Siri Speech Synthesis on MacOS

Siri Speech Synthesis on MacOS

David Blue

Creates an audio file of text - either from the clipboard, or from the services menu - bypassing the broken Safari Reader action on MacOS.

At the moment, the Safari Reader action upon which my iOS-borned Siri Speech Synthesis Shortcut depends is not functioning on MacOS, so I’ve created this (hopefully temporary) solution that performs 11the same function, though it will require you to select and/or copy the body of an article to the clipboard yourself.


My closest equivalent Shortcut to Make Audio from Article Body for MacOS.

Hey folks! I know it’s certainly been a while. Sorry it’s taken me so long to explore the viability of this shortcut on the Mac, but frankly, it turns out we weren’t missing much. Please be warned: the result of this process on MacOS sounds like garbage. That is, like any old Speech Synth service you might get your hands on.

Personally, this nullifies the entire point, but maybe you’ll have better luck. I’ll do a better job keeping up from now on. Please contact me if I can be of any help, yeah?

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