Simpsons Incest Hentai

Simpsons Incest Hentai


Simpsons Incest Hentai
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Episode aired Oct 20, 2019 TV-14 TV-14 21 m
The Simpsons: Ned Tries To Sacrifice Maggie
The Simpsons: Burns Chases Homer And Crew
The Simpsons: Treehouse Of Horror Xxx
Homer Simpson (voice) (as Danny's Not Here Mrs. Torrence) …
Marge Simpson (voice) (as Ghoulie Kavanaugh) …
Bart Simpson (voice) (as The Nancerrator) …
Lisa Simpson (voice) (as Laurel and Yeardley)
Kirk Van Houten (voice) (as Blankly Stare-At-Ya) …
Dr. Hibbert (voice) (as Harry Streaming? I Thought You Said Screaming! Shearer) …
Jimbo Jones (voice) (as Petrified Pamela Hayden) …
Shauna Chalmers (voice) (as Terror MacNihil)
Amphibian Man (voice) (as It Grudge-rly)
Demogorgon (voice) (as Kevin Chocolate Thunder-Son) …
Luann Van Houten (voice) (as Maggie Postmortem Roswell)
Granted the fact that Saint Sebastian is traditionally represented pierced by arrows, this did not kill him. According to tradition, he was rescued and healed by Saint Irene. Shortly after his recovery he went to the emperor Diocletian to warn him about his sins, and as a result was clubbed to death.
Bringing In the Sheaves (uncredited) Music by George A. Minor Lyrics by Knowles Shaw Performed by Pamela Hayden (as "Riding All Alone")
Good Treehouse Of Horror One Of The Best Ones Made Check It Out It Is Really Good
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The 30th Treehouse of Horror features a demon Maggie, a mission to rescue Milhouse from another dimension, dead-Homer's spirit trying on some new bodies for size and Selma finally finding lo... Read all The 30th Treehouse of Horror features a demon Maggie, a mission to rescue Milhouse from another dimension, dead-Homer's spirit trying on some new bodies for size and Selma finally finding love in an unlikely place - the alien in the basement. The 30th Treehouse of Horror features a demon Maggie, a mission to rescue Milhouse from another dimension, dead-Homer's spirit trying on some new bodies for size and Selma finally finding love in an unlikely place - the alien in the basement.

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A Simpsons fanfic in which Bart and Lisa are trapped on a snowy mountain, and forced to have sex in order to stay warm. Bart dies after exhausting himself keeping Lisa warm, and Lisa survives, but is pregnant with Bart's child , which she decides to have out of respect for Bart .

Notable for the completely awful spelling and grammar, as well as bizarre syntax and word choice that make it seem as though English is not the writer's first language. These turn what would otherwise be fairly Squicky into something that is quite laughable .

The fic, found here , is currently three chapters long, but has either been discontinued or ended.

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The Marge Scene On The Simpsons That Went Too Far


The Marge Scene On The Simpsons That Went Too Far

By Mike Bedard / April 21, 2022 7:55 pm EDT
The Simpsons were pretty much designed to take a satirical look at the nuclear family in America. Homer isn't the loving father who had been portrayed in past sitcoms. Instead, he's an alcoholic who violently chokes his son whenever he gets out of line. Speaking of which, Bart isn't your average rapscallion. He psychologically tortures his teachers and principal and is an utter brat to his sister. On multiple occasions, the family has managed to get the entire town of Springfield against them.
Of course, Springfieldians don't necessarily hold grudges against Marge Simpson . The loving matriarch of the family is always there to adequately discipline Bart and keep an eye on her other kids, Lisa and Maggie. But while she's usually the one good parental model the children can look up to, she's not entirely innocent in all of this. She's gotten into her fair share of shenanigans over the years, including one instance that really went over the line of good taste.
Normally, Homer's the one who gets involved in zany schemes, but in Season 14's "The Strong Arms of the Ma," Marge is the one who goes overboard. After developing agoraphobia after getting mugged, she spends all her time inside the house, where all she can do is lift weights. She then gets involved in the bodybuilder scene to build up her confidence further, and through all this, she begins abusing steroids, which subsequently increases her aggressiveness. 
At one point in the episode, she even forces Homer to get intimate with her even though he clearly doesn't want to. That's sexual assault, and while it may be played for laughs, it's a serious offense. It's arguably the worst thing Marge has ever done, and to further showcase how steroids can make one aggressive, Marge ends the episode by beating up a bar full of patrons and sailors.
Marge's actions are unforgivable, and while the episode glosses over Marge assaulting Homer, one Redditor makes a valid point, "Reverse the genders and [I] bet that would probably be enough to get the Simpsons cancelled." Can't argue there ...
If you or anyone you know has been a victim of sexual assault, help is available. Visit the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network website or contact RAINN's National Helpline at 1-800-656-HOPE (4673).

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