Shota Spanking

Shota Spanking


Shota Spanking

These home decor hacks by the expert Marie Kondo will have your space spanking clean

The British retail tycoon Philip Green has been charged with four counts of misdemeanour assault in the United States after an Arizona pilates instructor accused him of repeatedly touching her inappropriately, Britain's Press Association reported on Friday.

The tantrum is a natural outcome of frustration, so why would you expect that it wouldn't happen? Furthermore, why would you want to stop it?

The 5 best cafes you may checkout when you visit Kochi next time.

A prominent newspaper executive in Alabama has been accused of assaulting multiple female employees during the 1970s by spanking them, according to reports in Alabama news outlets this week.

On Saturday, Rishi Kapoor posted a video on Twitter in which a little boy is seen spanking a girl and the boy standing next to him is thought to be responsible

Top seed Saina Nehwal, who is desperately looking for a win to boost her confidence after recovering from a knee surgery which derailed her Rio Olympics campaign lat year, spanked Thailand's Chasinee Korepap 21-9 21-8 in a lop-sided contest.

This red sleek four door car you see here is the brand spanking new Kia Stinger and although Kia is expected to come to India very soon, this isn't the kind of vehicle they are expected to bring to our country anytime soon.

Ford Mustang is clearly one of the most popular cars in the world and the American carmaker finally answered the prayers of us Indian enthusiasts last year by launching the 2016 Mustang GT in India. Now, Tamil film actor and Rajinikanth's son-in-law Dhanush, recently took the delivery of a spanking new black Mustang GT.

Top-seed Ajay Jayaram, who has clinched the Dutch Open thrice in his career, spanked Philip Shisov of Bulgaria 21-7, 21-9 in his second round match, while 11th seed Parupalli Kashyap beat Denmark's Rasmus Gemke 21-11, 7-21, 21-10 to enter the pre-quarters

P Kashyap, whose Rio Olympics dream was derailed by a series of injuries, spanked Nathaniel Ernestan Sulistyo of Indonesia 21-6 21-8 to sail into the second round

The 2016 Rio Olympics will begin on August 5 and the early arrivals have already started settling down into the spanking new Olympic Village, which is still getting finishing touches ahead of the Games

The early arrivals have begun settling down into the spanking new Olympic Village, which is still getting finishing touches ahead of the Games

A motivational trainer in China, upset at the low scores in a session with rural bank employees, handed out beatings for eight of them, shaved the heads of the men and cut the hair of the women.

Footage of Chinese bank staff being spanked for poor performance at a training session has gone viral, triggering public anger and the suspension of the bank's boss, reports said Tuesday.

These home decor hacks by the expert Marie Kondo will have your space spanking clean

The British retail tycoon Philip Green has been charged with four counts of misdemeanour assault in the United States after an Arizona pilates instructor accused him of repeatedly touching her inappropriately, Britain's Press Association reported on Friday.

The tantrum is a natural outcome of frustration, so why would you expect that it wouldn't happen? Furthermore, why would you want to stop it?

The 5 best cafes you may checkout when you visit Kochi next time.

A prominent newspaper executive in Alabama has been accused of assaulting multiple female employees during the 1970s by spanking them, according to reports in Alabama news outlets this week.

On Saturday, Rishi Kapoor posted a video on Twitter in which a little boy is seen spanking a girl and the boy standing next to him is thought to be responsible

Top seed Saina Nehwal, who is desperately looking for a win to boost her confidence after recovering from a knee surgery which derailed her Rio Olympics campaign lat year, spanked Thailand's Chasinee Korepap 21-9 21-8 in a lop-sided contest.

This red sleek four door car you see here is the brand spanking new Kia Stinger and although Kia is expected to come to India very soon, this isn't the kind of vehicle they are expected to bring to our country anytime soon.

Ford Mustang is clearly one of the most popular cars in the world and the American carmaker finally answered the prayers of us Indian enthusiasts last year by launching the 2016 Mustang GT in India. Now, Tamil film actor and Rajinikanth's son-in-law Dhanush, recently took the delivery of a spanking new black Mustang GT.

Top-seed Ajay Jayaram, who has clinched the Dutch Open thrice in his career, spanked Philip Shisov of Bulgaria 21-7, 21-9 in his second round match, while 11th seed Parupalli Kashyap beat Denmark's Rasmus Gemke 21-11, 7-21, 21-10 to enter the pre-quarters

P Kashyap, whose Rio Olympics dream was derailed by a series of injuries, spanked Nathaniel Ernestan Sulistyo of Indonesia 21-6 21-8 to sail into the second round

The 2016 Rio Olympics will begin on August 5 and the early arrivals have already started settling down into the spanking new Olympic Village, which is still getting finishing touches ahead of the Games

The early arrivals have begun settling down into the spanking new Olympic Village, which is still getting finishing touches ahead of the Games

A motivational trainer in China, upset at the low scores in a session with rural bank employees, handed out beatings for eight of them, shaved the heads of the men and cut the hair of the women.

Footage of Chinese bank staff being spanked for poor performance at a training session has gone viral, triggering public anger and the suspension of the bank's boss, reports said Tuesday.
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Basic Trope : An adult (usually but not always a woman) in a relationship with an underage boy.

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Every so often( about twice a year) I will post one of the older comics here, for people who are curious about what I do and the standard of the comics. You lucky people!
Access to all the comics I have done so far and every new update
All the animations that have been done so far as well as all the comics!
OVER 18 ONLY PLEASE! All the people depicted in these comics are at least over 22 years old, and it is all complete fiction. Well this page has been going for well over 3 years now and it involves some beautiful characters (3 of them are in the welcome video), that don't always behave as they should and therefore normally end up with a red backside, quite often the justice is quite public, but lessons get learnt, well until they decide that being bad is good again. A lot of the inspiration comes from the old movies where if a spanking was given, the spankee was fine in the next scene. These days you will also find a good dose of Wedgie content too! It's all a bit of fun with comic characters. Also I do animations each month, sometimes they depict scenes from the comics and sometimes they are just random fantasy situations. I was inspired to try and do it after seeing some of the spanking on the game 'Smackdown V's Raw 2006' With the support I get, I can buy new characters and places and get more software to improve the animations, simple as that. For the meantime however I will keep producing comics and single works that should be full of fun and hot buns. If you support me for $5 you will get access to over 50 COMPLETE COMICS, and they have a lot of whacking's and walloping's in each one. As well as any polls that I do which can effect the content you get. plus there always a new comic ongoing! For $10 you get the comics and animations! There are 50 Mini Movies (Can't believe I've done that many!) They have sound effects and dialogue, and even a few famous faces. Then on the $20 Tier you have exclusive 'first looks' of what I'm working on and a monthly shot of what the Actress will be wearing for our latest sound effects! and your chance to have a say in what I should be working on next! Check out some of my more random work on deviant art. If you like that then you may want to join in here. Cheers from 7656765
So I have to add another goal so here it is. If I get here, I will sort out a few things that are lacking in my animations. I will work much harder on hair animating and walking. Also I will get actual speech acting on my animations.
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By becoming a patron , you'll instantly unlock access to 1,236 exclusive posts
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600 Townsend Street, Suite 500 San Francisco, CA 94103 USA Phone: +1 (833) 972-8766
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Hundreds attend Leeds United themed funeral for brave young carer who died 22 years after heart transplant
Yorkshire football club left shocked after visiting team steal all boots from kit exchange for players who can't afford them
Cruise ship worker Paul Trotter, 34, made films of himself spanking the boys on either their bare bottoms or over their clothes.
He would then use the films for his “sexual gratification”, watching them alone in his cabin on board luxury ships operated by Cunard, Swindon Crown Court heard.
Trotter previously admitted a string of sexual assaults on 13 boys, aged between seven and 13, and the taking, making and possession of indecent images of children.
The offences were committed while Trotter worked on board the Queen Victoria, the Queen Elizabeth and the Queen Mary 2 vessels, the court heard.
Trotter also had in his possession other indecent images of children downloaded from the internet.
The images ranged in seriousness from level one to the most serious level five.
Police found a total of more than 900 images on his computer and a media card.
Judge Douglas Field sentenced Trotter, from Pontefract, West Yorkshire, to four years in prison. He was also made subject to an extended period of four years on licence once he was released from prison.
Trotter, who was arrested while living in Salisbury, Wiltshire, appeared at court dressed in a suit and purple tie and stared at the floor as the sentence was passed.
Judge Field said he believed Trotter posed a significant risk to members of the public.
“Your problem is that for many years you have developed an obsession with the spanking of young children, particularly boys,” the judge said.
“You filmed them for your sexual gratification.
“I have decided that as a result of the extent and nature of your offending that you are dangerous.
“You have a deep seeded obsession and there is a significant risk of members of the public coming to harm.”
Turning to the effect on the children’s families, the judge added: “They went on an expensive cruise with their family to enjoy themselves.
“They had every expectation that their children would be looked after. You have grossly breached that trust. It is most concerning to learn that you were employed with children up to now on these prestige cruise ships.”
Trotter was placed on the sex offenders’ register for life and banned from working with children.
Last month Trotter pleaded guilty to 12 counts of sexually assaulting a child under the age of 13, one count of sexual activity with a child under the age of 13, five counts of taking indecent images of a child, five of making indecent images of a child and one of possessing indecent images of a child.
The offences were committed between N
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