Silvesternacht; Silvester = Sal-Fathor

Silvesternacht; Silvester = Sal-Fathor

Sal-Fathor; The Solar-Father; Sal(Sieg)-FA Runes for the New Year.

Sal-Fa Runes superimposed onto the digital composition work of Shaun Ryken

The “Sol, Sal, Sul, Sig, Sigi” Rune According to Guido von List

 Sol, sal, sul, sig, sigi = Sun [Sonne], Salvation/Health [Heil ], Victory [Sieg], Column/Pillar [Säule], School [Schule], Aim/Goal [Ziel], and so on.

An eleventh still I also know in the fight,

when I lead the dear one:

I sing it into the shield and he is victorious in battle,

he fares hale hither and hale home again, he remains hale everywhere.

“Sal and Sig!” – Salvation and Victory [Heil und Sieg]. This millenia old Aryan greeting and battle-cry is also again found in a variant form in the widespread call of inspiration: alaf sal fena ! (All solar salvation to whosoever is conscious of power, that is, the one who is able to reproduce!

This has become symbolized by the 11th sign of the futharkh alphabet as the Sig rune (the Rune of Victory): “The creative spirit must conquer!"

-Paraphrase from The Mystery/Secret of the Runes [Das Geheimnis der Runen] (1908)

by Guido von List

Sieg-Rune esoteric diagram by Wolfgang vom Schemm - illustration for 'Adolf Hitler, the Last Avatar' (1984) by Miguel Serrano

SIG is another Rune that has to do with visualization. It has to do with useful mappings that bring the Rune Master to victory in the symbolic battle of life and in the struggle to reach Oneness with the Higher Self. SIG is the Light of the Sun on a spiritual level. As a Rune of success, SIG has to do with clarification, purification, freedom, and life. It symbolizes the soul and the path "coming from God and back to God." Rune of spirit and of inspiration that strikes lightning like. As such, SIG has some correlation with Uranus, in an astrological sense. - Sig Rune by Karl Hans Welz

Alldeutscher Jahrgothweiser 2021

The “Fa, Feh, Feo” Rune According to Guido Von List

Fa, feh, feo = Fire [Feuer], Fire-Procreation [Feuerzeugung], Fire-Borer [Feuerbohrer], Livestock [Vieh], Property [Besitz], to grow [wachsen], to hike/migrate [wandern], (to destroy [vernichten], to shred [fetsen, fetzen]).

The One (First) promises to help

You helpfully

in Struggle and in Misery

and in every Need/Necessity [Not ].

The Root-Word “fa” (which is symbolized as the “Primordial-Word [Urwort]” in this Rune) is the Basic-Concept of [1] “Arising”, of [2] “Being” (Doing/Acting, Working, and Ruling), and of [3] “Passing-Away to new Arising”. Thus it represents the Impermanence of all Existence and the Firmness of the “Self” in constant Change.

This Rune therefore holds the skaldic Consolation that [the] only true [purpose of] Wisdom [is] for the Development of the Future life [or what should be Ascending], while only the Fool mourns for what [is] Sinking [or that which is Descending]: “Generate your Happiness, and you shall have it!”

-Paraphrase from The Mystery/Secret of the Runes [Das Geheimnis der Runen] (1908)

by Guido von List

Arms raised to the Solar-Fire

The rune FA is a Sun salutation to receive help, protection, and inspiration from the great Solar Logos, the cosmic fire, the active force of light within everything. It is excellent to greet the Sun rising in the morning, saluting the beginning of a new day and its possibilities. With this practice we receive the solar light into the chakras, or energy gateways, of the hands, through the arms and into the heart.

Fire is the potency of the sexual force, the drive and impetus within our bodies. Fire can be directed in useful or destructive ways, but it can never be put out. With this rune we can initiate each day with a devotion to the Solar Logos with courage and strength, and burn away laziness and confusion. We can use this rune practice to strengthen the Essence with devotion and transmutation and feel a deeper connection to our inner Being.

The Rune FA by Karl Hans Welz 

Fa is the Rune of original fire. It is the Rune, which symbolizes the cosmos, the universe, and the beginning, or root, of your active, 
creative work towards change of your universes. FA symbolizes your will power and as such it acts creatively. It is your will, which sparks and initiates manifestation all the way to the material levels.  FA symbolizes change emanating from the creative realms, as such you can perceive it as spiritual creation. FA represents the Phoenix that rises from its ashes. It is a Rune of control of fate, of mobility, of wealth, and of the beginning of successful activity. 
You can use Fa to attract Solar and Lunar energy as well as the energies of the planets 
and fixed stars and then project them. Practice this absorption of energy with the body posture of FA. 
FA also strengthens you personal magnetism and therefore your skills of working with OD, or life force. On the etheric planes it symbolizes what persons working with the mapping of planes call "the electric fluid." Practice of FA strengthens the spiritual powers. It is useful at the beginning of any healing. 
Fa is one of the Runes that you can use to transfer energies. 
Time of the Year: December 22 through January 12. 
Rune Zodiac of 18: 0 degrees Capricorn to 20 degrees Capricorn. 
Note: The correlation with the degrees in the zodiac is an affinity not an exact superimposition. This means that the astrological zodiac may have its beginning anywhere in the Rune zodiac. The Rune zodiac has 18 Rune months of 20 degrees each. 
Number: 1 
Mantra: fffffffff (visualize fire or a bright red and flaming Fa symbol). 
Note: Put the emphasis on the f-sound! some people make the mistake to chant faaaaaaaaaa, with hardly and "f" at the beginning. Chant: ffffffffffffaaa (much more "f" than "a"!)

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