Silly StepDaughter

Silly StepDaughter


Silly StepDaughter
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Posted on Published: April 30, 2021 - Last updated: May 5, 2021
Step parenting isn’t always an easy job.
The standard mother-daughter connection needs to be built from the ground up and it’s often quite hard for kids to accept.
Some of these stepdaughter quotes capture the essence of it so well.
While these stepdaughter quotes won’t serve as real parenting advice, they’re still a good way of seeing just how people around the world experienced their own foray into step parenthood.
Sure, you might not be your stepdaughter’s bio mom and that’ll take some getting used to, but every strong family bond requires a lot of work.
The only difference here is that you don’t get to start building it up from birth, but from the age you meet.
Whether you have a stepson or stepdaughter, this makes little difference.
Many co-parenting challenges will cross your path, but it’s important to keep a clear head and keep persevering.
Remember, it’s difficult for the kids too.
If you’re looking to get inspired, here are some stepdaughter quotes to help you better understand how to approach the relationship.
1. “I do not look down on my step daughter just because she isn’t originally my daughter. I chose the woman I love to be my wife even if she already has a daughter. And I have chosen to love her daughter as well and work hard for them and be an awesome dad.” – Unknown
2. “I’ll always support my step daughter in her dreams in life. She is a bright young woman and so full of life. Her biological mother might not have lived long enough to see her shine brighter, but I promise I’ll be there supporting her all the way.” – Unknown
3. “Being a dad to your own daughter may not be so easy, but being a step dad to someone else’s daughter takes a brave and loving soul and it’s also not easy. Kudos to all the step dads out there.” – Unknown
4. “God has answered your prayers. Not only did he give you a new partner in life, he also gave you a beautiful stepdaughter whom you could love and cherish.” – Unknown
5. “I didn’t marry my wife, I married her entire situation. Her daughter is now my daughter, and she’s the nicest little girl that I want to protect, love and cherish for as long as I can. I love my family and my step daughter.” – Unknown
6. “You are my step daughter and my little princess. I am your step dad and I will do my best to provide all the things you need, give you all my love, and make sure you’re happy because you mean the world to me.” – Unknown
7. “I think step parents who have a great family relationship with their stepchildren are really awesome, because they have chosen to love, with all their heart, someone as their own.” – Unknown
8. “Love is not only limited to those with whom you share the same blood. Love is when you treat someone like family and choose to give that someone your everything, like how I do with my new husband and step daughter. I love them both so much.” – Unknown
9. “My step daughter motivates me to be a good parent. Why? Because she trusts me and I don’t ever want her to feel I’m neglecting her. All I ever want her to feel is that she has someone to rely on, and that’s me, her awesome step dad.” – Unknown
10. “A stepdaughter is a wonderful gift from God, and you need to cherish her, provide for her, support her and love her like she is your own, just as she looks up to you like you’re her real parent.” – Unknown
11. “My heart just skips a beat when my step daughter calls me dad and comes running to me so I can pick her up and hold her in my arms. We may not be connected by blood, but I’m pretty sure we’re connected in the most special way.” – Unknown
12. “Life is awesome when you’ve got a step daughter to protect. She is full of sweetness and innocence that all I ever want to do is keep her happy, because I treat her as my own. If someone messes with my step daughter, then you’ll be facing me.” – Unknown
13. “Love is a mutual thing and not all step parents are successful in getting their step daughter to reciprocate the love, but that shouldn’t be a reason not to love step daughters. It takes time because step parents need to make their new daughter feel that they’re really treating her like family.” – Unknown
14. “Adjusting to a new family may not be easy, but seeing them happy because of me is one of the most fulfilling things I’ve ever done in my life. Especially feeling how my step daughters trust me even if I haven’t been with them since the day they were born.” – Unknown
15. “She’s not just my step daughter, she’s my best friend too. It’s hard trying to get used to a new family but I’m glad my step daughter is making it so easy for me because she already treats me like her own parent. I love her so much.” – Unknown
16. “My lonely days are gone because right now I have a loving husband and step-daughter and I happily spend all my days with them. What more can I ask for? They’re all I need.” – Unknown
17. “Before I met your mother, I was indeed lonely. When we got together, I felt happy. And when she introduced me to you, her precious daughter, I felt even happier. And when I became a part of your family, I became whole again. I will love this family with all my heart.” – Unknown
18. “I love my step daughter because she’s like my best friend and my sister. We go shopping together, she helps me with the groceries, we get our nails done together, we tell secrets to each other. Having a step daughter is a lot of fun and I love her very much.” – Unknown
19. “Being a step dad isn’t an easy thing. But living everyday knowing that I am loved by this little girl so much, even if I’m not her biological father, is certainly one of the best feelings in the world.” – Unknown
20. “You may be my step daughter, but I’ll always love you as my own. The moment I said, ‘I do!’ to your mother, was also the moment that I vowed to be your loving father.” – Unknown
21. “I married someone who has grown to love me after her late husband’s death. But I didn’t just marry her, I married her entire situation and accepted her beautiful daughter as my own. And now we’re such a happy family.” – Unknown
22. “For me, love makes the world go round. I have loved, lost someone, and have now loved again. I’ve been going in circles with life, loving people who come and who also go. And today, I love the people who have come into my life. And that is, my wife and my step daughter.” – Unknown
23. “The world would be a brighter place if only everyone treated each other like family. That’s what I always keep in mind, making it very easy for me to love my new wife’s family, especially her sweet little daughter who is now my own beloved step daughter.” – Unknown
24. “Love is not what’s in the veins, but what’s in the heart. My daughter and I may not be related by blood, but I love her with all my heart and life’s been better ever since I met her. I love my step daughter so much.” – Unknown
25. “No man is an island indeed, so as time passed, I married someone and there was an added bonus! I have a loving and charming husband, and a cheerful step daughter. Ever since I became a part of this little family, my days have been blissful and no longer lonely.” – Unknown
26. “Families don’t have to be blood-related, and I’m saying this because, although I might not be the person who originally gave birth to you, I’m certainly the person who you can truly call mom. You’re family and I will treat you like my own and love you with all my heart.” – Unknown
27. “A step daughter is fragile and it’s your duty to protect her. She lost a parent, and you’re her only hope to survive the tough times ahead of missing her loved one. Be patient with her, because no little girl should ever go through such tragedy. And since you’re her step parent, make her days happier and more alive. Love her as your own.” – Unknown
28. “This may be a blended family, but we’re all in this together!” – Unknown
29. “Step daughters are just as precious as daughters. Just because you married a woman with a daughter, doesn’t mean you can neglect her child. Love her child as your own. You’re married, and now you’re a family.” – Unknown
30. “As a step mother, I made sure to treat my step kids like they’re my own because I chose to accept their father and them together.” – Unknown
1. “Happy birthday step daughter. I know that this is your first one with me as your stepmom , but I want to make sure that you still make a good day of it.” – Unknown
2. “Happy Mother’s Day, step mom. I know you’re trying really hard, but all of it still feels a bit weird to me and I need to get used to it. I do want you to know how much I appreciate your efforts though so here’s a little Mother’s Day gift from me to you.” – Unknown
3. “You are not my step daughter. You ARE my daughter who was born before I even met you. And I promise to love you forever and give you support in life.” – Unknown
4. “No one can replace your real mom, not even me. But I promise you this, you can count on me anytime. I’ll always be here for you and love you with all my heart.” – Unknown
5. “A stepmother’s love for her step daughter is truly beautiful and amazing because she chooses to love her so deeply even though her step daughter is not related to her by blood, because that’s what family is all about.” – Unknown
6. “My step daughter didn’t trust me at first, but I worked hard to gain her trust. Not to impress my husband, but to show my step daughter that she can always count on me and that I’ll pour all my love on her even if I was not the one who gave birth to her.” – Unknown
7. “My step daughter is full of beauty and grace with excellent character. She was indeed raised well by her real mother and I will do my best to raise her just as well, or even better. She’s also precious to me.” – Unknown
8. “The world’s a brighter place ever since this precious girl became my own, my step daughter. Her innocent smile just warms my heart and all I want to do is love her. She really means so much to me.” – Unknown
9. “My precious step daughter and I may not share the same blood, but we do share the same love and that’s the only thing that really matters in a family. I’m glad I have her in my life.” – Unknown
10. “You make me feel as if you’ve been my daughter my entire life. I am glad you treat me like I’m your real mother. I’m grateful for all the laughs and good times we share. I love you and this family so much.” – Unknown
11. “I love my husband’s daughter, and I know it will take time for her to see that. Trust is to be earned, and I’m happy that my step daughter has learned to trust me. She is such an angel.” – Unknown
12. “I cannot replace my step daughter’s biological mother and I know I can’t do better than her mother because she has a special place in her heart, but I’ll do my best to be a good step mother to her so I can have a special place in her heart too.” – Unknown
13. “My step daughter is still young and fragile, but I know she’s strong inside. I’ll be her step mom who’s going to support her all the time and give her all the love she needs.” – Unknown
14. “To my ever loving step daughter, I pray that you may be successful in life always. You’ve always been good to everyone, especially to me. Me and the rest of the family love you very much and we’ll remind you of that every single day.” – Unknown
15. “I may not be the person who held your hand first or the person who carried you when you were still a baby. But I’m willing to be your new mother who will be there with you through good and bad.” – Unknown
16. “I’m happy and grateful that God gave me a step daughter with whom I can share the rest of my life. Life’s never been this great!” – Unknown
17. “I might not be the mother who gave you the gift of life, but I’m glad life gave me you as a gift. You are my stepdaughter and I will truly love you no matter what.” – Unknown
18. “My step daughter had a hard time adjusting to having me in the house and having me as her new parent, but I’m happy she’s slowly accepting and loving me as part of her family.” – Unknown
19. “A step daughter is a little angel given by God. We may not be related by blood, but we’re still family and I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her happy.” – Unknown
20. “When I love someone, I love with all my heart. And that’s how much I love my step daughter. She’s just so sweet and innocent that I’d do anything for her and for my new family that I am so happy to belong to.” – Unknown
21. “My step daughter doesn’t have my eyes nor my hair color because I’m not her real mother, but she will always be the most beautiful thing to me, as if she was my own. I will love her, just as much as her father does.” – Unknown
22. “I would cross oceans for my step daughter, because she trusts me and loves me, even when she knows we are not connected by blood.” – Unknown
23. “It’s never a dull moment with my step daughter. We have lots of fun together and I’m glad we treat each other like sisters and even best friends! Every moment spent with her is something I’ll remember forever.” – Unknown
24. “I may not be able to replace your real mom, but I’ll work hard to show you much I love you and your dad. I won’t expect you to trust me so easily, but I will do my best to earn it. Because I love you both and I want us to be a happy family.” – Unknown
25. “I may not have been with you from the day you were born, but I’ll do my best to love you and support you until the day you die because I am your mother, even if it’s not by blood.” – Unknown
26. “To my step daughter, I love you and you’re so precious to me. You deserve all the good things in life because you’re such a sweetheart and I’m grateful that you have been treating and loving me like your real mother. I know I can’t replace her, but always remember that I’m doing my best to keep you happy. I love you so much.” – Unknown
27. “I never really knew what I wanted in life until I met my boyfriend’s daughter. And today, she’s my step daughter. I’ve never been this happy.” – Unknown
28. “You may not be the flesh of my flesh or the blood of my blood, but I’ll always consider you my daughter.” – Unknown
29. “I don’t want us to think about each other as the bonus mom or the bonus daughter, but as a family who just didn’t meet one another at your birth.” – Unknown
30. “My step daughter is the best thing that ever happened to me. We might not be blood-related, but we’ve been treating each other like family and days with her are getting better.” – Unknown
While these stepdaughter quotes, much like step mom quotes, step dad quotes and other step kids quotes, won’t miraculously help you and your newest additions to the family become the best of friends, they do serve a purpose, and that is to inspire.
It’s worth noting that they are just a bunch of quotes from step parents around the world who’ve had to go through the same song and dance.
They can’t replace a therapist ready to discuss potential problems that are in the way of a healthy family relationship.
Instead, they’re meant to be motivation for you to figure out your own solution to any dilemmas that you might have or to serve as a pick-me-up if things are feeling down.
That’s the purpose of any inspirational quotes, life quotes, family quotes, and the like that you’ll find a dime a dozen floating about on the internet.
They are words from people you can relate to, people who’ve shared in the struggles and the joys that step parenting brings.
Depending on the goal, they might make you cry, laugh, or otherwise, but their main objective is to help uplift you and remove any burdens that you might be feeling because being a mom can be hard , especially when it’s a blended family.
These stepdaughter quotes might not be words from the mouths of professional therapists or celebrities, but they’re tidbits of wisdom from people who’ve been through the experience.
They come from step moms, dads, and daughters alike who’ve had to deal with this sometimes awkward process.
They’re still great statements that you can turn into a sticker or printable and place on a fridge, a wall, or in a picture frame to help remind you of the special bond that you share.
There are many more stepdaughter quotes like these and they can come in the more serious form of motivational quotes that help inspire you, or in the form of memes that you and your stepdaughter can bond over when you read the witty captions.
I do hope that they at least help improve or strengthen your relationship in some way, shape, or form, mamma!
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Quotes » Step Daughter Poems and Quotes
A step daughter is a wonderful blessing. Whilst they may not be a blood relative the connection and bond that can be formed is just as strong as with a member of your own family. So when you want to send them a card or let them know how special they are you will want to use something touching, inspirational and from the heart.
That’s why we’ve put together these amazing step daughter poems and quotes. They cover all the needed occasions – weddings, birthday etc. As well as inspirational poems to show you care and a big selection of step daughter quotes that can be used in cards for the same occasions.
So use the below poems and quotes in cards, wedding toasts/speeches or just to say in person. And make your step daughter feel special and loved.
These poems about step daughters should be touching and inspiring snd a great way to let your step daughter know how important she is to you.
I hope you realise that when I told your dad “I do”
I promised you forever, too
I will never try to take your mom’s place
But I will always be here when you need me
My precious step Daughter
How I wish the path to you was shorter
I moved a distance away
But my love for you will always stay
A better friend I can not find
You are ever respectful and kind
You have a golden glorious heart
Some are trying their best to break us apart
Their poisonous words does not succumb you to fold
As our bond is meant to hold
You and I are much the same
As others plays us like a game
At least in each other there is joy to be found
Always an encouraging voice sweet and sound
One word of advise
When in need for comfort, do not think twice
Pick up the phone
And remember you are never alone
You always think your sobs to me are tiring
But speaking about heart ache is very admiring
Even after all these years
Your sadness still brings me to tears
Our crossing paths were no mistake
And a promise to you I did make
I have said this a million times before
This you should never forget or ignore
My promise to you I will not break
I will be there for you until eternity
I will love you till infinity
And again I promise…you’ll stay in my heart
My precious step Daughter, gorgeous and smart
I came into your life ten years ago and for the longest time you just didn’t want to know.
I understood your
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