Short Bio For CTM Hacklab 2019 application

Short Bio For CTM Hacklab 2019 application

Sofia Zafeiriou
  • I am a freelance electronics developer, having designed and prototyped machines for art and entertainment installations.
  • Ι experiment with the violin as an idiophone, using custom contact mics, SuperCollider and VCV Rack.
  • I sit on the board of the Khora Community Centre, an initiative aiming to provide open, social and cultural spaces for displaced people in the centre of Athens. At the moment I am working towards opening a self-organised DIWO hacklab in its basement, centring on sound art, sound recordings and music improvisation.
  • Finishing a MEng in Electrical and Computer Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens, I major in electronics and systems. I have worked with digital and analog design, microcontrollers, embedded systems, VLSI, human computer interaction, biomedicine and sociological topics around technology and networks.
  • I have worked with various education-technology initiatives in Athens for newcomers to Greece. Last year I released a 48-hour workshop-based course focused on 3D printing, circuits, sensors and physical computing.
  • I make location recordings in Athens and occasionally reflect on them:
    Refugee Voices and the Right to Make Sound: Soundscapes of Citizenship in Athens
    . By Tom Western, and Sofia Zafeiriou.
    An anthropology in sound
    . By Said Azim Karimi, Muhammad Sukarno Kurdi, Georgios Sourmelis, Tom Western, and Sofia Zafeiriou.
  • Classically trained violonist for over ten years, have been studying the Eastern Mediterranean traditional idiom (Greek, Balkan, rebetiko, Ottoman, Arabic) for the past 3-4 years.
  • Maker geek, amid xinomavro lover, designs processes.

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