Sissification Story

Sissification Story


Sissification Story
Are you ready to go “ Down The Sissification Rabbit Hole?” Then read this…
M any sissies share the fantasy of serving their wives or GF’s as a sissy maid. But how do you turn that fantasy into reality? Although not an easy task, there are ways to transform yourself into the sissy maid of your dreams. Here’s how…

I t’s every sissy’s dream to be owned by a strict and demanding Mistress (if you’re into women). But for every Domme, there are thousands of sissies willing to serve. How do you go about finding Her? Here is some Mistress finding advice…

H aving your own sissy to fulfull your every wish at the snap of your fingers is available to any Domme. The catch is the training part. Properly training a sissy is not for the weak-of-heart—it’s a long, tedious task. These are the 7 steps to take…

I s it time to start taking sissification seriously? Would you be interested in exploring the finer details of sissification? Are you brave enough to venture down the sissification rabbit hole? If so, then you’re in the right place. Click here for more…

B eing a sissy takes a ton of work. It can seem like a never-ending process… and it pretty much is. However, there is a light at the end of the sissification tunnel—and in Part 3 of this sissy training guide, you’ll get a clearer look at that light…

W ant to take your feminization to the next level? Ready to climb down the sissification rabbit hole past the point of no return? Are you sure you want to be completely sissified, feminized and emasculated beyond recognition? Then read on…

M ost sissies spend years being conditioned to play a male role. A feminine transformation requires serious sissy training and reprogramming. Venturing down the sissification rabbit hole takes courage and commitment. Are you up for it?…

M any sissies fantasize about becoming a sissy maid and serving the Domme or Dom of their dreams. What would a typical day look like for a full-time sissy french maid? Would it be as fun and erotically exciting as it sounds? Let’s find out…

H ave you ever wondered if sissification is the right path for you? Are you sure you’re ready to live a sissy lifestyle? Don’t be too quick to make—what can be—a difficult decision. Here are 5 questions to ask yourself, before you decide…

O nce upon a time, sissies found it necessary to stifle their desire to fully flaunt their femininity. My how things have changed. There’s never been a better time to be a sissy than right now. Here are 13 reasons why that’s true…

E ver wonder if you really are a sissy at your core being? After contemplating these 10 questions, you’ll have much greater clarity whether you are legitimate sissy sorority material or not. Find out what the 10 questions are…

Are you ready to go “ Down The Sissification Rabbit Hole? ” Then you’ll want to read this…
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Thanks again to all the sisters who supported me in this project!


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A SHORT WALK BUT A LONG STAY – My Cousin Feminized Me

I shall always remember arriving home, on the last day of college, aunt Hilda and my cousin Yvonne, on that Friday, we broke-up for the summer holidays. As I arrived home, there was a car on the driveway that I did not recognize. I always entered mom’s house from the rear door. 
“Mom, I saw a car on our driveway, and best enlighten you, if you are aware of it.” I said.
“Oh yes my dear” mom replied from the kitchen, “it’s aunt Hilda’s, she is here with her daughter, your cousin Yvonne. They are in the lounge, and are staying the night, and were asking if you would like to return with them tomorrow, to spend a week or two with them. You best go now and give them your answer.”

So off I trotted to the lounge, where aunt Hilda, was watching the TV; and cousin Yvonne, reading a magazine. So after the usual welcoming, I told both that I would love to travel back with them tomorrow. 
Then mom called out, to wash our hands as dinner was ready. So we sat and ate, chatted a while afterwards. Then mom told us that she and aunt Hilda were going to Bingo and if we would both like to accompany them. 
“Not really mom, as I rather take a shower and pack a few things later. Besides, there is a program on TV that I would like to watch.” I said.
“What about you Yvonne? “, mom asked Yvonne.
“Thank you aunt Marion, but I think I will take a bath and just relax if it is okay with you and mom?” replied Yvonne.
“Of course dear”, both mom and aunt said simultaneously. 
So mom and aunt got ready and off they went in the car, to the Bingo. 

“Are you going to shower or bath?”, Yvonne asked me. 
“Oh later Yvonne, I will watch TV; you go ahead, Yvonne.” , I replied. 
So later on, I heard Yvonne vacate the bathroom and shout down to me that the bathroom was free now. 
“Oh well, best go and get cleaned-up” I said to myself. As I entered the bathroom, Yvonne called out to me, “oh be a sweetie and pull the plug out from the bath, I forgot about Graham.”. 
“I just needed a freshening up, the water is not dirty” Yvonne told me. 
I stripped-off and put my dirty clothes, all of them in the laundry basket, in the bathroom, and stepped into the bath. The water was warm enough and being a summer’s evening, it rather seemed refreshing. So I sat down then lay down. The fragrance from the water seemed to excite me, and I began to fantasize Yvonne in the bath, where I was now. Best not to myself, so began to wash. 

Once finished, I emptied the bath and rinsed around it. Walking to my bedroom, with a towel wrapped around me in a, male sarong style, that is around the waist, as opposed to the female style of it over the bust. 
Yvonne was at my mom’s vanity case, wearing a pink toweling bathrobe. As I stood at the door of mom’s bedroom, which Yvonne had left open, I asked Yvonne what she was doing. 
“Oh just plucking my eyebrows. Come on in please, and sit awhile with me.” Yvonne asked me.
“I best not Yvonne, as I have nothing on under this towel. ” I replied.
“Well same here my sweet, no undies on under this bathrobe. ” Yvonne said with a smile.
“Oh gosh, my thoughts began to race again, and she indicated to the chair, near to her for me to sit there. Now Yvonne is about seven years my senior, in her mid twenties. So I did as I was told and sat watching her as she rubbed a block of ice over her eyebrows. 

“What are you doing that for” I asked.
“To freeze the area, for me to pluck my brows.” She replied.
“Why not shave them, it will be quicker and less painful” I advised her. 
“No dear, I do not wish to and this way, the hair will take longer to grow back. ” She said.
“It looks painful, to me”, I said, now seeming to stare at this action.
“Come here sweetie, let me see if you can stick it out”, as she told me to bring my chair toward her. Then with the ice block taken from the fridge earlier on, she rubbed it over one brow and plucked my brows.

 “Oh no, that is not for me Yvonne, I rather shave mine, if I was a girl. All of a sudden an idea seemed to come on in her head. 
Well I have a great idea, shall we? Yvonne said with a big smile.
“Shall I make you a girl?” She said.
“Make me a girl?” I replied very surprised.
“Yes sweetie, just for fun, to see how you would look. Your hair is long enough for me to style and you have long eyelashes, your complexion silky smooth and to tell you the truth, it would not take much to transform you. Come on, let’s shave your eyebrows, as she stood, grabbed my hand and led me back into the bathroom.” Yvonne said.
 “No best not Yvonne. ” I replied nervously.
“Oh come on, don’t be miserable all your life, take a day off”, she said as she grabbed my razor. “Now hold still sweetie”, and with a few swipes of the razor, my brows were now bald. Yvonne looked at me, then turned me to the mirror.

 “Oh my gosh, I look weird now. They will take ages to grow back, people will ask why I shaved my eyebrows?” I cried in horror.
 “Oh silly, don’t worry, I will pencil brows in for you.” Yvonne said.
 “Pencil them in! Yvonne, I am not a girl. ” I said.
“Not yet sweetie, but in a while and before our mom’s return, you will be.” She replied. 
Then Yvonne had me wear her undies and her orange dress. She even made me wear her clip on earrings.
Oh gosh, how can I be so obsequious, to allow myself to not only sit and have my face made up, with full make-up, but my hair styled and then dressed in some of Yvonne’s undies and a dress, I uttered to myself. 
Yvonne squealed when a pair of her heels fitted me. I stood as she placed her hands on my shoulders and made me look into the full length dress mirror. 
“Oh no this is not good Yvonne, I actually look like a girl”, I said looking at myself in the mirror pretty shocked.

“How do you feel?” She asked now happy with her achievement of feminizing me. 
“Oh gosh, I feel emasculated as I need to sit down and think this out. ” I said.
Yvonne chided me to sit properly as she reminded me I was now wearing a dress. 
“Yvonne, I have to take all of this off now.” I said panicking. 
‘Yes dear, but all in good time”, Yvonne replied as she held up her cell phone to take photos of me. 
“No please Yvonne, no photos. ” I screamed.
“Just a few for you and me, and we will show them to our mom’s, and ask them, do they recognize this girl?” Yvonne said with a laugh.

Then I tried requesting Yvonne to help me undress and wash my make-up off, and uncurl my hair. 
“No sweetie, stay like that awhile, I think you look good as a girl and I really like you like that, and if the truth be known, I think you also like it. ” She said.
Then to my horror, I heard the front door opening and my mom and aunt’s voice. 
“Oh gosh, please Yvonne, help me out of this dress, as it was a zip at the back and I was unable to unzip it.” I asked nervously.
“It’s alright sweetie, our mom’s know of it.” She said.
“I sent two of the photos to your mom and my mom. ” She said with a grin.
“Oh gosh no, please say you are winding-me-up.” I replied feeling scared. 
I couldn’t believe Yvonne got me dressed and made-up as a girl. Then I heard my mom’s call out at the foot of the stairs, “ARE YOU TWO GIRLS COMING DOWN FOR SUPPER?”
I wish that would happen to me. I would be in heaven
What a delight and a dream, yes please
loved the story if ever you or any other girls wish to chat, send me an email .
I enjoyed it too.
Have you read all of these lovely tales ?
How to pass the Winter in a cloud of pleasure !
I wish I had a relative to totally feminize me. Currently feminizing myself from Michael to Hilarie.
I see nothing wrong with that sound s fun wish it was me I am 70 thin build thin arms and legs I WAS MADE UP AS A WOMEN SEVERAL TIMES for pictures by young ladies
with tons of make up too .. At a studio several years ago they said I PASS as a women .. Besides my sister use to put make up on me when teens So I still wear dresses at home IN THE SUMMER find they are cooler size 12
Such a wonderful ending. Acceptance and a promise of future fun.
What a wonderfully feminizing experience!! I’d love that to happen to me and be treated like a girl by my cousin, aunt and mom. They could teach me to be completely a girl and be totally feminine in every way!
Absolutely a fabulous story. Not sorry that our babysitter sent my siblings to a party for her sister and told me as a class assignment she needed to transform a boy to girl for a class project. The hair removal was excit and hair extensions attached and wearing a long line bra allowing my excess fatty tissue on and around my breasts fill in the 44 C cups . Ear piercing at the mall and shoes with 2 inch heels picked up their too. I thought zi would pass out from the pleasure I was feeling, Jim was now JeanMarie. This story helped me relive that experience! Wow, how wonderful!!!!
Wonderful experience. I’ve dressed my boyfriend my brother and even my Son as girls numerous times. All were very embarrassed first time. I have always known us ladies just have to be firm but gentle to get you men to enjoy this delightful experience.
When i was 12,me and my sister,Katie who was 15,finially made our First Holy Communions in the class with the 2nd graders[7 year olds].I wore my suit and ty and mom and dad dressed Katie up like the little girls in our class in a cute,white,poofy,short sleeve,top of the knees communion dress and veil with lace anklets and white ‘mary jane’shoes.To make her even more like the little girls,they required her to wear a 10 ply thick cloth diaper,pinned on her with pink diaper pins,with a pair of white,adult size,blousy fitting plastic pants over it and a white tee shirt as her top.She looked very cute and little girlish and when she walked,her plastic pants crinkled under her dress! I couldnt keep my eyes off of her! Later that next week,i got home from school,dad was at work,mom was out shopping and Katie was at a friends house.I saw her communion outfit in her room so i took off my clothes,pinned on her diaper,put the plastic pants on over it,then her tee shirt,then her dress,veil,lace socks and shoes! I pranced around in her outfit and pretended i was a girl! I was so engrossed in being a ‘girl’i didnt hear mom and Katie come home and they both came into my room and caught me in her outfit! Katie started freaking out and mom was yelling at me and calling me a pervert! I was ordered to stand s
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