Sissy Abdl Stories

Sissy Abdl Stories


Sissy Abdl Stories
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Just a list of stories that are really super good! List the link below. Please read!… The Panda's Ashes. A 21 year old girl who's super short gets (reluctantly) taken in by a lady after an accident. Keeps you on your heals and really well written… Our Little Kye A 21 year old Navy man is discharged after accusing his coworker of sexual assault. Higher ups wouldn't believe him and he finds daft in the arms of a pair of me . Super cute, super worth the read. Change of Pace This one is done by a deviant on here. I recommend you check this out. A man with a peculiar fear of water is put into diapers but a pool installer. (Talk about iorny.) But, even though he's resistant, he started to fall deeper into his roll. This is one of those that twists your stomach at each turn, keeping you on your toes. It's the Little Things By the same person as Change of Pace. A deaf construction worker finds comfort in a coworkers incotinace, thinking they are alike at first. Boy was he wrong. They grow together, each one trying to understand the other. Super cute with some intense twists.… Second Chance This is super well written although it only has a few chapters out, it's well worth reading. A young scientist finds herself stuck in the for, of a baby after an accident before a conference. She is adopted but two men and man are there some crazy thing going on. The story is held in a universe wher humans are slowly becoming infurtle after a Verizon sweeps the world. The only way to get a hold is to adopt and those few lucky enough to be first are taken and studied. Well worth the read. That's all for now. I'll update when I find some new stuff!

Milo woke the next morning feeling better rested than he had in months. Even when staying with Caleb and sleeping on a bed for the first time in a while, he hadn't slept this good. He let his eyes crack open, finding himself facing Caleb's soft face. He wasn’t the most attractive person in the world, but he was handsome to Milo.

When Caleb was all put together in his nicer clothes like he'd been on their first date, it made Milo's knees just a little bit weak and his stomach flutter more than normal. But Milo also liked this view, where Caleb's face was soft as he slept, resting on the gray pillow. Milo reached up to poke the tip of hi
Sonic: You're a bad boy! You're getting a good spanking once we get home!
Sonic: And risk doing more damage?! No!
Sonic: Amy nearly fainted when she couldn't find you!
Tails: So?! I want to grow up now!
Sonic: It's too risky!
Sonic: THIS IS NOT UP FOR DEBATE! Come on Cream I think its time you go home.
Cream: Ok...
Sonic: Sorry Cream but maybe you can come over tomorrow, that is if Tails calms down.
Cream: That's ok with me...that you for the day Mr.Sonic.

It was a Saturday night, party night. Kay was making her way to work to a club downtown for her night shift as a bartender. However, this was no normal club. Its name was Messy Girl, a club for people who are ABDL. Stuff always had to be in protection. May that be pull-ups or diapers, there had to be some guard against accidents. In Messy Girls, there was to parts to the club, an AB (Adult Baby) and an DL (Diaper Lover). Kay tonight was in the Diaper lover half her favourite. She didn’t have to dress up as a big baby, yet she was still allowed to make as much mess in her pants as she wanted. In the Adult Baby side, she would have to ser
Warning: Story contains ponies, diapers, it's usage both ways, and some sexual themes. Turn back now if any of those subjects offend you.


The sun shined above the Golden Oak Library filling all of Ponyville with sunlight and warmed the tiny village. Through it all, one purple unicorn name Twilight Sparkle stayed hidden away inside of her library contemplating her next course of action. Exactly 3 days ago, Twilight had acquired a cursed tome of forbidden unicorn magic from the Canterlot Royal Archive. Knowing full well the contents of the book would be outlawed; she had sent Spike on a series of tedious tasks earlier tha
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My personal favourite is R.O.O.M which you can find here And without spoiling to much It has a very unique story line that I haven’t seen before or since.

These are stories about boys that are sissies or made into one, and end up as babies (regression)

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Clint and I were best of friends, and have been best friends all our life. We have a special connection as we were born the same day eleven years ago. So why was I standing in the middle of a shop and pointing my finger at him and laughing at him? The reason was that I heard him tell his mum that he wanted the fri...

From Dauphin: This is an interactive story. At the end of the chapter, there will be choices that you can vote on. The choice with the most votes is the direction that the story goes. . And now to chapter 1..... My name is Alexander, and this all started when I was 9 years old. Who would ever think that my l...

Who decided this? I was as mad as a 10 year old could be. How could any girl that thinks she is a boy use our toilet? Just because she thought she was a boy, doesnt make her a boy? I mean she will need something between her legs like all boys have. This was wrong and I made my view known as loud as I could. It ended w...

His nose was bleeding. It was just my luck. I know Cody is my best friend, but sometimes he just got on my nerves. Today when he called me tiny, I decided to show him that even tiny boys could beat someone up. Lets face it; he was only a few centimeters taller than me. I dont understand why he wanted to annoy up...

see here for more friendly text... Monday, January 2 Dear Diary. My name is Austin, and I am 10, my birthday is in July, so its ages until I am 11. I got you for Christmas. I was not happy at the time. I mean while other boys gets sports things, iPad, cell ph...


Misunderstood Fortune Written by Dauphin There are many families that have problems with their children. We can see that many boys get in mischief and fights, do not respect elders, try things that are shunned at, listen to the wrong music. I think this has also been the case, since the start of manki...

I always hated my name! Why do parents call their children strange names? Do they not realise that these names stick with children all their life? I am 11 and I also want to change my name. My mother called me Harper and I am a boy. Besides me hating my name, I had the perfect life. I had a good mother that was n...

Chapter 1 - Kidnapped I am now an old woman. Its about time that I write my story down. How did I become the Queen of this lovely country? How I became who I am now? I know when I finish this story, it will be put in the kingdoms archives, never to see the light of day. When people do read this story, they will th...

to see this story in the tight format Click here Note from author: This story is loosely based and influenced by the Penitatas universe. Some things are similar to other penitatas stories and some are different. Penitatas are adults rejuvenated into children because of criminals acts warranting...

To see this in the proper format Click here Some people simply do not know how to think of others and treat them with respect and love they deserve. Some people can treat others like dirt and then destroy their lives. I think they should be put in Hell. Thats what happened to my sister Kylie that was 2 years...

To see the story in the proper format click here BewareThis is not a sentimental story that we often read on this site. This is my story and yet it could be the story of millions of children today that are abused. Abuse is not just being molested or hit. Abuse is when someone screws around with your mind. Ab...

To read the story in the correct format, click here My Mum and Dad died in an accident when I was 10. I was then put in an orphanage. I was no angel. I was considered one of the wild boys. I got into trouble all the time. The people that worked there considered me a bad boy, a boy with a bad future. They washed the...

To read the story in the proper format. Click here I looked down at her as she was taking her last breaths. This fragile weak woman was my mother. I had no wish to remember her as the old woman fighting for life; I wanted to remember her as the strong woman that she was. A woman full of life with her own views on...

To read the story in the proper format, click here Hello everyone. I am Nanny Philips. I have been trained at the best British nanny institute and now I am a TV Nanny. This means that I visit homes with children that have gone out of control and fix the situation. I love being on TV, as it spreads my view of ch...

To see this with the proper format- Click here Just Like Jenny Part One Written by Dauphin My name is Nicholas. I am 11 years old. I know that I look like I am 9. Yes, I am a boy. I suppose, I should start at the start and explain what happened during the summer holidays? I closed m...

To see this in the proper format, Click here Hello everyone. I am so happy that my story will be on this site. Its not a story about me finding out there was a girl living in my boys body, and its not a story about some girl or woman making me their slave. Its not a story about me finding a boyfriend and being hi...

Act one  Those were the days. We can all remember a time, when things were like being in Utopia. When life was so good, we never thought about being sad. For me this was when my Mum lived here. Then we were a family. Mum was the happy one in the family. She was always cheerful and making pies and things. I kno...

Shut up you wimp. I was so tired of my brother Taylor. I told him to shut up often because he always plagued me if we could play something. We might be twins, but honest, he could do something that other boys did, like play football or any sport. He didnt always have to hang around with me. He really annoyed m...

Introduction I received e-mail from a gentleman. He wrote that he did not agree that children should cross dress, or be sissies. He disagreed with parents that helped their children do this or force them. This made me think. Do we choose what we are? Does a cross dresser choose to be a cross dresser? Doe...

Dear Mom, Dad, Granny, Friends..... Everyone I know.  I have lived on this earth for 12 years. It is now time to say good bye. I cannot continue being me. I cannot live as me. I am a freak. I am a sinner. I am so unhappy. If I kill myself, I will be at peace. I will not be afraid to be me. I know that suicide is a sin...

September 10 Hi diary, My name is Barbie. Everyone calls me Barbie because I am small and I have long blond hair. I am the smallest in my class. My real name is Ashley. Before you ask, I do not like Barbie's. I never played with them. I suppose when you have hair down to your shoulders, then people think you...

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Sally and Janet have their way with poor little diapered, waddling Steve. It's the end of his misadventures for now.

The Mother-In-Law

Part 8 – Final of Book 1

Janet recognised the contented, slightly faraway look of her regressing son-in-law.

'Good boy,' said Janet, patting his thick rear. She leaned down and picked him up from the floor. She's very strong, thought Steve as she swung him upwards in one movement. Janet placed Steve's backside on her wide hip, and with his legs straddling her, she carried him back to his bedroom. He snuggled against her.

Janet changed Steve into a thick double diaper and a new, pale blue onesie.

He was still in a state of what seemed to be quiet shock, so she carried him back downstairs and set him on the rug. She got out a new set of trains – big, varnished wooden ones this time, with big wooden tracks, and left him to his own devices.

Steve wet heavily half an hour later, sitting oblivious in the heavy diaper as he choo-chooed the trains around their wooden track.

Janet was surprised at how long it had taken for him to lose his bladder control. Sally's choice of subject was always spot on, and this one was so handsome too! Sally's months of hypnosis, starting with the deep and meaningful at the executive retreat, usually meant that the diuretics only took a day to complete the job of robbing the subjects of their childhood training.

She was a marvel, Janet thought. She had taken Steve from being pivotal in his organization to being so ineffective that he'd been sacked. She had been a consultant to Steve's firm, and had made sure that Steve attended the executive retreat set up purely to ensnare him. He had on his part swallowed the rubbish about hidden anxiety Sally had written into his information packs, and he had turned up at the retreat of his own free will, full of uncertainties, and ripe for the women’s special treatment. And Sally had got to work on poor Steve, subtly reinforcing his worries and magnifying his few troubles. Sally had dwelled on Steve’s occasional childhood bedwetting, emphasising the role his mother had played in making him fell better about himself at those times. By the time Sally had finished with him, Steve was subconsciously responding to his new wife as an authority figure, and his grip on his adult persona was becoming precarious.

At the right time, Sally had delivered her poor unsettled husband Steve to Janet, who was now administering the coup de grace.

Janet looked across at Steve, who was now babbling quietly to himself as he played with his trains.

She mixed another little drink for him, and took it over to him in a sippy cup. He drank it happily and returned to his trains. She could see from the state of Steve’s fat, round crotch that he needed another change.

Janet pretended to ring Sally, who had been staying only a mile away in the guest lodge hidden near the gate. The women had been meeting daily to discuss Steve’s progress, or regress, and Sally was now in the parlour with the phone on intercom.

'Steve, I've got Sally on the phone!' Janet called to him a few minutes later.

This part was always fun, thought Janet. Almost as much fun as the bank account stage, she thought. She looked at Steve. Sally was right. He was a prefect baby. Sally could certainly spot them, Janet thought proudly. She thought of her own dear husband, who had been Sally’s first great success. Perhaps Sally should give the game away after all, and just look after Steve.

She might marry this one for real, too, Janet thought, thinking of all the meaningless ‘civil ceremonies’ she had performed with their ‘subjects’ over the years, Janet in disguise as a marriage celebrant.

Steve waddled up to Janet, looking for all the world like the oversized toddler he was fast becoming in mind as well as body. She hoped he was going to be able to make sense as she gave him the phone.

'Hullo Steve,' said Sally. 'How are things?'

Steve bit his lower lip as he held the phone.

'Good,' he said. He could feel the weight of his sodden diaper, and hoped that Janet would not think he was being a baby for wetting them. He hoped Sally wouldn’t realise that he had wet his diaper.

'And what are you doing, baby?' Sally asked.

Steve looked at Janet with a worried expression.

'Well, tell her what you're doing,' said Janet with a broad smile.

'Trains,' said Steve, looking down at the big wooden train he was clutching.

'Trains,' said Sally. 'That sounds exciting. What are you doing with trains, baby?'

Steve looked at Janet again.

'Well, tell her what you're doing with the trains, darling,' said Janet. She loved the way they were often half aware of reality at this stage, but could not think fast enough to act other than as they had been programmed.

Steve bit his lip harder.

‘Are you playing with your trains, baby?’ prompted Sally on the phone.

Steve was grateful for her help.

'Yep. Playing,' he said. He peed helplessly into his diaper as he spoke, and big, silent tears ran down his face.

'Playing - that must be fun! Are you being good for Janet, baby?' Sally continued.

Steve swallowed. He wanted to ask Sally about something, about what she was doing, but he couldn’t think how to frame the question.

‘Well, are you being a good baby for Janet?' Sally asked again.

Steve caught the reference to being a good baby. He looke
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