Simps Reddit

Simps Reddit


Simps Reddit
Simps are the reason dating is in the bin.
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This just in, respecting women is gay now.
Today at dirtyr4r I wrote f4m and I get 20 messages in 2min. It’s men fault we are in the situation like that, we did it for our self’s unfortunately. That’s why now you have to look good, has good job etc to woman fall into you. In most of the cases

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well i’m learning a new language for a girl i’m with.
Damn what language 😭 it’s so sweet
Nah that's just a really sweet thing to do, not simping
That's not simping I lear Spanish for her currently and I think it's a good thing to do for your partner
i found this a few posts after and thought it was funny
Because you break down aminoacids. Let my muscles be
Is it Irish? Are you learning Irish?
Bruh she made a post about you calling you dumb cus u believed she speaks Spanish even tho she doesn't. WAKE UP SHES A BITCH DONT TALK TO HER
If it is to communicate better, then go right ahead king.
well no she speaks english really good i just thought it would b nice to also learn her language

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