Should Standardized Reading 👤📖 Tests Be Untimed

Should Standardized Reading 👤📖 Tests Be Untimed

👓 Gina Doepker

Should Standardized Reading 👤📖 Tests Be Untimed

Should Standardized Reading 👤📖 Tests Be Untimed✅ Year after year I was placed in the lowest reading 👤📖 class because my scores 🎼 were so low 🔅 on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills 🤹. My grades in reading 👤📖 class were always As, and ➕ I never struggled with the course work ⚙️. My only problem was my vision. I required the use of corrective lenses. I could understand what I was reading 👤📖, but because of vision problems I had a very ❗️ low 🔅 rate 🐀 of reading 👤📖. Ultimately I either did not ❌️ finish the tests, or rushed 😰 through carelessly trying to finish, resulting in low 🔅 scores 🎼. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of time ⏱️ limits versus 🆚 untimed conditions on standardized reading 👤📖 tests on the achievement of 7️⃣th grade students 👨‍🎓️ with and ➕ without vision corrective lenses. Standardized tests for reading 👤📖 achievement have come ⤵️ under scrutiny over their validity for reporting reading 👤📖 ability accurately. Time ⏱️ limits affect reading 👤📖 performance 🎭️ for some students 👨‍🎓️ producing results that inaccurately portray their true reading 👤📖 abilities. The results of this study suggest that untimed conditions would benefit not ❌️ only students 👨‍🎓️ with vision corrective lenses, but also students 👨‍🎓️ without corrective lenses.


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