Showering With Girlfriend

Showering With Girlfriend


Showering With Girlfriend
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5 Fun Things To Do In The Shower With Your Partner
Showering with your partner is sweet, intimate and really a great way to get fully comfortable with each other’s bodies. Of course, we all have different things we find fun to do in the shower whether they be funny, intimate, or just entertaining but here are some that always work for me. Without further ado, here are some things you should be doing in the shower with your partner!
Now, you’re probably reading this like…why? Well, having someone else massage the shampoo into your scalp is actually the nicest way to wind down! If you’ve had the longest day, you’re going to need that at the end of it. I mean, the more exciting thing to do is to shampoo one another’s hair and then… CREATE YOUR HAIR SPIKES. Battle of the hair spikes is well exciting! Winner is the last spike standing.
This is going to sound real disturbing to some people, but I figured this is not a place to be ashamed of how we find fun. So, every female loses so much hair when they wash It, brush it, or even just flick it. In the shower I tend to find my hair coming out more, and I get irritated when it sticking to my body. So, I usually stick it on the wall and begin making a picture, and now it’s something body me and my partner do just to create a giggle. Creative genius!
I am a big fan of karaoke as a person, and I love to belt out any tune that gets into my bones even though I am the worlds worst singer. I am tone deaf! BUT, give me a good groovy song and I am in it to win it. So, a great way to create some fun is grab your shampoo bottles, pop on a classic duet, maybe a grease song or my FAVOURITE… American boy! Get your groove on. See who does it best!
What better way to get that glowing skin than with your boo? Grab some face washing mitts or flannels and get exfoliating. Whether it be your whole body, or just face, get scrubbing. Self-care and having a ball with your partner. Can life really get much better than this?
Well this was just a must on the list. Showering together is so intimate how can this not be an option? Sometimes it’s difficult, but when the timing is right things fall right into place. Wink Wink! Enjoy that intimacy, connect with your partner and let yourselves go! Shower time can be for this too.
Shower fun is just as important as every other type of fun. Whether you shower alone or with your partner that is all fine and good. If you’re feeling like you want your relationship to take the next step by showering together then you do you boo! Get your boo in the shower with you, wind down, relax, have fun, laugh, joke and just enjoy one another and that intimacy of being together.
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Modified: Jan 19, 2021 by Katie Hale · This post may contain affiliate links · 12 Comments
Let's get real here for a moment or two. Let's dig into one of those things that we tend to not talk about publicly. Taking showers with your spouse or significant other can be a wonderful thing. Oh, we aren't talking about those kind of showers. We are talking about these 15 Reasons To Take A Shower With Your Spouse. The fun, the funny, the odd, the useful and the kind of things that just make your life and relationship better.
Why am I telling you to take a shower with your spouse? Because I know what it can do for a relationship. You see, about a year ago I had this shoulder issue. My left shoulder from time to time will lock up and cause a considerable amount of pain if I try to move that arm very much. That leads to difficulty doing everything, especially things like washing your hair, and yes, I am one of those people who really needs to wash her hair every day. So, as I was there and in a considerable amount of pain, I asked for help. That meant my Beau and I took a shower together. There was nothing sexual about the shower. It was simply getting cleaned up for the day, but it was so much fun that even after my shoulder was healed - we just kept doing it. Here I am today to share with you the reasons that taking a shower with your spouse can change everything about your relationship.
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Sure there is a lot of jest in that list, but the truth is there are some great things that can happen when you decide to let yourself be vulnerable with your spouse. Not only will you realize all those imperfections about your body you constantly stress over aren't even noticed by them, but you'll see what you've been missing. The physical closeness doesn't have to lead to intimacy. It more often than not won't, yet being there and allowing yourself to be naked, vulnerable and okay with it will make you sexier to them.
Intimacy is not a synonym for sexual relations. Sure, our society puts them together all the time, but that doesn't make it so. Intimacy is a much deeper and more emotionally personal connection you have with someone else. When you allow yourself to open up and just be natural and yourself with another human being - you are allowing them into an intimate part of who you are. If you feel your relationship with your spouse is faltering in true nonsexual intimacy, why not try something a little different and knock on the bathroom door to see if you can join them in the shower. You never know what will happen, but likely you'll be surprised at how emotional the connection is instead of physical.
If your goal is to improve the relationship you have with your spouse, this is a great method. It falls in line with some of the best relationship books I have read. I highly recommend checking out the following books:
I highly recommend checking out the following relationship books: 
Another reason to shower with your spouse is to simply give them or yourself that physical touch that makes you feel loved. Again, it's not all about sexual intimacy, but about a deeper intimacy. I recommend reading the 5 Love Languages book with your spouse to understand a bit more about how this can impact your relationship.
Nah..just do it! We shower together with kids in the house all the time. They think it is normal now! 🙂
I'm young, I'm only 17 for 2 more months but, when my boyfriend asked if I wanted to take a nice hot shower with him, I got really scared! I've been raped 4 times.... I didn't know what to say or do so I ran and hid....
Nobody should feel pressured to do anything they don't want to do. If it makes you uncomfortable, you should avoid it for sure. If he doesn't understand, then he isn't for you. I would recommend seeking support and counsel from someone you trust at home or school. You can even seek out support as a rape survivor at your local hospital.
My husband and I shower together about once a week. This started a month or so into our relationship. We have been together for 11 years. Married only for 2. We have two children and being in the shower is a great excuse for some alone time. We just talk or sometimes get much closer. Either way, we both end up CLEAN and reconnected. I don't understand why more people don't shower with their significant other.
Me and mine just shower at night together when the kids are in bed, and sometimes in the morning, they understand we are together and that's why its ok for us to do that.
My wife and I don't 🚿 together often enough. It usually leads to more intimacy in the bedroom after we've toweled each other dry. The 15 year old boy being out of the house makes her more comfortable. Personally, I don't care either way!
My wife and myself have been showering together for years. At first we were not comfortable doing it knowing her daughter was next door but it became natural after some time. Today when her mother comes and stay at home we do not prevent ourself from doing it. I love the feeling of closeness and extreme proximity we share when I clean every parts of her body. After the shower I will apply lotion on her breast, her legs and harms. I'll then kiss her and hug her so both of us can feel each other's body.
Forget it! If the purpose is to conserve what it will do you no good.
Some couple like hugging and kissing in shower so water time could take up more its romantic
Its the best thing me and my wife can do is take a shower with eachother it makes u so much closer to eachother! And its romantic to! Whats better yet is have some shower sex as well!
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