Short Hair Nude Girls

Short Hair Nude Girls


Short Hair Nude Girls
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Stephanie has been trying to save the world since she was 4.
Let's celebrate some fantastic actresses who rock short hair.
It seems that I've been hearing a lot of buzz about short-haired women lately, so I'm here to set the story straight!
Have you ever heard any of these? If I had a dime for every time I'd heard any of these myths, I'd have quit writing for money a long time ago. There is a general perception that women go for the scissors as soon as they feel any strong emotion, or that women with short hair don't care about their appearance and are boyish, gay, or unattractive.
This couldn't be further from the truth. While it is a stereotypical look adopted by certain lesbians, there are just as many lesbians with long "feminine" hair, and many women with short hair are, in fact, quite heterosexual. While not every hairstyle works for everyone, there are many women who look great with short hair.
I had short hair for two years, and I can say that I did not cut it off after my heart was broken. Rather, I was growing bored with my long hair and was ready to update my look, so one day I put it into two braids, chopped them off, and sent them to Locks of Love.
I then visited my hairstylist, who gave me a very short pixie cut. Everyone complimented my look, saying it brought out the good features of my face. I don't mean to brag, but men were suddenly surrounding me like wild dogs. Maybe some of them had weird perceptions about "wild, short-haired women" (if you get my drift), maybe the new do made me look older than my 19 years, or maybe, like my friends said, my new confidence in my appearance was what attracted them. After all, they do say that confidence is the sexiest thing about a person.
Anyway, aside from the positive feedback, I also received some negative feedback from both women and men. A few people asked me if I had made the dramatic change because of boy trouble, and one or two men actually approached me with the line, "I don't have a problem with women with short hair." Red flag! If you don't have a problem with it, why is it the first thing you're bringing up? I also received very honest statements from some people: "I just think that girls should have long hair. Period. End of discussion."
I loved my short hair for many reasons: It was easy to take care of, it was fresh and made me stand out, and I really believe that it made my face look nicer. However, I eventually wanted a change and decided to grow my hair out again. It now hangs halfway down my back, and I love it. I like to style it in a romantic way, with braids, twists, and its natural curls. Still, I'm certain that in a year or two, I'll once again get the urge to chop it all off again. This may be after a traumatic event, but most likely, it'll just be because I'm ready for this fun, sexy hairstyle once again.
I would post a picture, but I'm afraid I can't compete with all of the gorgeous actresses I'm about to show you below, so, sorry!
While short hair may not seem like much of a female taboo to most people, any woman with a short do will be able to tell you that it throws some people off-center.
While it isn't a taboo, it certainly is edgy, modern, unorthodox, and exciting. Because long hair on a young woman is so beautiful, a girl with a short coif radiates confidence in her appearance. It also communicates independence, as this woman is obviously not afraid to go against the grain.
Below are some photos of great-looking women who can pull off short hair. During my research for this article, I found dozens of outstanding photos, but I decided to include the women who I felt pulled the hairstyle off best. You'll see that most of them have oval-shaped faces and that the short hair really makes their facial angles pop.
She's a classic, so I'm just going to get it over with. Considered by some to be one of the most beautiful women ever, Audrey Hepburn continues to be a standard for fashion, beauty, and short hair cuts. In a way, she defines the look.
Winona Ryder's doe-eyes, thin face, and delicate features are enhanced by her pixie cut. She isn't generally associated with short hair, but I think she pulled it off better than a lot of people can.
Rihanna has a more unique face than many celebrities, and she takes her short hair to her own level with her sassy and rebellious image. I think it works wonderfully on her, and I prefer her with short hair, though she looks great no matter what.
Natalie Portman is another actress that has become classically associated with short hair. She has very sophisticated facial features and an oval face with a very defined jawbone. I think that she looks great with any hairstyle, but short hair makes her stand out that much more.
Michelle Williams is very feminine in her style, and she has a sweet face that goes wonderfully with a pixie cut. I think that her facial features pop a little bit less than the previous women, but her beautiful eyes are highlighted.
Marion Cotillard is, in my opinion, one of the best looking celebrities on the scene right now. She has very intense, emotional eyes. Though this haircut is from a movie, I think it's a style she should consider adopting in real life!
Halle Berry is another celebrity that people often associate with a short haircut. Though she looks great any way she does her hair, her short cut adds to her sophisticated demeanor.
Because we all got to know her in H arry Potter , many were shocked to see Emma Watson with a pixie cut. She looks so glamorous! Her face shape, dark eyebrows, and eyes all work with her hair.
This cut is a little grown-out, but Carey Mulligan pulls off the pixie in her own unique way. Her round cheeks and childlike face make her look very warm and friendly with short hair.
Last but not least, another French actress. Audrey Tatou has a mysterious vibe about her. I think she really looks best with short hair because it adds to her allure!
Women with short hair are the best ;)
Stephanie Das (author) from Miami, US on January 03, 2017:
Of course! I'll add her when I modify the hub! Thanks.
Stephanie Das (author) from Miami, US on January 03, 2017:
Agreed- long hair is beautiful, but some people look sharp with a short cut!
Larry Rankin from Oklahoma on July 10, 2015:
I do hate to see a woman with beautiful long hair lop it off, but that said, some woman look wonderful with short hair. Depends on the girl, face shape, etc.
Kenneth Avery from Hamilton, Alabama on May 24, 2014:
Fantastic! I loved every word and photo. Voted up and all of the choices. That Emma Watson, wow! She is like a woman in my church. She would look good bald.
I love that girl. She is so humble and that short hair. Wow. I love short hair on a woman.
I cannot tell you why, except it looks fine.
I urge you to keep up the great work, such as this hub.
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P.S. I only have hair on the sides of my head, so I just shave it to the scalp. No. I am not a Vin Diesel, but I can dream.
oldiesmusic from United States on December 10, 2013:
I disagree with Scubertus... When I had short hair, men complimented me for my looks without sounding forced. If they didn't like my look they would have told me that! They said it was a nice, fresh change. :)
I think many women go with short hair also for practical reasons. It's easier to manage, it looks fresh and feels light in the head... Thus it can be really elegant :)
Stephanie Das (author) from Miami, US on August 19, 2012:
@Scubertus- Sorry, but I gotta disagree! During my pixie-cut days, men were hitting on me more than ever, and I received more compliments from men than I did from women. Of course, there was a handful of people who politely told me that they prefer long hair on a woman, which I totally get, but I definitely don't think that's a majority. Thanks for commenting!
@Ziggyff- I agree that short hair brings attention to other facial features. Also, it definitely makes for a shorter morning routine. Now that my hair is long, it demands a lot of products, a lot of brushing, and it seems to get caught every where! Thank you for your two cents.
Could not agree less Scub. There's an intelligence the comes across with short hair ...short hair brings attention to other facial features, especially the eyes,. On some selfish male interest points, I find women get ready to go out a lot quicker (especially with a shower involved) and you don't get your face smothered full of hair when spooning -:)
Ever notice how quiet straight men are when ladies start complimenting each other on short new 'dos? What does that tell you? I
t doesn't look elegant; it looks like you're trying to prove to yourself you can be sexy and androgynous at the same time. Guys that say they prefer short hair feel obligated to do so. End of story.
Stephanie Das (author) from Miami, US on July 19, 2012:
@Silke- That's what some have said! But sometimes an average face and be transformed by a truly flattering haircut!
@love my yorkies- I have had the same experiences...most people have told me that they preferred my hair short, they said it was more flattering, but sometimes I want a change. i have been trying to grow it out for two years now and I'm so tempted to cut it again!
@ziggyff- You're right, a lot of women get short bobs and look great in them. It was especially popular in the 90s, wasn't it? Thanks for the list!
There's plenty more in the last 10-15 years in no particular order: Nicole Kidman, Naomi Watts, Demi Moore, Alyssa Milano, Carla Gugino, Courtney Thorne-Smith, Kimberly Williams, Amanda Tapping, Morena Baccarin, Josie Bissett, Courtney Cox, Katherine Heigl , most of the Go-Go's at one time or another and dare I say it. "Felicity" Keri Russell
love my yorkies from way out west on June 21, 2012:
I have always loved Audrey Hepburn, she was a beautiful woman and she looked awesome in her short hair. I am always going back and forth between long hair and short hair. I kept it long and curly for a very long time during my 20's & 30's and then just got bored with it and went very short and kept it short for a few years and then grew it back out. But the older I get, the less time I want to spend on my hair. I want something easy, quick and simple so I pretty much keep my hair short now. Every time I try to grow it back out anymore, I just don't have the patience anymore. I just keep going back to short hair. Also, my hair is thick but fine textured so it actually looks better and healthier if it's short. Now, as to whether or not I look good in short hair, most people tell me they like my hair short instead of long. As far as I"m concerned, if I'm happy with my hair and my husband is happy with my hair, that's good enough for me.
Only a woman with a beautiful face can pull off short hair! You can't hide your face with short hair, so you have to be really beautiful. So for all the women who rock short hair: You're sexy as hell!
Stephanie Das (author) from Miami, US on February 25, 2012:
You're absolutely right! I completely forgot about her...she and Madonna are the honorary add-ons to this list!
TravelinAsia from Thailand/Southeast Asia on February 16, 2012:
You forgot about Demi Moore, who could forget about GI Jane .. damn she was hot in the one!
Stephanie Das (author) from Miami, US on January 22, 2012:
I think your hair looks great! I agree with the decision to keep it its natural color. My mom has the salt and pepper look. It is a graceful way to keep your hair. Rock on the short hair! Thanks for the awesome comment! You should make your photos into a nice hub.
I envy you, Stephaniedas! I went ultra short Monday, due to the fact that my hair was so thin I thought it was gross. Ponytail was barely as thick as my little finger. I would not have done it if my hair had been pretty. I was long for 48 years but I finally realized it would not ever get any better, so I went to ultra short. Now firmly in the short hair camp, but not exactly here by choice, I'm embracing it and will keep it this short-or maybe go a little shorter at trim time. I also got 3 cartiledge piercings now that the tops of my ears show to cement the deal! I'm planning on doing some fun photos with a photographer friend, including punk spikes, business, librarian, lether and of course soft & pretty to show off the hair. Sorry for the crappy bathroom pic for now, but you can see what I did. Keeping the salt & pepper. Rocking it short & gray!
Stephanie Das (author) from Miami, US on January 01, 2012:
Hey billips, thanks for commenting! I totally agree. Now that my hair is long, it is so much more annoying to care for. And now I am realizing just how rare it is to see another young girl with a pixie cut.
billips from Central Texas on December 31, 2011:
Great hub on a really sensible topic - how strange are the ideas people have about women who choose to have short hair - who wouldn't want to look like Audrey Hepburn - short hair is not only sexy, it is cooler, and so much less labor-intensive - B.
Stephanie Das (author) from Miami, US on December 08, 2011:
@kaitlincolee- Awesome, it totally can be! Just like long hair, there are so many factors going into it.
I agree that short hair can be sexy!
Stephanie Das (author) from Miami, US on December 03, 2011:
@hush444-I appreciate your comment! I loved Marion Cotillard in La Vie en Rose, I think she's a great actress. She did great in Inception too. She's a real crossover! We can't all have that winning combo of looks and talent, unfortunately ;)
@kittythedreamer- I like chin-length hair as well. Actually, I like every length of hair because everyone is different. Sometimes having shorter hair can make you look taller and more mature. Thanks for commenting and voting!
@MarloByDesign- Thank you for commenting and voting up! Michelle Williams is beautiful, but in kind of a unique way. Also, I completely forgot about Madonna. She looked killer with short hair.
@hrymel- I'm glad you liked the hub! Short hair has never really gone out of style, but its never really been too common either. Thanks for commenting here.
@rsusan- I appreciate the comment, as always. I like Audrey Tatou's look as well. There is something special about her, maybe its the dark eyes...
Rika Susan from South Africa on December 03, 2011:
What a fun hub, stephaniedas. Short hair isn't just fresh and practical, but I think it can accent beautiful features. I particularly like Audrey Tatou's look.
Haley from Baltimore, MD on December 03, 2011:
I really think that a lot of women look wonderful with short hair. Great hub, and I totally agree!
MarloByDesign from United States on December 03, 2011:
Voted UP - I think you picked some great woman - especially Michelle Williams. I think Madonna looked good with short hair too (back in the day!).
Kitty Fields from Summerland on December 02, 2011:
Short hair can really be beautiful and super sexy on the right woman. I have chin-length hair and everyone says I look better with this length than the longer hair I used to have. Even shorter hair such as Rihanna's is super cute! Voted up and awesome.
hush4444 from Hawaii on December 02, 2011:
What a fun hub! I agree with your comment about Marion Cotillard - I've loved her ever since La Vie En Rose. Alas, if I only had that bone structure!
Stephanie Das (author) from Miami, US on December 02, 2011:
Thanks for commenting, lord de cross! I'm glad you liked it. I think the picture of Stephanie will remain a mystery.
Joseph De Cross from New York on December 02, 2011:
The shorter thre sexier! How about sthephanie? Great hub!

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The woman that set us off on our investigation.
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Never gets old. (Which, as it turns out, seems to be true of the actress herself, as well.)
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