Shoot Your Load In Me

Shoot Your Load In Me


Shoot Your Load In Me

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… the truth is, load size (or “semen volume” if we're getting technical) is.
One study found 50.43 % of women say it's “very important” for their partner to ejaculate during intercourse.
If a guy can really “perform” like that–not only is it impressive, but it's a huge turn-on as well.
To be honest, it's pretty disappointing to most women (even if they won't admit it to your face).
The average man ejaculates between 3-5 milliliters, which amounts to about a teaspoon, according to a study by WHO.
So we asked our top experts, and researched online for some of the best ways to increase load size… and we narrowed it down to these 8 scientifically-proven tricks:
Have you ever kept it on top of your lap? (It is called a laptop, after all.)
Several studies have shown that when you keep warm, weighted objects–like a laptop–near or close to your testicles, then it's bad news for your sperm.
Not only will some of your sperm get killed off by the heat and radiation, but your sperm volume will decrease as a result.
And lower sperm volume = lower load size.
Well, it's pretty simple–just use a desk for your laptop, or place a pillow between your lap and your laptop when you use it.
(Although experts do say that even sitting for too long can kill off sperm as well, so make sure to get up and move every 10 minutes or so.)
Even if you're used to keeping your laptop on your lap all the time, after a few times placing it somewhere else will start to feel like second nature.
Speaking of electronic devices, you may want to keep your phone out of your pockets as well.
Just like laptops, phone emit heat and radiation. And both of these things can decrease your sperm quality and size.
As an alternative, you can simply carry your phone or keep it in a breast pocket of your shirt.
And if you have to keep it in your pants, then a back pocket will do as well.
Did you know that certain foods can affect the quality and quantity of your load size?
A recent study found that men who eat less meat have higher-quality sperm– especially less processed meat.
Does that mean you have to stop eating meat altogether?
Definitely not–another study discovered that folic acid helps keep sperm healthy and strong, dubbing it a “sperm superfood.”
So you can keep your load size large by adding foods like citrus fruits, whole grains, leafy greens and beans to your diet.
And in fact, there are even certain foods that can increase the strength of your erections as well (but more on that in a bit).
And that's because when you ejaculate, you're getting old sperm out–and making room for new sperm.
And the newer your sperm, the higher quality they'll be. That's including their quantity.
Now, you might have heard that not jerking off can actually increase your load size. The theory goes that when you hold it in, it just builds and builds inside of you.
While this is partially true, it's still healthiest for your sperm to masturbate regularly.
Another healthy habit that increases your load size?
Studies have shown that men who are overweight or obese have much lower quality sperm, and a lower volume of sperm as well.
According to urologist and infertility specialist Jamin Brahmbhatt, losing weight will increase your loads:
Thirty-three percent of obese men have a low sperm count, and seven percent have no sperm count. As you lose weight, your count will naturally improve.”
So even if you're far from buff, it helps to do something:
Even do a quick workout at home (there are lots of options if you Google it)…
Just make an effort to stay in shape, and that can make a big difference. Both for your health, and your load size. 😉
… then you may want to consider quitting, or at least cutting down.
Many studies have found that smoking can decrease sperm count and motility. This means that not only will smoking make your loads smaller, but they won't shoot as far either.
Plus, quitting smoking today is easier than it ever has been!
You can use a vape pen (although there is limited information about the adverse effects it may have on your health) or a patch–and there are also lots of support groups available online that can make it easier.
Chances are, if you have a bad habit that you suspect might be bad for your sperm quality & quantity… then it probably is (at least a little bit).
The key is to practice moderation in everything you do.
A healthy diet, lifestyle, and environment will ensure peak sperm quality and load size.
And even though masturbating more will help keep your sperm healthy… not masturbating can also help too.
Out of 24 studies, all but one found a connection between abstaining from ejaculating and an increase in semen volume (so the longer you wait between ejaculations, the more you're going to ejaculate).
And that means lots of satisfied women in bed. 😉
Of course, all of these steps will take time to make a difference–and the waiting can be frustrating.
So what if you want even faster results?
That's what I want to show you next:
You know how when you sit on your butt for too long, it starts to feel numb?
Well, the reason this happens is because the pressure stops blood from flowing there…
… and so when you stand up, you may feel a little bit weaker, or you might not be able to walk as fast as normal.
Basically, when you’re having sex, your heart works hard to pump blood all throughout your body…
… and if not enough blood flows *down there,* then your loads are gonna be weak, no matter what.
If you can find a way to boost the bloodflow to your penis . .. then your loads will be MUCH larger, MUCH more impressive, and MUCH more likely to turn girls on.
Thankfully, you don’t have to take any crazy heart medications or get a “prescription” to boost your bloodflow in this way…
… because we discovered this exotic combination of 5 foods, which boosts bloodflow to your penis in a safe, natural, and very powerful way. 😉
This short, free video will show you the recipe and how to get it–enjoy!
P.S. These 5 foods can also give your erections a nice “boost”… click here now to see how…
[ Note: This post was updated by Gotham Club on July 10, 2019.]
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This is....the worst thing....ever to happen to me.

Ok, So im not religous. And deffinantly not christian or whatever, so if you can guess my penis is not circumsiezed. And i masturbait once every 2 or 4 days.

Now, today My mom told me she was going to a book sale in town at the library she does charity cervices at. And my dad, being a traveling ceo and sales rep is out of town till next week. I decided this would be the best time to masturbait.

What i inferred from my mother was that she was leaving immedeatly. So i go into my room, fire up limewire, and start looking at porn.

Push comes to shove and im done...

Heres where the non circumsiezed part comes in. (no pun intended). When im ready to blow my load i can hold it inside my dick by literally holding the end of my penis shut. i know it seems far fetched but go fill a bag full of syrup, hold the end shut and tip it upside down. I was running to the bathroom with my cock hard and literally full of sperm when my mom walks in front of me.

The awkward silence that filled the air was like mustard gas. My mom looks at my pantless self and i immideatly let go of my dick. (im gonna puke) and i let my pre exploaded load go all over the front of my mom.

she let out a wimper and turned the corner but not befor i could sprint. And i tell you, sprint into my room. this is where i am now. I dont know if ill ever face my mom again.

If i dont post for awhile youll know what happened.....
Don't crush it when you sit up on it.
I grab some tissues and kind of push the fluids out of myself afterwards using my vaginal muscles. It doesn't get it all out but it gets a lot out.
Don't crush it when you sit up on it.
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KC69 , EastBayCal , Kinkey and 5 others like this.

It took me a while to allow that first load into my mouth but when I did I was hooked. I like the feeling of it shooting into my mouth, the texture, the warmth, and the taste. I've swallowed a lot of loads of cum and have enjoyed every one. Even the bitter one's really aren't that bad once you acquire a taste for man cum as I did.

Poplo. , EastBayCal , dcc49 and 4 others like this.


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Would happily suck a cock every day if I could...


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KC69 , EastBayCal , smape and 3 others like this.


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KC69 , EastBayCal , Pobept73 and 2 others like this.


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KC69 , Poplo. , JeffT and 3 others like this.

First time was after I separated from my first wife. I was playing with another divorced guy who was probably 20 years older than me. We had been having sex for a week or so. When id suck his he'd tell me when he was going to cum and I'd stop and let him cum on his stomach. Then one day he didn't tell me and filled my mouth. Swallowed because it's not sexy to spit. Glad he didn't tell me because now it's my favorite part of a blowjob!
I enjoyed the first load I swallowed. It caught me a bit by surprise. I could feel his balls tighten as he spurted some nice thick cum in my mouth. l liked making him cum that hard.

Blastolene , EastBayCal , smape and 2 others like this.

My HS neighbor friend and I were suck buddies through HS and college. First time we were camping out in my folks' back yard. LSS, I found myself with his growing cock in my mouth. Then I felt it grow even more and he was cuming. That first shot caught me off guard. I had never heard of doing anything but swallowing, so I did. Wasn't thrilled with the taste, but the texture was just fine. I acquired a taste for him regularly over the years.


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Unlike you from my first time I loved the feel of a dick in my mouth, the taste, feel and smell of cum in my mouth.
Yeah, a couple things from the first time...the feel of his cock in my mouth, the scent of his showered genitals, feeling his large balls in my mouth as I sucked on them where all intensely erotic first for me. It took some time getting over the scent and taste of the cum but was only a short time as I quickly acquired a taste and desire for freshly ejaculated cum from a raging hard cock. Thus a true, dedicated cock sucker was've swallowed every load (when only blowjob is provided) since and I've lived a sexually adventurous cock suckers life.


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Donnee and Bicaptain My Captain like this.

I know what I like and having a supportive wife along side enhances every experience.


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At the moment I regretted not swallowing before this

Pobept73 and Bicaptain My Captain like this.

Deejay88 , KC69 , mr man and 9 others like this.

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