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Import projects from Bitbucket. You can set up Bitbucket. To enable the Bitbucket OmniAuth provider you must register your application with Bitbucket. Bitbucket will generate an application ID and secret key for you to use. Starting in GitLab 8. For more details, see the Bitbucket documentation. Keep this page open as you continue the configuration. Follow the Initial OmniAuth Configuration for initial settings. Reconfigure or restart GitLab for the changes to take effect if you installed GitLab via Omnibus or from source respectively. On the sign in page there should now be a Bitbucket icon below the regular sign in form. Click the icon to begin the authentication process. Bitbucket will ask the user to sign in and authorize the GitLab application. If everything goes well, the user will be returned to GitLab and will be signed in. Once the above configuration is set up, you can use Bitbucket to sign into GitLab and start importing your projects. Overview You can set up Bitbucket. To import projects from Bitbucket, follow both the Bitbucket OmniAuth provider and Bitbucket project import sections. Bitbucket OmniAuth provider Note: Sign in to Bitbucket. It does not matter if the application is registered as an individual or a team, that is entirely up to you. Select OAuth in the left menu under 'Access Management'. Provide the required details: Item Description Name This can be anything. Application description Fill this in if you wish. And grant at least the following permissions: Read and Write Select Save. On your GitLab server, open the configuration file: Add the Bitbucket provider configuration: Save the configuration file. Bitbucket project import Once the above configuration is set up, you can use Bitbucket to sign into GitLab and start importing your projects. This can be anything.

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