Shooting photo sexy

Shooting photo sexy


Shooting photo sexy

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Shoot Sexy: Pinup Photography in the Digital Age 1. Auflage
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4,6 von 5 Sternen

81 Sternebewertungen

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Focal Press; 1. Edition (8. Juni 2012) Sprache


Englisch Taschenbuch


192 Seiten ISBN-10


0240821084 ISBN-13


978-0240821085 Artikelgewicht


794 g Abmessungen


22.86 x 1.91 x 25.4 cm

4,6 von 5 Sternen

81 Sternebewertungen

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I am not a professional photographer and have actually avoided the camera most of my life, but I am always so amazed on how some photographers can take a "diamond in the rough" and turn her into a beauty queen. Shoot Sexy is a beautifully put-together book. It is worth the price just for the design and the eye candy and the playful costumes and poses alone. I've purchased books with a more purely boudoir feel to them and this has a little bit of everything. It has great ideas on locations to pose, directions on how to set up the lighting for different situations and ways to smooth over some of the less-than-perfect spots with some of the photo-editing software out there. At the end of this visual treat of a book there is a final section called photographer's gallery where six different photographers show off their personal styles. Although they are clearly in the same genre, it is amazing on how a little bit of a different vision can make a different yet equally beautiful photo.

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Nachtjager Top-Beitragender : Fotografie

If you're a fan of vintage cheesecake pinup photography and want to learn how to do it yourself in the age of digital cameras, this book will show you everything you need to know - all you need to do is find a pretty girl. It is superbly illustrated and the photos in the book alone are well worth the price. The layout's great, it's witty, it's informative, and while it's a treat to see the photos themselves, it's outstanding to see how they were made. It also proves you don't need a photo studio to produce high quality images - you can do this on the cheap with stuff you probably already have or that can be found at the local hardware store. If you like vintage pinups, buy this book, you will not have any regrets.

2 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich

I am a commercial artist and photographer. Wanting to get my daughter involved in shooting the pin-up style of photography, I bought this book. It is the best portrait book in my library. It explains equipment, lighting, and most importantly, posing and working with the model. The techniques are straight forward, easy to understand and apply, and extremely well illustrated. If I only had one book for shooting portraits, this would be it!

I really enjoyed reading this book cover to cover. Some of the exposure and photography tips are pretty basic and if your even semi-advanced with photography you'll probably already know all of it. I did really enjoy his prop, posing and set-up tips though! I especially loved the on-location lighting setups. I also love how he easily shows you how to go from a pinup shoot to a boudoir shoot. Some of his retouching leaves something to be desired though in my opinion, especially with his on location photography. I wish the book went a little more into how to do the pinup hair and makeup, but that's just me and not really what this book is about. It also looks like there are plenty of other great books out there solely on that topic that I'll have to pick up. All in all a fun, colorful, easy read. By the end you'll have the basics down and know how to do a pinup/boudoir shoot, from set up to post-processing.

3 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich

I'm torn because I both think this book it okay and I like it. In truth, it's a good book. There is a lot of great ideas from poses to clothing, sets and lighting. Armhrust even includes some great information on photo editting. The pictures in the book are really nice. Sadly though, you really need to have some serious professional equipment to achieve the looks in this book. Maybe the fault is my own in thinking that anyone with a good digital camera could use this with similiar result. Had I seen it at the bookstore, I would have known better than to buy it. Sadly, I just saw a lot of glowing reviews on Amazon and went for it. So, bottom line, if youre a professional, you probably don't need this book and if you're like me,,,you don't have the equipment to get the same results; however, if you're somewhere in the middle...this is your book. :)

Pretty good primer on shooting pin-up and boudoir photos. Seems to be as they say, it's a mile wide but only a few inches deep. Especially when it comes to makeup, hair, clothes for your models. However, to be fair, it does go into a reasonable amount of depth regarding the technical end of lighting, camera setup and photo processing. Great for beginners. Happy with the purchase.

There really is no need for me to review this in depth , as previous reviews have been very accurate in agreement with my opinions. Suffice to say that I find this as fun as it is informative to read. Not only do you get a book full of gorgeous ladies to use as inspiration but you get lots of information on the technical side. The examples of post-processing alone were worth the cost of admission.

Lots of superb ideas for photos, clear pics and writing with lovely feel to the book and pages- nice to have out on coffee table to

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3,0 von 5 Sternen

I expected more..

I expected more, but it's ok.. perhaps it should be cheaper for what it contains... Don't expect in deep explanations.

This book really gives you food for thought, it is well set out and gives you plenty of ideas.

Ich fotografiere gern, und besonders die Pin-Up Fotografie hat es mir angetan. Die Ästhetik der Aufnahmen aus den 1950er Jahren ins digitale Zeitalter zu transportieren ist mir bisher aber nicht gelungen. Nun habe ich einen Guide auf dem Weg zu diesem Ziel! Der Autor beschreibt nicht nur die klassischen Posen sehr detailiert, er gibt auch Tipps dazu wie man diese dem Model vermitteln kann. An Stelle fader, unkommentierter Besipielbilder liefert er neben gelungenen Beispielaufnahmen auch Hinweise in Textform dazu, und das durchaus stellenweise mit gewissem Wortwitz. Ein weiterer Abschnitt des Buches behandelt den Einsatz klassischer Requisiten, Tipps zum Aufbau eines Fundus der immer wieder genutzt werden kann, ohne dass die Bilder dadurch eintönig oder immer gleich wirken würden. Erstaunlich was so ein Kofferset alles kann ;) Es folgen Hinweise zur Raumgestaltung, zur Auswahl einer Location bei Außenaufnahmen und Beispielbilder mit detailiertem Lichtplan. Insbesondere die Hinweise zur richtigen Beleuchtung der Szenerie fand ich sehr hilfreich, als Hobbyist ohne fotografische Ausbildung bemerke ich beim Einsatz mehrerer Lichtquellen oft eigene Schwächen, da sind die schematischen Darstellungen eine wertvolle Hilfe. Ein kleiner Teil des Buches behandelt die Boudoirfotografie, im Prinzip ähnlich aufgebaut: Posen (mit Verweisen auf die bereits davor behandelten PinUp Posen und Ergänzungen), Requisiten, Beleuchtung, etc. Eine schöne Ergänzung, thematisch nahe genug, aber dann doch nicht nur mehr vom Selben. Ein Kapitel zur digitalen Bildbearbeitung (der Autor verwendet Photoshop und Lightroom, darauf basieren dann auch die schrittweisen Erklärungen) erklärt das nachträgliche Einfügen von passenden Hintergründen, oder kleinere Retuschen. Nichts Neues für erfahrene Bildbearbeiter, aber für Laien sehr verständlich erklärt und Schritt für Schritt bebildert. Den Abschluss machen kurze Vorstellungen bekannter Fotografen mit Beispielgalerie. Dabei werden Unterschiede in der Interpretaqtion des Pin-Up Themas gut sichtbar, und man erhält einen Eindruck wie unterschiedlich ein "klassisches" Motiv doch umgesetzt werden kann. Fazit: Das Buch behandelt das Thema PinUp Fotografie sehr ausführlich und verständlich, es finden sich jede Menge hilfreiche Tipps und Tricks zur Bildgestaltung und zum Aufbau der Szenerie. Dabei ist das Buch, gute Englischkenntnisse vorausgesetzt, für Einsteiger ebenso geeignet wie für Fortgeschrittene, denn auch wenn man die Kapitel zu Blende oder Bildbearbeitung überspringen kann, die Beispielbilder und die Hinweise zu Posen und Requisiten sind mir den Preis des Buches schon wert.

4,0 von 5 Sternen

A beautiful book.

The cover on this book is beautiful and when you open it up and flip through the pages you quickly realize that everything about it is pure eye candy. I salute the author for the sheer artistic effort. The title of the book is shoot sexy and everything about it is sexy. I found the book motivational and it had a lot of useful information as well. The models are attractive. There were 2 things I wasn't particularly fond of. Although the backdrops and models are nice, I found the lighting in the pinup section to be very very flat (not unlike ring flash). If you want to show off curves, flat lighting is not the way to go. I really liked the more natural settings. Some sets looked very artificial to me, too fake. I found the lighting in the boudoir section to be so much better at showing the beauty of the female form. The added shadows made all the difference here. Although there is lots of information on creating ones own pinup or boudoir photography session, I thought the information was scarce. I feel the author could have gone more in depth in many sections. Perhaps in following books he will go through each section with more depth. It's certainly one of the most beautifully designed book I have ever seen.

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The pinup look made famous on WWII bombers and in the 50s is a timeless classic now undergoing a revival through digital photography. Alongside the rapid growth of Boudoir genre-also covered in this book-the retro pinup look is an increasingly popular request from clients, and this book will show you all you need to know to achieve it, whether you're shooting professionally, or just for fun. This book is a complete guide to planning and shooting both pinup and boudoir photography, from a studio or on location, including crucial advice on sourcing and using props to get the perfect retro look, or getting the most out of your lens and lighting to capture a more modern look. There is an inspirational gallery chapter, featuring work of different artists so you try and many different styles as you like, as well as a chapter featuring Photoshop techniques for perfecting the look of your shots. Some of the tutorials are tailored for speed, others for comprehensive control; you pick one to suit your needs. This book is everything you need to shoot timeless, sexy images, some fun, some more artistic, and whether you're a working professional or you've only ever shot landscapes before, you'll find all the information you need, written by a real pro.
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On Monday, Aug. 31, Kim Kardashian took to Instagram to share photos from her latest sexy photo shoot abroad. The Keeping Up With the Kardashians star, who was abroad in Cabo San Lucas last week, put her stunning curves on display in a tiny, hot pink two-piece.
As for Kim's striking braids in the photos? The KKW Beauty boss told her 187 million followers via her Instagram Story, "We brought back the hair style from our last trip to Cabo."
She went on to credit celebrity hair stylist Chris Appleton and celebrity make-up artist Hrush Achemyan for the look.
The mother of four clearly enjoyed her photo shoot in Mexico as she captioned her post, "Happy Place."
Kim's best friend Jonathan Cheban (AKA Foodgod ) jokingly confirmed that the SKIMS founder didn't shoot these sizzling pics in California.
He quipped in the comments section, "Definitely NOT Malibu!!!"
Prior to this trip, Kim went on two separate getaways with her family this month, a trip to a tropical locale and then a glamping adventure.
An E! News source previously shared , "They are enjoying this vacation time and being together in the moment."
Of course, this isn't the first time that Kim's looked red hot in a bikini. In fact, back in January, the E! personality threw on a pale pink bikini for a quick snap in her closet.
"Always packing," Kim said at the time while surrounded by clothes.
For a closer look at Kim's best bikini moments, scroll through the images below!
Kim ushers in July 2022 with a sizzling silver bikini snapshot on Instagram.
"Still spamming vacay pics," Kim shared on Jan. 28.
Kim's oiled up body glistens as she tans in the tropical sun.
The mogul strikes a pose in her sexy two-piece and some seriously fierce shades.
Kim looks sensational in a silver bikini while shooting for her SKIMS swimwear line with friends Natalie Halcro and Olivia Pierson.
Kim shows off her sensational curves on a photo shoot for her SKIMS swimwear line on a tropical getaway.
Kim enjoys a night swim in the Caribbean.
"Beach Party," Kim captions this sandy snapshot from her January 2021 Bahamas getaway with beau Pete Davidson .
Kim sizzles in a tiny black bikini while rolling around the beach.
Kim showed off her famed behind in a barely-there black thong bikini on Aug. 2. "Resting beach face," the SKIM
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