Shrink Penis

Shrink Penis


Can a Penis Get Smaller Permanently?
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Jerry Kennard, PhD, is a psychologist and associate fellow of the British Psychological Society.
Medically reviewed by Jason DelCollo, DO on November 22, 2019
Jason DelCollo, DO, is board-certified in family medicine and on the faculty of Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine.
Many men worry about penis size, particularly if their penis appears to become smaller over time. The reality is that flaccid penis size may have little or nothing to do with erect penis size and, of course, penis size has absolutely nothing to do with masculinity. Nevertheless, it's true that your penis may change length, usually for completely benign reasons.
Your penis may look smaller as you grow older—due to decreased blood flow and testosterone in the region—but it's just the appearance of shrinkage. Multiple studies have confirmed there's no link between age and length of a flaccid penis.1
Some men also gain weight in the belly area as they grow older and, as a result, their penis can appear smaller without it actually being smaller. This is because excess belly fat can flop down and extend out over the base of the penis, making it appear shorter.
Research has also shown that long periods of impotence or celibacy can result in some loss of size to the genitals.2 This is something men are more likely to struggle with as they age, though there are many men who grapple with erectile dysfunction even at younger ages. 
Outside of normal passage-of-time effects, there are certain health conditions that can result in shrinkage. Perhaps the most common of these conditions is prostate surgery, which can result in losing up to 2 inches of flaccid length.3
Certain medications can also lead to a shrinking penis, including:4
Fortunately, most partners don't care about size anyway and, in some cases, if the penis is especially large, it can cause discomfort for the other person.
So while the loss in length can be distressing, especially if you weren't expecting it, you should feel secure in the knowledge that there are so many ways to ensure a fulfilling sex life, and penis length doesn't even rank on that list.
That said, however, there are some basic tips for regaining or retaining penis size:
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Veale D, Miles S, Read J, Troglia A, Wylie, K, Muir G. Sexual Functioning in Small Penis Anxiety. Sexual Medicine. 2015;3:147-155. doi:10.1002/sm2.63
Berookhim BM, Nelson CJ, Kunzel B, Mulhall JP, Narus JB. Prospective analysis of penile length changes after radical prostatectomy. BJU Int. 2014;113(5b):E131-6. doi:10.1111/bju.12443
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When the Penis Starts and Stops Growing
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How to Get Rid of a Male Yeast Infection Fast
The Anatomy and Function of the Penis
How to Protect Your Penis From Peyronie’s Disease
Verywell Health's content is for informational and educational purposes only. Our website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.
Ⓒ 2021 About, Inc. (Dotdash) — All rights reserved
Verywell Health is part of the Dotdash publishing family.

How do you permanently shrink your penis at home?
Jean-Marie Valheur, political aficionado & former journalist
Answered 10 months ago · Author has 2.1K answers and 106M answer views
The blood flow to the penis from frequent erections keeps the penile tissue stretched out and larger. Which is why young and virile men who frequently masturbate and have sex will typically have larger penises than older men, unless those older men are unusually horny and sexually active in the winter of their lives. Penis size typically goes down as our age goes up. So the surest non-surgical way to reduce the size of one’s penis, would be to somehow prevent erections from happening as much as possible for a long extended period of time, during which permanent shrinkage would occur.
Gaining significant amounts of weight and consuming foods that lower that natural production of testosterone in the body would also do the trick.
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Shaun Haney, studied at Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Answered 11 months ago · Author has 2.1K answers and 1.4M answer views
Don’t laugh. A lot of men do this unintentionally and it’s a sign of poor health. Just totally let yourself go. Sit on the couch, watch TV, don’t play basketball or walk the dog. Don’t walk, don’t cycle. Just sit sit there and watch TV. Or in front of the computer, or wherever. Just don’t move.
Your belly may or may not expand. If does, you won’t be able to see yourself simply by looking down. You’ll notice that the morning wood just isn’t happening any more.
This might affect what sex life you have detrimentally and you might think reaching for the Viagra is the answer. But the real problem is your circulation, your heart, and your overall health. If you’re going flacid, you might also be dying early. Keep an eye on that!
JR Verde, Trauma Counselor (2015-present)
Answered February 19, 2021 · Author has 125 answers and 379.8K answer views
First, grab your biggest knife with the sharpest blade. Second go to the fridge(or store if necessary) and grab a few large cucumbers. Third, microwave the cucumbers individually for aprox 45 seconds. Fourth, on a cutting board, slice the cucumbers one at a time, into 3 even pieces. Fifth, google images/videos of real penises being chopped off for 2 hours. Sixth and final step, thank me (silently) the next time you go to use your “equipment”…
What is the best way to shrink a penis?
I have a short penis, about 4.5” in length and about average girth. I did steroids a few years ago. This does NOT affect your penis size like many people claim, but it usually affects your testicle size, depending on a few factors. Anyway, I started to get mild gyno (breast tissue). It was very minor, but I could feel hard lumps around my nipples and they hurt and were EXTREMELY sensitive. I did some research and found several people claiming letrozole (breast cancer medication that is relatively easy to get) would work for reversing mild gyno. There has been no evidence of it working, but so
I have a short penis, about 4.5” in length and about average girth. I did steroids a few years ago. This does NOT affect your penis size like many people claim, but it usually affects your testicle size, depending on a few factors. Anyway, I started to get mild gyno (breast tissue). It was very minor, but I could feel hard lumps around my nipples and they hurt and were EXTREMELY sensitive. I did some research and found several people claiming letrozole (breast cancer medication that is relatively easy to get) would work for reversing mild gyno. There has been no evidence of it working, but so many people were swearing by it. So I tried it and it worked. After 8 weeks, my gyno was 100% gone and I had no abnormal sensitivity. Letrozole removes 98% of your estrogen. When you have low testosterone OR low estrogen levels, you have absolutely no sex drive. I hadn’t had an erection for months. Not even the normal ones you get at night. And it was about a month after I got off that my sex drive slowly started to return. Anyway, by the time I had my first erection, it was probably 3 months. When you don’t have regular erections, your penis will lose some of its elasticity. I shrank to about 4” long and also shrank about a half inch around. This was not a permanent shrinkage though. After 2–3 months of regular erections, my penis eventually went back to being the same size. I’m not saying to take letrozole. I’m just telling you my experience. There also is a proper way to take it and come off of it, so I wouldn’t advise taking it unless you know what you’re doing. There might be other drugs that assist in shrinking your penis, but I wouldn’t do that, because that is not the primary purpose of the drug, and that can be EXTREMELY dangerous. The safest way would probably be using a chastity device long term. This will prevent you from getting erections, especially when you’re sleeping. You will still get partially hard, but you will not be able to obtain even close to a full erection. Which can cause your penis to shrink. I would think that this too would most likely be a temporary solution.
Brianna Fox, BA Psychology & Human Resources
Answered 11 months ago · Author has 374 answers and 564.7K answer views
How can I shrink testicles and cock naturally?
Estrogen/progesterin HRT (Hormone replacement therapy) will do the trick. But this will do a lot more than shrink your genitals. It will give you a more feminine figure, make it impossible for you to achieve an erection, help you develop breasts and raise your voice up a few octaves.
So, if you're ok with all that, HRT may be right for you!
Shelli Kay, Service Industry (2007-present)
Answered 2 years ago · Author has 425 answers and 1.7M answer views
Is there a method to decrease penis size?
Actually, there are a few simple DIY methods that reduce the penis, but fair warning, these usually make it impractical to use sexually, some even permanently limp or just too small for penetration.
If you’re just too big for your girlfriend (and I’ve seen this) you can’t easily just loose a few pounds.. as it were.. but the best option is to work her up to your girth. That said I’m currently learning the not so quick option.
-if thickness isn’t the problem, but length mostly.. the cb6000s is having an unexpected result. After use for over 3 weeks, the penils soft spongy tissue is internalized,
Actually, there are a few simple DIY methods that reduce the penis, but fair warning, these usually make it impractical to use sexually, some even permanently limp or just too small for penetration.
If you’re just too big for your girlfriend (and I’ve seen this) you can’t easily just loose a few pounds.. as it were.. but the best option is to work her up to your girth. That said I’m currently learning the not so quick option.
-if thickness isn’t the problem, but length mostly.. the cb6000s is having an unexpected result. After use for over 3 weeks, the penils soft spongy tissue is internalized, this is from multiple restraint erections and retraction just from the constant position. It’s not heard of that this can be “fixed” easily, but a simple solution to avoid this is a weekly wank..
but using a cb6000s (s is for small, the tubes length, not the boy bits..) or a smaller chastity belt for men, the erectile tissue after a lengthy incarceration will permanently be reduced. that said, 2 yrs of periodic use (less than 3 hrs a day) is NOT reducing anyones boybits..
other medical reductions results I hear of:
excess testosterone (also damages the testicles)
if you wish to temporarily limit your max size, there are other methods. From the users of gaffs: by binding your penis (soccer/knee /cloth tap) straight out while semi or not erect, and covering this with a condom, your erection will only expand to it’s container size, since it’s a liquid that causes the ballooning, it’s relatively safe (just dont cut the bloodflow). remove the tight material in under an hour and even blocked bloodflow would return.. over 4 hours you may need medical attention. (this is NOT written by a doctor, be careful) note this controls width more than depth more effectively..
if depth for current gf is the only issue, than let her drive. hold still while she is on top of you, theres a t-shaped position, spooning position and quite a few others.. —spooning position is NOT helpful to reduce depth during anal… ouch.
lastly, watch Beetlejuice(1988), at the very end (I think after the credits) the witch doctor sprinkles a fine powder over Beetlejuices head (and assumingly anothers sitting to the witchdoctors right) this powder instantly reduces the size of their heads.. find out this powder treatment by witch doctors of the marshes in southern Carolina.
I’ve made sum assumptions to the reason of your requirement, if I’m way off here, message me directly…
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What is the best way to decrease penis size?
Is there a method to decrease penis size?
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How can I reduce the size of my testicles?
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How far will my penis shrink upon HRT in 5 years?
I’m 18 and I have been interested in chastity. Will it turn me into a girl? How much will my dick shrink and how quick will it shrink?
What methods can be done to reduce penis size?

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