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Buy MDMA online. It is chemically similar to both stimulants and hallucinogens, producing feelings of increased energy, pleasure, emotional warmth, and distorted sensory and time perception. Those who use MDMA usually take it as a capsule or tablet, though some swallow it in liquid form or snort the powder. However, people who purchase powder or capsules sold as Molly often actually get other drugs such as synthetic cathinones. It also triggers hormones that affect sexual arousal and trust. The release of large amounts of serotonin likely causes the emotional closeness, elevated mood, and empathy felt by those who use MDMA. Other health effects include:. Over the course of the week following moderate use of the drug, a person may experience:. What are other health effects of MDMA? This can lead to a spike in body temperature that can occasionally result in liver, kidney, or heart failure or even death. These substances may be extremely dangerous if the person does not know what he or she is taking. They may also be dangerous when combined with MDMA. People who purposely or unknowingly combine such a mixture with other substances, such as marijuana and alcohol, may be putting themselves at even higher risk for harmful health effects. Is MDMA addictive? Research results vary on whether MDMA is addictive. Food and Drug Administration. In , The U. Drug Enforcement Administration labeled molly as an illegal drug with no recognized medicinal use. Some researchers remain interested in its value in psychotherapy when given to patients under carefully controlled conditions. There are no specific medical treatments for molly addiction. Scientists need more research to determine how effective this treatment option is for addiction to molly. Points to Remember 3,4-methylenedioxy-methamphetamine MDMA is a synthetic drug that alters mood and perception. It is chemically similar to stimulants and hallucinogens. People who use MDMA typically take it as a capsule or tablet. Many people take it in combination with other drugs. It acts by increasing the activity of three brain chemicals: dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin. Effects include euphoria, increased energy, distorted perception, involuntary teeth clenching, dangerously high body temperature, and depression. Some people report signs of addiction. Some people seeking treatment for its addiction have found behavioral therapy to be helpful. There are no specific medical treatments forits addiction. My order came in yesterday. Melissa L — May 21, I was skeptical about ordering online cause it was my first time. I gave this site a try, 3 days later, my package was in. Always friendly with people and great customer service. Products are top shelf, amazing deals! Never leave unsatisfied, you guys have a customer for life. Pedro P — May 24, Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. MDMA Pills. Add to Wishlist. Some people take MDMA in combination with other drugs such as alcohol or marijuana. Some people report signs of addiction, including the following withdrawal symptoms: fatigue loss of appetite depression trouble concentrating Does molly Have Value in Therapy? How can people get treatment for addiction to molly? XS Excellent product, Excellent price, Excellent service, I would highly recommend. I am very impressed with the product, the level of service and the speed of delivery. Excellent quality discrete shipment. My order arrived thanks Global Head Shop. Related Products. Select options Add to Wishlist. Add to cart Add to Wishlist. All Rights Reserved. My Account Log In.

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Chemically similar to both stimulants and psychedelics, it produces feelings of euphoria, increased energy, empathy, and emotional well-being. Under its influence, colors and sounds especially music are experienced more intensely, making it a popular recreational drug at raves and music festivals. As mentioned earlier, most ecstasy tablets for recreational use contain between 80 and mg of MDMA. The high is usually characterized by a relaxed, euphoric state, including emotional openness, reduction of negative thoughts, and a decrease in inhibitions. Sounds and colors can also appear more intense. Adverse physiological effects can occur after ingesting MDMA. These include elevated blood pressure and heart rate, nausea, chills, sweating, tremors, jaw clenching, hyperreflexia, urinary urgency, muscle aches or tension, hot and cold flushes, nystagmus a condition in which the eyes make repetitive, uncontrolled movements , and insomnia. At higher doses, these physiological changes can result in severe adverse reactions. MDMA overdoses can and do kill. A high dose can be a contributing factor in deadly conditions such as hyperthermia, exhaustion, or hyperhydration. Additionally, it can trigger serotonin syndrome. Some people report an unpleasant comedown including feelings of depression and fatigue after a night of heavy MDMA use. In our microdosing course, Dr. Ben Sessa explains how the typical MDMA comedown is due to overexertion, poor sleep, poor diet, and polydrug use. Additionally, supplement kits are available online , claiming to help prepare and repair your body. They may be subject to change as more reliable, more widely representative data become available. These dose ranges are intentionally conservative to account for the high variability of MDMA purity. Positive effects appear to be maximized and negative effects minimized between mg, ideally taken no more than once a month. Do you worry about taking too much , not measuring correctly , or losing control of your experience? Enroll in our online microdosing course to have a safe , effective , and valuable microdosing experience. Opinions vary among spiritual leaders and guides, but MDMA is sometimes cited as a tool that can be used for spiritual growth. Some spiritual teachers laud its ability to induce feelings of oneness, interconnectedness, empathy, compassion, warmth, and kindness toward others. States such as these are often catalysts for spiritual epiphanies and personal development. As one Benedictine monk put it :. There is a special quality to this conversation. One feels a heaviness, a sense of the weight of the moment, of something profound, of the seriousness of life itself. It is a space that is inner, without masks, without pretense, utterly open and honest. It is not an erotic intimacy, but a philosophical and mystical intimacy. Does this make any sense? One has the consciousness that this is an inner communication rarely achieved in ordinary discourse. There really are no adequate words to express this state of awareness, only to say, that it is essential in my experience. MDMA can be used in many different sets and settings to invoke spiritual development — from sitting quietly and introspecting, to meditating in groups, to therapy. Even rolling at raves can have a spiritual quality if approached with the right intentions. It could also be a useful tool for building or repairing relationships. Alexander Shulgin has written frequently on its potential use as a therapy for couples. The emotional intimacy produced by the drug could be the key to understanding our relationships and perhaps finding the places that need work. The trials are being funded by MAPS. The drug used in these trials is pure, with dosages strictly controlled. Many patients who undergo this therapy are war veterans with a treatment-resistant form of PTSD. They report that MDMA therapy helped them approach their past trauma with a greater sense of acceptance, warmth, and compassion for themselves, allowing them greater opportunity to cope and heal. Preliminary results from a few studies suggest MDMA is also a promising treatment for social anxiety in individuals with autism. Early results suggest this is accomplished with infrequent or even single doses, eliminating the need for frequent administration of the drug, thereby mitigating the possible adverse side effects and many of the costs associated with longer-term, more involved therapies. This same mechanism also appears to operate in treating patients with life-threatening illnesses who experience clinical anxiety. It is only intended to cover the personal, non-medical possession and use of MDMA. There appears to be no risk of a criminal penalty for the personal i. The specifics depend on the country or region and, crucially, on the amount you have in your possession. Confiscation is common, but there may be other, more severe non-criminal outcomes such as fines, driving license suspension, and deportation. Although MDMA is illegal or controlled in each of these countries, there may be regional or circumstantial e. MDMA affects the brain by increasing the activity levels of three neurotransmitters: dopamine, norepinephrine noradrenaline , and serotonin. Increases in dopamine account for its euphoric effects as well as increased energy. And increases in the serotonin system cause changes in mood, appetite, sexual arousal, and sleep cycles. Spikes in serotonin after taking MDMA likely account for feelings of emotional closeness and empathy that are commonly reported. Potentially fatal neurological complications can occur following MDMA ingestion, likely due to short-term hypertension and dehydration that is induced by the drug. Necrosis of liver and heart tissue have also been reported in individuals where death was associated with the use of amphetamine derivatives. Frequent use correlates with more complications than occasional use. Clinical studies with pure MDMA have been conducted on more than 1, individuals without the occurrence of severe adverse effects. A common myth is that it was first synthesized and patented by the German pharmaceutical company Merck as an appetite suppressant. Merck did synthesize the drug in , but the appetite suppressant story is an urban legend. It was developed as a potentially life-saving blood-clotting medicine. Minimal testing was done in the early years after its first synthesis. It was not until that Merck revived interest in the drug after chemist Max Oberlin predicted that it might mimic adrenaline since the chemicals shared a similar molecular structure. Not long after these initial studies began, the prices of chemical precursors skyrocketed, and testing was put on hold. While no one knows precisely when the first human trials were conducted, the US military is known to have tested MDMA and other drugs on humans in the s. Since , the drug has been listed as a Schedule I drug in the US, making it effectively illegal for all uses. However, some limited clinical trials have been approved and conducted in recent years. In , a federal court sided with the ACLU, which argued that punishments for MDMA possession and use were based on outdated science which led to severe prison sentences \\[3\\]. However, other courts have upheld the previous sentencing laws. These trends appear to be holding relatively steady :. Its appearance in published reports and literature reached a peak in the early- to mid- s and has fallen quite a bit since then:. Purity is notoriously variable, especially in tablet form. Also, while the sample size varies from 1 to 1, pills , individual state averages can be double or half the national average. Still, this is an improvement: In , police seizures of the chemical precursor safrole meant that, for years, street MDMA concentration in pills was often zero. Meanwhile, the percentage of ecstasy pills containing MDMA alone, without any adulterants, has been climbing. In , By , the situation was reversed: 8. Part of this has to do with new manufacturing methods. Underground chemists now synthesize the drug with a less heavily restricted precursor. But it also has to do with the darknet, where vendor ratings and competition drive the quality up. Super-strength ecstasy tablets have made headlines in recent years for killing unsuspecting users. Whereas the MDMA content in ecstasy pills is traditionally between 80 and mg, some have been found to contain upwards of mg. Reagent test kits from Bunk Police in addition to the services provided by EcstasyData. Short of testing the drug before consuming it, the safest way to use ecstasy pills is to start with half a tablet and gauge how you feel after an hour. Despite what you may have been sold, even in crystal or powder form, pure MDMA is difficult to find on the street. However, as previously noted, street MDMA concentration has been climbing in recent years. Using a test kit is a good precaution. These can identify the presence of MDMA as well as toxic adulterants by a color change you can check on a chart. They should, therefore, be used alongside other harm reduction practices. These substances, about which we know relatively little, tend to be far more dangerous than MDMA itself. They have a different pharmacological action. Unlike MDMA, they block certain enzymes e. Checking pills against user reports online, e. As a popular psychedelic and party drug, MDMA has earned a varied assortment of street names. In fact, there may be more nicknames for it than for any other substance besides cannabis. Some of these refer to the compound generally, in whatever form, while others refer to set preparations. Although one infamous ecstasy-related death was caused by overhydration , MDMA itself will not make you drink yourself to death. The victim in this case thought that by drinking a large amount of water, she would counteract an unpleasant ecstasy experience. Unfortunately, because MDMA also makes it harder for the body to process water, she died from water retention. The main cause of MDMA-related deaths is a lack of education. When used responsibly, it is a relatively safe drug. Many people take it in a spiritual or therapeutic context. It can be used for various forms of personal and relationship development, and clinical trials are using it to treat sufferers of post-traumatic stress disorder. There is no evidence that moderate use less than mg every few weeks can cause damage to your brain. Frequent high dose use can cause heart problems and memory problems. MDMA overdose can be lethal. MDMA stands for 3,4-Methylenedioxymethamphetamine. Testing your MDMA is always good practice even when you trust your supplier. Reagent test kits from Bunk Police can identify hundreds of adulterants and substitutes —offering peace of mind and potentially saving your life. Simply place a tiny amount of MDMA into a sterile test tube or onto a sterile white ceramic surface and add a few drops of the reagent. Then check the color change or lack thereof against the supplied spectrum booklet. It is a type of amphetamine, a stimulant class of drugs that includes speed and methamphetamine. But MDMA is considerably more benign. Of course, the effects are substantially different. Based on these, MDMA may be classified as an entactogen or euphoric empathogen. Most people report a physical and emotional euphoria, along with mild visual effects, such as color enhancement. Increased stamina e. Side effects include increased perspiration, dehydration, jaw clenching, and involuntary shaking. Snorting MDMA tends to be unpopular, however, because of the bad flavor, potential for nose bleeds as well as anxiety and palpitations , and the relatively short-lived effects. Many people mix the crystal into their drinks to avoid the bitter taste. Effects will take up to an hour to appear. The effects last for three to six hours. You should begin to feel them minutes after dosing. The peak itself may last anywhere between 90 minutes and three hours before diminishing over the following one to two hours. These can be mild or severe and may last between hours, or possibly up to a week. Like other amphetamines, it stays in the system for hours after use, with 72 hours being the average. MDMA is structurally close enough to amphetamines to return a positive result in standard urine drug screens up to five days after use. It is also detectable in hair samples for up to 90 days. Therefore, expect an MDMA tolerance to last for several days. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, studies have so far failed to definitively answer this question. MDMA should not be mixed with other drugs, as some combinations can be dangerous. This should help to minimize health risks. It depletes serotonin levels, and microdosing could leave you with a long hangover. MDMA should be used once a month at most, to avoid any dangers of long-term neurotoxicity. Pharmacological Reviews , 55 3 , — Journal of Psychopharmacology , 20 2 , — Drug and Alcohol Dependence , 60 1 , — MDMA-assisted therapy: a new treatment model for social anxiety in autistic adults. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry , 64 , — Novel psychopharmacological therapies for psychiatric disorders: psilocybin and MDMA. The Lancet Psychiatry , 3 5 , — E for Ecstasy. London: Octavo. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs , 41 1 , Street names of ecstasy-country specific. Red, White, and Blue Pills. Highways and buyways: A snapshot of UK drug scenes London: DrugWise. Test Result Statistics: Summary Data. Club Drug Info. The Superman pill deaths are the result of our illogical drugs policy. Report on the risk assessment of PMMA in the framework of the joint action on new synthetic drugs. MDMA could be on the market legally by Drugs penalties. International Drug Control Conventions. Drug Decriminalisation Across the World. Not available: Drugs Regulations, etc. Drug List. Controlled Drugs and Substances Act S. Bilag 1. Narcotics control. Misuse of Drugs Act Controlled Substances — Alphabetical Order. I should know, I actually saw loads of those pills hit the streets and I actually used them while using coke at the time. The problem began when trying to re-dose. If you took more than 2 pills you would become extremely lethargic. The first time I took a bean while heavily coked it was amazing. It felt just like rolling on MDMA. The 2nd time after I had several hundred pills on me I ended up popping a total of 5. I told anyone that had bought some off of me to please be careful and not take more than 2. I also told them it was intended for a comedown from coke. Regardless, some people took 5 just like me and found out the hard way that I was not making it up. Disclaimer: MDMA is a potentially illegal substance, and we do not encourage or condone the use of this substance where it is against the law. However, we accept that illegal drug use occurs, and believe that offering responsible harm reduction information is imperative to keeping people safe. For that reason, this guide is designed to ensure the safety of those who decide to use the substance. Overview Effects Optimize your microdosing efforts. Personal Growth Therapeutic Use Legality Pharmacology Pure MDMA? Myths FAQ Footnotes Characterization of three new psychotomimetics. The Pharmacology of Hallucinogens. New York: Pergamon. June 9th, Read More. February 8th, Read More.

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