changed the sissies diapers, my daughter went to the dresser and got the sissy a pretty pink nightie to wear over his diapers. " I think the baby needs some rubberpants" said my daughter as she tucked the sissy into the bed. "Yes she does" I responded as I Tied my sweet sissies wrist to the bed post and then tied his feet so our sissy wa safely secure while we went shopping to buy our new baby some new things that she needed. We went shopping and were gone for a few hours and when we got back our sweet sissy was not only wet but also stinky. We changed the sissy and put some pretty pink rubberpants on him over his new thick cloth diapers. Then my daughter called his job and told them that he had decided to quit. Next we went over to the sissies apartment and moved all of his belongings to our house and called his landlord and told her that he was moving out. When we got back we heard our sweet sissy trying to get loose. We tiptoed upstairs and peeked into the room and watched as the pansy tired to get free. All he could do was to cry and wet his diapers as the ropes were to tight for him to get free. The sissy fell back onto the bed and started to cry. We walked into the room and spanked the sissy soundly for trying to get away. We told him that he was our sweet baby girl now and that he should accept it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ part 3 As my daughter and I looked at our new sissybaby laying tied spread eagle in the bed, I told my daughter that we needed to get her married to the big sissy whimp so she could become his legal gardian. But first we need to keep our sissy in bed for a month to ensure that the sissybaby becomes incontinent. Then the big baby will need his mommy and his grandma to keep her diapers changed and take care of her. I then took a syringe out of my purse and gave the sissy a shot in the arm. That should keep the sissy weak as a kitten. We will only need to give our big baby two shots a day for the next month, and when the whimp wakes up he will be totally diaper dependent as well as have new plump womans breast. We untied the sissy now that he was under control from the drugs. Now he would be to weak to even lift her head much less try to get out of the bed. I gave the sissy some female hormone pills as I help the sissy swallow the pills. The best part is that the sissybaby will be totally aware of what is happening to him, but he will be helpless to stop it. I told my daughter to go and get her dil-do. I leaned over and told the sissy that I was going to pull down the back of his diapers and screw him like a woman with my daughters dil-do. He just looked up at me and started to cry. My daughter came back and handed me her dil-do, and we rolled the whimp over onto his tummy and pulled the back of her diapers down. Then my daughter took the dil-do and shoved into the whimps mouth. "suc-k it you pathetic sissy whimp" she yelled at him. "You want to get it nice nd wet so it will slide into our sweet sissies asspussy" I told my daughter aas she pulled the dil-do out of the sissies mouth and gently started to insert it into his sweet sissy ass. Then I reached under the sissy and started to massage the front of the sissies plastic pants, and told my daughter that we wanted him to learn to get sexually aroused while being screwed like a woman. As my daughter plunged the dil-do deeper and deeper into the whimps rear end, I felt him get hard through his diapers and plastic pants. I squeezed his smalll sissy pee pee through his diapers and felt him shoot his sissy milk into the front of his diaper. Then my daughter pulled the dil-do out of the sissy and stuck it into the whimps mouth to clean it. Lets let the baby take a nap, I told my daughter as I put the sissies diapers and plastic pants back on him. We went out for dinner as our new sissybaby lay helpless in his bed, unable to even move his head much less any limbs of his sissy body. part 4 My daughter and I kept her sissy boyfriend drugged for the next two months. Every morning I changed his diapers and gave him his morning shot to keep him weak and helpless. Then every late afternoon my daughter would give him his second shot that would keep me helpless until the following morning. The poor sissy was allready totallly incontinent and need his rubber pants and diapers to keep her bed dry. The womans hormone shots were allready highly evident as well. The sissy allready had plump 36 C cup breast. My daughter was a bit jelous of the sissys new breast since she was only a 36 B cup bra size. The sissies hair had also grown long down his back. I braided his hair into adorable pig tails, which made him look like Dorathy from the Wizard Of Oz with diapers and womans sized breast. Every night before my daughter serviced the sissy with her dil-do, she and her friend who was a hypnosis specialist, come over and hypnotise the sissy and plant all sorts of code words into the sissy. Now when the pathetic sissy hears the words "sissybaby wets her pants" the poor little sissybaby will wet and mess her diapers or pants or what ever the sissy is wearing. When my daughter says the words "mommys sweet sissy" the sissy will beg and plead with me and my daughter to feel his titties and screw him with my daughters dil-do. He will do and agree with anything me or my daughter says when he hears the words "mommies good baby". When we say "poor helpless baby" he becomes a helpless two month old baby that can not walk or talk. All he can do is to lay in the bed and wet and poo her diapers like a good baby. When the sissy hears the words "mommies toddler" the sissy can walk and talk buy he will obey his mommy and do what ever they say.

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