Sissy Anal Gasm

Sissy Anal Gasm


Sissy Anal Gasm
When it comes to anal sex, we often discuss preparation (aka the three Ds: dieting, douching, dilating), but we rarely mention what to do after engaging in anal sex. As fantastic as it is, anal sex can be traumatic to the body. If we engage regularly, we need to know how to properly care for the area before, during, and after the fun is said and done.
“Anal sex is a high-pressured act with significant forces at play, all of which can be quite traumatic,” Evan Goldstein, D.O., CEO of Bespoke Surgical, a medical and wellness practice for queer men, tells TheBody. “The anal cavity encompasses skin, muscles, and blood vessels, each of which can be restrictive and limiting. What that means is if someone goes beyond their capacity (i.e., their hole is opened up too wide or with too much force), any of these components can tear or develop other complications.”
The bum doesn’t self-lubricate like the vagina, and, since spit doesn’t contain the proper lubricity to ease penetration, one must invest in a quality lube (and lots of it) for a more pleasurable sexual experience and to prevent injury.
I favor a thick, water-based lubricant or silicone lube for anal sex, and applying it to the penis or toy, the b-hole, and inside the hole, since penetration often reaches deeper than the rim area. Lube can be applied with a finger (which makes for great foreplay) or, if your toy or partner is large, a lube injector . You can even play with a lubricated toy to both lube and dilate your hole before the action begins.
Goldstein says “overaggressive anal douching” (i.e., douching with too much water or force) and the angle of the top and bottom’s pelvises are additional factors to consider. “Some people like to get creative with complex sexual positions (which are fine, but only once everyone is comfortable) or they’re simply too aggressive when they’re thrusting before the bottom has opened up,” Goldstein explains. “Unfortunately, there are many variables to think about that can increase the chances of potential anal injury—and they all need to be taken into consideration to minimize possible complications.”
Some people, such as myself , favor CBD suppositories when planning for longer, more intense sessions. These rocket-shaped pills ease inflammation and help relax the area––whether a bum or vagina––prior to intercourse. Some CBD oils offer similar benefits.
Whatever you do, do not use numbing lubricants. These have a reputation of masking pain, which is your body’s way of telling you to stop and reassess the situation. “It’s also going to numb his cock as well, which could result in you getting fucked for a very long time and further irritate the area,” adult actor Dallas Steele adds.
After you’ve bottomed, the area will be more sensitive than usual, so run a nice warm bath, spill in some Epsom salts, and bliss TF out. The warm water and Epsom salts will quell the area and relax your muscles. This makes for an opportune time to replay those sexy moments in your mind and clean the area. While a gentle soap will do the trick, you can be extra and purchase a bum exfoliator to clean and buff your booty hole. If you’re still feeling a little raw after your bath, pop an ibuprofen to help with inflammation.
“If, after four hours, you discover going number-two hurts, try using CBD oil, an anal numbing solution, or just regular dental numbing gel like Anbesol,” Steele recommends. “This will lessen the pain while your hole recovers from the pounding.”
After you’ve pooped, inspect the stool for blood. A little bleeding can be expected from time to time, but excessive pain, bleeding, or discharge should not, and you may want to consult a physician.
If you witness any of these symptoms, abstain from anal intercourse until they’re gone. This can take anywhere from a few days to a week to heal. In the meantime, take some Metamucil before bed, and drink plenty of water, so bowel movements are as smooth as possible, and take a sitz bath three to four times a day to keep the area clean. For good measure, use this time to consider how things can be done more carefully next time.
Moving forward, you may also want to reevaluate how you clean your bum after a bowel movement, since wet wipes are no good for your rear, especially if you engage in regular anal intercourse. Due to their ingredients, their moisture, and their material, wet wipes can irritate and even infect your precious booty hole .
Toilet paper can be similarly abrasive, especially when you wipe instead of blot. That’s why you should be using a bidet. They’re a bottom’s best friend and offer a spa-like experience for your tuffet.
To keep your hole in tip-top shape, do some Kegels to tighten your pelvic floor and teach your hole some new tricks. Just insert a toy into your bum, flex, and repeat—it’s as simple as that. Additionally, many adult actors swear by vitamin E to keep their holes camera-ready. Dolf Dietrich , who is no stranger to a gangbang, applies vitamin E oil once per day, both in and around his hole.
Some bum injuries require surgery. At Bespoke Surgical, the most common injury is an anal fissure, a tear in the skin that’s incredibly painful. Other potential consequences could be dilated veins (hemorrhoids), skin tag development (residual hemorrhoids or scarring from tears), anal infections (abscesses), and/or the development of an infected tunnel (anal fistula). All of these can be treated—just make sure you see a sex-positive, queer-friendly doctor who is knowledgeable about the bum.
As you can see, there are a lot of things to consider even after you’ve had butt sex. While these suggestions may not be as important as the planning––Steele insists, “The key to not being sore or even hurting after sex is to be prepared before, and to know your limits and experience level”––anal aftercare is good practice. We put our bums through a lot, and it’s time we give back.
Bobby Box is a freelance writer and certified sex educator. He's currently Grindr's sex columnist and his work has been published in Daily Beast, Playboy , Askmen, Elle , NewNowNext, The Advocate , and more.
© 2022 Remedy Health Media, LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

It felt as if that night wouldn't pass. I had a throbbing headache and couldn't stop crying. I don't remember when I slept off. I woke up to find my husband standing in front of my bed with last night's question: "So, what have you decided? Is your answer yes or no?"
I didn't know what to say. I gathered some courage to speak up and mumbled: "Please go to the office, I'll call you by evening and let you know my answer, I promise."
He threatened: "I will call you myself at 4pm. I want the answer and it should be 'yes'. Otherwise be ready to get punished."
By punishment, he meant anal sex. He knew that it was extremely painful for me and he used it as a tool to torture me.
He and his elder sister left for the office. I was now alone and struggling with my thoughts.
After a few hours I gathered the courage to dial my father's number and told him that I couldn't live with my husband anymore.
#HerChoice is a series of true life-stories of 12 Indian women. These accounts challenge and broaden the idea of the "modern Indian woman" - her life choices, aspirations, priorities and desires.
I was afraid that my father would be angry but his response amazed me. "Pack your bags and get out of there," he said.
I took a book, gathered my educational certificates and rushed towards the bus station.
After boarding the bus, I sent a message to my husband. "My answer is 'no' and I am going back home," it said. After that I switched off my mobile phone.
After a few hours, I was home, surrounded by my family. I had left my husband's house after only two months of marriage.
I met my husband, Sahil, when I was in the final year of graduation. He was a jovial man. I liked being around him and with time we fell in love.
We used to go on dates, talk for countless hours on phone. It seemed as if life was almost too kind to me.
But this rosy romance did not continue for long. Gradually I started realising that our relationship lacked equality. It wasn't what I had been looking for.
Our relationship was becoming like my parents' relationship. The only difference; my mother kept silent while I could not stop myself from speaking up.
My father used to scream at my mother for petty things. He would even hit her and the only thing she responded with was tears.
When Sahil and I had an argument, it would often turn into a scuffle. He would use force to get intimate with me and scream at me if I refused.
I remember him once asking me: "Suppose I hit you someday, then what would you do?"
The question stunned me. I controlled my anger with great difficulty and replied, "I would break up with you that very day."
What he said next shocked me even more. He said, "It means you don't love me. Love should be unconditional."
After this, we didn't talk for almost a month.
Our fights became more frequent. Many times I'd try to end our relationship but he would apologise every time. I wanted to get rid of him forever and don't know why I wasn't able to do it.
Meanwhile, I was being pressured into marriage.
I was a teacher now. I'd be in class, teaching children and my parents would call me.
The same conversation would be repeated. "What have you thought about marriage? Why don't you marry Sahil? If not him then let us find a suitable match for you. At least think about your younger sisters…"
If anything went wrong at home, it would be blamed on my staying single.
Mother fell sick because I wasn't getting married. My father's business suffered losses because I wasn't getting married.
I was so frustrated that I finally said yes to marriage. I was still not ready for it and didn't believe Sahil's promise that he would change his attitude.
My fears came true after our wedding. Sahil made me a puppet, dancing to his tunes.
I was fond of poetry and used to my write my poems on Facebook. He forbade me from doing it. He even started dictating what I should wear.
One day he told me that I should finish all my reading and writing work by night. "If you leave me dissatisfied in bed, I will have to go to someone else."
He'd say that I wasn't making him happy and would advise me to watch pornography so I could learn some techniques.
And then he got this obsession with seeking work in Mumbai.
He said: "You stay here, do your job and send me money to support me there, and then you take out a loan so I can buy a house."
This is what he wanted me to say yes to. That night he had pushed me on the bed and forced me into anal sex just for that yes.
A line had been crossed. I left him the morning after.
I was a well-educated woman who could earn and live on her own. Yet, my heart was sinking when I left Sahil's home.
There was a fear of being judged by my own family and society. But even bigger than that was the pain in my heart.
When I reached home, my hair was dishevelled and eyes swollen as I had cried all night.
Newly married women look ravishing when they visit home for the first time after marriage. But my face was pale and the keen eyes of my neighbours guessed why.
People started pouring in. Some would say: "Such a terrible thing has happened to you." Others consoled me that Sahil would come to apologise and take me back.
Then there were a few who thought that a woman should not make such a harsh choice over petty issues.
Everyone had something to say but their opinions could not change my decision.
It has been seven months since I left Sahil's home and now I am choosing my own path. I have received a fellowship; I am doing a job and studying as well.
We have been going to police stations and courts as the legal procedure of divorce is not over yet.
I still wake up with a start at night. I still have nightmares.
I haven't been able to forget what I had to face but I am trying to move on in earnest.
My trust in love and relationships is definitely shaken, but not broken yet. I have decided to take some time for myself. I am proud that I didn't stay silent and got out of this abusive relationship before it was too late.
That is why I believe that my future will be better than my past and present.
This is a true life-story of a woman who lives in western India as told to BBC reporter Sindhuvasini Tripathi, produced by Divya Arya. The woman's identity has been kept anonymous on request.
BBC 100 Women names 100 influential and inspirational women around the world every year and shares their stories. Find us on Facebook , Instagram and Twitter and use #100Women
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In early December of 2016, I began an experiment. I wanted to find out whether transitioning from male to female would cure my depression. With support from my therapist, I found a doctor and began a regimen of testosterone blockers and estrogen. A month later, blood work showed my levels of both hormones were solidly within the natal female range.
It was surprisingly easy to do this. Once I got past many months of agonizing over a course of action, and then a few more weeks just working up the courage to make a phone call, it was only a matter of going to the clinic, discussing the medical implications of treatment, and signing a form saying I understood what I was doing. A blood test and a trip to the pharmacy later, I had the pills in hand.
The thing I noticed immediately was that nothing was immediately noticeable. I didn’t feel the sudden calm or rightness that many transgender people say they feel when their brains are operating on the correct hormones. I didn’t feel anything at all aside from eagerness and curiosity. At least, not right away.
Aside from not curing my depression, feminizing hormones have been everything I hoped for. Breast growth began in the first month, sooner than expected, and as of today they’re large enough to cup in my hands. I could probably still get away with going shirtless at the beach, but just barely. They jiggle painfully when I walk down stairs. Other than being anxious about hiding them, I’m okay with having breasts.
My skin is softer, I think. Softness isn’t exactly something you can measure, so this may just be a placebo effect, but it seems like the veins on my legs and forearms are less visible. I got carded when buying alcohol for the first time in years. Then it happened again the next day. I’m 36 years old.
My hair is growing back. I didn’t expect this at all (in fact, the consent form specifically says not to get your hopes up), but there’s now a half-inch of light fuzz where my scalp was once visible on the top and back of my head. Unfortunately, the receding hairline in front isn’t doing so well. It’s crept back forward a little bit, but my hairline has been slowly receding since high school, so I assumed it was too far gone to recover. So be it.
The most unexpected thing, and maybe the most welcome, is that I smell better. I can now go 2 or 3 days between showers and not notice. Before, my hair would get really greasy, so I would have to wash it every morning even if I took a shower the night before, otherwise it would start looking stringy and gross before the end of the work day. Now I just wash it when I shower and it’s fine.
The biggest change has been to my libido. It’s tanked. Erections don’t happen anymore unless I try to make it happen, which I don’t do nearly as often as I used to, and even then it takes more effort than before. I’m conflicted on this development. On the one hand, I’m worried about my relationship with my wife. On the other hand, for my entire life these feelings have been linked to sex and I thought of them as a fetish, but now the dysphoria is still there even though I’m not aroused. This is valuable intel that I’m taking into consideration for my next course of action.
A few weeks ago, I went back to the doctor for a 3-month follow-up visit. She asked how things were going and I told her that I was having doubts. The experiment hadn’t produced any solid results. There was no sense of clarity, no answers to the question I was asking. I said it felt pointless to take feminizing hormones, even if I did like their effects, since I wasn’t going to transition. She tried to hide a light smirk and said something to the effect of “I think you are.”
It was an off-handed comment that I ignored at first, but then later asked her to elaborate on what she meant. She talked about the different components of gender transition: social, medical, and surgical. I may not be dressing publicly in women’s clothes or asking people to recognize me as female, and I certainly don’t have any surgeries planned, but medical transition is just hormone therapy, which I’m now months into. Therefore, I am medically transitioning. Her argument was logical, but I still resisted it.
She also talked about how social support and self-acceptance would help the depression more than any chemicals would. I resisted that advice too.
By the end of the visit I’d decided to stay on the testosterone blockers and to lower the estrogen dosage to see if that slows breast growth. I also got a prescription for an anti-depressant.
My plan when I started all this was to try hormone therapy for 3–6 months and see how it felt, then switch off that and try an anti-depressant for a few months so I could compare them and see which is more effective. I was and am not convinced that gender dysphoria is the primary cause of my depression. This experiment was meant to provide information to help parse out just how much of a factor it is.
Now, having been on female hormones for nearly 4 months, I realize that the thought of going off them is vaguely terrifying. I like the effect they’re having on my body. There are moments of doubt, and a few of those moments have manifested as intense anxiety that makes me hate everything I’m doing, but on most days I know that these are positive changes. It feels like progress.
I’ve added the anti-depressant to my worryingly large collection of medication, though it’s too early to know what effect it will have. If there’s an obvious improvement in my mood, I might still decide that hormones are an unnecessary treatment, but that seems unlikely.
What I’m hoping,
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