Siri Fucks Father In Law

Siri Fucks Father In Law


Siri Fucks Father In Law
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"I was drunk and he was sad and before I knew what was happening, we were having sex on my kitchen table."
"I was drunk and he was sad and before I knew what was happening, we were having sex on my kitchen table."
This is a story I’m not proud of and if my husband ever finds out, I know our marriage will be over . It may sound hard to believe but it all started in the most innocent way , with me just wanting to help someone I care about to feel better.
My husband Ben and I are both in our early 30s and have been married for five years. We have a baby girl Leila together and we’re very happy. Well, Ben is, and I was until I screwed up big time. Now I just want to find a way to get back to how things were.
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In our moment of comfort, it felt intimate. Source: iStock
The whole family was devastated – no one more than Ben’s dad Phil. Phil was finding it lonely and difficult to cope at home on his own, so Ben suggested he come and stay with us for a while, and I happily agreed. Ben’s parents have always been so wonderful to me, and if there was anything I could do to help, I was keen.
Phil came to stay, saying he’d be with us for a month or so, and then he’d go home once he felt stronger. He’d turned to drinking a fair bit since Josie died, so each evening consisted of him sitting down with a few whiskeys after dinner, and slowly getting drunker and sadder until eventually he was tired enough to sleep.
During the day, when Ben was at work and I was home with Leila, Phil kept busy helping me out and playing with his granddaughter. It was lovely to see his face light up when he played with her and I was sure his stay with us was helping.
The whiskey was flowing, I felt relaxed and let my guard down. Source: iStock.
Phil and I grew close during this time as we spent so much time together. Ben told me one night he was grateful that I cared so much, and then he told me he had to go away for a few days for work, and asked if I’d be okay at home with Leila.
“Of course,” I replied. “Phil’s here to help me too – we’ll be fine.”
I wish I could go back in time and change my answer. I wish I had begged Ben not to go. But of course, it’s not the fact that Ben left us alone that was the problem, it was my poor decision making.
Ben left for three nights, and the first two nights were pretty uneventful. Phil and I kept busy looking after Leila, and when she went to bed, we had a couple of drinks together and then went to bed.
We stayed up late and had a few too many drinks. I don’t usually drink much but Phil asked me to stay with him a bit longer, as he showed me through an old photo album from early in his relationship with Josie, when they were at high school together. I know it’s no excuse but the whiskey was flowing and I just felt relaxed and let my guard down.
I will be punished for this for the rest of my life. Source: iStock.
He was so sad and when I gave him a big hug, things started to feel intimate. Before I knew what was happening, his mouth was on mine and then clothes were flying everywhere and we were having sex on my kitchen table. The place where I sit and eat breakfast with my husband and daughter every morning.
It was over quickly and we both went straight to our separate beds. When we woke up the next morning I told Phil what happened was a mistake and that it can’t happen again. He agreed, and thanked me for offering comfort when he was feeling down.
He was thrilled to see his family, and we all carried on as usual. Except that I now have done an absolutely unforgivable thing and I’m terrified of Ben finding out.
Phil hasn’t said anything or even hinted at it, but when he thinks Ben isn’t looking, he’ll sometimes grab my hand or my bum and give me a squeeze.
I glare at him but I’m scared to say anything in case he tells Ben everything. And the month Phil was supposed to stay has just ticked over into three months, and he’s showing no signs of leaving. It looks like I’m going to be punished for this for a long time yet, and it’s no less than I deserve.
This article was originally published on 5 October, 2018 and was updated on 11 June, 2021.
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October 5, 2021, 7:32 AM · 4 min read
A girl hugging a stuffed toy with a man gripping her shoulders. (PHOTO: Getty Images)
SINGAPORE — A girl who was previously sexually abused by a family member was wary of her mother’s new boyfriend when she first met the 29-year-old man.
Over time however, the man became a father figure to the girl, whose biological father was in prison.
The man showered the girl with affection and gifts, including caring for her when she fell ill and guiding her in her homework.
Three years into the father-daughter bond, the relationship turned sexual. The unemployed man began having sex with the then 14-year-old girl when her mother was at work, impregnating her.
A police report was lodged only last year when the girl was sent to the hospital for severe stomach pain, which turned out to be labour contractions.
The man pleaded guilty on Tuesday (5 October) to three out of 19 counts of sexually penetrating a minor under 16 while in a relationship that was exploitative of the girl. His sentencing was adjourned to 29 November, after the prosecution requested more time to put in submissions for what it said was the first case of its kind to proceed under the amended penal code.
All parties in the case cannot be named due to a gag order protecting the minor’s identity.
The man, then aged 26, first met the victim’s mother, who is in her 30s, in 2015. They began dating a month later, and the woman introduced her new boyfriend to the victim, then aged around 11 years old.
In 2016, the man moved in with mother and daughter. For about a-year-and-a-half after they were first introduced, the man and the victim were not close. As the girl was previously sexually abused by a family member, she avoided the man as she was affected by her ordeal.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Jaime Pang said, “Eventually, the accused earned the victim’s trust by assuming the role of a father figure in her life. The accused would shower (her) with affection through gestures like spending relatively large sums of money to celebrate her birthday and taking her out to enjoy her favourite activities like ice skating.”
When they shared a home, the man also took charge of the upkeep of the home, doing most of the cooking and cleaning. He also cared for the girl when she fell sick, or guided her in her homework.
The two grew closer, with the girl referring to the man as “daddy”.
DPP Pang added, “The way the accused treated (the girl) made her feel secure, and he provided her with the love and affection that she yearned for but was unable to get from her biological father, who was incarcerated at the material time.”
Between October and December 2018, when the girl was 14, the relationship turned sexual. The two had unprotected sex regularly when alone in the flat. As the man became unemployed from March 2018, the girl’s mother became the sole breadwinner and she would usually be out for work.
The two continued to engage in sexual acts after the girl became pregnant, and even after she gave birth on 15 May last year – up till June 2020.
At about 11.30am on 15 May last year, the National University Hospital alerted the police to a case of teenage pregnancy after the girl was admitted for severe stomach pain which turned out to be labour contractions. The girl gave birth to a baby girl that day.
During investigations, the girl identified the man as the father of her child. He was arrested on 6 July last year while at the flat they shared. A blood test also confirmed his paternity.
The girl was assessed by a psychiatrist and was noted to feel sad about missing out on her dream of graduating with a friend last year. She also has passive suicidal wishes due to the repeated sexual abuse. She also worries that her daughter might hate her after finding out about the illegitimate birth.
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