Sissy Boy In Princess Dress

Sissy Boy In Princess Dress


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Author Topic: The Prissy Princess Correctional Club (Read 14208 times)
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Super Sissy
Posts: 121
Karma: +2021/-0
« on: February 01, 2018, 03:23:09 AM »
Warning: This story contains depictions of physical abuse mainly in the form of spanking. It contains emotional and psychological abuse in a family setting. It contains abuse in the form of drugging characters without their knowledge. It contains depictions of schoolyard bullying and cruelty. It contains depictions of abusive and coercive cult like social pressure. This is a story about humiliation and forced feminization. Please don’t read if depictions of this nature are not for you. 

Dedication: This story is dedicated to and very heavily inspired by Chris, the Radical Feminist, who blogs and posts great stories at:

Thanks, Chris!

The Prissy Princess Correctional Club
By SissyKimmy1

Part 1: One Little Day, Many Little Steps

Chapter 1: Prissy Princess Bad Behavior

Shawn stood sobbing in the middle of the room as he rubbed his sore, red bottom. He was dressed only in a white, very soft cotton camisole covered in prints of tiny pink and purple flowers with the matching panties and his white tights draped around the white Mary Janes he wore on his feet.

“What a sissy crybaby!” he was taunted by his sister Cindy, the previous owner of the panties and camisole he had humiliatingly been subjected to. She was only one year older but much taller and more developed than her brother. She hadn’t worn the childish girly-girl underwear for many years, and now, much to her delight, they belonged to her brother and fit him perfectly.

Shawn could do nothing but stare down at his girly new underwear in abject shame at what was happening to him. He had gotten in trouble with the law multiple times recently, and to avoid juvenile hall he had agreed to participate in a special diversion program overseen by his mother, who was a judge in juvenile court. She said it was a pilot program being introduced for testing that she had helped to design. She told him it was called, “The PPCC,” and that it was designed to keep him out of trouble and help him reach his true potential as a boy.

His mother warned him that it was a very new and controversial program and that his chapter would be one of the very first in the nation. She said it would likely be at least a decade before the programs started to become widespread. The first major push was aimed for around 2004. She told him it would be a very big help to her and to his legal case if he signed up because the program needed initial successful students if it was going to start to grow. When he asked if the program was similar to what his sister had taken, she assured him that the girls and boys versions of the program were designed from the ground up to be perfect complements to one another, and that he would reach his full and proper potential just like his sister was doing.   

He readily agreed. His sister had been voluntarily enrolled in one of their mother’s programs when they were both little. Ever since that time, it seemed like she outshined him in everything she did, especially the things expected of boys, even though he used to viciously make fun of her for being such a girly girl. Ever since she joined her mother’s program she was a better athlete, a genius level student in math and science with no exaggeration, and she always seemed to have all the confidence in the world. All of this was because of his mother’s accelerated learning program for girls. The “CGPC” or Champion Girl Promotion Club which had steadily grown to a full class of thirty young girls for this coming school year. For the first time this year, the program was moving into a brand new school building all its own and would be run as a boarding school. Shawn and his family would live in a separate house on school grounds.

The program was funded by an extreme radical feminist splinter group that was hoping to change the face of education. They blamed patriarchal society for brainwashing girls away from athletics and hard sciences and robbing them of their confidence to make them dependent on men. They isolated and immersed the girls in their own specially designed program rolled out in a few small enclaves where the radical feminists held political power and it seemed to have incredible results. Shawn’s mother was a local judge and was interested in the program, so she helped implement it in their town and his sister was one of the very first students.

Shawn thought that if he took one of his Mother’s programs he could finally start to catch up to his sister. Whenever he complained about her people just told him he should be proud of her and support her for doing so well. But that was hard when she was constantly taunting and bullying him and lording her success and maturity over him. She deliberately provoked him and it made it impossible for him not to seethe with jealousy, because no matter how hard he tried he couldn’t keep up. She relished in taking sadistic revenge for Shawn’s bullying of her when they were little. 

The only thing he really had was his baseball team, where he was doing well and made friends with the team members who didn’t know him from school. He loved it. At school it was hard making friends because of a pair of bullies in his class he would only identify to his Mother and sister as, “The Twin Tormentors,” when he attempted to beg to be moved to another school or into a program like his sister’s. 

His Mother instead insisted on his big sister Cindy going to school with him to confront the bullying boys and get them to leave him alone. Under any circ-umstances a boy would know it was a bad idea to have your sister come bail you out from bullying. It was even worse when she arrived to discover the true identity of the pair of bullies he had humiliatingly nicknamed with comic book or pro-wrestling villain grandiosity. It was two very pretty, blonde haired, identical twin girls named Karen and Diane Sinclair, who had the infuriating ability to appear and sound identically innocent as saints under any circ-umstances. They spoke with identical bossy, posh British accents and almost always wore the same fashionable clothes and hairstyles, which they were doing that day. 

The three had actually been genuine friends when they first met. Shawn was an outcast in his class. He was bad at most sports the boys played besides baseball and was more the dreamy type who was interested in art. He was always doodling and sketching and daydreaming in class. He wanted to try harder and keep up with his sister, but it was difficult for him and his mind wandered.  

The two new girls were rejected by the class for coming from another country and talking funny and being bossy. Shawn was the only one who was nice to them at first because he understood what it was like to be left out. He found the ways they were different from the rest of the people he knew to be exotic and interesting while the rest of the class just saw them as weird.

For reasons he couldn’t understand, eventually they turned on him and spent their time making his life miserable instead of being real friends. The betrayal hurt the sensitive boy very deeply and made the bullying feel even worse.

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Super Sissy
Posts: 121
Karma: +2021/-0
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2018, 03:26:56 AM »
Cindy laughed at the idea of helping her little brother against two prissy seeming girls and told told him he had to handle that on his own. She said it was more likely he was was the one who started it, considering how he used to bully her for being girly when they were very little. Cindy told them everything he had said about them bullying him, and exaggerated his complaints to make him sound like he was snivelling like a little girl at the time. Then she told them about his private nickname for them. He had only used it the one time out of frustration, but once they heard it they never let him forget it. 

He could still hear them laughing and repeating it in that moment, together singsong in unison in that infuriating accent, “The Twin Tormentors!?” They were in hysterics.

Then the one on the left said, “Oh save me, Mummy! It’s The Twin Tormentors! Help me, Mummy! I wet my knickers!”

“Shut up, Diane!” he screamed.

Suddenly the two twins stopped laughing and looked curiously at each other. Then the one on the right said, “What a little fairy, begging his big sister to come help him deal with his two best mates just because we teased him a little? He belongs in knickers and a frock for real.”

“We’re not best friends, Karen! I hate you!” he replied.

The twins looked at each other again almost confused. “You can tell us apart?” Diane, the one on the left asked. 

“We didn’t know you could do that. Nobody can tell us apart,” Karen, the one on the right added. “You didn’t used to be able to do that, we’ve been in class together ever since we moved to the States and you’ve never been able to do that before,” she mused. 

“Even our parents make me show the birthmark when they need to be sure,” Diane said. Both girls pulled up their shirts a little, showing a distinctive mark on the right side of Diane’s torso.

Bullying forgotten for the moment they made him turn around, close his eyes, count to ten, and turn around again. He guessed right again, and then they kept repeating the test and he got four out of five. 

“Fascinating,” Cindy said. “I think I know how he does it.”

“Who cares?” Shawn asked in frustration. He added sarcastically, “Can you go now? Thanks so much for the help!”

“How does he do it?” Karen asked.

“Tell us!” Diane added.

Cindy told them her theory, seeming to take pleasure in her ability to explain it with clinical sounding coldness, “Instinct. He’s so afraid of you that he’s subconsciously reacting to you like you’re a predator and he’s your prey. Fear has made him very highly attentive of you, all the time on the lookout. You’re just walking around together having a normal day. But he’s spending all that time thinking about that incident two weeks ago when,” she paused and laughed now seeing the incident in a different light than when she thought it was boys who did it, “The Twin Tormentors pulled down his pants at recess in front of the whole class. What was that about anyway?”

“He wanted to practice baseball with a few of the boys instead of coming off and practicing football with his two best mates,” Karen said.

“We thought otherwise,” Diane added. 

Cindy looked down at her pouting brother and then back at the twins with some annoyance for the very first time. “Well, he’s not allowed to be playing football, it’s too dangerous for someone like him, he did the right thing in saying no. I think it’s really cool that you Twin Tormentors are playing but...”

The girls giggled, “Soccer,” they interrupted together. 

Karen added, “He’s not very good but we have him play goalie and collect the balls for us, we don’t have a net so we just use cones.”

Diane continued, “The boys use the only net and they won’t let us play.”  

Cindy looked annoyed. “Well that’s not right at all.” Cindy turned to her brother, “Shawn, I know you want to play baseball with the boys but you should be spending time with your best friends at recess. Especially when they need your help. I think you owe,” she paused and rolled her eyes dramatically, “The Twin Tormentors here, an apology.”

A red faced, resentful Shawn had no choice but to comply.

They never stopped bullying him after that. It was fun for them and Cindy had basically given them carte blanche on behalf of his mother. When he went home to complain about how Cindy had handled the situation his mother said she trusted Cindy’s judgement and that Karen and Diane sounded like precisely the sort of girls he should be making friends with. 

He kept trying to make friends with the boys in his class, but Karen and Diane would always mess it up somehow and he was stuck with them. That’s what got him in this mess. He could never get away from them, and then when they did something that finally made him snap, he ended up in the most trouble he had ever been in.

It wasn’t until that morning, the first day of his sentence, when he woke up to find the PPCC handbook on his nightstand that he realized he had agreed to a very different program than his sister’s. The full title of the guide was, “The Prissy Princess Correctional Club Guidebook.” The jacket of the book was covered with silver and pink glitter and impossible to read without getting some on your clothes and hands. 

In numb shock he turned to the first page where there was a preface that read, “Welcome, willing inductee, to your Prissy Princess Correctional Club Trial Period. Prissy Princess Trial Period methods and timeframes are subject to individual variation, but remember, at the successful completion of their Prissy Princess Trial Period EVERY Prissy Princess is privileged to receive a special unique Prissy Princess title all his own because every Prissy Princess is a special and unique snowflake. Wow! What’s yours? You don’t have to pick now, but you can’t complete your Prissy Princess Trial Period until you do.”

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Super Sissy
Posts: 121
Karma: +2021/-0
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2018, 03:35:32 AM »
There was a form underneath the words with blanks to be filled in, it read, My name is “Little Miss ______, (Fill in the new Prissy Princess name your guardian has chosen for you.)

“And I’m the Prissy Princess of ______ ______ ______.” (Use three, in any order:)

-Your favorite color.
-Your favorite flower.
-One of your favorite things about being a Prissy Princess. Be creative!
-Your favorite spice or herb.
-Your favorite sugary treat.
-A word from the Prissy Princess ABCs

He read no further and charged downstairs to object, but just as he left his room he was ambushed by his Mother and Sister and dragged back inside. They forced him to wear his sister’s childish outgrown underwear and a pair of tights and Mary Janes and then they took pictures with a Polaroid camera. His mother then dragged him downstairs by his ear and a few minutes later he was in open rebellion again. It didn’t last long.

“You have no one but yourself to blame,” his mother scolded as his post spanking sobs began to quiet. She grabbed him by the ear and made him mince towards the corner with his panties and tights still at his ankles. He was forced to stay there sitting for twenty minutes on a pink stool with a glittery pink sandpaper seat continuing to read the Prissy Princess Guidebook. He wore a pink conical hat with the phrase “Prissy Princess Bad Behavior” printed on it in white. 

“Now. Are you ready to apologize to your sister and do as you’re told or do you need to spend some more time over my knee?”

With renewed sobs he nodded.

“Speak up, Little Miss Shawna,” his mother sternly ordered as he stood.

“Yes,” he replied in a sniveling whiny voice which earned him another quick slap on the rear, this time with the hated guide book which had been snatched back from him. His sister laughed, in part at the glitter that had been left there after the impact.

“Say it like the book says you should, Cupcake,” his mother instructed.

“Yes, Mommy!” He squealed. “I’ll do as Miss Cindy says like a good Prissy Princess.”

In reply, she pointed to where his sister Cindy stood with a smug look of amusement and superiority on her face. Shawn bent down to pull up his humiliating underwear before his mother pulled him up by the ear and again pointed to his sister.

“Since your sister is the one you disobeyed, even after she was kind enough to give you such a nice gift of her own hand me down panties from when she was little like you, she gets to decide when your punishment is finished. Maybe if you ask her very sweetly she will decide you’ve learned your lesson and can pull up your pretty panties and tights.”

Shawn was still forced by the humiliating little girl underwear tangled around his ankles to take tiny mincing steps towards his sister who stood clear across the room laughing at every moment of his emasculating humiliation. “When I’m done with you, my little sissy sister, mincing everywhere will be completely natural for you. I doubt you’ll even remember how to walk like a boy.”

Shawn sobbed at the promise. When his mincing journey across the room to where she stood mocking him was completed, Cindy forced him to look into her eyes as he spoke. “I’m sorry for disobeying you Miss Cindy. Please may I pull up my panties? Thank you so much for giving them to me, they’re very pretty.” He gritted his teeth at being forced to refer to her so respectfully when he was burning with resentment over his current circ-umstance. 

Cindy smiled as she replied, “Of course, Princess.” She bent down and did the job herself. Quickly she pulled up the soft cotton panties covered in purple and pink flowers and she could feel her brother shivering and shaking in humiliation and confusion at the sensations he felt from his new underwear being put back in place.

Shawn watched in the mirror as she slowly drew up the tights and fumed at the indignity of having no choice but to submit to this humiliating feminization at the hands of his sister. She was only one year older than him but their relationship had been more like a mature aunt and a little boy for many years now.

“Thank you, Miss Cindy,” the sniveling boy replied as the tights were pulled snugly up, his panties still clearly visible beneath the white tights.

Cindy turned and picked up the object that had forced Shawn to try to resist his punishment and earn his spanking. That is to say, she lifted the very top of it out of the very large box it came in, the rhinestone covered sleeveless white bodice peaked out and below was what to Shawn looked like a bottomless sea of light purple taffeta. It was what his mother and sister had decided would be his very first Prissy Princess dress. It would change his life forever. Al
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