Shoe Lick

Shoe Lick


Shoe Lick
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Hello all Pad members, this is my first time posting and I plan on sharing all of my high school experiences with you if my first story gets good feedback.

Shoe licking -
So, I have a couple of shoe licking stories that I’d like to share with you. If you’re not into that, no worries. If this story gets any good feedback, I’ll post some other high school stories later.

My first story starts in a class which was just waste a period while we wait for the freshmen and sophomores to get done with their lunch. I have this girl who sits next to me almost everyday. She is kind of entitled, and part of me dislikes that, but the other part of me really likes it. One day, she decided to just use my legs as her footrest while she looked at stuff on her phone, and because I put up no fight, she decided she would use me everyday. She even goes as far as to tell me to scoot back because my legs are under the table and she can’t use them as a footrest. I say she TELLS me, because she doesn’t ask, it’s just a demand. For example, she got into class late one day and sat down beside me. She angled the chair so that it was pointing at me and tapped me on the shoulder with her hand and said, “Hey scoot back, I need my footrest.” And then on another day, rather than talking, she just lightly kicked me and I scooted back super fast so she would be comfortable. 

So, there was one day that she was sitting with her feet up on my lap, and she had new shoes on. But she had a dilemma, she kept going on and on about how there was a little dirt mark on the side of her shoe. It was more of a scuff than anything, but they were white shoes so it was definitely noticeable I didn’t want her to stop talking about it, so I jokingly said like “Why don’t you just lick it off?” (Disclaimer: I don’t want you guys to think that there was like a clump of dirt hanging off of her shoe. That’s gross, but it was just like a brown mark.) Some of my classmates laughed including her, and she said, “Well you’re already my footrest, so why don’t you lick it off?” I stuck my tongue out and she brought her foot up to my face, but a lot of the class was looking at us so I didn’t want to be judged so I pulled my tongue back in. Then she put her foot back on my lap, and I stuck my tongue out again, and she brought her foot up again. This exchange happened numerous times until I felt that the class wasn’t looking, so I left my tongue out. Instead of just rubbing my tongue against the one dirty spot on the side of her shoe, she made me lick the side of the shoe from heel to toe while hysterically laughing at the fact that I didn’t pull my tongue back in my mouth. Then, once she got to the dirty scuff part, she grinded it up and down on my tongue until it was gone. She laughed, patted me on the shoulder, and said “I can’t believe you didn’t put your tongue back in your mouth, but I’m not complaining.” I just smiled, and she said “I might have to use you as a shoe cleaner more often.” 

So then, a year later, we had another class together. (We don’t really have classes together because I’m smarter than she is.) This class wasn’t a waste period, but the teacher was very lazy and didn’t assign us very much work for each semester. So we spent a lot of time on our phones in that class. Her and I were sitting in the back of the room together, fate just decided to assign us seats together. And again, I was a footrest whenever she wanted one. I wanted to lick her shoes again like last year so I started hinting at it again. I told her like, “Why do you always get white shoes? They’re so dirty.” and I laughed. She looked down and said like “I don’t even care if they get dirty anymore.” Then we sat there for about 5 minutes, I was discouraged by her response. But then she finally said, “Oh! I just remembered, I have my own personal shoe cleaner right next to me!” And she raised her shoe up in front of my face. I said like, “Listen, I am not cleaning your shoes again in front of the class.” in a joking way. And she said, “Fine, we can make it more private. She put her foot back down on my lap, and pushed my head onto the desk with her shoe right beside my mouth. “There, now get to work.” She said. I didn’t want to seem overly eager, so I groaned a little and said like, “Well I’ve done it once, it didn’t kill me. I guess I’ll do it again.” And I stuck my tongue out without moving my head. She then slid her foot up and down my tongue, getting the dirt off. She was giggling at me, and she whispered, “How does that taste?” I said, “It tastes just greeeeat.” In a sarcastic way, and she said “Good, then you won’t mind getting my other shoe, will you?” And she switched shoes and cleaned the other one. By the end of the period, her shoes were nearly spotless. And she smiled at me and said, “I’ll bring a dirtier pair tomorrow.” This shoe cleaning service went on for the rest of the year.
Nice story, did she ever make you clean any boots and did she ever work out that you were into it?
justinwindland37 wrote: Hello all Pad members, this is my first time posting and I plan on sharing all of my high school experiences with you if my first story gets good feedback.

Shoe licking -
So, I have a couple of shoe licking stories that I’d like to share with you. If you’re not into that, no worries. If this story gets any good feedback, I’ll post some other high school stories later.

My first story starts in a class which was just waste a period while we wait for the freshmen and sophomores to get done with their lunch. I have this girl who sits next to me almost everyday. She is kind of entitled, and part of me dislikes that, but the other part of me really likes it. One day, she decided to just use my legs as her footrest while she looked at stuff on her phone, and because I put up no fight, she decided she would use me everyday. She even goes as far as to tell me to scoot back because my legs are under the table and she can’t use them as a footrest. I say she TELLS me, because she doesn’t ask, it’s just a demand. For example, she got into class late one day and sat down beside me. She angled the chair so that it was pointing at me and tapped me on the shoulder with her hand and said, “Hey scoot back, I need my footrest.” And then on another day, rather than talking, she just lightly kicked me and I scooted back super fast so she would be comfortable. 

So, there was one day that she was sitting with her feet up on my lap, and she had new shoes on. But she had a dilemma, she kept going on and on about how there was a little dirt mark on the side of her shoe. It was more of a scuff than anything, but they were white shoes so it was definitely noticeable I didn’t want her to stop talking about it, so I jokingly said like “Why don’t you just lick it off?” (Disclaimer: I don’t want you guys to think that there was like a clump of dirt hanging off of her shoe. That’s gross, but it was just like a brown mark.) Some of my classmates laughed including her, and she said, “Well you’re already my footrest, so why don’t you lick it off?” I stuck my tongue out and she brought her foot up to my face, but a lot of the class was looking at us so I didn’t want to be judged so I pulled my tongue back in. Then she put her foot back on my lap, and I stuck my tongue out again, and she brought her foot up again. This exchange happened numerous times until I felt that the class wasn’t looking, so I left my tongue out. Instead of just rubbing my tongue against the one dirty spot on the side of her shoe, she made me lick the side of the shoe from heel to toe while hysterically laughing at the fact that I didn’t pull my tongue back in my mouth. Then, once she got to the dirty scuff part, she grinded it up and down on my tongue until it was gone. She laughed, patted me on the shoulder, and said “I can’t believe you didn’t put your tongue back in your mouth, but I’m not complaining.” I just smiled, and she said “I might have to use you as a shoe cleaner more often.” 

So then, a year later, we had another class together. (We don’t really have classes together because I’m smarter than she is.) This class wasn’t a waste period, but the teacher was very lazy and didn’t assign us very much work for each semester. So we spent a lot of time on our phones in that class. Her and I were sitting in the back of the room together, fate just decided to assign us seats together. And again, I was a footrest whenever she wanted one. I wanted to lick her shoes again like last year so I started hinting at it again. I told her like, “Why do you always get white shoes? They’re so dirty.” and I laughed. She looked down and said like “I don’t even care if they get dirty anymore.” Then we sat there for about 5 minutes, I was discouraged by her response. But then she finally said, “Oh! I just remembered, I have my own personal shoe cleaner right next to me!” And she raised her shoe up in front of my face. I said like, “Listen, I am not cleaning your shoes again in front of the class.” in a joking way. And she said, “Fine, we can make it more private. She put her foot back down on my lap, and pushed my head onto the desk with her shoe right beside my mouth. “There, now get to work.” She said. I didn’t want to seem overly eager, so I groaned a little and said like, “Well I’ve done it once, it didn’t kill me. I guess I’ll do it again.” And I stuck my tongue out without moving my head. She then slid her foot up and down my tongue, getting the dirt off. She was giggling at me, and she whispered, “How does that taste?” I said, “It tastes just greeeeat.” In a sarcastic way, and she said “Good, then you won’t mind getting my other shoe, will you?” And she switched shoes and cleaned the other one. By the end of the period, her shoes were nearly spotless. And she smiled at me and said, “I’ll bring a dirtier pair tomorrow.” This shoe cleaning service went on for the rest of the year.
So is there a story behind the "dirtier pair" she was gonna bring tomorrow too?
You see cleaning her shoes will help you
The female sex is the superior gender!
So you don’t forget your proper place…
She puts her dirty feet right up in your
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A 20-something year old individual that goes around to Buffalo , NY area supermarkets, gas stations, bars, clubs, etc. and gets on his hands and knees to lick your shoe. Rumored to be from Georgia, lives out of his car and attempts to bathe in local restrooms.
While standing outside of the club , I became another victim of the shoelicker .
"You lick the shoe that kicked you."
When a person who was/is going to be punished tries to charm or befriend the person who is in charge of the punishment or has a part in the punishment. Mostly occurs in discord servers.
Person breaking Server rule.
Admin :"I'm going to mute/ kick/ban him."
Person:"Hey admin , how is your day?"
Person:" sorry about that , it was just a minor break, im sorry."
"do you want some coins? Just for free!"
Admin:"No thanks, you are shoelicking right now."

Hey everyone,

I have a very big shoe licking fetish and many of my fantasies involve being ordered to lick the bottoms of a girls shoes when she comes back from a night of clubbing or a shopping trip. My ex let me lick her shoes a couple of times after we came home from a date, and luckily i did not experience any sickness from those few times but i am a bit worried for future encounters. I was just wondering if anyone had any of their own experiences with shoe bottoms licking and if so, did you ever get sick from it? What is the dirtiest thing you've licked off the sole of a shoe? I understand that the ground carries many germs, especially in places like nightclubs and public bathrooms but the humiliation of licking grime and whatever else she has stepped on is what does it for me. I know most of the topics here a barefoot related, but if anyone has had a shoe licking experience that they'd like to share, feel free to post.
Dude I'd be careful if I was you.....I know I'm sounding like my mom, but "do you know where that has been?" I don't share your licking the bottom of the shoe fetish, but can only imagine what is on the bottom of those shoes! I'd probably limit it to a few select pair of shoes she might have just worn around the house as opposed to going shopping at walmart, stopping by the ladies room on the way out, then to a gas station.....etc. Man, that's just too much stuff for your immune system to deal with! It will catch up with you one day...hope I'm wrong though.
I still remember the first time I heard about people into licking dirty feet - as in, not just feet sweaty from shoes or anything, but actual bare feet that had been walking around exposed to the elements whose debris was then licked up by the fetishist. Why not just lick pavement?
Honestly, I understand its got to do with humiliation and stuff, but there must be a healthier way for you folks (namecalling, dog collars, etc.).
Nothing is more important than your health and this is absolutely a risk factor for disease. Proceed at your own caution.
I have become acutely aware in the last year or so of the risks involved in licking the TOPS of flip flops. I honestly don't know why it never occurred to me before, but it seems pretty common-sensical now. There was a time when, if a girl was dumb enough to leave her flip flops unattended at work or whatever, and I could get in a few licks without getting caught, I'd have at it. I won't do that anymore. I love the thought of licking her shoes where her feet have just been (especially since I don't have access to the feet themselves), but flip flops are constantly exposed and way too dangerous for that. So I can't imagine ever licking the bottoms of any shoes under any circumstances.
"Fapping to Chloe Grace Moretz since 2011"
LMAO, I actually worshiped feet in flip-flops. From a random gal, and had a sore throat right after that.
Could've gotten really sick. But your sexual urges tend to cloud judgement too often.
But its whatever. Most of us are going to disregard it anyways, because feet in flip flops is just very, very arousing.
I used to do it in videos, but sometimes I'd see some stuff I didn't want to have contact with whatsoever, so I stopped. Why should I chance a serious health situation over a few extra bucks? I don't want to be one of those guys who ends up in the emergency room with a nurse or doctor asking me how do I think I came into contact with such bacteria, fungus, contagion, etc. Its like when guys end up in the emergency room or hospital for a sever stomach ache, and the x-ray shows all sorts of random stuff inside, such as army men, marbles, and other widgets. Of course, they have to ask the patient how the items came to be there [here is a hint, it wasn't by ingestion]. I saw that on a hospital tv series once, Gray's Anatomy, I think.
www clips4sale 2610
You can't win; but there are alternatives to fighting-Obi Wan Kenobi
Don't swallow. Gargle with Listerine afterwards. Maybe just to be safe down a shot of vodka or two afterwards. There you go. Problem solved.
I have a foot fetish..But Im not licking the bottom of someones shoe!!

Be careful
Dude don't worry i have lick a lot of dirty sole shoes and anything happend to me, or in my mouth or tounge just have good general higine in your mouth and you would be safe.
Licking the bottoms of shoes? Where the feet haven't even been? Why? There's nothing of interest there, just dirt.Stick to the insides, at least the feet have been in contact there so there's taste (and scent for those who can smell it) of the feet.
Strat is right- don't swallow, keep a washcloth or tissue handy to spit in, assuming you're alone with a girl's shoes. I've basically raped every inch of many pairs of women's shoes over the years, and have never suffered any ill effects. I like the mouthwash idea as well.
That's an unfortunate turn on for you man. It's risky as hell, you should def NEVER do it but if its something that turns on I'd imagine that there's nothing that can stop you. My best advice would be probably don't make it an all the time thing... like only do it on certain occasions and maybe try to be a little choosy as far as what shoe bottom's you're gonna lick and where they've been preceding the licks. 
I've never heard of dirt being good for an immune system unless you consider it a form of exercise like lifting dumbbells for your arms. My fetish is with bare female feet so I don't deal with licking shoes, sock or stockings. If I'm going to a party where I will be licking lots of female feet, then I take a Vitamin C before and after the event. I must go along with the recomendations of others who have suggested antiseptic mouthwash and such. I realize there are a lot of guys who love dirty feet and footwear, but I'd advise extreme caution when licking shoes that have been in busy public areas and lavatories.
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Never got into the foot-licking thing myself, couldn't imagine licking the bottom of a dirty shoe, yech.
Producing fresh fun foot fetish film
#footpatrolstudio #pedipolice #archerlegend #feetonfilm #thebananachallenge #footfetish
hisman45672 wrote:
Never got into the foot-licking thing myself, couldn't imagine licking the bottom of a dirty shoe, yech.

Ha,ha! There you go. I kind of think smell and taste go together. Keep your nose to the ground and Feet On!!!

Producing fresh fun foot fetish film
#footpatrolstudio #pedipolice #archerlegend #feetonfilm #thebananachallenge #footfetish
Do you like foot gagging. But realy Hard almost to puke?
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