Silk Scarf Bondage Stories

Silk Scarf Bondage Stories


Silk Scarf Bondage Stories


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When I was little and would watch movies with people being tied up or with "damsel in distress" scenarios, I would start to get excited. When my friends and I would play around, I would always want to be the helpless one that needed rescuing. When I started reading romance novels and the hero would save the heroine, or the heroine was in trouble, I would feel this pang "down there" and would later find myself wet. One day while searching for a simple damsel in distress story, I stumbled upon a fiction website with stories of women being tied up. That's when I had my first o***** . I just kind of pushed my legs together and it just happened. I don't think I realized what had happened at first, but soon figured it out. About a year later, I moved on to bondage p*** . I never liked doing this but I was always fascinated by it. I began looking into e-books with bondage themes, and would spend time looking through internet sites for videos and pictures. I began fantasizing about being kidnapped and tied up, and was soon able to make myself come without looking at anything. I've been to the brink several times in public situations, simply because I zoned off and started thinking about it. I hate myself for this, because bondage is supposed to be a bad thing. Being helpless and in harms way should terrify me, but I want it more than anything else.

I’m a male, and I have spent many, many hours tied up and gagged. I thoroughly enjoyed every moment of those experiences, even when I was tied in a a strenuous position, such as a reverse prayer or a strict hogtie.

Ok, first of all, bondage is not a "bad thing". It's just a kink. And one that is actually pretty popular. Just because you have that kind of fantasy doesn't mean you're some kind of sexual deviant. Try researching BDSM and see what else you think you might like. Make sure you know what a safeword is and find a partner who you can trust to respect it. I totally get what you mean about enjoying those scenes in movies. I was the same when I was young too. Bottom line, you don't have to demonize your kinks just because some prudes might think they have the right to look down on you for it. Normal is boring.

I love being tied up, gagged and I dream about being f***** ... Also, I love tie up and gag girls since I was a child... If anybody wants to talk : see ya

I'm a female and I have the total dream to be tied up by my boyfriend. I feel so alive when he does.

Can anyone tell how can I tie my self in bath few minutes to feel sexy

The summer when I was 15 my friends would tie me to a tree almost every day during summer vacation and I loved it!

I am a male and I allowed a former lover to bind, gag, and blindfold me in the mistaken belief that I could escape at any time I chose. I was wrong in that belief and she kept me tied up for 17 hours and applied several refinements, such as a plug and clover style nipple clamps, for part of that time. Although this was consensual at the start it became decidedly non-consensual after the first few hours. That is why this fine lady became a “former” lover.

Bondage is one of the most freeing experiences. It truly is something special. When I dom, the excitement of rendering a girl (or a guy) helpless and seeing their excitement grow is one of the most satisfying feelings. There is nothing more fun than helping someone live out their fantasy, especially if they've never gotten to be truly tied up before

I want be tied up very very tight with rope,and I like wear wool buttoned cardigan before tied up.

I absolutely love being tied up as tight as I can stand, gagged, and blindfolded for hours. I’m an alpha male and I’ve always felt as if I had to be in charge and know all the answers. Being made helpless and deprived of the ability to see or speak intelligible words allows me to enter a zen like state in which I’m only dimly aware of my body. I’m extremely fortunate that my wife likes to indulge my need to be tied up. She has become very proficient in her rope skills so that escape is impossible. One recent Saturday she tied me up, gagged me with a couple of my own handkerchiefs stuffed into my mouth and held in place with several layers of electrical tape, and blindfolded me with a silk scarf at 10 o’clock in the morning. She released me at 9 o’clock that evening when I could no longer avoid having to go to the bathroom. When she untied me I couldn’t stand without her help, was unable to raise my arms above my elbows, my jaw ached from the gag, and my eyes refused to focus. It. Was. Heaven.

Do you have a number to call? you can reach me at am johnpaul...

My wife is exactly the same as yours. Usually on sundays she cuffs me to the bed in the morning and not release me till around 7 in the evening. I find i relax and have a good chill out. The longest i have been in bondage is 12 hours. loved every minute. steve

Pleasestrip me and tie me up so anyone can see me

Oh yes please and ties and gagged with silk scarves so tightly mouth stuffed with dirty silk knickers mhhhhh

Silk panties silk scarf knotted as a cleave gag and then a wide and tight over the mouth scarf gag

I have enjoyed being tied up and gagged for as long as I can remember. In one of my idle moments, I tried to estimate the number of hours I had spent bound and gagged over the last thirty years. The total was ~2880 hours or a total of 120 full days of lying helplessly tied up, some of those hours in very strenuous positions, such as hogties, reverse prayers and the Hojo-Jutsu ebizeme position. I enjoyed every one of those 172,800 minutes.

I am the same always loved being tied up very tight with rope either tying myself up or if i have been lucky getting someone to do it to me .

Yes I am like U but I want be tied up and sometime tied up other guys

I have that damsel in distress fantasy all the time. But I'm a guy. Being crossdressed, made up, and tied up is SO hot because I have no control and could be discovered.

I have always wanted to tie up and gagged a cross dressed man. Especially if they are wearing sheer black stockings. Tight ropes and a mouth filling gag too. Hogtied and helpless

Dont sweat it its just your fetish if you want ill tie you up. jk xD

You can tie me any time mmmmmppphhhh

I like to be tied up .i want be tied up and sometime tied up other guy.

Me to the tighter the better its no good being tied up if its loose i has to be uncomfortable for me to enjoy it

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© 1998        
 Complete : Yes     rated: G
Keenan was left in the care of his father’s sister
while his parents went to Europe on business. They left him with Aunt Rose to teach
him some manners and improve his dress code. Then they invited the new Keenan to
spend the summer in Holland with them. The business they came home to was getting
used to their new teen ager.  
Age: Teenager 13-18  Categories: Mind
Altered/Hypnosis/Brainwashed  Keywords:
86 K    Added
: 02-02-2000
© 1998        
 Complete : Yes     rated: G
Conrad was a ship without a rudder but of the
choices he had, majoring in secretarial skills seemed his best bet. Sure enough, they got
him a good job. If he hadn’t been addicted to coffee, his life may have turned
out differently, but Connie has never been happier and Mom is happy too.
Age: Teenager 13-18  Categories: Mind
Altered/Hypnosis/Brainwashed  Keywords:
Hormones, Very High Heels
© 1997        
 Complete : No      rated: G
Julie had been in a motorcycle accident and was in a coma
for two months. Jason had been driving. Julie had some memory lapses that Aunt
Jenny needed to clear up. An accidental life is better than no life at all,
isn’t it?
Age: Teenager 13-18  Categories: Mind
Altered/Hypnosis/Brainwashe d, Stuck, The
Operation  Keywords: Breast
Implants, Hormones
K    Added : 02-06-2000
© 1999        
 Complete : No     rated: G
Eric needed to earn some tuition money and found an
opportunity at a local prep school. He thought he was going to be a grounds keeper
but ended up in quite a different set of circumstances. He just LOVED his new job...this
having a great deal to do with his straying from the guidelines set down when he was
hired. The price of straying was a little overpowering.
Age: College Age 19-26  Categories: Chemical or Drug Induced Change, Mind
Altered/Hypnosis/Brainwashed, She Males, The
Operation   Keywords: Hormones , Long Finger
Nails , School Girl
K    Added : 10-19-1999
© 1997        
 Complete : No     rated: M
Mike lived across the hall from a girl who was a psyche major and
probably his best friend. She diagnosed and treated his depression. When it
came time for the senior prom, Mike was no longer depressed, but his roommate Norm was
about to complicate his life even further. 
Age: College Age 19-26  
Categories: Chemical or Drug Induced Change,
Crossdressing/TV, Mind Altered/Hypnosis/Brainwashed, She Males  Keywords: Hormones, School Girl, Prom Girl or Fancy Dance
K    Added : 02-09-2000
© 1998        
 Complete : No     rated: G
Lorianne had a penchant for silk, ANYTHING silk. One might
say she had a fetish for it. On their wedding anniversary, Lori tested the waters to
see if Carl would like to join in her little fetish. He would--and did--as she
offered him more little enticements over time. Sucked in deeper and deeper until there was
no escape from a life in silks, he finds happiness at last as the love slave of femininity
Age: College Age 19-26  
Categories: Crossdressing/TV  Keywords: Hormones
K    Added
: 10-10-1999
© 1998        
 Complete : No     rated:G
Jensen met his soon to be wife at college. They seemed to
be very complimentary to each other. Then she caught him surfing the net in a rather
exciting site and their lives changed beginning on their wedding night.
Age: College Age 19-26  Categories:
Chemical or Drug Induced Change, Femdom /Authoritarian, Mind
Altered/Hypnosis/Brainwashed  Keywords: Hair or Hair Salon, Hormones
K    Added : 02-11-2000
© 1998        
 Complete : Yes     rated: M
Charles was more of a spoiled brat than either his father or the
college could handle. He was invited not to return. His sophomore year at a
new school was going to be different, very different at a school that had a very
unique method of handling such cases. Parent’s day was rather unique too, as
they became re-acquainted.
Age: College Age 19-26  Categories:
Bad Boy to Good Girl, Mind Altered/
Hypnosis/Brainwashed, Stuck  
Keywords: Hair or Hair Salon, Hormones,School
K    Added : 02-12-2000
© 1997        
 Complete : Yes     rated: M
Marla and George had just gotten married & moved into a
duplex next to Gwen & Charlene. An unusual game of strip poker leads George down
an unusual path to success in his job.
Age: College Age 19-26  Categories: Chemical
or Drug Induced Change, Crossdressing/TV, Deals/Bets/Dares, Mind
Altered/Hypnosis/Brainwashed, The Operation  Keywords: Breast Implants, Castration, Long Finger Nails
© 1999        
 Complete : No     rated: G
I’d always been attracted to Ken but he was such a
macho guy in high school. But, later he began to look more promising so I dated
him. My efforts at domestication obviously needed help and I got it from a couple
very unusual sources. Then I found out that many of the males in the area were very
sweet, charming and girlish.
Age: College Age 19-26  Categories:
Chemical or Drug Induced Change, Crossdressing/TV,
Mind Altered/ Hypnosis/ Brainwashed  Keywords: Hair or Hair
Salon, Hormones, Long Finger Nails
K    Added : 02-14-2000
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silk scarfbondage blindfold gag silkscarves scarffetish
One simply has to marvel at the fabulous versatility of the humble satin scarf, and I'm rarely if ever without one to close hand. Whether that be one worn around my neck, draped over my shoulders or perhaps secreted in my hand bag.
As I have just mentioned I'm invariably without one (or more) such scarves, finding great value in their incredible versitility. From an adaptable fashion accessory through to an impromptu gag or bond, their soft silky satin seduction and practicality can be relied upon and is guaranteed. That guaranteed soft silky satin seduction works well and is wonderfully and sharply contrasted with their practicality from a bondage perspective.
As many will already know, I have a deep fascination with contrasts and contradictions and how such concepts function and flourish within a D/s context. The soft sensual seduction of my femininity often contrasted with the harsh reality of the promise of unyieldingly firm handling, bondage and punishment
I love silkscarf bondage, scarf over the mouth and blindfolded
scarfman in trouble - view the clip on
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ashley bound in silk - download clip on
ashley bound in silk - download clip on
ashley bound in silk - download clip on
ashley bound in silk - download clip on
ashley bound in silk - download clip on
ashley bound in silk - download clip on
ashley bound in silk - download clip on
ashley bound in silk - download clip on
scarfman in trouble - view the clip on
scarfman in trouble - view the clip on

These stories first appeared on a site run by Jennifer, and tell of a young girl discovering tie-up games in the late fifties and early sixties in Britain...
This story is an account of my earliest experience of being tied up.
As we played more games, the issue was could we escape - and could Mum stop us from escaping...
My cousin Annie would babysit when our parents went dancing - and she would play the games with us. Then she started to use rope...
After Annie left the ropes, we started to use rope in our games. Then came the day our brother wanted to be tied to the chair...
When looking in the back of a second-hand store, my sister and I found a box of old handcuffs - and we asked Dad if he could fix them...
Watching an escape artist on a variety show, we wondeered if we could create something like the jacket he wore for ourselves...
What Karen and I really wanted to do was go out in public tied and gagged - and one cold winter's day gave us the chance...
I became friends with a girl down the street - and we learned from each other...
Three short stories which lead to a Christmas
Kristin Davis Mr Skin
Mo Collins Leaked

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