Simplified Global Game Management: Introducing Game Servers

Simplified Global Game Management: Introducing Game Servers

If you're already running Agones in production workloads, you can opt into the managed service by simply registering Agones-managed game server clusters with the new Game Servers API. And you can opt out of the managed service at any time if you want to go back to manual management.

You can also group these clusters into a concept we call realms-logical groupings of Kubernetes clusters, designed around a game's latency requirements. You can then design game server configurations or scaling policies to simplify fleet management across realms as well as the clusters within them. This allows you to maintain control and visibility while also allowing for easy monitoring and reporting.

Game Servers can help you plan for a variety of scenarios. Gaming For example, you can choose to increase the reserved capacity of game servers for a planned game event, or for a specific date and time range. Additionally, you can automate scaling to account for daily peak and non-peak hours across different regions. Game Servers' rollout flexibility also means that you can A/B test different game server configurations and canary test changes, rolling them back if necessary.

In beta, Game Servers will initially support clusters running on Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE) only and we are diligently working on hybrid and multi-cloud support for later this year. In the second half of 2020, we will add more advanced scaling policies and integrate Open Match, our open-source matchmaking framework, with deeper integration. Learn more about how to get started with Game Servers here.

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