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It is not a large country but has a rich and eventful history. Archived from the original on 2 August The musical tradition of the Czech lands arose from first church hymns, whose first evidence is suggested at the break of 10th and 11th century. The Slovak language can often be heard, as there is a sizable Slovak minority and both languages are mutually intelligible up to a certain point. Virtual Museum of Protestantism. However, the nation was very blessed in the fact that it emerged from the war more or less physically intact as it mostly avoided the fate of the massive air bombardments and invasions that levelled most of the historic neighbouring cities in Germany, Austria, Poland and Belarus. Wenceslas and manor houses dot the landscape and medieval town centres abound. Вы сможете посмотреть персонализированные идеи от таких же путешественников, как Вы. Production of Czech electricity exceeds consumption by about 10 TWh per year, which are exported. Archived from the original on 9 March After dissolution of Czechoslovakia, the Czech national football team finished in second and third place at the European Football Championship. Fact: A short geographic country name does not have to be spelled out in the Constitution in order to be official. Archived from the original on 2 May In common restaurants, even the better ones, the traditional Czech food usually does not match what the old granny serves. Archived from the original on 25 October Приглашение в нетрадиционные музеи Иллюзии, фильмы, сахар, шоколад, пытки и лекарства! The latter is stronger and more expensive, so you should specify which one you want when you order. Great Moravia was Christianized, with a crucial role being played by the Byzantine mission of Cyril and Methodius. Основная статья: История Чехии. На территории Чехии в настоящее время насчитывается 28 университетов и институтов с государственным финансированием. Зноймо, Чехия. However, German colonization, which soon accounted for one-third of the total population and disadvantaged the majority Czechs, brought the seeds of discontent, resulting in an ugly, insolvable conflict in the 20th century. Honest Guide TV Show. Czech lager is nothing like the fizzy lagers found in many other countries. About See All. Kofola , a coke-like drink is also very popular, and some Czechs say it is the best thing the communists gave them. Good service is offered by Eurolines and RegioJet. This project called Laterna magika 'The Magic Lantern' , resulting in productions that combined theater, dance and film in a poetic manner, considered the first multimedia art project in international context mentioned also in Theatre section above. Petrol stations ONO usually have the best prices of petrol. Czech Tourism. Main articles: Music of the Czech Lands and Moravian traditional music. Although it is customary to tip in the Czech Republic, it has very little to do with the size of the bill, and more to do with a sign of appreciation. Archived PDF from the original on 22 November Unemployment rate is the lowest in EU, so it might be more difficult to find a long-term accommodation rather than a job in Prague. A more liberal definition incorporates all literary works written in the Czech lands regardless of language. He unified Brandenburg until , Lusatia until , and Silesia until under the Bohemian crown. The on-board service is better on the LE and IC trains. You may need to ask a waiter for the passphrase. The condition of many roads is continually improving, but to be economical and fast, drive on the motorways as much as possible, although if you want to get to remote parts of the country you will not avoid side-roads that may be a little bumpy sometimes. Encyclopedia of the Cold War. Not Now. For example, he decorated the castle Karlstejn. On 9 June Hitler ordered bloody reprisals against the Czechs as a response to the Czech anti-Nazi resistance. There are some dishes that are usually not served in any restaurants or pubs, are usually made at home and are worth trying if you have the opportunity. Почвы в русле реки Йиглава содержат высокие концентрации свинца и меди \\\\\\\\\\\\\[43\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. Slovakia, for example, is not mentioned in the Constitution of the Slovak Republic either but is widely used. Карлов мост - излюбленное место для прогулок в Праге. Archived from the original on 7 July. Retrieved 2 May The term Bohemian had ended up meaning more or less Czech by the end of the 19th century with the awakening of Slavic nationalism. Since the Czech Republic is a democratic republic, journalists and media enjoy a great degree of freedom. Все отели Чехии. Archived from the original on 6 November The team also won the European Football Championship in , came in third in and won the Olympic gold in When entering a Czech household, always remove your shoes. More than one quarter of Prague was destroyed and St. Где найти известные замки. Retrieved 14 November Центральный аппарат государства также включает различные административные органы с полномочиями на национальном уровне, подчиняющиеся одному из министерств, которые не упоминаются в Законе например, Чешская торговая инспекция или Центральный земельный офис. It continues to ferment in the stomach, so the alcohol content at the time of drinking it is unknown, but it is usually high, creeps up on you, and it is very moreish. Богемия, Чехия. Sometimes you can compliment the food in a restaurant 'as if my grandma prepared it. Archived from the original on 3 September The Czech economy gets a substantial income from tourism. Вы можете помочь, обновив информацию в статье. There are also a few coworking spaces in large cities. The Czech Republic is a unitary state with a civil law system based on the continental type, rooted in Germanic legal culture. An estimated , Soviet soldiers died in liberating Czechoslovakia from German rule. Directors are trying to preserve natural atmosphere without refinement and artificial arrangement of scenes. Такие статуи есть в Праге, Хельсинки и даже Киеве хотя больше всего и правда в Брюсселе. Czech Republic. Some soups are eaten with bread, sometimes small croutons are put inside the soup just before eating. Access date 3 October Oтели с бассейном в Чехии. В других проектах Викисклад Викиновости Викигид. Произошло это знаменательное событие 27 мая года в австрийском городе Гётцис. Among other highlights are St. During these months, there is usually snow in the mountains and sometimes in the major cities and lowlands. Views Read View source View history. This relatively unknown library may just be one of the most beautiful in Europe: The Klementinum Library in Prague, Czech Republic is an exquisite example of Ba You can call emergency numbers from any phone for free even without a card. Now, more expensive 'Cola-Fanta-Sprite' choice or draught or bottle Kofola are available usually. The territory reverts to Germany in Информация должна быть проверяема , иначе она может быть поставлена под сомнение и удалена. Ask for the total amount you will get and recompute it by yourself. Вы можете помочь проекту, обновив её и убрав после этого данный шаблон. In the army transformed itself into a fully professional organization and compulsory military service was abolished. During the first years of the independent Czechoslovakia after , a specifically Czech architectural style, called Rondo-Cubism , came into existence. The warmest month of the year is July, followed by August and June. Пейзажная аллея. Archived from the original on 13 January The oldest still standing churches were built in the Romanesque style St. Joseph Radetzky von Radetz , born to a noble Czech family, was a field marshal and chief of the general staff of the Austrian Empire army during these wars. This site uses cookies. Submit Feedback. Archived from the original on 8 March The difference is generally apparent in the final alcohol content. Archived from the original on 6 March You can help by converting this section , if appropriate. Summer is also characterized by rain and storms. Retrieved 29 March В Дукованах Южная Моравия помимо атомной станции находится хранилище атомных отходов \\\\\\\\\\\\\[44\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. Средняя численность семьи уменьшилась за последние 30 лет с 3,5 до 2,2 человек \\\\\\\\\\\\\[ источник не указан дня \\\\\\\\\\\\\]. In a strict sense, Czech literature is the literature written in the Czech language. В Йиглаве находится крупнейший в Европе завод по производству ДСП, который выбрасывает в воздух формальдегид \\\\\\\\\\\\\[42\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. Religion in the Czech Republic \\\\\\\\\\\\\[6\\\\\\\\\\\\\] Undeclared. The Czechoslovakian communist regime following the Second World War is still a sensitive issue for many and that it is easy to upset people in discussions on the subject. Wherever you are in the Czech Republic, there will be some castle or chateaux nearby. You have to fill in an application form at the ticket counter and provide a photograph. Информация должна быть проверяема , иначе она может быть поставлена под сомнение и удалена. In the second half of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century there was a huge development of social sciences. Czech \\\\\\\\\\\\\[1\\\\\\\\\\\\\]. Основная статья: Религия в Чехии. As everywhere some traditional treats have become a mass-market production for tourists, others are pretty difficult to find. Mineral waters are popular, but tend to have a strong mineral taste. In case you stay in a hotel or similar institution, the provider of the accommodation should arrange this registration for you. Senate , but each constituency is roughly the same size and the voting system used is a two-round runoff. Czech Republic has an excellent and sophisticated system of trail blazing, marked trails are about everywhere. Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic. В последние годы Чехия вошла в число государств с минимальным уровнем младенческой смертности менее 4 чел. The Huffington Post. The Nazi Generalplan Ost called for the extermination, expulsion, Germanization or enslavement of most or all Czechs for the purpose of providing more living space for the German people. Retrieved 14 May. Schultz; F. Jewish philosophy in the Czech lands was represented mainly by Judah Loew ben Bezalel known for the legend of the Golem of Prague. In the Prussians invaded Bohemia and after the Battle of Prague occupied the city. Archived PDF from the original on 9 August Natural gas is procured from Russian Gazprom , roughly three-fourths of domestic consumption and from Norwegian companies, which make up most of the remaining one-fourth. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Archived from the original on 15 October Outline Index. There are 12 cathedrals and 15 churches elevated to the rank of basilica by the Pope, calm monasteries, many modern and ancient churches — for example Pilgrimage Church of Saint John of Nepomuk is one of those inscribed on the World Heritage List. Main article: Name of the Czech Republic. They are also usually served with roasted meat and either sauerkraut or spinach. Chapter 1. A cheap and excellent means of travelling between Prague and other major cities are the buses from Regiojet. Full-price international tickets are quite expensive so, if no commercial discount fits your needs, you can combine domestic tickets to save money:. Alex Atmolex опубликовал а фото. Log In. February Archived from the original on 24 May Healthcare in the Czech Republic is similar in quality to other developed nations. January Где найти известные замки. In November , the communist government was deposed in a peaceful Velvet Revolution. Both countries went through economic reforms and privatisations , with the intention of creating a market economy. Archived from the original on 25 March Most Czechs speak a second and often a third language. As a word of advice, if you are hitch-hiking through the Czech Republic from the south to the German town of Dresden, never go to or past Prague unless you are in a ride going all the way to Dresden. Archived from the original on 12 December In restaurants, usually only cultivated mushrooms are used. 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